Notre Dame and the Jews

The flames at Notre Dame Cathedral should remind Jews of the burning by that very same church of tens of wagonloads of the Talmud in the Middle Ages.

By Abraham Chicheportiche, INN

The mainstream media, even in Israel, is featuring in headlines “The Crown of Thorns and tunic of St Louis saved from Notre Dame fire.”

I do not like to do it, but sometimes it is necessary to remind some Jews of historical facts about antisemitism in France.

Many of you have certainly visited Paris or The Notre Dame Cathedral, but how many of you have seen the two statues at the main entrance of the Paris Cathedral?

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These statues, known as “Ecclesia” and “Sinagoga”, represent the Christian theological doctrine of “Verus Israel” according to which the Jewish people are fallen and replaced by the “new Israel” represented here by a woman who stands with her head crowned facing the other woman represented who has her head bowed, blindfolded by a snake and holding in her hands the tables of the Law …you know, the Jewish people’s Torah.

Every year, millions of tourist flock to admire and photograph these statues, but do they really realize what they represent?

Theft, crimes and persecutions – those were committed in the name of Christianity?

We have entered the final phase of the redemption of Israel and of all humanity and it is truly regrettable to see some of our Jewish brothers saddened by this fire when this building represents in all its strength the exile of Israel and the will to replace us.

The Catholic Church became the official state religion of France at the conversion to Christianity of Clovis I, leading to France being called “the eldest daughter of the Church.”

The construction of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris began in 1160. Construction was largely completed in 1260.

In 1240, in Paris, it was the same Catholic Church which had built the cathedral that held the famous Paris controversy in which the Talmud was tried for blasphemy against the church. There was no way the Jewish rabbis debating the Christians could win. Held at the instigation of Nicolas Donin, an apostate Jew converted to Christianity, he and clerics debated four rabbis, led by Rabbi Yehiel of Paris in the presence of King Louis IX of France.

Begun in 1240, the trial ended with the decree, out of the Notre Dame Cathedral, ordering seizure of all copies of the Talmud, that is tens of wagonloads, at least 10,000 handwritten voumes of holy texts (the printing press had not yet been invented)  and then burning them on nearby Place de Greve in 1242.

Two of the rabbis, Rabbi Shmuel of Falaise and the Maharam Rottenberg, who participated in the debate are well known to us today through the prayers they  composed and the elegies about the burning of the holy books which are still part of our liturgy.

But who was that Louis, King of France, who cooperated so willingly with the church?

Louis IX (1226-1270), grandson of Philip Augustus and King of France, was a king of the Middle Ages: a knight, religious, ascetic and hostile to the Jews.

In spite of the fact that this opposition worked to its own disadvantage, he opposed the lending activity of his Jewish subjects; he decreed laws against them and even finally ordered their expulsion.

Known today as St. Louis, he was very anxious to convert the Jews and encouraged the discussions between the synagogue and the Church to this end. At these theological disputes, it was hoped that some Jews would be converted, or at least shamed, and thus convinced unresolved Christians of the truth of Christianity and the baseness of Judaism.

There is reason to believe that Louis took no action to protect the Jews persecuted by so-called crusaders in 1236 in several provinces (Anjou, Poitou, Mançois, Touraine, Berry). When, in 1239, Pope Gregory IX asked the kings of France and Portugal to order the seizure of Jewish books for examination, Louis was the quickest and most zealous to obey. So 24 loads of Jewish books were burned in 1242.

The Talmud’s trial, also called the Talmud’s Burning, Paris Dispute or Talmud Controversy1 (Hebrew: ????? ???? Vikouah Pariz) is a major event in the history of the Jews and their relationship to Christianity.

So is King St. Louis a Saint? And what about his anti-Semitic measures?

King ‘Saint’ Louis was marked by a profound anti-Judaism of essentially religious nature. Louis IX, deeply Christian, did not like those Jews who refused to recognize Christ.

He condemns the Talmud!  King St. Louis, moreover, does not like these people who constitute a foreign body inside the kingdom of France that he seeks to unify.

