The breakdown of the Unity Agreement is just a fig leaf. Israel cannot accept the Obama demand for negotiations to be based on ’67 lines. Ted Belman
Report: US gives Netanyahu ultimatum on resuming talks
06/12/2011 08:30
The United States gave Netanyahu an ultimatum on renewing negotiations with the Palestinians, according to reports cited by Israel Radio Sunday morning.
According to the ultimatum, Netanyahu has to decide within a month whether he agrees to accept US President Barack Obama’s platform and resume talks based on 1967 lines.
Israel: No Obama ultimatum; Fatah-Hamas breakup could restart peace talks
Obama bullies Israel; so much for promises at AIPAC
Since the president’s Arab Spring speech, friends of Israel have been nervous about at least two issues: the promise Israel would not have to sit down with those who seek its destruction and the negotiations based on the “1967 borders with land swaps.” This weekend it became apparent that there is much to worry about and that the Obama administration has been playing a game usually practiced by the Palestinians, namely telling its domestic audience one thing and the negotiating parties something different.
The trouble for the administration began on Friday afternoon when Eli Lake published a story for the Washington Times.
There is no difference between surrendering half of America and Washington DC to Al-Qaeda than surrendering half of Israel and Jerusalem to PA/PLO/Hamas terrorist organizations.
Deceitfully called the Arab Israeli conflict, it’s global jihad against Israel and the free world. It is immoral and profoundly evil for any nation to demand that Israel surrender to the global jihad.
Free world hater Muslim President Obama is more than happy to curse and destroy both America and our close ally, Israel.
That was well-said Col. Howard, we do need a lot more people like you; however, the meat is insufficient and as Vinnie states
Further as Yamit states
The PM should ignore the SOB.
Barak Obama is destroying the US Republic and he want to take Israel down the same path.
F**k him and the white horse he rode in on.
If I were Jewish I would be outraged.
I hate beating a dead horse but it’s high time liberal American Jews wake up and speak out.
The Jewish democratic strategist in the US need to get the hell off the Obama [George Sors & Co] kool-aid.
How dumb are they?
The US aids every Arab country who hate us and is involved in terroristic attacks against Israel our only true, trusted friend and ally in the ME. ———- Does this make sense
While this acorn community organizing pamphlet distributing anti-Semite [pretending to be a Christian for political reasons] who embraces Islam, is throwing Israel under the bus the American Jews are silent and silence is deafening.
Quoting Yamit,
I hope he is wrong on this.
The point is that if Bibi caves in to Baraka Hussein, Jewish self-determination is doomed. If Bibi doesn’t tear another strip off the Acorn in Charge of the USA, then some Israel supporters need to mobilise and have a few quiet words with congressmen/women. Double dealing with Israel is too grave a threat to try to handle with a diplomatic charm offensive. Dirty dealings are a threat not only to Israel, but to the free world; if Khalidi’s clown can stab its ally, Israel, in the back, no nations can trust the USA while the mohammedan’s little mate fumbles about in the oval office. Equally, no decent policy regarding the ME can emerge until firstly, Jews who undermine Israel and not denounced – enough of respecting the rights of those who abuse them – and secondly, making the cleaning up of the Arabist State Dept, a policy of any US presidential candidate.
I’m with Yamit on this one.
C’mon Col. Howard, we need a bit more “meat”here.
I appreciate your support, but there was precious little in there that this particular grassroots Israel advocate living here in flyover country didn’t already know.
What we need exposed, Colonel, is what I suspect: Large segments of our foreign policy establishment and the Pentagon, and now the executive branch, have sold out completely to the Saudis. They are either programmed anti-Israel robots, or they are actively “on the take”, stuffing their Swiss bank accounts full of petrodollars, their remuneration for trashing Israel and undermining U.S. support for her in any way they can.
That, by itself, is no great revalation either. But names, dates, hard evidence of money changing hands in exchcange for promotion of certain policy positions, we’re talking about a government for sale and we need specifics so the bastards can be exposed.
Even if no one went to jail for this – and probably many should – but even if it didn’t lead to that, it would make a huge difference if it became common public knowledge that where the Middle East is concerned, the U.S. really does not have an independent foreign policy, in the sense one thinks of as a sovereign state. Israelis balk at the U.S. treating here like she is some kind of colony of the U.S…..heck, all we’re doing is acting as a colony of the Gulf Arabs!!! We’re just doing their bidding, in a manner “sanitized” to the degree necessary so that the voting public is never wise to this.
