Obama appoints Samantha Power as ‘Atrocities Czar”

This is scary as hell. It used to be that respecting sovereign integrity was a precondition for peace. This initiative proscribes war for the attainment of peace. It is one thing to intervene when atrocities of great magnitude are being perpetrated. It is another thing to war against Israel for alleged atrocities or any other excuse or to impose “peace”. Ted Belman

By Aaron Klien, WND

President Obama’s National Security Adviser Samantha Power will head the new White House Atrocities Prevention Board, which is tasked with formulating a response to war crimes, crimes against humanity and mass atrocities.

Power helped to found a global military doctrine called Responsibility to Protect that was also devised by several controversial characters, including Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi, a staunch denier of the Holocaust who long served as the deputy of late Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat.

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Power once suggested investing “literally billions of dollars” in a “mammoth protection force” to intercede in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Notorious left-wing radical Tom Hayden recently wrote Power sees war as an “instrument for achieving her liberal, even radical, values.”

In his speech at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Monday, Obama announced the new Atrocities Prevention Board to be chaired by Power.

The inter-agency group is to meet monthly to determine methods to use in international conflict, including sanctions and civilian as well as military response-team training.

The board’s creation was the culmination of Power’s efforts that last year defined preventing atrocities as a “core national-security interest and a core moral responsibility of the United States.” The official White House statement marked the first time the U.S. government had made such a proclamation.

‘Mammoth protection force’ for Palestinians?

In a 2002 question and answer session with the University of California-Berkeley Institute of International Studies, Power was asked how the U.S. should respond if “one party or another” were “moving toward genocide” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

She replied: “What we need is a willingness to actually put something on the line in sort of helping the situation. And putting something on the line might mean alienating a domestic constituency of tremendous political and financial import.”

Power was referring to pro-Israel groups using language some would consider anti-Semitic by implying such groups maintain inordinate power in U.S. politics.

She continued, “It may more crucially mean sacrificing – or investing, I think, more than sacrificing – literally billions of dollars not in servicing Israelis’, you know, military but actually in investing in the new state of Palestine, in investing billions of dollars it would probably take also to support, I think, what will have to be a mammoth protection force, not of the old, you know, Srebrenica kind or the Rwanda kind, but a meaningful military presence.”

‘Uses war to achieve radical values’

Power was reportedly heavily influential in convincing Obama to launch NATO airstrikes in Libya last year, a key test of Power’s Responsibility to Protect doctrine.

In a posting on the bombings at the Rag Blog, a far-left website that is home to radical 1960s anti-war leaders, some with previous close ties to Obama, Hayden remarked on Power’s use of war.

Hayden was the principal organizer for the 1960s anti-war movement group Students for a Democratic Society, from which the Weather Underground domestic terrorist group splintered.

In an article about Power’s role in the international coalition that bombed Libya, Hayden writes that he had “a long conversation with Power in December 2003.”

“I was struck by the generational factor in her thinking,” relates Hayden. “If she had experienced Vietnam in her early 20s, I felt, she would have joined the radical left, suspicious always of American power.”

Continued Hayden: “But as an Irish internationalist witnessing death and destruction in the former Yugoslavia, she wondered how the United States could be neutral. She strongly favored the American intervention and air war that followed.”

Hayden contended that Power’s Balkans experience led her to become an advocate of American and NATO military intervention in humanitarian crises.

“She began to see war as an instrument for achieving her liberal, even radical, values,” he stated.

Many Rag Blog personalities were the founders of a coalition, Progressives for Obama, that campaigned for the president during the 2008 campaign.

One Rag Blog contributor is Mark Rudd, a founder of the Weather Underground terror group alongside Obama associate William Ayers. The Weathermen, co-founded by Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, sought the overthrow of the U.S. government.

Also writing at Rag Blog is Marxist activist Carl Davidson, a founder of the socialist New Party. WND previously reported evidence Obama was a New Party member.

Davidson, along with Obama associate Marilyn Katz, a Chicago extremist activist, organized a 2002 anti-war rally at Chicago’s Federal Plaza that was widely credited with propelling Obama to the national stage.

