These are jes’ plain, ole, ordinary, good-time folks who just want to integrate, become good Americans, work, read something other than their One Book, and fight alongside our variegated forces, for truth, justice, and the American way

By Jeffery Friedberg, CFP

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”


EXCLUSIVE: America’s enemies within


  • SIXTY-TWO ISIS attackers and ‘plotters’ in just a year and more than half of them are immigrants or their children
  • Analysis by DailyMail.com reveals that 62 people in America have launched ISIS attacks or been accused of plotting to help terror group
  • They are responsible for 64 deaths and at least 121 woundings, including the San Bernardino and Pulse massacres
  • Of the attackers and alleged plotters, 21 were immigrants and a further 13 were the children of immigrants
  • Thirteen Americans converted and are accused of becoming extremists – including a former cheerleader and senior Boston police officer’s son
  • Prosecution documents reveal allegations of obsessions with extremist propaganda and a myriad of hate-fueled plans to slaughter U.S. citizens

It’s no secret these alleged murderers (I have to say “alleged”) want to kill us, destroy all other religions, obliterate western civilization, and impose a purported barbarous, primitive, vicious, seventh century tribal rule of Shariah Law upon the civilized world.

But who “infects the body politic,” if anyone? It seems this nation’s “fools, and…the ambitious,” mentioned above by Cicero, in 63 AD, are presently our so-called “media,” which seemingly, largely ignores the running, polluted streams of international and internal plot, murder, and the bleeding out of America onto its own soil.

But is this also “treason,” as Cicero describes it? Or, if there is a serpent of treason among us, where is it’s encoiled lair concealed? Or—if it exists—is its lair even concealed at all? Is it on open display, yet concealed by a “sly,” slithering media through omission, or lies?

WHO is rotting “the soul of a nation”?

Something may stand out for some—not me, certainly—as one reviews photos and mug shots of the above-mentioned, alleged, Jihadist murderers and plotters.

To look at some strange, glaring, surly, enraged faces, may leave a few feeling like they want to see faces pushed out the back of their respective heads.

A bizarre, almost space-alien weirdness may suddenly seem to resonate in a viewer’s eyes—numbing the skin, the skull, the brain, and any remaining civilized thought processes. Because, for some, looking into the faces and eyes of the alleged perpetrators, seems like looking into the dead eyes of a soulless, merciless insect. Or the dead, empty eyes of a great white shark.

But, should this ever be allowed to cancel out—strip off—our armor against chaos—law, order, and mutual cooperation with truth, justice, and the American way? Should violent feelings ever be allowed to supercede law and order?

Probably not; no. Certainly not at the twisted whim of a diseased, decadent media which seems to feed upon blood, offal, and souls, for its own Self-aggrandizement, fame, and profit.

But, how does President Barack Hussein Obama seem to maybe fit in here? That is, from behind his personally chosen, three Arabic names, and whose entire paternal family seem to have been Shiite Muslims, and who was schooled in Muslim madrassas, and who seemed to brag in his book how he ate dog meat, from a dog, and who seems to both favor and protect Islam.

President Barack Hussein Obama is said to be the smartest man in the world; an expert on constitutional law; a trusted guide and mentor to many grateful, former, college ‘stoonts’—none of whom seem to have ever come forward to praise him, or even seem to remember him.

President Barack Hussein Obama knows and tells us what America means to America—you know, what it means to be an American, and, all, like, “what we are about,” he says.

This is from Todd Starnes, of Fox News, Nov. 18, 2015:

“’When individuals say that we should have a religious test and that only Christians – proven Christians should be admitted – that’s offensive and contrary to American values,’ the president said – just one day after he called such behavior un-American.

“’What’s offensive and contrary to American values is refusing to properly investigate those wanting to come to our nation – especially those coming from regions that are hotbeds of Islamic extremism.

“But the president says such prudence only further enflames the Islamic jihadists.

“’ISIL seeks to exploit the idea that there is a war between Islam and the West,’ he said. ‘When you starting seeing individuals in positions of responsibility suggesting that Christians are more worthy of protection than Muslims are – in a war torn land – that feeds the ISIL narrative.’

“’It’s counterproductive and it needs to stop,’he warned.

“Those of us who fear that Islamic radicals might be lurking among the refugees have been called every name in the book: bigots, Islamophobes and un-American.