At this point, with Obama in the White House, there is no “U.S.” policy towards Israel. There is just the Saudi policy as executed by the U.S. government. The problem is not limited to Obama, of course; it is wider and deeper than that, but he is their “crowning achievement” of a decades-long effort to pry the U.S. away from Israel. It is a matter of degree, not of kind, but this is a heckuva degree change!
This linkage needs to be exposed, Colonel. The other interests you mention above, they wouldn’t have nearly the impact they do without the corruption of high appointed and elected U.S. officials to turn the screws on Israel. The Clintons are awash in Saudi money. So is Carter. They likely paid for Obama’s Harvard education. Rashid Khalidi raised $70,0000 for Obama’ first senate campaign….everybody who wanted to look could have seen this, but that’s “guilt by association”…sorry….
Many of us know the snippets I relate above, but we need more. We need to have out there in the public domain, WHY a leading Saudi democracy activist remarked to me two years ago, referring to Washington D.C., “..the Saudis OWN this town!” Precisely WHAT do they own? WHO do they own? What about the role of Iran? Are they in this game too? Is that why we really won’t do anything about their nukes?
It really amazes me…like a bad dream you can’t wake up from kind of amazes me…the way open Saudi-corrupted anti-Israel shills like my former professor, John Mearsheimer, go on about the “Israel lobby”…when they are so PATHETICALLY ineffective!!! WHY wasn’t Obama BOOED of the stage???!!! Well, that doesn’t have anything to do with the Saudis, that’s our own crappy leadership here, but I digress….
You took the words I was about to write before me.
From an insider, I would expect to learn something re: The hows and especially the whys of what is the motivation, short and long term goals of the current and past administrations and why and Israel is such an obsession. From an insiders perspective.
LT Col Howard. You got that right.
“Washington insider”? Even the Tutsis and the Hutus know that.
As a Washington insider let me put certain items on the table for your consideration. First and foremost the goal of the Arabs is not the return of “occupied territory” but rather the destruction of Israel.
American (Jewish ) and Israeli organizations provide the basis for much of the attacks that are aimed at isolating and delegitimizing Israel.
Tzipi Livni is a major offender. She has provided back channel advice to the Obama administration State Department which is detrimental to Israel. She is politically ambitious and devious. If she and her party would join the government coalition with the intent of standing firm and leaving the decisions regarding Israel’s defense to Israel’s government, then the US would not expect that they can put pressure on Israel and have Israel cave in. Yossi Belin is another major offender who owes Israel a lot of apologies. He believes in his own infallibility. History and facts on the ground (failures) do not deter him. Ehud Barack is a mixed bag. Hopefully, he will recognize the need for Israel to determine (rationally and not under pressure) its own security needs. After all, it is Israel that sheds blood whenever a miscalculation results in attacks on Israel’s citizens and on the existence of the state of Israel. Shimon Peres has played a non-helpful role in relations between Israel and other governments. Those who do not wish Israel well often seize upon him as a counter to the policies determined by the elected government of Israel.
Certain Jewish organizations, both in Israel and in the United States provide the cover to the enemies of Israel by trumpeting accusations and providing the illusion that the Jews are very divided and that there’ll always be a Jewish camp that will muster support for policies of “tough love” and concessions such as land for peace. In this case the peace has been temporary and illusionary. Even the peace treaty with Egypt is now in jeopardy. Imagine what would’ve happened had an agreement been reached with Syria and Israel had given up the Golan Heights. Would that have deterred Syria from moving ahead with its attempts to obtain nuclear weapons or its advanced missile and chemical weapons development programs.
In the United States J St. is one of the best-known examples. Other similar activities are undertaken by the organizations that call themselves by such titles as: “rabbis for human rights”; “rabbis fast for Gaza”; “Jewish funds for justice”; etc. There seems to be a group of about 400 rabbis who will sign any petition or newspaper advertisement that criticizes the IDF or the Israeli government. When I analyze the signatures I find that these “rabbis organizations” have a very small membership given the number of US rabbis and that the names on these lists are very much overlapping.