Founded globalist military doctrine

Responsibility to Protect, or Responsibility to Act, as cited by Obama, is a set of principles, now backed by the United Nations, based on the idea that sovereignty is not a privilege but a responsibility that can be revoked if a country is accused of “war crimes,” “genocide,” “crimes against humanity” or “ethnic cleansing.”

The term “war crimes” has at times been indiscriminately used by various U.N.-backed international bodies, including the International Criminal Court, or ICC, which applied it to Israeli anti-terror operations in the Gaza Strip. There has been fear the ICC could be used to prosecute U.S. troops.

The Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, founded by Power, had a seat on the advisory board of the 2001 commission that original founded Responsibility to Protect.

The commission is called the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. It invented the term “responsibility to protect” while defining its guidelines.

The Carr Center is a research center concerned with human rights located at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Power was Carr’s founding executive director and headed the institute at the time it advised in the founding of Responsibility to Protect.

With Power’s center on the advisory board, the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty first defined the Responsibility to Protect doctrine.

Soros funded

The Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect is the world’s leading champion of the military doctrine.

Soros’ Open Society Institute is a primary funder and key proponent of the Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect.

Several of the doctrine’s main founders sit on boards with Soros.

The committee that devised the Responsibility to Protect doctrine included Arab League Secretary General Amre Moussa as well as Palestinian legislator Ashrawi.

Two of the global group’s advisory board members, Ramesh Thakur and Gareth Evans, are the original founders of the doctrine, with the duo even coining the term “responsibility to protect.”

Thakur and Evans sit on multiple boards with Soros.

The Open Society is one of only three nongovernmental funders of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. Government sponsors include Australia, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Rwanda and the U.K.

Board members of the group include former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, former Ireland President Mary Robinson and South African activist Desmond Tutu. Robinson and Tutu have recently made solidarity visits to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip as members of a group called The Elders, which includes former President Jimmy Carter.

Annan once famously stated, “State sovereignty, in its most basic sense, is being redefined – not least by the forces of globalization and international co-operation. States are … instruments at the service of their peoples and not vice versa.”

Soros: Right to ‘penetrate nation-states’ borders’

Soros himself outlined the fundamentals of Responsibility to Protect in a 2004 Foreign Policy magazine article entitled “The People’s Sovereignty: How a New Twist on an Old Idea Can Protect the World’s Most Vulnerable Populations.”

In the article, Soros said “true sovereignty belongs to the people, who in turn delegate it to their governments.”

“If governments abuse the authority entrusted to them and citizens have no opportunity to correct such abuses, outside interference is justified,” Soros wrote. “By specifying that sovereignty is based on the people, the international community can penetrate nation-states’ borders to protect the rights of citizens.

“In particular, the principle of the people’s sovereignty can help solve two modern challenges: the obstacles to delivering aid effectively to sovereign states, and the obstacles to global collective action dealing with states experiencing internal conflict.”

More Soros ties

“Responsibility” founders Evans and Thakur served as co-chair, with Gregorian on the advisory board of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, which invented the term “responsibility to protect.”

In his capacity as co-chairman, Evans also played a pivotal role in initiating the fundamental shift from sovereignty as a right to “sovereignty as responsibility.”

Evans presented Responsibility to Protect at the July 23, 2009, United Nations General Assembly, which was convened to consider the principle.

Thakur is a fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, which is in partnership with an economic institute founded by Soros.

Soros is on the executive board of the International Crisis Group, a “crisis management organization” for which Evans serves as president-emeritus.

The group has been petitioning for the U.S. to normalize ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, a process apparently underway with a visit last month by Brotherhood officials to the White House.

Aside from Evans and Soros, the group includes on its board Egyptian opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei, as well as other personalities who champion dialogue with Hamas, a violent offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The crisis group has petitioned for the Algerian government to cease “excessive” military activities against al-Qaida-linked groups and to allow organizations seeking to create an Islamic state to participate in the Algerian government.

