Is Obama intending to apply these rules to Americans or just al Qaeda? Its interesting that the left is eviscerating him. To be fair he basicly accepts the view of the right in incarcerating terrorists .
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OK, Rachael brought it up this time. Will this fruit rot on the vine or will the lefty media let it rot? I say it will rot. Right wing media outlets have been warning of this since the Patriot Act was signed into law. Since our Lefty-in-Chief was elected – its pretty much… “He can do no wrong”? This is very very bad news!
I guess that qualifies her as of the “Left”. I know at least one former Obama supporter, who is more concerned about creeping infringements on personal liberty, such as “indefinite preventive detention”, than he is about Obama’s background, morals, or stands on other issues. I hope there are many others on the Left who are likewise concerned — ENOUGH TO VOTE AGAINST OBAMA. That’s the sticking point: Obama doesn’t have to reform any of his Bush-extension policies such as military adventures, Guantanamo, etc., in order to secure left-wing voters. All he has to do is scare them into believing that if they don’t elect him, Jones will return.