“But the cold hard reality is that Protestants, Catholics and Jews aren’t the ones beheading people. The Lutherans and Nazarenes aren’t gunning down young folks in concert venues.

“Nevertheless, the president remains steadfast. The Muslims will come.

“’We don’t have religious tests to our compassion,’ he told journalists from high atop his soapbox.

“But that’s not entirely accurate.

“Last year, the Obama administration led a fierce legal battle to have a German Christian family thrown out of the United States.

“The Romeikes fled their homeland in search of a nation where they could homeschool their children. A judge initially granted them asylum – believing they were escaping from religious persecution.

“However, the Obama administration waged a fierce campaign against the Romeike family – demanding they be returned to Germany.

“The family lost court battle after court battle – but at the eleventh hour the White House relented and decided begrudgingly to let them stay.

“And just a few months ago a federal immigration judge ordered a dozen Iraqi Christians deported from a facility in San Diego.

“An Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesperson declined to tell The San Diego Union-Tribune why the Iraqi Christians were being sent back to their native land.

“So the next time President Obama wants to lecture the nation about religion maybe he could explain why his administration is importing Muslims and deporting Christians.

Indeed; President Barack Hussein Obama could do that. But will he? Probably not. No.

So. Let’s just take another look at his actual actions, and not say subjective things about him, and maybe let those actions possibly speak for his policies, or his heart and soul—should these things actually be in play anywhere:

This is from Townhall.com, 2016:

“In a world where everyone must be equal and religious tolerance is now mandatory law, Barack Obama has invited 12,486 Muslims into the United States in 2016, while only deeming 68 Christians worthy of admission.

“Of the 12,486, the vast majority are Sunni Muslims – 12,363 (98.2 percent) – while another 103 are identified as simply Muslims and a further 20 as Shi’a Muslims.

“A concerning number of people coming from Syria (the bulk of refugees admitted into the United States) have been labeled by the United Nations.  According to the report, 4,806,702 million Syrians are registered as “persons of concern” in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and North Africa.

“Over the course of the Syrian civil war that began in 2011, the U.S. has resettled a total of 14,460 Syrian refugees – 87 percent of them in 2016.  Of those 14,460, 14,082 (97.3 percent) are Sunnis, 196 (1.3 percent) are Shi’a and other Muslims, and 124 (0.8 percent) are Christians.  The rest are 25 Yazidis, six Zoroastrians, three atheists, two Baha’i, 14 refugees with ‘other’ religion and eight with ‘no religion.’

“With this mark, Obama has successfully admitted the most refugees to the United States in 17 years.”

This, below, is from PewResearch.org, sometimes characterized as ultra left wing [and from me, in brackets, who is sometimes characterized as a proud, “right wing, loon, conspiracy theorist”]:

“People seeking to enter the U.S. as refugees are processed overseas [um…are you a terrorist?] As part of the process, they are asked a series of questions, including their religious affiliation [um…so you’re a moderate Muslim, right?] When their applications are “approved, refugees travel to the U.S. to be resettled by nonprofit groups [raking in BILLIONS in subsidies from Barack Hussein Obama’s Axis Forces.] associated with the Office of Refugee “Resettlement [paid in dollars up to the gills]. Refugees to the U.S. are different from asylum seekers, who claim asylum after already being in the U.S. or crossing into the U.S. via an airport or land border.”

So, it’s all good and good to go, right? President Barack Hussein Obama has this—right? I mean, fer kri-sakes, what could possibly go wrong?

2015; this is from the DailyMail.co.uk, Oct. 21, 2015, which is in the UK, outside what is sometimes said to be the news-obliterating influence of a megalithic, US, Obama-Clinton Axis Powers Media propaganda machine. Sometimes called, the most vast, comprehensive, and all-encompassing program of brainwashing, mind control, punishment, and subjugation ever implemented in the history of this planet—Earth:

“FBI admits there’s no way to screen all the Syrian refugees the Obama administration plans to accept into the US

“FBI Director James Comey on Wednesday told Congress that the federal government cannot conduct thorough checks on all of the coming influx of 10,000 refugees from Syria.

“Appearing before the House Committee on Homeland Security, Comey said Syrians who aren’t already in the FBI’s database are unknown to the agency, meaning their backgrounds cannot be adequately scoured for a risk of terrorism.

“‘We can only query against that which we have collected,’ Comey told the committee under questioning.