Soros’ own Open Society Institute has funded opposition groups across the Middle East and North Africa, including organizations involved in the current chaos.

‘One World Order’

Doctrine founder Thakur recently advocated for a “global rebalancing” and “international redistribution” to create a “New World Order.”

In a piece in March 2011 in the Ottawa Citizen newspaper, “Toward a new world order,” Thakur wrote, “Westerners must change lifestyles and support international redistribution.”

He was referring to a United Nations-brokered international climate treaty in which he argued, “Developing countries must reorient growth in cleaner and greener directions.”

In the opinion piece, Thakur then discussed recent military engagements and how the financial crisis has impacted the U.S.

“The West’s bullying approach to developing nations won’t work anymore – global power is shifting to Asia,” he wrote.

“A much-needed global moral rebalancing is in train,” he added.

Thakur continued: “Westerners have lost their previous capacity to set standards and rules of behaviour for the world. Unless they recognize this reality, there is little prospect of making significant progress in deadlocked international negotiations.”

Thakur contended “the demonstration of the limits to U.S. and NATO power in Iraq and Afghanistan has left many less fearful of ‘superior’ western power.”

April 25, 2012 | 36 Comments »

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36 Comments / 36 Comments

  1. Joe Hamilton Said:

    But the vast majority of the American people would never support this.

    I think it is irrelevant what the American people support. Right now the people are too lazy and ignorant to consider eligibility issue, the media has stepped inline and censored news on the issue. Nothing has been done about the use of activist organizations like acorn to steal election. The american people will do nothing just as they are doing nothing now. Perhaps you have never been in the situation and seen how it is done. It is being done right now and you dont recognize it. Less than a 10% loyal population can maintain control. The ways of accomplishing control by using and subverting democratic structures is well known to radicals. The stealing of elections: this is being accomplished right now with the new law that allows votes without ID’s in conjunction with govt funded “community” NGO’s like new Acorn. Obama has already stated he will create a civilian force to rival the army. This force will be paid by govt and populated by loyalists such as activist organizations and a very loyal population of US blacks. On the contrary Obama has very little opposition in govt to what he is doing.

  2. @ bahmi:

    “My understanding of those who ‘danced at the joy of 911’ were attending a wedding nearly a decade before 911 happened. In other words, the ease of counterfeited film manufacture is remarkable.”

    It certainly is true that “the ease of counterfeited film manufacture is remarkable.”

    However, your understanding — that “those who ‘danced at the joy of 911’ were attending a wedding nearly a decade before 911 happened” — is mistaken.

    It was not a fabrication.





  3. “Robinson and Tutu have recently made solidarity visits to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip as members of a group called The Elders, which includes former President Jimmy Carter.”

    And then they returned home?

    But I thought Gaza was supposed to be an “open air prison”

    — how did they get loose?


  4. Actually I believe good ole Samantha has a tailor made opportunity to prove her mettle right at home. I am sure that she knows all about Native American history and will recognize the wrongs, including atrocities committed against the Tribes.
    She can start by opening the Pandora box of the US relationship with Native Americans. We are going to help her… fast and furious. I have a remote connection family wise with Native Americans and became close to several “Indian” Reservations pueblos. We will help Samantha by exposing a long list of atrocities committed by the US governments and the conditions which many reservations are facing to this day. Finally the world at large will have an opportunity to observe their corrective actions to specific and deeply wrong, critical conditions facing those Federal controlled enclosures. In many cases limited by barbed wires…
    There is a Human Rights report of record that will serve to gauge progress.
    For the unaware, the US Governments have been administering and maintains to this day 480 or so such Reservations all over the US. The US Secretary of the Interior directs an Under Secretary for “Indian affairs” to this day.
    To start with let Samantha lead for a change of name from “Indian” or “injun” in the pejorative used there, to Native American. Then address the grotesque voting conditions and rights. etc.

    Then the good lass can tackle Islams slavery, genital mutilation, torture, genocide activities.

    Welcome to your job Samantha.