‘Saint’ Louis goes further. “Christians have a chief,” he said to himself, “it’s the bishop. The Jews have no one, so I must be the bishop of the Jews and punish them when they behave badly, but also protect them when they are unjustly attacked … ”

Still, Saint Louis was instead a persecutor of the Jews to the point of imposing on them, in 1269, the wearing of the rouelle (a piece of red felt or cloth cut in the form of a wheel, four fingers in circumference, which had to be attached to the outer garment at the chest and back), advocated by the Church which took this decision at the Fourth Lateran Council, in 1215. Saint Louis did not hesitate to apply it, especially for the sake of integration and forced conversion of Jews to the national community.

King St Louis was the instigator of the last crusades and massacre of Jews in the Holy Land.

France is in state of shock, the Christian world is outraged while muslims are rejoicing on social media.

Jews have northing to mourn.

And by way of comparison, was the world shocked when on Kristallnacht November 9-10-1938, 1000 synagogues  were destroyed in flames by Nazi Germany, begining of the annihilation of the Jews of Europe?.

April 17, 2019 | 41 Comments »

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41 Comments / 41 Comments

  1. @ Bear Klein: Bear, I agree completely with this approach. I have known Catholics whom I don’t think were antisemites. On the other hand, I have attended Catholic services in which some of the speakers said things that I consider antisemitic. Once I attended a Catholic Easter service in which the priest started to say that Jesus “was killed by the Jews” and then corrected himself in mid-sentence and said “by the Romans,” (!), apparently trying to adapt himself to the Church’s changed position on this matter. Pope Paul VI had just ruled that the Romans were to blame.

    Many Catholic nunneries and monasteries did save many Jewish lives during the Holocaust, mainly in France and Italy, but also at least a few in Ukraine. Both Angelo Giuseppe Ronal, later Pope John XXIII, and Montini (can’t remember his first name), who was later Paul VI, did save several thousand Jews each through their personal interventions. Roncalli personally ground out 10,000 fake baptismal certificates on the Vatican printing press and gave them to representatives of the Jewish Agency and/or the Vatican embassy in Budapest. They did enable several thousand Hungarian Jews to disguise themselves as Catholics and escape death. Roncallli later wrote to the King of Bulgaria and ordered him on pain of excommunication not to hand over the 20,000 Jews who were still alive in Bulgaria to the S.S. The King obeyed him and these 20,000 Jews were saved. All of the Jewish Agency representatives who visited Roncalli to ask for his helped had the impression that he was genuinely horrified at what the Nazis were doing, and was eager to do what he could to save lives.
    On the other hand, the Pope, Pius XII, refused to see the Jewish representatives, and Roncalli told them that even he had been unable to make an appointment to see the Pope to discuss the Jewish plight, even though he was a member of the Papal staff. He hinted to his Jewish visitors, of course not saying so in so many words, that Pope Pius was an antisemite. Even at the highest level , good Catholics and bad Catholics.

  2. @ Adam Dalgliesh:
    I distinguish between the Church which granted has improved and individual Catholics.

    My mother escaping from Austria during the Holocaust was saved by Nuns in Italy who help her find refugee and work as a seamstress.

    I have known many Catholics while growing up and as an adult. Some of them very good people. Some of them Jew haters to the core believing as they were taught that Jews (as a collective) are responsible for killing Christ.

    I visited a Catholic Church at the request of a good friend once for a celebration for his daughter. I saw things in the Church Service that smacked to me as anti Jewish.

    My philosophy in life has always take people as individuals based on what they say and do. So I am open to people on a personal basis. @ Felix Quigley:
    @ Felix Quigley:

  3. @ Adam Dalgliesh:
    I distinguish between the Church which granted has improved and individual Catholics.

    My mother escaping from Austria during the Holocaust was saved by Nuns in Italy who help her find refugee and work as a seamstress.

    I have known many Catholics while growing up and as an adult. Some of them very good people. Some of them Jew haters to the core believing as they were taught that Jews (as a collective) are responsible for killing Christ.

    I visited a Catholic Church at the request of a good friend once for a celebration for his daughter. I saw things in the Church Service that smacked to me as anti Jewish.

    My philosophy in life has always take people as individuals based on what they say and do. So I am open to people on a personal basis.

  4. @ Adam Dalgliesh:
    I distinguish between the Church which granted has improved and individual Catholics.

    My mother escaping from Austria during the Holocaust was saved by Nuns in Italy who help her find refugee and work as a seamstress.

