In joint press conference with UK’s Cameron, US president says Europe must not ‘simply respond with hammer’ to terror attacks; both leaders urge US Congress to avoid new Iran sanctions.
Europe must do more to better integrate its Muslim communities, and not “simply respond with a hammer,” US President Barack Obama said Friday in the wake of last week’s terror attacks in France.
“Our biggest advantage, major, is that our Muslim populations – they feel themselves to be Americans,” Obama told a joint press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron.
“There are parts of Europe in which that’s not the case. And that’s probably the greatest danger that Europe faces… it’s important for Europe not to simply respond with a hammer and law enforcement and military approaches to these problems.”
Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron pledged a joint effort Friday to fight domestic terrorism following deadly attacks in France. They also strongly urged the US Congress to hold off on implementing new sanctions on Iran in the midst of nuclear talks.
Cameron’s visit to Washington came one week after 17 people were killed in attacks in France, heightening fears in Europe and the United States about the spread of terrorism.
“This is a problem that causes great heartache and tragedy and destruction,” Obama said in a joint news conference with Cameron. “But it is one that ultimately we are going to defeat.”
The prime minister was blistering in his assessment of those responsible for the attacks, calling them part of a “poisonous, fanatical, death cult.”
“We know what we’re up against, and we know how we will win,” Cameron said. He spoke as British police chiefs announced that the Paris attack on a kosher supermarket and anti-Semitic rhetoric from extremists had led them to study ways to increase protection for the Jewish community.
As Obama and Cameron met at the White House, representatives from their countries were joining negotiating partners for another round of nuclear talks with Iran. Both leaders strenuously urged Congress to avoid ordering new economic sanctions on Iran in the midst of those negotiations, arguing that doing so could upend the delicate diplomacy.
“Why is it that we would have to take actions that might jeopardize the possibility of getting a deal over the next 60 or 90 days?” asked Obama, who said he would veto legislation if it reached his desk. “What is it precisely that’s going to be accomplished?”
Negotiators have set a March deadline for reaching a framework that would address the international concerns about Iran’s nuclear program.
Cameron said he had called some senators Friday to make the case for holding off on new penalties.
The prime minister arrived in Washington with a request for Obama to help persuade US technology companies to give governments more access to encrypted communications that terrorists may use to plot attacks.
Cameron’s policy proposals have stoked concern on both sides of the Atlantic about the prospect of security efforts encroaching on privacy, particularly in the wake of the 2013 spying disclosures by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
“As technology develops, as the world moves on, we should try to avoid the safe havens that would otherwise be created for terrorists to talk,” Cameron said.
Obama didn’t take a position on Cameron’s proposal, but he did say it was important to be able to keep tabs on terrorists who are using social media and the Internet.
“When we have the ability to track that, in a way that is legal, conforms with due process, rule of law and oversight, then that’s a capability we have to preserve,” Obama said.
American Internet companies, concerned about keeping the trust of individual and commercial customers around the world, have sharply criticized government eavesdropping programs revealed by Snowden, the former NSA analyst. They have also publicly supported legislation aimed at restricting future surveillance.
AFP and the Associated Press contributed to this report.
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Islam is Evil. What part of Evil do people not understand? Islam enslaves your mind, your body and your soul. It must be destroyed.
They use “Takiah” the Islamic law to lie in order to advance Islam.
The 1400-year Islam Cultural War is taking over Europe for the Third Time and Now Threatening America.
Only knowledge and working together will win this battle.
The Third Choice by Mark Durie: One choice become Islamic, second a slave, third death. Add one choice if you act now, Freedom.
Culture and Conflict, by P. Salzman: Shows we are in an Islamic Cultural war.
The Arab Mind by R. Patai: US military uses this book training their soldiers and officers.
Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The first book about Islamic Tribalism. Good for young women.
Lifting the Veil by I.Q. Ali Rassooli: a translation of the major religious books. On the web at
The Prince by Machiavelli: the methods use by Feudalistic kings are the same methods Islam uses today.
From Time Immemorial: by J. Peters: This book was commissioned by Arafat
Books of Islam Culture War Against Israel
BattleGround, Fact and Fantasy in Palestine: by S. Katz
From Time Immemorial: by J. Peters
Many Americans know a “Good Muslim” But they are wrong they know a “Bad Muslim” a Bad Muslim is a Good human. A “Good Muslim” would be following Sharia Law, killing and raping you. Islam in America is weak once it becomes strong many Bad Muslims will be become Good Muslims. Bill Warner, Center for the Study of Political Islam.
“The Hebrew Bible has 5.6% of political violence; The Islamic Trilogy Koran, Sira and Hadith have 31% political violence. “The words devoted to political violence in Islam 327,547; the Bible 34,039″ The Political violence of the Koran is eternal and universal. The Political violence of the Bible is for a particular historical time and place.” Bill Warner, Center for the Study of Political Islam.
Good Muslim, Bad Person
Islam is Evil. What part of Evil do you not understand? Islam enslaves your minds, your bodies and your souls. It must be destroyed. Islamic Culture is a Slave, Hate, Violent and War Culture.
Islamic Culture is reverse of Western Culture. The normal people are the Extremists and the Violent people are the normal or the majority.
Our Pr. double talk: How is it that the left and his leader support anti-American Muslim organizations like CAIR and throw under the bus moderate Muslims!!!
It is clear that he longs for a non-existent version of Islam (or an expunged version) and gave his FULL support to the Islamic Republic of Iran in full knowledge of the K & K fanatical and genocidal agenda! In Iran the Nobel prize back stabbed democracy and pay with their life this foolish intervention. He is the leading appeaser of Islam.
Is this another joke? Some EU and UK countries intergrated them some did not and the result was the same: Closed neighborhoods with Sharia Law.
@ Laura:
Their going to have to get in line….Rome was there first!!
What nonsense: ““We know what we’re up against, and we know how we will win,” Cameron said. He spoke as British police chiefs announced that the Paris attack on a kosher supermarket and anti-Semitic rhetoric from extremists had led them to study ways to increase protection for the Jewish community.” Listen again: “led them to study ways to increase protection for the Jewish community”. WHY SHOULD WE NEED PROTECTION? If the “leaders” do there job, there should be no need for protection! The purpose MUST be to end the treat, not to improve protection!
Cameron is right on this: “we should try to avoid the safe havens that would otherwise be created for terrorists to talk,” Cameron said.” RIGHT! All the no-go zones in Europe must be taken down. Every house destroyed. Alternative dispersed housing given in return. No social security for people who have not made contributions to the social security funds. Immigrants must work or be sent back to where they came from. Building the new housing will offer work, and take the young rowdies off the street.
@ Laura:
@ Laura:
Laura Said:
This is the answer
SHmuel HaLevi 2 Said:
kill two birds with one stone

I suggest covert smuggling rings who work with the criminals. the setting up of smuggling rings where the head smuggler gets a small subsidy to reduce the price of smuggling to Europe for the arabs. Also, he gets covert intelligence aid to help him with passports etc and obstacles along the way. Shadow work is the best. Israel says “I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing….. it wasn’t me”
Regarding Iran, Obama and Cameron are twits. How can you speak of fighting Islamic jihad terror while simultaneously appeasing Iran and paving the way for it to acquire nuclear weapons?
Note to Obama: Muslims don’t want to integrate, they want to conquer. The only reason we don’t YET have the problems that Europe is experiencing is because the muslim population here hasn’t reached critical mass.
Hey! Got an idea!
How about fully integrating them to Europe by making them part of the very soil of Europe?
Worth a try…
Wrong way Jose. Muslims must better integrate with Europe.
And hey! – they won’t – everyone knows that!
So forget the spin doctoring ban Islam and start the deportations before Islam bans the Infidels and starts the carnage.
Yeah but they feel America to be their ISLAM. Only in the context of an Islamic America do they feel themselves to be Americans.
It’s no advantage, it’s the death bell tolling for us.
TO: Netanyahu, Biyamin,The soon-to-be former PM
If you wish to remain in your seat, you must do one of two things BEFORE MARCH 17; either break Pollard out of prison or destroy the Iranian nuke program; COMPLETELY AND declare oslo dead and form a government with MK Bennet You will train him to be the next PM and you shall resign as soon as obama is out. That is your job to usher obama out. Otherwise, you’re toast, buddy.