  5. @ RDrummond:
    Sooner or later those losers may try their hand. Surely they will find the subject a bit more complex than their Grenada’s escapade and probably as successful as Vietnam.
    Anyway. I am sending a personal not to don… dick…

  6. Soros interest is to provoke instability(arab spring?) because he tends to pofit on the downward spiral of currencies and all it entails. The hundreds of millions invested in these NGO’s is nothing compared to the billions he reaps from the profits resulting from his politics. Israel must be ready by developing its independence from the US long term and in the short term the release of timely damaging info released on anti semites running for office. US and leftist Jews are the biggest problem. This is what the US does to Israeli leaders to get the results they want.

  7. Women the Democratic Party Love:

    Samantha Power, Sandra Fluke, Hillary Rosen, Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Rielle Hunter, Tammy Baldwin and Kyrsten Sinema.

    Women the Democratic Party HATE:

    Ann Romney – and the poor, doomed Petit women of Connecticut, whom the Democratic Legislatures and Governor Dannel P. Malloy chose to piss on their corpses yesterday by giving their killers 3 square a day, health care, and other amenities on the taxpayer dime for life, when the two rapist, butchering cowards should have been given the needle instead. Two cowards saved by a group of cowards led by a cowardly Democratic governor.

    And remember this too, especially the useless idiots like Jeffrey Katzenberg and Debbi Wasserman Shultz. Ovomit chose to appoint Samantha Power as this APB Czar only a day after he vowed “Never Again”. The bastard continues to stick it to Jews. And the JINO still buss his arse.

    Who REALLY wages war against women – and Jews – in this country? THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

    Any question?

  8. Let us get one thing crystal clear. If anybody thinks that Romney as a Republican President would not support “responsibility to protect” then please think on, and keep on thinking.

    Heck even the editor of Israpundit Ted Belman backed up a bloodthirsty call of a noted Jewish American organization on this very site to bomb the living bejasus out of Gadhafi. It is true that Ted pulled back from this but it is on record that I immediately attacked this position, which is also not only the death-knell of sovereign states as under Gadhafi but also is the end of the road for the Jewish state of Israel.

    Israel and its present leaders, which includes also the total leadership in the Diaspora (the leadership of the Jews has many differing strands, being traditionally a broad church, which is good and bad actually), and includes people like Ted and Gerry Gordan plus a thousand others, are sitting ducks. This is the result of political cowardice, of deep bias against new perspectives rooted in Judaism and in the conservatism of Judaism, which historically this conservatism has its good and bad aspects.

    From the beginning of the crisis in Yugoslavia I recognized that THAT was “responsibility to protect” and I fought for the independence of the Serb people to fight to hold together their unified state of Yugoslavia, while people like Gerry Gordon did not lift a finger to defend Yugoslavia, but rationalised its break-up.

    Ted was shaky on this at the beginning but a chap called Bill from Canada, a lawyer, disgraced Jews forever by sitting on the fence, while Yamit82 disgraced the memory of Yamit 1982 by launching the most vicious slanders against the Serbs, culled from disreputes like Hoare.

    Came to Egypt Yamit82 and others found every reason under the sun NOT TO defend Mubarak from the Muslim Brotherhood and US Imperialism cum EU cum UN cum NATO.

    Ben Ali was no different, Gaghbo no different, Gadhafi no different, and now Assad.

    Funny that! Not talking about THAT, eh!

    There is no point at all in moaning about Power and “responsibility to protect” if you do not actively defend Assad against just this very same thing.

    The thing about Ted, the “weaselie” yamit82, Gordon, Mr Barry Rubin and a thousand other Jews, (I say Jews but remember that each and every one of these speaks only for themselves) is that they can always find the words to be utterly hypocritical.

    So the opposition to Obama/Powers on Syria fell to the Stalinists of China and Russia and that is an unstable foundation, because the Stalinists are reactionary to the core. They always end up supporting Imperialism because Stalinism is a creation of Imperialism, and are not Marxists, are in opposition to Marxism.