    I have known many Catholics while growing up and as an adult. Some of them very good people. Some of them Jew haters to the core believing as they were taught that Jews (as a collective) are responsible for killing Christ.

    I visited a Catholic Church at the request of a good friend once for a celebration for his daughter. I saw things in the Church Service that smacked to me as anti Jewish.

    My philosophy in life has always take people as individuals based on what they say and do. So I am open to people on a personal basis.

  5. @ Bear Klein: I agree, Bear. And we should not forget that the Cathedral was heavily “restored” in the nineteenth century, and much new sculpture, some of it antisemitic, was actually added to the Cathedral during this much more recent period. The notorious statues of “Ecclesia” and “Synagoga” were destroyed by the French revolutionaries, and then recreated exactly as they were in the Cathedral in the nineteenth century.

    But we should also acknowledge the facts that the popes and most European Catholics have now repudiated antisemitism, (regrettably, not all of the Catholics in the Holy Land)and now Catholics are now being persecuted themselves by Muslim”extremists.” It is fitting for us Jews to show solidarity with all oppressed peoples and communities.

    We should never forget the past, but forgive the innocent descendents of past enemies. Striking this balance is difficult, but it is the right path.

  6. I have not got the full knowledge of these issues but I do know that the roots of Jew Hatred in the Catholic Church go deep and they were at the centre of Franco taking power (Masons, Jews, Communism was his cry) and of the Nazis in Germany also (Not so different to Spain and Franco). It was the same in Lithuania, Poland and Ireland. It was a common problem wherever the Catholic Church has a large following.

    But the discussion has also showed the Hypocricy involved in the present and where people like Bear Klein have NOT defended the Christians of Syria and Iraq against Islam. Trump preelection knew that Saddam and Gadhafi should not have been removed since they were a bulwark against Islam (ISIS). In power and with the full power of the US State behind him, what did he do, he attacked Assad.

    And the Zionist Establishment have totally followed US Imperialism.

    The Christians are in total peril from the Jihad. And the Zionist Establishment follows today American Imperialism. As does Pope Francis but he has the added problem of being quite mad, a mad man!

    By all means discuss everything of the past but do not cut it off from the present. Otherwise it becomes an academic discussion and does not “cut the mustard”!

    Both the Christian Establishment (Pope Francis and his many Bishops in many countries) and the Zionist Establishment did not defend the Christians of Iraq and Syria in the only way possible, defend Saddam against the Invasion of 2003 and defend Assad against the Al Nusra, ISIL, Al Qaeda types.

    Bear Klein has lots to say here but he still supports the Bush 2003 Invasion of Iraq.

  7. There are horrific acts being done against Christians and Jews by Jihadists in many places in the world. Also we see some anti-Semitic Acts being done by the BDS movement which is also supported by some Christian groups. The terrorist acts against Copts, Christians in Nigeria and Church burnings in Europe are despicable.

    What was done by Christians to Jews in the 12th & 13th century (not exclusively) was also terrorism. The Catholic Church was spreader and teacher hate of Jews that has prevailed with some until today. So one who wants to rid the world of evil should learn the lessons of evil. Those Christians pretending to be the friends of Jews should learn history and themselves spread the lessons of it and not tell Jews shut-up it is bad for you to dare reveal the lessons of evil.

    Those turning their heads blindly to evil done to Jews, eventually find that it reaches their places of worship and homes. In Europe this is certainly sadly occurring as the Christians in France mostly ignored what the Jihadis were doing to Jews and now Christians are also being attacked.

  8. Apparently the ability to read and comprehend what is written is in short supply by some regular commentators on this site. 12th &13th Christians certainly were anti-Semitic and apparently if one points this out in undisputed detailed they are not teaching the lessons of history but are to be attacked as pro terrorist. Then some can not get past themselves and actually learn history.

  9. @ Bear Klein:
    Bear, Tom said,

    “This thread is very bad for the Jews. Please show some common sense and delete it, fast.”

    He is absolutely correct; and if you had common sense, you would heed what he said. As I told Tom, though, common sense is in short supply on Israpundit.

    Notre Dame may have burned due to an accident; and this is possible. What is undeniable, though, is that AntiChristianism has been rampant and increasing in the world. It is evil; but people like you have been attacking the victims and, by comparison, praising the terrorists. As Tom said, this is very bad for the Jews. You’ve dug yourself into a hole. Stop digging.

