Obama Wants Immediate Ceasefire Without Hamas Disarmament 


European Union Wants Ceasefire With Hamas Disarmament,

Obama Wants Immediate Ceasefire Without Hamas Disarmament 

Abbas’ P.A. Follows Obama & Backs Pro-Hamas Ceasefire

New York, July 29, 2014: The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to the astonishing fact that, while the European Union (EU) has called for an Israeli/Hamas ceasefire that encompassed Hamas disarmament, President Barack Obama disagrees; instead, he seeks an immediate ceasefire in which Hamas is not disarmed. Also, Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA), which had kept a low profile on the issue, has now come out with a hardened, pro-Hamas position that echoes President Obama’s position on disarming Hamas only within the framework of a peace settlement.

Thus, on July 22, the EU Foreign Affairs Council said, “The EU calls on Hamas to immediately put an end to these acts and to renounce violence. All terrorist groups in Gaza must disarm. The EU strongly condemns calls on the civilian population of Gaza to provide themselves as human shields” (‘EU Council conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process: Summary: 22 July 2014, Brussels — Council of the European Union Foreign Affairs Council meeting conclusions on the MEPP‘).

In contrast, on July 27, President Obama called for “an immediate, unconditional humanitarian ceasefire that ends hostilities now … ultimately, any lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must ensure the disarmament of terrorist groups and the demilitarization of Gaza”[emphasis added] (‘Readout of the President’s Call with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel,’ July 27, 2014).

Yesterday, Obama’s National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, reconfirmed this in front of several hundred Jewish leaders from around country at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., calling for an “immediate, unconditional, humanitarian ceasefire.”

This means that President Obama does not support Israel’s right to defend itself, but demands instead that Israel stop defending itself immediately.

Following this, PA senior official Saeb Erekat said that Israel’s demand to disarm the Gaza groups of their weapons is an issue that belongs to negotiations of a permanent settlement, and will not even be discussed before Israel recognizes a Palestinian state within the 1949 armistice lines with Jerusalem as its capital (‘PLO adopts President Obama’s position that Hamas remain armed until permanent Palestinian-Israeli agreement reached,’ Independent Media Review Analysis (IMRA), July 28, 2014).

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “It is remarkable that President Obama chose to depart from a wide European consensus that Hamas should be disarmed.

“It is also remarkable that President Obama, who originally said that he supported Israel’s efforts to end Hamas rocket assaults and eliminate its terror tunnels, should call for an immediate ceasefire that leaves Hamas’ armories and terror tunnels intact and thus would deprive Israel of finishing what he said he supported.

“This means that President Obama does not support Israel’s right to defend itself, but demands instead that Israel stop defending itself immediately.

“The key word here in President Obama’s statement is ‘ultimately.’ He is deferring the vital task of defanging Hamas and preventing a recurrence of its aggression and terrorism to a peace settlement. But a peace settlement is simply unavailable when most Palestinians do not accept Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state and, thus, support anti-Jewish terrorism and reject a Palestinian state living peacefully alongside Israel, as consistent poll results show. Thus, to say that Hamas must be disarmed at a later date in a future peace settlement merely ensures Hamas remains a heavily armed terror group.

“The terror tunnels in particular pose an enormous danger to Israel, given that they would permit hundreds of Hamas jihadists to infiltrate Israel, and carry out mass casualty attacks that might make the Mumbai attack in 2008 look almost mild in comparison. President Obama’s proposal of an immediate ceasefire that leaves Hamas intact would, if adopted, incentivize Hamas terrorism, endanger Israel and ensure a bigger, more costly conflagration in the future.

“President Obama’s stance has also served to radicalize the PA position, which is now in favor of ceasefire that strengthens its regime partner and rival, Hamas.

“This is not peace-making. This is not ‘having Israel’s back,’ as President Obama likes to claim. It is having Hamas’ back — and it is a prescription for renewed and more costly war.”

July 30, 2014 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. AbbaGuutuu Said:

    keelie Said:

    The problem is that the true warriors are being blocked by the politicians. Israel has found great respect all around the world – aside from the usual loons – but this respect will vaporize if they do not finish the job.

    This will cause many, many problems.

    Going to war halfheartedly and not using once overwhelming power emboldens current and future terrorists. This is not the way to victory.

    BHO likes to end wars arbitrarily as he did in Iraq and planned to do in Afghanistan (without considering their consequences). He erroneously believes that terrorists could change their “minds” through diplomatic
    means. If what was mentioned about him in this article is true, Israel should immediately mobilize its friends within and outside of USA to put pressure on the White House.

    It should be made clear to him that the issue of the ongoing war with Israel is a question of death and life and Israel must prevail against Hamas and Islamists now. If Hamas is not disarmed and Gaza demilitarized, not only Gaza but Judea and Samaria would be another Gaza. The first casualty would be the PA.

    With the backing of Europe and even Arab countries who want Hamas to be disarmed, Israel should destroy Hamas and its infrastructures and finish the war without delay.

    Yes, he sees the world’s most dangerous terrorists as being akin to other student radicals that he would simply sit down and smoke some weed, and talk all night and try to work out their differences. He sees terrorists as simply kindred spirits with whom he has some differences, but ultimately, with whom he could work out those differences.

  2. keelie Said:

    The problem is that the true warriors are being blocked by the politicians. Israel has found great respect all around the world – aside from the usual loons – but this respect will vaporize if they do not finish the job.

    This will cause many, many problems.

    Going to war halfheartedly and not using once overwhelming power emboldens current and future terrorists. This is not the way to victory.

    BHO likes to end wars arbitrarily as he did in Iraq and planned to do in Afghanistan (without considering their consequences). He erroneously believes that terrorists could change their “minds” through diplomatic
    means. If what was mentioned about him in this article is true, Israel should immediately mobilize its friends within and outside of USA to put pressure on the White House.

    It should be made clear to him that the issue of the ongoing war with Israel is a question of death and life and Israel must prevail against Hamas and Islamists now. If Hamas is not disarmed and Gaza demilitarized, not only Gaza but Judea and Samaria would be another Gaza. The first casualty would be the PA.

    With the backing of Europe and even Arab countries who want Hamas to be disarmed, Israel should destroy Hamas and its infrastructures and finish the war without delay.

  3. The IDF has the means to vaporize conventionally Gaza’s Hamas in hours.

    The problem is that the true warriors are being blocked by the politicians. Israel has found great respect all around the world – aside from the usual loons – but this respect will vaporize if they do not finish the job.

    This will cause many, many problems.

  4. A cauldron of yentz of Netanyahu’s cowardly making.
    Just as he has done regarding Iran, Netanyahu has intentionally held back the IDF in what amount to be sabotage. The IDF has the means to vaporize conventionally Gaza’s Hamas in hours. He has blocked any true action against Hamas key installations and leadership. Livni is another of his tools by threatening soldiers in the front from her position.
    Keeping that element as leaders is suicidal.