    Ayers was a creation of the CIA and Jared Israel has detailed how he and his girl friend split a promising student movement in the 60s which was seeking to link the students with the American workers.

    So please do not refer to Ayers as a Marxist unless you are either intellectually challenged or wilfully dishonest.

    Same applies also to our friend Obama. Obama a Marxist ha ha ha!

    All the evidence points to the murky hand of the CIA behind Obama also. Do not forget that the CIA protected Eichmann in South America until the Jews busted the CIA post 45 racket and caught that piece of filth.

    And just remember that if you cannot defend Assad from Annan then you had best shut up about this “responsibility to protect”, and when the NATO descends on the Jews in Israel as they did on the Christians in Kosovo keep your hypocritical mouths firmly shut there also.

    You have to be consistent to be believed.

  9. This guy McManus appears to be another far-out nut. He wants the CIA investigated for assassinating JFK, is a 9-11 truther, and holds a plethora of weird, far out positions. He posts his positions on message boards, doesn’t even seem to have a real campaign website.

    Anything can happen, especially in places like Oregon and Washington, but it doesn’t seem like he has a chance to win.

    If he wins, he’ll just join the ineffective, marginalized group of whacko democrats like those who signed the latest JStreet letter.

  10. @ C.R.:

    Interesting. I did not know the Apache originated in Texas. I did know there were four Apache nations in Arizona and New Mexico.

    I know a young woman who is Apache (half) and Jewish. A product of a marriage of an American Apache and British Jewish woman. The men in the family served in the Seals.

  11. @ RDrummond:

    If I’m not mistaken, Everett was the hometown of one of the greatest champions of Israel, Henry “Scoop” Jackson. This guy needs to be defeated. Of course, the Democrat Party continues to marginalize itself from mainstream American opinion on Israel.

  12. aaa@ Yidvocate:

    I demand that Dick leave his home in Mill Creek and turn it over to the Apache he stole it from and that all force necessary be applied as necessary.

    The Apache–were not native to Mill Creek–but rather to Texas and after the Comanche drove them out of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

  13. @ keelie
    aywaa ya achi!
    “we’ll have him acknowledging the contributions of the muslim scientists Einstein and Bohr to the advancement of physics”
    you mean *Al Beert Al Hajar*!
    of course, of course…

  14. @ the phoenix:

    Yes I watched a series of interviews of the people whose lives were shattered when the Fearless Leader did an about-turn on his campaign promise to maintain the US space program (essentially based out of Florida). A very sad and upsetting series of interviews.

    Acknowledging the muslim contribution to the world’s space programs added great insult to this heartless (and needless) waste of great American know-how.

    Give it time; we’ll have him acknowledging the contributions of the muslim scientists Einstein and Bohr to the advancement of physics. Didn’t know they were muslims, did ya?

  15. My understanding of those who “danced at the joy of 911 were attending a wedding nearly a decade before 911 happened. In other words, the ease of counterfeited film manufacture is remarkable. To be sure, absolutely sure, Obama can never be trusted. This man has a pact with the devil. Look at the diabolical facial expressions he uses to accentuate points from time to time. If looks could kill, we’d all be dead. Obama and the wife detest, absolutely loathe, white people. I feel this cold thrust emanating from a man who is clearly the most dangerous on the planet. Not that Obama has power, it’s those who comprise the shadow government who tell this nincompoop what to eat for breakfast each day. I am proud to say I hate this man with a passion.

  16. Samantha Power a self hating mentally ill Marxist–is a human atrocity–she stands against and hates the USA and Israel–she is responsible for many crimes against humanity–including kidnapping, abuse of females, rapes and murders!

    It was Samantha Power who together with Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton, each self hating mentally ill Marxists who pushed for the so called but not “Arab Spring”, with the accompanying unconstitutional American intervention–which was intended from the beginning to remove from power those who stood against the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood–in order to bring into power the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood to aline those nations against Israel–to destroy Israel!