“‘So if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but there will be nothing show up because we have no record of them.’”

At some point, be it 2015 or 2016, these facts or trends should have advised and updated President Barack Hussein Obama, and shown him that he should probably change what he had been doing—to better protect you and your families, right?

2016; this is from TheHill.com, April 26, 2016:

“Obama vows to ‘speed up’ efforts to admit Syrian refugees

“President Obama on Thursday vowed that his administration would quicken its intake of   Syrian refugees to reach the goal of allowing in 10,000 migrants that he set last year.

“’Administratively, I think now we have the process to speed it up,’ Obama said in a surprise appearance during the daily White House press briefing.

“’There may be efforts on the part of Congress to try to block us,’ he added. ‘But our goal is to continue to try to make the case to Congress and the American people that this is the right thing to do.’

“‘We believe that we can hit those marks before the end of the year.’

“The administration is currently far behind the president’s goal of allowing 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. by the end of fiscal year 2016 in October. Obama set the goal last summer, amid an intensifying battle over the U.S.‘s refugee policy.

“As of Thursday, just 1,703 refugees had come to the U.S. from Syria, according to data from the State Department.

“The U.S. has made a concerted effort to speed up the process in recent months, with a surge of manpower to the Middle East, and especially Jordan, to try and interview and process more applicants. But so far, the results have been slow in coming.

“’We’re going to keep on pushing,’ Obama said on Thursday. ‘And part of what has made this challenging is that we want to make sure that we can, as much as possible, provide the American people an assurance that everybody here has been vetted at a very high standard.’

“Concerns about the safety of the migrants escalated rapidly last year, following warnings from prominent Republicans that the refugee stream could provide a pathway for extremists to enter the country. Those fears mounted following the November terror attack in Paris, where some attackers are believed to have entered the country via migrant routes. All of the known Paris attackers were European nationals.

“Lawmakers in Congress attempted to halt the intake of Syrian refugees, but those efforts have so far failed to reach the president’s desk.

“…Obama’s pledge to take in 10,000 refugees would represent just a sliver of the numbers that have entered major European nations.

“’It’s important for us to send a signal around the world that we care about these folks,’ Obama said on Thursday.

“The U.S. is also pushing for a conference around global migrants to be included at the margins of this year’s United Nations General Assembly meeting, he added.”

So…they are jes’ “folks.” Jes’ regular ole folks—jes’ like good American folks. Obama, he knows.

But what about a President Hillary Rodham Clinton, whom many seem to project as our next ruler—uh, President?

This is from Breitbart.com, Jul, 14, 2016:

“If elected president, Hillary Clinton could permanently resettle close to one million Muslim migrants during the first term of her presidency alone, according to the latest available data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

“Between 2001 and 2013, the U.S. permanently resettled 1.5 million Muslim migrants on green cards. However, under Hillary Clinton’s stated proposals, Muslim immigration would grow substantially faster, adding nearly one million Muslim migrants to the U.S. during her first term alone.

“Based on the most recent available DHS data, the U.S. permanently resettled roughly 149,000 migrants from predominantly Muslim countries on green cards in 2014. Yet Clinton has said that, as President, she would expand Muslim migration by importing an additional 65,000 Syrian refugees into the United States during the course of a single fiscal year. Clinton has made no indication that she would limit her proposed Syrian refugee program to one year.

“Clinton’s Syrian refugees would come on top of the tens of thousands of refugees the U.S. already admits from Muslim countries.

“Adding Clinton’s 65,000 Syrian refugees to the approximately 149,000 Muslim migrants the U.S. resettled on green cards in the course of one year, means that Clinton could permanently resettle roughly 214,000 Muslim migrants in her first year as President. If Clinton were to continue her Syrian refugee program throughout her Presidency, she could potentially resettle as many as 856,000 during her first term alone.

“Analysis from the Senate Immigration Subcommittee found that Clinton’s plan to expand refugee resettlement could cost U.S. taxpayers over $400 billion.

“Additionally, once Clinton’s Syrian refugees are in the U.S. as green card holders, they will have the ability to bring over their family members through chain migration.”

But, NOT TO WORRY, AMERICA. These are jes’ plain, ole, ordinary, good-time folks who just want to integrate, become good Americans, work, read something other than their One Book, and fight alongside our variegated forces, for truth, justice, and the American way.

October 8, 2016 | 1 Comment »

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