NYPD ordered to purge info on Islamic terror – Part 2


A U.S. District Court has ordered the NYPD to purge extensive documentation that outlines the rise of Islamic terror in the West and threats to the United States. The report, Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat, focused on providing law enforcement and policy-makers with vital intelligence on domestic terror operations. A key component of the document outlined how jihadists get into the country and carry out terror attacks. Many experts have described the report as “critical” to our national security. The court order is a huge victory for the ACLU (who spearheaded the effort two-and-one-half years ago) and Islamic supremacists.

The Free Beacon reports on key areas reached in the settlement, including the following mandates:

·      The NYPD must purge the report on the department’s understanding of “radical Islam” along with how best to police the threat.

·      The NYPD must “remove the publication from its database and vow not to rely on it in the future” and that they will not open or extend investigations based on it.

·      The NYPD must implement measures to “mitigate the impact of future terror investigations on certain religious and political groups,” such as those in the Muslim-American community.

Needless to say, many legal experts have pointed out that this action “could hamper future terrorism investigations.”

The court ties law enforcement’s hands behind their back, blindfolds them, and performs a lobotomy.

While NYPD officials would not comment Thursday when contacted by the Washington Free Beacon, a spokesperson directed a reporter to a recent press release affirming the department’s commitment to upholding the court settlement. (snip)

The NYPD confirmed that it would remove from its website the 2007 radicalization report.

The department will additionally incorporate into the guidelines “police policies against religious profiling” and insert an additional “provision for considering the impact investigations have on people who are not targets of investigations,” according to the statement.

John Miller, the NYPD’s deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, maintained in a statement that the settlement would not “weaken the [department’s] ability to fulfill its steadfast commitment to investigate and prevent terrorist activity in New York City.”

Naturally, experts are already weighing in, not that we need “experts” to know this is a deplorable and dangerous court ruling. But, ok. The experts.

Benjamin Weingarten, writer and national security analyst, covered the court case and said that now more than ever local police departments need the NYPD report. “To pursue a see-no-Islam counter-jihadist strategy is not only absurd and contradictory on its face, but its [sic] a severe dereliction of duty—ignorance is not an excuse, and it represents a failure to do everything necessary to defend against an ideology that seeks to undermine the Constitution and subvert and destroy Western civilization again, according to Islamic supremacists themselves,” he said.

“Dereliction of duty.” Precisely. And it’s shoving Americans into harm’s way. Far too many have already paid the ultimate price.

Maj. Stephen Coughlin, retired Army officer and leading expert on Islamic law and counter-terrorism, also weighed in: “I am greatly concerned with the imposition of [the case] which, I believe, exists to replace counter-terror efforts. This is a continuation of a purging of evidentiary based counter-terror analysis first initiated in 2011.”

Meanwhile, when The Free Beacon contacted the ACLU for comment, the ACLU directed them to an editorial published in the Guardian that celebrated the decision. Here are two little gems from the co-authors of the editorial:

“Bias-based policing legitimizes religious discrimination, It can pave the way to copy-cat approaches by other agencies and set the stage for hate crimes nationwide,” wrote Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU’s national security project, and Ramzi Kassem, a law professor at the City University of New York.

“We hope the settlement announced this week pulls our city and its police department out of a downward spiral by reaffirming core values and principles, ones just as necessary to a local police force as they are to a rational debate on civil rights and liberties nationally,” they wrote.

This is Islamic supremacy in action. The more time passes, the less critical useful idiots will be as Islamic supremacists supplant them in organizations across the country, as with Hina Shamsi at the ACLU (here, here, here, and here).

To read more about the court ruling, see Daniel Greenfield’s recent article, here.

January 19, 2016 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Come to think of it, I wonder what the Guardian thought of the rape and sex slavery of the 1400 young girls in Rotherham a short time ago. Perhaps, in order to avoid “religious discrimination” they should have recommended that more young girls be brought to the perpetrators, from around England, in order to satisfy their “religious appetites”.

  2. This is obviously a case that (1) should go before the Supreme Court, and (2) be ignored if all else fails, via civil disobedience.
    For the Guardian to moan about the report “legitimizing religious discrimination” … Well I guess I simply couldn’t dig up a metaphor adequate to describe this statement.