  10. @ Tom W Harris:
    I am sorry that Notre Dame burned down. It was very beautiful but what you are saying is that the anti-Semitic History of the Catholic Church should not be discussed? This is not fair discussion? We should sweep this under the rug? Which of the following do you wish under the rug of history? Please tell me.

    On the one hand, Nôtre Dame is a piece of architectural history. On the other hand, Nôtre Dame represents a deliberate attempt by the Catholic Church to destroy our people and our religion.

    Thank you Valerie Sobel for your thoughtful insights.

    NOTRE DAME: HISTORY AFIRE Written by #ValerieSobel

    Let’s begin our tour of the Cathedral slowly and gently, lest we offend too quickly. The inevitable crescendo of uncomfortable Notre Dame history is laid out herein by my politically incorrect pen.

    Notre Dame’s genesis dates back to the 12th/13th century when a vast majority of the population was illiterate. As with most art, Notre Dame’s statues, elaborate friezes, and stained glass windows, first and foremost, served an educational purpose; to impart religious instruction to the masses with respect to right vs. wrong, correct Christian beliefs vs. heresy and blasphemy. Without the separation of Church and State for centuries, Notre Dame’s art & architecture was a political and social doctrine as much as the religious. Church teachings through these visuals formed culture and society itself.

    So what exactly is France transfixed with restoring to the tune of close to a billion dollars? What is this structure – the beneficiary of internationally poured donations and collective adoration?

    First, let’s look up at the charred facade. Above the cathedral’s main doorway is a carving of two Christian saints, Anne and Joachim.

    Christian Saints? These are the Jewish grandparents of Jesus who’ve never heard of Christianity, Catholicism or sainthood in their lifetime, just as their grandson hadn’t. In fact, Anne was not Anne but ??????, Hannah, from the Tribe of Asher. And Joachim was not Joachim but ???????????, Yehoackim. And of course their famous grandson was never Jesus, but Yoshua. The new Latin names were invented 300 years after the death of Yoshua when Constantine’s political expediency required the establishment of a new religion that would produce a large army to defeat a rivaling Emperor. And it did!

    Likewise, sainthood isn’t practiced in Judaism, doubtful Hannah and Yehoackim would appreciate this posthumous erosion of their faith…in their name, to boot.

    So why are these Jews depicted on the facade of the Church?

    Notre Dame, like all Churches for a dozen centuries, unabashedly appropriated Jewish history, Jewish symbols, Jewish narratives and personage in order to suck the oxygen from Judaic teachings they abhorred. Take these visible icons from Judaism – and evaporate the stubborn religion that refused conversions and a breach of its covenant with God. Ergo, leave the Jews with nothing as a consequence of social and religious punishment, so to speak.

    A good example of this practice (one of countless around the world) is the Church of St. Croce in Florence with its massive Star of David above the facade. Clearly, the impressive Magen David, most recognizable symbol of Judaism, wasn’t erected high above ground to turn the illiterate Italians into Jews.

    Just a few geographic miles away from Notre Dame, in Christianity’s highest office on earth, Pope Sixtus IV was also obsessed with erasing Judaism. He went as far as commissioning the exact and total replication of Temple of Solomon to the last mathematical millimetre for all dimensions (height, width and length), position of the altar, congregation vs. clergy seating arrangement and installation of windows and floor candelabras. Where, you ask? …why the Sistine Chapel, of course!

    When gawking at the famous ceiling, the 20,000 visitors per day trekking through the most famous Church in the world never realize they’re standing in Jerusalem’s Temple of Solomon, for all intents and purposes. And they most certainly never look down to the floor, where they would discover an infinite array of tiled Magen Davids.

    By appropriating Jewish culture, the Church set out to erase competing Judaism and proclaim Christianity the one true religion of Europe. Which brings us to the next Notre Dame artifact, also luckily fire-unscathed.

    Look up at the facade once again and see two side by side female statute figures. One with her head held high, wearing a crown and holding a scepter. The other with her head down, drooping, a tumbled crown at her feet and a serpent slithering across her eyes, completely blindfolding her. Look closer, in her right hand she holds something of visual importance; the Talmud. And the Talmud appears slipping from her hand. Any wild guesses?

