Obama called a war criminal in Irish Parliament.

June 27, 2013 | 6 Comments »

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  1. Ted Belman Said:

    I also appreciated how good a speaker she was.

    many modern leaders appreciated the charismatic attraction and success of Hitlers speeches. actors do best when they actually “believe” what they say. the left generally is more able to project themselves into a role with more gusto and credibility than the right because they view their goals as justifying their means. Better actors and better liars.

  2. CuriousAmerican Said:

    Many here say the Palestinians do not exist.

    You are twisting the meaning: they say that an ethnic or national population called the “palestinians” do not exist and were invented by the russians around 1960’s(prior to which jews were referred to as palestinians). obviously a group of arabs have conveniently, opportunistically and disingenuously decided to take on the false identity. They are considered to exist as a collective of hostile, aggressive, recalcitrant, jew killing arabs who make sure to instill jew killing into their children which makes peaceful cooperation within the borders of Israel impossible. However, these arabs have many places to live within a short distance, less than that of new york to washington, dc. If they are on the other side of the border then resources can be focused on defense instead of on moles. Relations will improve when the arabs are on the other side of the border, even the gaza is better than having them inside the house.
    On the positive side I find myself in unusual agreement on your points 1-7. Apparently, you do have redeeming qualities and to your credit you have not even mentioned that Jews should pay for transfer. 🙂

  3. history of antisemitism in irelandCuriousAmerican Said:

    As for Ireland, they have become anti-Israel.

    This is ironic. Israel’s desire for Judea and Samaria is like Ireland’s desire for Ulster, the Gael’s ancient homeland.

    The Irish have bought into this incredible historical error because they are convinced that the Jews are colonizers like the British, when in actually the Jews are like the Irish who want their homeland back.

    No one knows history.

    Your knowledge of history is very selective.

    “Until we rout the Jews out of this country it
    does not matter a hair’s breadth what orders you make.”)
    , it is clear that public anti-semitic displays do not begin or end on that 1943 day in our parliament. Below is just one example of an Irish company making it perfectly clear they were not involved in the hiring of Jewish labour, an ad predating Flanagan’s outburst by over three decades. Such ads frequently featured in Sinn Féin publications.

    September 1956, a leaflet which begins with a large ‘WARNING!’ to the reader that the Jewish people were responsible for the second world war.
    Coming more than ten years after the fall of European fascism, the claim that ‘Hitler was right’ stands out and the venom in the work is clear.

  4. @ Ted Belman:
    @ Laura:No question, she is a far leftest and would have harsh words to say about Bush. Its ironic that Obama is being attacked so viciously from the left. I also appreciated how good a speaker she was.

    Ted, there is no center in this debate.

    Unless the USA

    1) Drives every Arab out of Judea, Samaria, Nazareth, Gaza, Jaffa, Haifa, the Negev, and the Sinai
    2) then attacks Iran;
    3) then re-imburses the Gush Katif settlers,
    4) and those Jews evacuated from Yamit in 1982,
    5) releases Pollard
    6) as well as clearing out South Lebanon, south of the Litani and giving it to Israel;
    7) plus saturation bombs Warsaw until the Poles pay, with interest, every Jew who places a claim on World War II property losses …

    this board will call Obama a Muslim.

    Likewise, the other side calls Obama a Mossad stooge. In fact, Mondoweiss regularly calls Obama and Kerry stooges for Israel.

    There is no center in this debate. Absolutely no center.

    Both sides do not recognize the right of the other to exist.

    The Arabs refuse to recognize Israel. Many here say the Palestinians do not exist.

    There is NO middle ground here.


    As for Ireland, they have become anti-Israel.

    This is ironic. Israel’s desire for Judea and Samaria is like Ireland’s desire for Ulster, the Gael’s ancient homeland.

    The Irish have bought into this incredible historical error because they are convinced that the Jews are colonizers like the British, when in actually the Jews are like the Irish who want their homeland back.

    No one knows history.


  5. @ Laura:No question, she is a far leftest and would have harsh words to say about Bush. Its ironic that Obama is being attacked so viciously from the left. I also appreciated how good a speaker she was.

  6. I’m sure this person would also have referred to Bush as a war criminal and certainly the Israelis. The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. As far to the left as Obama is, it’s not quite enough for these loons.