Obama’s Hanukah Charm Offensive

By Tevi Troy, NRO

Tablet’s Allison Hoffman has a big piece on Team Obama’s recent desire to improve its standing in the Jewish community. The argument that Team Obama seems to be making is that Obama has lots of Jewish friends — some of my best friends are Jewish — and that there is some kind of nefarious “whisper campaign” against Obama on the issue of Israel.

The argument is flawed on several fronts. I don’t doubt that Obama has Jewish friends, but this has not made his Israel policies any more palatable. As for the notion of a whisper campaign, it seems to me that Republicans have been shouting their concerns about Obama and Israel from the rooftops. Nobody seems to be whispering, not the Emergency Committee for Israel, not the Republican Jewish Coalition, not Dan Senor, nor any of the dozens of writers and analysts who have made the case that Obama has exhibited a certain coldness towards Israel and towards Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz seems to be leading the bury-your-head-in-the-sand brigade when she says that “To the extent we have a problem, it’s being created by individuals who . . . are attempting to mischaracterize, distort, and lie about the president’s record.” There is no need to “distort” or “mischaracterize” Obama’s problematic record on Israel.

Dan Senor gave the best short summary of the argument in the Wall Street Journal in September, and it is as yet unrefuted in a serious way. Obama and his team can denounce their critics and trot out a host of liberal Jews to say what a great guy he is, but that will not change the fact that many in the pro-Israel community, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, recognize the problem and will be willing to vote accordingly in November.

December 23, 2011 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Obama tried to milk the possible Iranian atomic bomb two ways: 1. Scare Israel into submission while preventing Israel to take defensive actions and 2. Imitate president Kennedy in making a grand stand (the Cuban missile crisis) shortly before the elections although Kennedy was aware at least 4 months before October 1962 of the weapons installed by Russia in Cuba. Obama would bring the crisis with Iran before the 2012 elections. These plans seem to unravel after three unexplained explosions affecting major links in the chain to build the bomb and the missiles to deliver it in Iran. Hillary, Pannetta and Gutman blasted Israel after the first explosion and the American press (friendly to Obama) delayed the report of the second explosion 4 days. In the meantime the American Jewish support for Obama weakened because of the Obama stooges speeches.

  2. What the hell. I’ve been looking for a place to post this. It’s about Christmas, and there aren’t really any related topics. Since our “Christian” President celebrated Chanukkah this year, though, two weeks early and lighting all the candles at once, maybe the “Hanukah Charm” board is the place to post.

    My wife and I don’t celebrate Christmas, but do Channukah instead. We’ve been doing this for years, since before I knew much about Judaism; because I realized that you can’t just leave a vacuum with holidays; especially with Christmas, in which Americans are all tied up, heart and soul, with a glue called “shopping”. Here’s a really poignant example of the


    at least in a predominantly Black section of Indianapolis. What really amazes me, is that after all the ungodly, greedy pandemonium, the people interviewed expressed only glee.

    Any good movies showing on the 25th?

  3. Yet again our Jewish leaders fail to deal properly with Obama even when he shows concern over his standing in the Jewish community. For example he should release Jonathan Pollard for starters. Then he should publicly accept the bible as relevant because he claims to be a Christian and the bible defines the Jewish right to the land including all of Jerusalem.
    Then he should open up his Koran to Sura 5 verses 20 and 21 which says:

    “Remember Moses said to his people: O my People! call in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples.
    “O my people! enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned to you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.”

    So we have Obama in a spot whether he is a Christian or a Muslim. Unfortunately we have Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and her traitorous ilk who are court Jews of the lowest caliber.