    This disgraced, snake-wrapped woman carrying a broken lance (an allusion to the Holy Lance that stabbed Christ, a reference to Jews as Christ killers) is non-other than Synagoga. She’s perfectly juxtaposed against Ecclesia (only inches away), the young, beautiful, regal, very confident looking Christian diva for all to adore.

    And what is the exact translation of the Greek words “Ecclesia” and “Synagoga”? Church and Synagogue, to be exact. That is to say, Christianity and Judaism, respectively.

    This very large and recognizable pair of statues frequently appears on church portals throughout Europe indigenous of large Jewish populations, especially in Germany, with most famous example at the Strasbourg Cathedral. They are also often found standing on either side of the cross, for that extra educational punch: to remind Jews of their place in a Christian society by projecting required Jewish submission within an ideal Christian realm.

    These female figures also reflect the Christian belief, called ‘Supersessionism’ that Jesus was the Messiah, and that Judaism, as a religion, was therefore made unnecessary by its own tenets, once Christianity was established. Hence, of course, all Jews should convert.

    This belief was universal in the medieval church throughout Europe. Synagoga’s blindfold reflected the refusal of Jews to “see” this point, which was regarded as intolerable stubbornness by Christianity.

    Feeling the heat, yet? We are not even close to the fire.

    What exactly did the Church of Notre Dame communicate and dispense at the pinnacle of its relevance and glory?

    In 1238 a Parisian Priest of the Franciscan order, Nicolas Donin, presented himself before Pope Gregory IX in Rome and denounced the Talmud. Thirty-five articles were drawn up in which Donin charged Judaism with virulent attacks on Mary’s virginity and the divinity of Jesus.

    This libel became the platform for the 1240 Disputation of Paris which resulted in a papal decree to publicly burn all Talmud manuscripts. The Talmud is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law and theology. It is also the centerpiece of Jewish culture and a guide and foundation to everyday Jewish life.

    All copies of Talmud were forcefully seized from the French Jews. A total of 24 carriages of 1200 priceless scrolls and books were set ablaze in a fiery inferno on June 17th, 1244.

    …where, you ask? Right there, in the Notre Dame Square of the Church that represented the one true religion. The very Church that reigned supreme before the return of the papal court from France in 1377 to the Vatican.

    What makes the horrific Notre Dame Jewish book burning unique in history is that the aforementioned papal dictum for Talmud burning was generally ignored throughout Europe. Except in France, where the Jews were compelled under threat of death to surrender their holy books.

    Not to be outdone by the Notre Dame Square, another humiliating and powerfully consequential event was orchestrated within the walls of Notre Dame itself.

    This time it involved St. Louis, the subject of the “Tunic Of St. Louis” relic the French are ecstatic at saving from the fire.

    Who was this Saint, this Louis?

    He is none other than King Louis IX, the good author of judicial presumption of innocence. He’s also the active participant of the 7th and 8th Crusade and the expander of murderous practice of Inquisition against the Jews. His ideas on punishment for perceived blasphemy were also notable: a complete mutilation of the tongue and lips. Yet he’s the only sainted King of France…

    But what does any of this have to do with Notre Dame and the Jewish book burnings?

    In 1242, the said King Louis IX of France ordered a public trial of Judaism within the very walls of Notre Dame. In a farcical set-up, four most distinguished rabbis of France (Yechiel of Paris, Moses of Coucy, Judah of Melun, and Samuel ben Solomon of Château-Thierry) were forced to defend accusations that Talmudic teachings were anti-Christian. With the foregone concluded prejudgement by the King himself, the Christian inquisitors of Notre Dame ordered some 1200 volumes of the Talmud to be set ablaze in a towering inferno.

    And what of the rest of France in the 12th and 13th century?

    Year 1146 – 2nd Christian Crusade: Jewish communities of France brutally slaughtered.

    Year 1171 – Jewish citizens of Blois, France burnt alive.

    Year 1209 – All Jews of Bezier, France, massacred.

    Year 1221 – An entire Jewish neighbourhood of Erfurt, France annihilated, along with all reminder of Jewish life.

    Year 1247 – all Jews living in Valreas, France, killed.