    These three incompetent Marxist mentally ill women, namely Samantha Power, Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton–were placed in their positions to bring ruination–and this is exactly what they have accomplished. And they are not finished!

    On a related note, Samantha Power is Married to the mentally ill Cass Sunstein–who is a full blown communist–a self hating, humanity hating, evil bigoted man.

    Its very typical of Marxists to refer to something or someone completely opposite of what it or they truly are–Samantha Power isn’t the minister against human atrocities–but rather she is the minister in charge of promoting human atrocities. Interesting that Samantha Power has been Barack Obama’s national security advisor–when in reality she has done everything in her power to destabilize American security, to destroy American sovereignty–she has been the national insecurity advisor.

    Anyone who supports and promotes the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood–is promoting mass human atrocities!

    When insane people are in power–what do you expect the result will be?

  17. One of Jeremiah Wright’s last sermons was “THE KIKES KILLED KING! Because they didn’t want their neighborhoods integrated. Obama was in the pew and soaked it up. It might even be true.

  18. @ keelie,
    Funny you should mention the space program and the musloid…..
    In 2010, this bastard (literally and figuratively) wants NASA role to be now “To acknowledge musloid achievements and Contributions to math science and engineering”……
    Honest to god!
    And the outrage is that there is no outrage!
    Keelie, the fact that NOBODY is pursuing the criminal illegitimate arrival into office of this hussein guy, is in itself very worrisome.
    I had many high hopes that Allen west might just turn the tide but alas! That was not to be….

  19. @ Bill Narvey:

    It is also right and just that these 62% of American Jews who support Obama and the other 96% of Jews for whom Israel is no big deal, be gone after in a very public way to unmask their own treachery, not just towards Israel but even moreso to fact, reason, morality and the conceptual word Obama loves to use and abuse, FAIRNESS.

    Absolutely correct. It’s going to get real ugly for American Jews if they show/flaunt their support for Obama and he loses. It’s going to get MUCH uglier for American Jews if Obama gets re-elected.

  20. @ Arison:
    Whoa, Arison.

    Not being American, I view what’s going on with some misgivings, but that’s essentially it. I use the word “Democrat” as a kind of metaphor for something that’s beyond mindless. From what I’ve seen, you may be correct that about the Republicans’ chances of winning against the Fearless Leader, but one has to bear in mind that some people have commented (in other blogs), that they would vote for a ham sandwich (not on Israpundit of course) rather than Fearless Leader. That’s what it may come down to.

    When people look around at the havoc in the US, and the unspeakable corruption and bias in everything that’s been done, to even think about voting the guy in again is beyond all comprehension, no matter how bad the Republican candidate appears to be. Just ask one of the unemployed; you won’t have any problem finding one. I’ll be even more specific: go down to Cape Kennedy and ask some of the guys who worked in and around the space program if they would re-elect The Man…

    You’re living in a dream world if you think I’m living in a dream world, because my comment above (#7), refers only to the comments by Joe Hamilton and RDrummond, and their references to how the armed forces view their Fearless Leader.

  21. @ RDrummond:
    @ RDrummond:
    Dick’s ignorance is breathtaking. Let me count the ways:


    return the occupied territories

    Return them to who? Jordan sign off on them and there are no “Palestinians” but if there are, they are Jordanians, who have signed off on them;


    Resolution 242 calling for Israel to withdrawal from the occupied territories

    That’s not what the Resolutions says Dick. There is no “the” and all the authors of this Resolution have unequivocally stated that a 100% return was never envisioned. With the return of the Sinai and Gaza well over 97% of the territories captured in 67 have been returned with the tiny area remaining being required for secure and recognized borders. The Resolution has been fully complied with – Dick;


    Article 49 Geneva Convention

    The Convention applies only between contracting parties. The “Palestinians” were not and are not a contracting party, in fact their are entirely fictitious even today. Moreover the Convention deal only with forced transfer and this has no application to Jews choosing to live in their historic homeland. So wrong again – Dick;

    I demand that Dick leave his home in Mill Creek and turn it over to the Apache he stole it from and that all force necessary be applied as necessary. At least this demand has merit, as Dick did in fact dispossess the rightful owners who were aboriginal to the land. Not so the case in Israel as it is the Jew who was indigenous to these lands not the Arab marauders who originated in the Arab Peninsula.

