Obama Ignores Torture of Pregnant Mother & U.S. Toddler

This article is well worth reading. Along these lines, I have been wondering how liberal progressives can give a pass to Sharia and even promote it like Obama does, when it is in total opposition to their values. One can only conclude that they in fact don’t have such values. Instead, they share certain other values with Islam, namely the need for control and power. They also embrace the Muslim doctrine of taqiyya (lying). Muslims and liberals are fascists. They keep telling us what we can and cannot do. Neither are interested in democracy or Judeo/Christian values. And that is the truth. Ted Belman

By Joanne Moudy, TOWNHALL


Languishing in Omdurman Federal Women’s Prison in Khartoum, Sudan, Dr. Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag and her 20 month-old son, Martin Wani, await their fate. While the liberal selfies of the world move on with their political correctness, social networking, and mindless entertainment, three fragile lives are about to be extinguished for the unthinkable high crimes of being Christian.

And where, pray tell, are Barack and Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, liberal Dreamers and all the other Muslim apologists in this country? Aside from the U.S. government expressing that it is “deeply disturbed,” our quasi leadership’s silence is absolutely deafening. Martin and the baby are – after all – U.S. citizens, locked in a cage in a dungeon full of infection and terror.

Make no mistake, Obama and his minions spring into action to defend Islam whenever necessary. But American lives, Christianity, or traditional values – well that’s another story all together.

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The President’s own actions demonstrate where his loyalties lie, and they clearly aren’t with America or its Constitution. In 2012, imprisoned Muslim terrorists at the American Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan cleverly passed secrets back and forth using the interior pages of the Qurans from the prison library. When it was discovered, American troops appropriately burned the books. After the burning, Muslim leaders seized the opportunity to strike out at America, rioting and massacring 41 people. Of course, they ignored the obvious – that their own Muslims had already defaced the Qurans by writing in them. American soldiers were gunned down by “friendly” Muslims on the base, and four lost their lives.

Instead of standing firm and backing our troops, our Commander-In-Chief inappropriately cowered, apologizing to Muslim leaders while disgracing himself before the world and our U.S. Military. Obama didn’t even seem to notice the brave soldiers who were slaughtered.

Obama’s next display of Muslim love was his 2012 declarations that the Arab Spring was over and we could all look forward to coexisting peacefully in a warm Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Shari’a, dog-patch mixing bowl of sublime contentment. Since his ridiculous declaration was followed by the Muslim Brotherhood’s killing spree where they burned down churches and dragged nuns through the streets of Egypt, he was either clueless or in cahoots. Or both.

His adoring fans were momentarily confused, but fortunately, Obama took time to clarify things while he was in between holes at a golf course on Martha’s Vineyard.

“We don’t take sides,” the President stated. “I know it’s tempting to blame the U.S. or the West (for what?) or some other outside actor for what’s gone wrong . . . ” But basically folks, we can’t be involved, because . . . well because the rest of his foursome was waiting to tee off.

Of course, right on the heels of Obama’s decisive golf game came the ill-timed visit of Ambassador Chris Stevens to Benghazi, which of course was right after Obama’s decision to transfer guns to the al-Qaeda-aligned Islamist insurgency in Syria.

If Stevens hadn’t been in the wrong place at the wrong time, he and three other heroic Americans might still be alive today. Because as we all know, the entire shootout and blow-up of the embassy was coincidental to a ‘dangerous’ YouTube video release, and not the transfer of arms to terrorists.

Come on folks, is the entire leadership of this country on crack? I only ask because two-and-a-half years later, America still doesn’t have the truth and we are so far down the road to ruin that a strong wind could end this once great nation.

Sadly, based upon Obama’s history of embracing Muslims, it doesn’t come as a huge surprise that he won’t even glance in the direction of a beautiful, intelligent 27 year-old pregnant mother being tortured, personally violated (while eight months pregnant), starved and isolated in a horrific prison full of bugs and disease.

But it is absolutely unforgivable that her son; a black, 20 month-old, U.S. citizen named Martin, who’s locked in a filthy, bug ridden cage in the same prison – can’t get so much as a nod from Obama and/or fast-tracked out of there by the State Department.