    Year 1289 – 13 Jews murdered in Troyes, France.

    Year 1321 – 5000 Jews murdered in Southern France, all belonging to the Shinon community burned alive.

    Year 1328 – 5000 Jews of Navarre, France, brutally slaughtered.

    …and this is just for starters. Let’s not get going on Germany, Spain and Austria, let alone venture outside of these two centuries as a perfect prelude to the Holocaust.

    As inconvenient as it is to concern ourselves with “ancient” history of the presently suffering Notre Dame, we must have the elementary curiosity and courage to acknowledge places where antisemitic hatred culminated and flourished. Simply pining for the lost walls of the famous cathedral without understanding what’s depicted by the imposing and narrating facade sculptures, or not wanting to know the key role this Church played in world’s religiously rooted cancer, is nothing short of flagrant ignorance and convenient camouflage of truth.

    Here’s the clincher: two Jewish philanthropists have pledged $122 Million for the reconstruction of Notre Dame apres fire: Brazil’s Lily Safra and L’Oreal owner Francoise Bettencourt Meyers.

    Is this a manifestation of that flagrant ignorance of history by these two benevolent Jews? Or, are these the actions (forgiveness, sense of shared grief, community, love of neighbor, generosity, shared responsibility) based on values and ethics of Judaic teachings of the Talmud? The very Jewish holy book Notre Dame set ablaze to obliterate?

    Valerie Sobel wrote the quoted part.

  11. Edgar–Full disclosure. I found an article on the Free Library” site on the internet ( which supports your view that the horns on Moses’ statue by Michelangelo are intended to deomize him, and reflect a long Christian tradition of demonizing him.

    However, I still maintain my position that Christian iconography always treated Moses respectfully, and that Michelangelo, in particular, had a very high opinion of Moses, and respected Jews. Christians always exempted the Old Testament prophets and patriarchs, plus King David and the Maccabees, from their hostility to Jews since the time of Jesus. But a careful analysis of the Jewish figures in the Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo by a recent art historian (I will look for his article on the web) led me to conclude that Moses also admired the Jews of his own day , even though this was unusual for a sixteenth century Christian.

    I also believe that the Vulgate’s description of Moses with horns on his head as he descended the mountain was not intended to demonize him, and that most Christian readers understood this. The Tanach describes horns on the altar of the the tabernacle, as described in the Book of Exodus, which was constructed under Moses direction and according to his specifications. The altar on in the Temple courtyard also had four horns, and criminal suspects had a right to grip the horns as a way of avoiding being killed by an “avenger of blood,” and being granted a fair trial. Probably, Jerome’s interpretation, which followed the one found in one of the Jewish Targums, (Targum Onkelos, I think), was probably that Moses himself was like an altar of God, that one could go to him for justice and mercy. Maybe also, that he had offered to sacrifice his own life to save his people. The more literate and sophisticated readers of the Vulgate, who included Michelangelo, probably also understood Moses’ supposed horns this way.

  12. Edgar–This is a genuine question and not argumentatively intended. Does Rabbi Trachtenberg specifically identify any of the the gargoyles on Christian cathedrals and churches, which were on the roofs, and had the specific practical purpose of acting as drainpipes for water on the roofs of these structures, in addition to their iconographic meanings, as hostile depictions of Jews? I know that there were many such depictions of Jews in books, but I am less certain about the antiemitic images on the gargoyles. Thanks for providing me with information of this subject.

  13. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    Adam-be sure I don’t take it that way. I strongly doubt that you could ever be offensive-even if you tried….. I was merely pointing out the amount of reading I’ve been lucky to have allowed to do on almost everything we are interested in. I had a unique opportunity of just being able to read -not study exclusively but- read read and read. . I still have a large collection of documentation which I intended to use in a book exposing Christianity, but other more important things intervened..
    This was all collected long before Wiki came on the scene.

    I note your point about Louis the Pious. He was an anomaly indeed, but HIS Jews (and the benefits derived to the community as a whole) were all “merchants” attached to the Palace. He later gave control of his Jews to the some Emperor..which became a disaster. Even during his reign there were outbreaks against the Jews. Bishop Agobard (of whom I’ve read much) was a notable Jew hater. ( It was to him a Bishop wrote that he’d found so many Jews in The Holy Land that they crowded out the far fewer Christians).

