On April 11, Mudar tweeted no tolerance for hate

jordanianoppositioncoalition.com/democracy/ In the new Jordan: The law will not be merciful to anyone who once incited hatred and discrimination… In the new Jordan, there is no “Bedouin minority,” nor a majority from west of the river, nor a Christian minority, nor a Muslim majority, but rather everyone is equal before the law… Jordanian coalition project: —— “The law will criminalize discrimination against any origin, race, religion, creed, gender or lifestyle, including all acts that fall within the crime of discrimination, including verbal and non-verbal;” “Hate crimes: The new Jordan will enact laws that increase the penalties for crimes motivated by hate, by assigning these crimes to the highest criminal status without tolerance for hate crimes against any person on the basis of race, religion, origin, gender, or lifestyle;”

April 13, 2024 | Comments »

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