    Dick is just a nasty Jew hater, in short a – Dick!

  22. @ RDrummond:
    Dick’s ignorance is breathtaking. Let me count the ways:


    return the occupied territories

    Return them to who? Jordan sign off on them and there are no “Palestinians” but if there are, they are Jordanians, who have signed off on them;


    Resolution 242 calling for Israel to withdrawal from the occupied territories

    That’s not what the Resolutions says Dick. There is no “the” and all the authors of this Resolution have unequivocally stated that a 100% return was never envisioned. With the return of the Sinai and Gaza well over 97% of the territories captured in 67 have been returned with the tiny area remaining being required for secure and recognized borders. The Resolution has been fully complied with – Dick;


    Article 49 Geneva Convention

    The Convention applies only between contracting parties. The “Palestinians” were not and are not a contracting party, in fact they are entirely fictitious even today. Moreover the Convention deal only with forced transfer and this has no application to Jews choosing to live in their historic homeland. So wrong again – Dick;

    I demand that Dick leave his home in Mill Creek and turn it over to the Apache he stole it from and that all force necessary be applied as necessary. At least this demand has merit, as Dick did in fact dispossess the rightful owners who were aboriginal to the land. Not so the case in Israel as it is the Jew who was indigenous to these lands not the Arab marauders who originated in the Arab Peninsula.

    Dick is just a nasty Jew hater, in short a – Dick!

  23. @ Arison:
    i am afraid yu are right. the conservatives have a bunch of bozos i the ring, and assuming (most likely) that romney will be the nominee…well, lah dee dah!
    the only difference will be that you know for sure that he is american unlike the sob musloid that has usurped the oval office.
    i hope that what joe hamilton has reported above, will proceed into action!
    maybe this bastard (literally and figuratively) could take a ride in an open convertible in dallas, or go see a play in a theatre…
    he IS an enemy.

  24. Announcing the creation of a new White House Atrocities Prevention Board to be headed up by radical leftwing anti-Israel Samantha Powers during his Holocaust commemoration address at the National Holocaust Memorial, Obama proved once again his deeds belie his self declared solid support for Israel and Jews.

    How can Obama so brazenly say one thing and frequently do the other which paints him as a duplicitous hypocrite? Well, it should so paint him, but that is not so, at least in the eyes of most Jews (ie. 62% by the latest poll) who Obama counts on to give him cover for his true anti-Israel views and actions.

    Then again, they give Obama cover not only because he is still their darling and they are committed to voting for him in the next election, but they more or less think just like he does when it comes to Israel.

    The recent poll aforesaid, finds that only about 4% of American Jews see Israel as an issue in the upcoming election – ie. About 96% of American Jews don’t really give a damn about Israel so what’s good for Obama is good for them.

    A recent April 2012 poll has come up with interesting and concerning statistics on where American Jews’ heads are at:

    Jewish Values 2012, a study done by a public religion research organization http://publicreligion.org/research/2012/04/jewish-values-in-2012/

    For further summed up comments on this study, see: Jewish Support For Obama Strong Despite Israel Stance

    Its right and just to go after Obama for his hypocritical duplicity that injures Israel far more than it helps her.

    It is also right and just that these 62% of American Jews who support Obama and the other 96% of Jews for whom Israel is no big deal, be gone after in a very public way to unmask their own treachery, not just towards Israel but even moreso to fact, reason, morality and the conceptual word Obama loves to use and abuse, FAIRNESS.

  25. Keelie you live in a dream world. This is why the Republicans havn’t a prayer of winning. It’s nothing to do with the Democrats. It’s that they have no candidate that can defeat Obama.

    If what you said were true, Obama wouldn’t even have been elected. If US soldiers could put themselves in line of danger to turn Iraq over to Iran after Iraq and alqueda alliance, after failing to install a democracy, how much easier it would be for them to invade Israel. Read Caroline Glick, and do away with the nonsense.