    Too much to go into and I’m tired. But your points are well taken.

  14. @ Arthur Wellesley:

    I thank you for your information-which I appreciate. But as you see, on certain points I tend to disagree. This comparatively recent “push-back’ about gargoyles never representing Jews, is a form of Political Correctness (I addressed this earlier) which was not present at the time the gargoyles were commonly associated with Christian attitudes towards Jews. The most detailed and respected book on the subject is The Devil and The Jews by Joshua Trachtenberg whch although written in the mid 1940s is still the “go-to” book today. The cover depicts a Satyr style figure with 3 goats horns, and representing both the devil and the Jew. It’s a short distance from devils to the grotesque, and association with Jews, who were being accused of all evils possible.. including poisoning wells, kidnapping Christian children for their blood in devilish ceremonies …. often worshipping the Devil and etc. Gargoyles may be imaginary figures but so are the accusations against Jews. If you have been reading this site you will have seen that I was subjected to a “horn search\’ (in about 1948-9-50). Also the that Jewish babies are born with forked tails amputated at birth . This has been partly confirmed by Adam whose friend had a similar experience.

    So be as benign about gargoyles as you wish, (I don’t mean the birds and beautifully formed animals -these were decorative) but as far as I am concerned they eventually became associated (as junior devils) representing Jews.. The history of Jews throughout Medieval Europe of far to voluminous to negate it by picking out a few “special” cases. Remember we are not speaking about “now” and what Wiki says.
    We are speaking about “then” and what history says….

    Castile before Isabella did not mean safety and sanctity. Rulers were afraid of the (malign) influence the helpless Jews had with the common people. For example it was a practice to hire a Rabbi or learned Jew to (urinate sometimes) pray over the newly ploughed field and bless it for a good harvest) The 4th Lateran Council in 1215 laid down specific “Jew-Laws”.(there were Jew-Laws in Iberia from about the year 350) Kings, Bishops and Cardinals were fighting one another for the revenues collected from Jews. etc. Jews were “USED” for specific purposes….some of the more able were allowed to become wealthy, therefore influential , the rulers, products of many generations of inbreeding were not often very bright, fighting off brother claimants etc and needed intelligent help with no strings attached. The Jew was the perfect choice.. (Please recall that although not so far mentioned on these pages… the Jew had NO country and was the PERSONAL POSSESSION of the ruler).They always fell (or forced out) when the need arose (politically, religiously or financially) to destroy them . There were pogroms and executions, forced conversions etc. in Portugal even before and during that time.

    Jews were NOT celebrities…people didn’t line the streets and squares to cheer them passing….except to their executions. True… there WERE a few (only relatively) bright periods but rare and far between. Merely “lulls”. And always as far as I’m concerned. so that the rulers could make the usual use of them. The official relationship between Christians and Jews has always been a twisted and tortuous one, with Christianity always expecting to convert them to the “True Faith” and also…following a dictum that 444,000 must be saved for certain eschological reasons- the time of which was unknown, sometimes dimmed, but always there…

    I’ve written enough on this subject now.

  15. Unbelieveable news! This just in from Arutz Sheva:

    Jewish actor elected Ukrainian president, exit polls show
    41-year-old Jewish actor-comedian projected to win presidential election, unseating incumbent president, Petro Poroshenko by 3-to-1.

    Volodymyr Zelensky
    Volodymyr Zelensky, a 41-year-old Ukrainian-Jewish actor and comedian is projected to win Sunday’s run-off election against incumbent president Petro Poroshenko by a wide margin, exit polls showed Sunday night.

    Zelensky won the first round of voting on March 31st, taking 30.2% of the vote, giving him a double-digit lead over Poroshenko’s 15.9%.

    While polls prior to Sunday’s run-off vote showed Zelensky leading with between 48 to 55%, compared to just 17 to 31% for Poroshenko, exit polls project the political neophyte winning over 70% of the vote.

    Best known for his role as a schoolteacher in the television program “Servant of the People”, Zelensky capitalized on the widespread frustration with Poroshenko’s administration and the ongoing corruption in the Ukrainian government.

    Anti-corruption campaigners and other activists regularly suffer attacks.