Surely the plight of this legal citizen toddler deserves the same outrage that Obama spewed forth for Trayvon. Since Obama stated Trayvon could easily have been his own son, perhaps he could see his way clear to take the frail Martin under his liberal wing and get him freed from that hell hole.

But then again, Martin is not Trayvon, and the toddler’s crime of being a 20 month-old Christian American in the all Muslim city of Khartoum is apparently far more grievous to our nation’s black leaders, than a teen with a rap sheet.

Of course the First Lady is too busy to be involved. After all, she just made that all important trip to Topeka, Kansas, where she so ‘eloquently’ stated, “When you encounter folks who still hold the old prejudices because they’ve only been around folks like themselves . . . it is up to you to help them see things differently.”

See things differently? I guess it’s easier to tell that to a group of American high school students and not to her Muslim buddies in the Sudanese government. Or maybe it’s just easier for the First Lady to bash Christianity, traditional marriage and pro-life values, since that’s exactly what she did. That’s got to be a pretty proud moment for her.

Meanwhile, Hillary’s busy on the campaign trail trying to live down her early resume when she worked for the communist run law firm of Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein. True, she’s tried to bury that memory, but some people don’t forget.

But surely she hasn’t forgotten how ‘it takes a village’ to raise a child (unless the child is an American citizen in a prison in Khartoum) and that this might be the right time to raise her voice against the holocaust happening in Shari’a run countries. I suspect she’s too busy covering up that little Benghazi thing and those unfortunate sequences of events that don’t really make a difference – to notice Meriam, the baby or Martin.

They are, after all, just fighting to stay alive and get through the massacre that’s in front of them with dignity. But I don’t think dignity is a word in Hillary’s vocabulary.

And Mr. Kerry . . . where is your outrage? Could it be that you used up all your emotions gallivanting around with your old pal, Jane Fonda back in the 1960’s? Because the two of you sure shared a lot of hatred, treachery, and outrage against American fighting troops back then. Now that you’re Secretary of State, perhaps you could pull a few strings and have coffee with someone in Sudan and demand Martin’s release . . . then again, you’re probably too busy bashing America.

And where are John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John McCain, Jeff Flake, and all the other ‘Dreamers’ in this country who rag on and on, spewing their diatribe about open borders and embracing illegal aliens who aren’t within ten years of legally earning U.S. Citizenship?

Considering Meriam’s young son, Martin, is already a legal American citizen who’s been subjected to unimaginable trauma and torture for the last four months, one would think the lad could at least get some attention from these collective buffoons. Instead their silence is as deafening as the rest.

Could it be that their feigned fretting over the illegal alien population is as fabricated as their fake concern for future of this country? Could it be that their one true agenda is about the new world order of secularist tyranny?

And finally, where is Ms. Sandra Fluke? (Not that I really care.)

When Ms. Fluke graduated from Georgetown University Law Center, who could deny she was in a desperate plight. The poor girl had no hope of ever being able to afford a condom or a $29 dollar pack of birth control pills. Bless the left for rising up and supporting her – because now she can move on and live her left-wing legal life to it’s fullest, having all the unrestricted sex she desires without ever having to worry about paying for protection.

Whew! I’m certain her trauma was every woman’s worst nightmare!

On the flip side is Meriam, eight months pregnant, being repeatedly assaulted and beaten in a prison because of her faith. Even worse, and what many have already forgotten is that as soon as she delivers her baby, exhausted and dehydrated, she will be subjected to a horrific flogging. Imagine her frail skin being ripped off as each of the 100 lashes tear across her back and chest. And that is just the first of her two sentences.

She and Martin are in a living Hell. Make no mistake, the president and his gang have the keys to free all of them. A simple phone call would suffice, especially with a few missiles aimed appropriately at their military. But as with Ambassador Stevens, they’d rather embrace the radical Shari’a Muslims than save two legal American children and rescue their mother who’s married to a U.S. Citizen.


May 25, 2014 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. The greatest criminal and hypocrite in this saga is the established Christian mainline churches. They spend their time and energy libeling and delegitimizing the Jews and Israel, spend their money supporting muslim terror orgs. Apparently they have not time, money or even cheap words for their brethren in need. They are the true criminals touting everywhere their evil and despicable wares:
