By Ted Belman
Romney should have won on the issues which included energy independence,job creation and cutting spending but he didn’t.
Obama had to overcome unhappiness with Obamacare and the wasted stimulus, high unemployment and greater poverty. He didn’t propose any new policies. He went negative on Romney and succeeded in undermining him. It was a brilliant campaign to overcome the negatives.
Ending the war in Iraq and winding down in Afghanistan played well with the electorate even if he forfeited any possible win. Lucky for him he was able to stone wall on Benghazigate with the aid of most media.
It seems to me that the issues are less important than one’s allegiance. People identify as liberal or conservative and vote accordingly. They also identify as Democrats or Republicans and vote accordingly.
70%of Jews voted for Obama.
Plus people like the smiling Obama. Romney seems too rich and remote.
Krauthammer suggested that the Republicans have a good young stable of up and commers and they will be more conservative than Romney. But many say that if the Republicans get more conservative in the next election they will lose by a bigger margin. On the other hand being more like the Democrats will not win for them either.
Brown America is in ascendency. White America is in decline. Republicans must attract more brown support. A tall order.
Woe is Israel.
@ yamit82: thanks, Yamit
A black kid asks his mom, “Mama, what’s a democracy?”
“Well, son, that’s when whites work every day so we can get all our benefits!”
“But mama, don’t the white people get pissed off about that?”
“Sure they do, but that’s called RACISM”
@ Bernard Ross:
Bernard Ross Said:
Isaiah – Chapter 55:6-9
@ scp:apologies to SCP I used your button to highlight quotes apparently the old tools to make quotes from the article have disappeared. The comments were to teds article and not to you
scp Said:
Here’s why:
1-energy independence- energy independence under the repubs is associated with big oil. Big oil is associated with war profiteering,environemental damage and plain old greed and ruthlessness.
2- Job creation- Romney, repubs and conservatives are associated with big business. Big business is associated with the corruption that caused all the bubbles bursting; the shipping of jobs, capital production to Asia; not creating jobs after reciving govt aid and returning to profit and pain old selfinterest, greed and ruthlessness. It is seen as the cause of the current problems and not trusted to be the party who will solve the problem. Romney who in his concession speech talked about belivingin America and yet Bain shipped factories to Asia. His only plan for job creation wwas to give more money to corporations instead of people with the hope that the corps would then create jobs.
3-Cutting spending-Romney and especially Ryan(big mistake in choice) were associated with cutting spending to medicare and SS benfits and the needy at a time of pain. However, he wanted to build a lot of ships.
scp Said:
what were the possible wins? who gained from the prolonged wars. Hearts and minds were a way to prolong the feeding at the trough of all who benefitted. The american people ended up with crap from bush and the repubs. They won the wars quickly and could have liquidated the enemy, but no. Alot of the Iraq oil went to non US interests(not that US oil companies have US interests in heart)
scp Said:
yes, and neither decided the election. The undecided were thrown under the bus by Romney when he chose Ryan to satisfy the conservatives. Its basic numbers and common sense and the democrats seem to have better judgment of the reality of winning an election.
scp Said:
Allegiance to whom? Romney’s allegiance was associated with the rich and big business who were seen to be the cause of the current problems. Obama was seen to be having trouble with a mess but on the side of the majority of sufferers.
scp Said:
He is rich and remote. People were being asked to trust a man whose solution was to give more money to the rich and deregulate those who caused the problems. I think the timing was in bad judgment and bad taste. However, Obama was so bad that Romney, the repubs and conservs still got a lot. If they do not make themselves more relevant to the majority of americans they cannot hope to REPRESENT them in the future. Repubs and conservs can be more relevant if they become more representative.
scp Said:
Absolutely, unless conservatism can reinvent itself to be of more value to the bulk of the voters. Conservatism needs to get away from knee jerk anachronistic ideology and more practical at solving real problems. I have been very disappointed that big and small business did not evolve some great solutipons to the US medical care problems. This is damning and shows them to be mediocre, un-creative, self interested and uncaring. I have seen countries where business is part of the solution rather than a stall to everything. New creative ideas should come from business and entrepreneurs but the dinosaurs prefer to bury the american people.
I will add so as to avoid the usual name calling: I have not had a salaried job since 1975, I have been a business man and consultant employing over 50 people, I have lived in various locations and cultures, I have experienced the sinister machinations of communist attempts,, I have lost and rebuilt businesses fleeing communism. I have also seen that if injustice and inequity are not addressed there will be resultant problems. This is important: 80% of income gains cannot be stolen by 20% and continue to be ignored and acceptable to repubs and conservs. I have seen the current scenario before.scp Said:
This is only a tall order if you think they are different. Brown people are “on the ascedancy” globally as they are the majority. It is not racial, it is culture, class and values. I lived in a 98% black country for 30 years and there were conservatives galore.
Laura Said:
You’re right. She should leave on her own account. She can’t respect Ted’s own requests for christians to take their idolatry elsewhere.
@ Teshuvah:
Don’t leave on his account.
Ted, please release the comment I posted last night.
yamit82 Said:
Please send me the source for this important admonition.
