Obama’s Israel rhetoric changes, but what happens in a second term?

By Jennifer Rubin, WAPo

By all accounts President Obama in his speech today and at AIPAC on Sunday will have positive things to say about the U.S.-Israeli relationship, reiterate the importance of the alliance and refrain from language likely to alarm pro-Israel voters. But there is good reason for voters to be suspicious.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

    Jewish donors and fund-raisers are warning the Obama re-election campaign that the president is at risk of losing financial support because of concerns about his handling of Israel.

    The complaints began early in President Barack Obama’s term, centered on a perception that Mr. Obama has been too tough on Israel.

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    Some Jewish donors say Mr. Obama has pushed Israeli leaders too hard to halt construction of housing settlements in disputed territory, a longstanding element of U.S. policy. Some also worry that Mr. Obama is putting more pressure on the Israelis than the Palestinians to enter peace negotiations, and say they are disappointed Mr. Obama has not visited Israel yet.

Let’s stipulate that it would take more than a crowbar to separate the majority of Jewish voters from Obama and the Democratic Party. But the issue is not just votes. The level of enthusiasm matters, too:

    Malcolm I. Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, said he saw potential for the discontent to affect Mr. Obama’s fund raising.

    “It’s that people hold back, people don’t have the enthusiasm and are not rushing forward at fund-raisers to be supportive,’’ he said. “Much more what you’ll see is holding back now.”

There is, after all, a track record. Obama came to the 2007 and 2008 AIPAC conferences assuring the assembled that he was a Zionist. He sounded (to those anxious to vote for the Democrat with a clear conscience about Israel) like he’d be within the mainstream of American foreign policy when it came to the Jewish state. He then proceeded to launch an approach to Israel that was, by design, intended to create distance between the two countries. The evidence mounted (e.g., “condemning” building in Israel’s capital, joining in a U.N. Security Council statement favoring an international tribunal to investigate the flotilla incident, harping on settlements; reneging on a promise to avoid mentioning Israel in the context of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; snubbing the prime minister) that Obama had a very different outlook on Israel than that of his predecessors.

But that didn’t work politically or on the ground in the Middle East. In fact, the “peace process” has been set back further under this president than any previous one. The president’s approval in Israel remains at an historic low. So the rhetoric cooled, George Mitchell was dumped, the focus on settlements receded. And now Obama is back, about 18 months before the next election, assuring us he is, yes, a devoted Zionist and, in fact, the best friend the Jewish state has ever had.

You could see how enthusiasm might be diminished among Jewish voters and donors. Obama can give a nice speech or two, but he gave nice speeches before. And in a second term there would be no re-election concern to check Obama’s natural instincts. So what could help this situation?

Maybe get it in writing. No, seriously. The administration doesn’t have a trust-based relationship with the Israeli government, and Jewish voters here in the United States are going to need more than a gauzy speech. So how about a nice letter? There is certainly one that is a model, easily updated. Obama said such nice things about Warren Christopher when he passed away, so maybe he would prefer to use Christopher’s 1997 letter to Prime Minister Begin. This would seem like a win-win. The Israelis get some greater assurance (not that Obama wouldn’t break any agreement, but it would be harder) and Obama would get more brownie points with Jewish donors and pro-Israel voters.

I can get the letters started with a few ideas: Hamas is a terrorist organization that, under U.S. law, disqualifies any “unity” government from receiving aid; the United States affirms that the Quartet conditions (recognition of Israel, renunciation of terror and willingness to abide by past agreements) are U.S. policy as well; and the United States stands by U.N. Res. 242, Res. 338, the Oslo Accords, Oslo II and all other agreements that rule out a unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood. You get the idea. I mean, if Obama really is a friend of the Jewish state and really does share the mainstream, bipartisan stance toward Israel, this should be no problem, right?

May 22, 2011 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. Mr Bar-Leib, that is a beautiful and profound statement, which certainly puts things in their perspective. Thank you.

  2. “I wouldn’t rule out an American military move against Israel.”

    Then don’t rule out conscientious objection within the US military against deployment under such orders either

    because there’s no way the first would happen without the second.