In Israel B’tselem; breaking the silence; and the Haaretz newspaper furnish those who want to boycott Israel or condemn her (Goldstone report, etc.) with much ammunition. Unfortunately, the Jerusalem Report has a abundance of those Jewish writers who focus on Israel’s flaws and interpret everything in an anti-settler fashion.
Israeli Supreme Court has been notable for handicapping the ability of the IDF to operate and for Israel to defend itself. The analysis of how justices are appointed and their left-wing ideological orientation is recognized by many Israelis. When the Supreme Court recently upheld the property rights of a Jewish group in East Jerusalem ,the liberals in Israel and in the United States still talked about destruction of Arabs’ homes and the destabilization of the peace process that this construction brought about. Interestingly they were immune to my observation that the Arabs living in these properties had gotten them when the Jordanians occupied East Jerusalem and all Jews had to flee. (Note that none of these occupants held title prior to 1948. They had obtained title under the Jordanian occupation (1948-1967).
To remind your readers of what would happen to Israel in case of any defeat I am reproducing the following:
Colonel Abdullah el Tell, local commander of the Jordanian Arab Legion, described the destruction of the Jewish Quarter, in his Memoirs: “The operations of calculated destruction were set in motion. . . . I knew that the Jewish Quarter was densely populated with Jews who caused their fighters a good deal of interference and difficulty. . . . I embarked, therefore, on the shelling of the Quarter with mortars, creating harassment and destruction. . . . Only four days after our entry into Jerusalem the Jewish Quarter had become their graveyard. Death and destruction reigned over it. . . . As the dawn of Friday, May 28, 1948, was about to break, the Jewish Quarter emerged convulsed in a black cloud—a cloud of death and agony. . . .” The Jordanian commander who led the operation is reported to have told his superiors: “For the first time in 1,000 years not a single Jew remains in the Jewish Quarter. Not a single building remains intact. This makes the Jews’ return here impossible.”
The Jordanians then went on to destroy 34 out of the 35 ancient synagogues in the Jewish Quarter and to use them as hen-houses, to desecrate the ancient cemetery on the Mount of Olives and to use the gravestones as latrines, and to deny Jews access to the Western Wall and to turn the courtyard into a garbage dump.
At the center of power in Washington are Rashid Khalidi a long time friend and adviser to Pres. Obama (currently he is the Edward Said professor at Columbia University); Valerie Jarrett; Susan Rice ; outside advisers like Zbig Brezezinski; and journalists such as Tom Friedman and Fareed Zakaria who have gigantic egos and parrot the liberal-intellectual establishment left of center party line.
Remember that both the UN and the US promised Israel that Hezbollah would not be permitted to re-arm. (Recently I completed a memo listing many of the broken promises made by every US administration from Eisenhower through Obama. There are a multitude. They all involved Israel giving up something tangible or doing something tangible in exchange for a guarantee that proved to be worthless.)
My bottom line advice is simple. Only Israel can be responsible for its own security. Israel cannot afford to gamble since one defeat will lead to the bloodbath that the Arab invaders envisioned in 1948. And remember their objective is to have the entire area Jew-free. (Not Israeli free, but Jew-free.)
I’m afraid Obama can put the screws to Israel and yet retain his popularity. Until Israeli leaders express outrage at his remarks, like Bibi did initially, and clearly express their denial to any compromise based on Israel giving up any territory or the emergence of a new Palestinian state, Israel will be inviting the outside pressure, and fueling the hope of millions of Arabs to eventually eliminate Israel.
Each time that Obama has messed with Israel, America has suffered. G-d is serious about His people and Obama keeps thumbing his nose at the fact that he is messing with the apple of G-d’s eye.
Throughout history, wars have been won by armies who, in the face of seemingly unstoppable enemies, fight on (My own saying — You may quote me). Netanyahu does well, to dig in his heels on this matter. Obama is FAR weaker than he seems, and he has few cards to play. The election cycle will be in full swing in September, and Obama is a declared candidate. He’s nailing his coffin shut from the inside, every time he attacks Israel.
When Israeli officials deny the obvious, you know its true.
The only question left is when Netanyahu will cave and if a suitable fig leaf can be devised to make his humiliating climbdown appear as a victory.