  26. When you combine what Joe Hamilton and RDrummond have written, we have a very “interesting” situation. Obviously McManus does not reflect the feelings of most of the military, based on Joe Hamilton’s hands-on experiences within the military. It will be pretty tough to get US soldiers to invade Israel; to put themselves in the line of fire in order to be “nice” to the people who handed out candies and danced in celebration of 9/11, and who are openly on the side of no-holds-barred terrorism.This is particularly true if the people behind such a move is the dearly beloved Commander-in-Chief and his minions.

    It would also be a little tricky to justify such an invasion for reasons of reclaiming a tiny piece of land for these same terrorists, when you compare it to the deafening silence and inaction as thousands are being killed in Syria.

    McManus is a Democrat (an ex-military Democrat?) and has obviously drunk copious amounts of Democrat Cool Aid.

  27. This is scary as hell

    Ted, you got that right. You know I have said it often enough. Forget what BHO says, watch what he does. He is dangerous.

    It’s all about control. If you can’t control it by law, there are other means.

    He cannot be trusted. He continues to tell lies and will say anything to get re-elected. Look back before he was elected and listen to the BS, he was not challenged by the liberal left media. He did the opposite of what he promised.

  28. So, if a country keeps its people warm and comfortable by burning dirty coal, a world body would have the right to enter that country and destroy their coal-burning generating capacity? If cars exceeded the 50 miles-per-gallon limit, those cars could be confiscated through military action. If people exceeded the zero-population growth standard, they would be subject to involuntary sterilization. If Jews continue to run an independent country and exclude those who seek its destruction, they will be subjugated to the will of the majority who see Jews as “not to their taste.”

  29. Former Chief Warrant Officer/counterintelligence special agent, US Army, retired, Dick McManus, Democrat, of Everett/Mill Creek, WA, is running for Congress, 2nd CD-WA, this coming fall.

    Dick McManus:

    It is time for America to use our military to force Israel to return the occupied territories

    Israel has failed to obey 69 UN resolutions and the UN passed Resolution 242 calling for Israel to withdrawal from the occupied territories. Article 49 Geneva Convention shall not transport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies and that is exactly what Israel has been doing since their 1967 war.

    I demand Israel leave all the occupied territories and turn it over all the land on West Bank to the Palestinians. I support ending all foreign aid to Israel until they leave the Occupied territories and turn get rid of its nuclear weapons.

    If we care about the long-term security of Israel it is time for America to use our military force to return the occupied territories to the Palestinians.

  30. Obama the Nazi will never be allowed to create an army to protect the Fakestinian trespassers. I don’t give a sh-t what insane ideas this insane imbecile and the equally insane ,hateful Jew hater bi-ch Powers want. There are a number of reasons this will never happen: 1. Congress would never appropriate funds for this insane idea. 2. The US military despises Obama. I was a psychiatrist in the US army until 18 months ago. The soldiers I treated felt they could confide in me and I do not recall one soldier who didn’t have a negative opinion of Obama. Actually the hate for Obama was so strong, one soldier said there was a plan among several generals to stage a Coup against Obama. I felt very uncomfortable having someone talking a coup as much as I despise Obama but I mentioned it to illustrate the depth of the hatred for Obama in the US Army. The third reason this will never happen is the American people would never support it. It is one thing to brainwash a few naive college students about the Fakestinians. But the vast majority of the American people would never support this. The conservative media exaggerate Soros influence. There are more Jewish conservative billions than insane capos such as Soros. I tired of hearing how Soros is so powerful he will take over the world. Such Jewish conservative billionaires as Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers have as much influence as Soros.

  31. These people are poison. I’ve been following the activities of some, including Hayden and the Ayers’, for years.

    I’ve never seen them so comfortably embedded in the seat of American political power. They used to be extreme outsiders.

    We’ve got to defeat this guy in November, before he ruins the U.S. and what remains of western democracy.