  3. Western Civilization as we know it will probably not exist in six months. The Euro may collapse any day or week now, and the US dollar will soon follow. Why should we be concerned about November 2012 when we do not even know what will exist or not exist in November of 2011? The cataclysmic changes and judgements that G-d is bringing upon the world will vastly alter our perspective of reality even though our perspective of eternal Truths will remain the same as long as we were decent people going into this. Hold on with faith and marvel at how the will of G-d wipes away all falsehoods. Mourn for the victims of all the earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, nuclear meltdowns, tornados, Arab riots, and hurricanes whose season is about to begin, but look deeply into the matter of why. You may be shocked at the answer. And the answer may very well restore your faith. G-d is bringing in His version of a New World Order at the same time that arrogant men like George Soros are bringing in their version. This clash of versions of an orderly world is the next true battlefield between good and evil. So buckle up and choose wisely. Don’t look at it as the Dawn of the Aquarian Age, but as the dawn of an age called in Hebrew, Atereth HaYesod, “The tiara of Yesod”, the 42nd level of purity according to Lurian Kabbalah. The Messiah from Yosef will be revealed by next Purim here in the Land of Israel, and y’all are talking about Barack Obama? He is a flea on G-d’s sleeve who will get swatted in due course.

  4. BlandOatmeal says:
    May 22, 2011 at 1:32 pm

    May God forbid, that there should be a second term.

    In the final analysis it probably won’t matter who is elected/ America is finished and if you want to see the future? See Britain.

    Dividing Israel…

    The man in the White House may give speeches, but the desires of this puny world will come to nothing. G-d has said so. And while evil sometimes prospers for a little while, it brings about it’s own demise.
    Be patient. If G-d says it, you can take it to the bank because it is already done in his eyes.

    “So shall be My word that emanates from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, unless it has done what I desire and has made prosperous the one to whom I sent it.”…..Yeshayahu 55

    Evil men shall wither like dry Grass
    From David. Do not compete with the evildoers; do not envy those who commit injustice.
    For they will be speedily cut off like grass and wither like greenery.
    Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and be nourished by faith.
    So shall you delight in the Lord, and He will give you what your heart desires.

  5. Once America had visionary presidents: “We will support any friend, oppose any foe in order to ensure the survival and the success of liberty”…
    John F. Kennedy

    All any Israeli PM has to do is say NO!! and F…k You America, and learn to navigate in a changing world where America will be relegated to has been status. Jews unlike Americans have the option of picking winners and losers and positioning ourselves where we get in on the ground floor of a NWO and mitigate much if not most of the downside of the imminent American economic collapse. Forewarned is forearmed!

    Mark Steyn

    Unless things change, the man (or woman) elected in 2012 will be the last American president to preside over the world’s leading economy. If things get really bad, he will find himself presiding over the early stages of American collapse. Not “decline” but “collapse.”

    In the real world, debt ceilings are determined by the lenders, not by the borrowers. In March, Pimco (which manages the world’s largest mutual fund) calculated that 70 percent of U.S. Treasury debt is being bought by the Federal Reserve.

    So under the 2011 budget, every hour of every day, the United States government spends $188 million it doesn’t have, $130 million of which is “borrowed” from itself. There’s nobody else out there.

    In other words, however Congress votes, we’re rubbing up against the real debt ceiling — the willingness of the world to continue bankrolling American debauchery.

  6. A 2nd term could be lethal. I wouldn’t rule out an American military move against Israel.

    In the video w/ Netanyahu, Obama’s hatred shows through undisguised.

  7. It’s not looking like there will be any competition for the O at this point.

    Plenty of time for a dark horse to emerge.

    Keep your seat belt fastened

    and your powder dry.

  8. May God forbid, that there should be a second term.

    It’s not looking like there will be any competition for the O at this point.

  9. Why do Jews think they have an obligation to back the Democrat party, especially now? Do they think that it would be imprudent to not show some support for the Democrat party in order to have some influence on it with regards to Israel? So, what influence can you have with the Democrat party now that this low-life Chicago political hack back-stabbing politician, Obama, is USA president? As National Union chairman and Knesset Member Yaakov (Ketzaleh) Katz MK wrote to AIPAC, “He (Obama) put a gun to Israel’s head and asked it to commit suicide”. The Democrats can’t do any worse. Better to throw all Jewish money and support only to the Republican party in this coming election. Even if the Republicans put up a soda-pop can to run against Obama, it would be the better and wiser choice to give your money and your votes to the “soda-pop can”.

  10. You can get all of the letters you want from Obama, but this, in his own words, from his book “Dreams From My Father”, will continue to be the basis for all of his dealings with Israel and her enemies: “I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” Barack Hussein Obama

    American Jews have a stark choice. You are either with Israel, or you are with Obama. Ignore his past, close, associations with “Rev” Wright and “Minister” Farrakan at your peril. Your enemies are his friends.

    Look to his boorish treatment of Bibi during his first visit to the White House to learn how he REALLY feels about the Jewish people.

    Listen to the Far Left language of his May 19th “67 Borders” speech…he called Israel “occupiers”!! That is what he thinks of the Jewish people living in their homeland.

    WAKE UP !!!