I still believe that the slimy Bush family is responsible for giving the left so much fuel for their hate for the right. Neil,George Sr., George Jr. and the grandfather doing biz with Hitler. Given the ethnic marriage to the left, especially the dumm Jews, whose asses are protected by the Christians in the US military, I do not see how the Republic can move forward.
Other countries are moving forward and America could end up being the last dog on the sled.
I cannot figure out the JBL (” jewish black latino “) voting mindset but even white New Hampshire and Maine and Upstate NY went Democrat.
The people in Sandy Land have to thank themselves for their problems and I wish them more of it.
It’s going to end badly for the USA unless it splits into 2 countries; 1 for normal people and 1 for leftists.
There is no oil and no metal deposits in the North East and Florida and Hawaii. Blue State loons are against oil digging. This will only add wealth to the USA and they want the USA to be poor or just getting by like Vermont where many live. VT is more theme park than state.
Most of America’s true wealth is found in either the Red or Purple states ( exceptions being CA and OR ). Even KY where Fort Knox is located, is a Red State.
AZ, NV, CO New Mexico?, are rich in below ground precious metals. Alaska is rich in oil reserves. Blue State people are keeping their development in first gear or reverse!
Thank you very much Candy Crowly…
@ yamit82:
Good points.
Hussein – still a mystery really why the US invaded. What did the US think? they have tons of weapons to use?? The invasion probably was necessary but to use it as a political vehicle ie, nation building to get arab muslim and lefty votes was stupid.
Libya – the rumours are that Kadaffi wanted gold for his oil; given that he was not giving in to the West because the West has no gold, he had to go.
I admit that my thesis has some holes in it but the Americans have got to be the biggest economic illiterates on the planet.
@ Shy Guy:
Maybe not!
“Seek the Lord when He is found, call Him when He is near.”
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts [higher] than your thoughts.”
R. Kahane H’YD
yamit82 Said:
Oops. I overlooked that.
Sorry about that, Freyerman, ol’ chap.
@ Teshuvah:
@ Donald freyman:
That’s the only thing you have ever posted that I can agree with
@ James B – Canada:
Ahemm: Iraq and Libya?
Now I wonder why my comment to Shy Guy is in moderation. 10 words and no links?
@ Shy Guy:
Freymans interests lend themselves to a more effete artistic artform.
Obama hates Bibi the way the Reagan hated Begin. Americans want other leaders to bend over and touch their ankles when an American enters the room and behave like desperate single moms in a hotel room in Cartagena or Rio de Janeiro. Americans are to be served.
When a world leaders stands up to America, as long as that country has oil and plenty of it, America will itself do the bending ( Chavez ) but where the oil and other resources are in question, bend down boy! ( Bibi ).
If that leader does not bend down, the US media will call him ” King David ” and portray him as the problem.
54 millions AMERICAN idiots voted for the Kenyan muslim. Dumb blacks, Dumb Jews and Dumb Latinos – to them I wish all the Sandys this earth can create.
Donald freyman Said:
Every last word the opposite of truth.
Perhaps you should become a political romance novel writer. I’m sure they’ll soon be a government department and czar to help promote your new career.
@ Shy Guy:
Stupid, Stupid Shy guy and his ilk. Whoever started and perpetuated the myth that Obama is bad for Israel should be lined up against a wall and done in. Pure garbage, unadulterated drivel. Obama was and is the best friend possible occupying the White house. Bad for Bibi, good for Israel. BIBI IS NOT ISRAEL. WAS NEVER GOOD FOR ISRAEL , WILL NEVER BE GOOD FOR ISRAEL.
The Muslim Brotherhood. Is this what Americans stand for?
In Mr. Obama’s case, the future is much more interesting than the past. Let us see how he faces impeachment over BenGhazi, Sequestration, and a Two-Trillion dollar increase in the debt ceiling this February. Reality has a way of overwhelming even the best psychopath.
Teshuvah Said:
Nope. HDJ.
Shy Guy Said:
Oh, thanks, Shy. Yet another reminder of why I rarely ever come here. Bye again, forever.
Lu 13:34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!
35 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
@ Teshuvah:
Take your dead pagan mangod jesus on a stick crap and shove it.
Oh, and have a nice day.
scp Said:
It looks like a very bad dream.
Rev 18:24 And in her [Babylon’ was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
“Brown America is in ascendency. White America is in decline. Republicans must attract more brown support. A tall order.”
The better solution is to put a complete end to immigration and deport all illegals and for white people to vote GOP in a block with the same percentage blacks and hispanics vote democrat. And Jews need to vote with the rest of the white population.
This can all be traced back to 1965 when the God forsaken drunk and womanizer Ted Kennedy sponsored the immigration reform act which favored non- white immigration and reduced white immigration to a quota of 15%. That was the beginning of the end of America as we know it
I am beyond disgusted with Americans.
As long as we keep not behaving like Jews, yes. When are we going to start taking hints seriously?!
Stupid Jews.
However, on this occasion, I can easily say: Stupid Americans. Very, very stupid Americans.
Welcome to the world of post-Christian America.
You’re not going to like this…