    Kateryna Gandzyuk, a 33-year-old anti-corruption activist, died last November, a few months after she had about a liter of acid poured on her by several attackers.

    Promising reform, Zelensky’s presidential bid was initially dismissed as a joke – but as a political outsider managed to draw frustration with establishment politics, becoming the favored candidate to oust the unpopular incumbent president.

    The story of his rise mirrored that of his character in the hit sitcom, which returned for its third season days before the first round of real-life voting last month.

    In the show, a school history teacher is elected leader after a video rant against corruption goes viral.

    As a candidate, Zelensky has blurred the line between politics and entertainment.

    He eschewed media interviews and traditional rallies, preferring to address voters via social networks and perform in gigs with his sketch troupe right up to the first stage of the vote.

    Ukrainian media outlets signed an open letter in the final days of the campaign demanding that Zelensky respond to their questions and flesh out his vague manifesto.

    But the father-of-two has embraced the fact his campaign has been light on solid pledges. One of the posters for his candidacy read: “No promises — no apologies!”

    Zelensky has been accused of being a front for the interests of controversial Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoysky, who owns the channel on which the actor’s shows are broadcast.

    But the actor denied any political connection and in the last days of campaigning said the oligarch would be jailed if he was found to have violated any laws.

    Kolomoysky, one of Ukraine’s richest men, became a regional governor at the start of Poroshenko’s term but was forced to resign following a row over a state oil firm. He now lives in Israel.

    An investigative TV report at the start of the year meanwhile accused Zelensky of having commercial relations with Russia.

    This is a highly sensitive issue following Moscow’s annexation of Crimea and its backing of separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine, in a conflict that has cost some 13,000 lives since 2014.

    Following the broadcast, Zelensky confirmed he had shares in a Cypriot company that owns a Russian group and promised to sell them.

    On the campaign trail, Poroshenko mocked the Ukrainian of his Russian-speaking rival and said he lacked the political chops to stand up to President Vladimir Putin.

    Zelensky has insisted that as leader he would demand Putin end Moscow’s occupation of Ukrainian territory and pay compensation for the conflict.

    And he has pledged to keep Kiev on the pro-Western course it charted under Poroshenko.

    The diminutive performer, from the industrial city of Krivy Rig in central Ukraine, is a dollar millionaire.

    He has a law degree but made his career in entertainment, turning his Kvartal 95 comedy troupe into big business. The group has toured in Russia and he has performed in Russian films.

    AFP contributed to this report.

    Even later report-President Porushenko had conceded to Zelensky. I guess present-day Ukraine isn’t so antisemitic after all.

  16. @ Edgar G.:Edgar, I in no way, shape or form wish to disparage your learning, which is obvious to all. But I do wish to point out that I am an equally voracious reader since early childhood, and that one of my special interests has been the Jewish-Christian relationship. While the books I have read(I can’t remember all the titles) do fully bear out that Christians demonized the Jews. But it also presents a more mixed picture than what you think. Despite the church’s relentless persecution of the Jews,
    Some Christian rulers, most notably Charlemagne and his son Louis the Pious, protected and even favored Jews, and absolutely refused to allow the Church to persecute them. Both of these kings had Jews among their personal advisors and high officials. Louis even refused to fire one of his senior officials when he converted to Judaism, even though this inforiated Church leaders. Yet he considered himself, and was considered by the people of his realm, to be a devout Christian, as his name suggests.

    Although the Spanish kings, beginning with Ferdinand and Isabella, ultimately joined the Church and the Inquisition in vicious persecution of the Jews, for about 300 years (1050 to 1350), the kings of Castille protected the Jews from persecution, and allowed them to prosper, worship freely, and even build large and beautiful synagogues throughout their realm. For example, the present Cathedral of Toledo was the Great Synogogue of Toledo befor the church succeeded inseizing it in 1392. In fact, right up to the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, most of the Spanish kings tried to protect the Jews, and even had some pogrom instigator s put to death. They had incresing difficulty doing this, however, as the power of the Church steadily grew and the monarchy weakened due to civil wars. the Church was able to ramp up persecution, until they succeeded in putting “one of their own,” the Catholic fanatic Isabella, on the throne.

    In Poland, too, a whole series of Polish kings welcomed, even encouraged, Jews to settle in their kingdom, granted them land, the right to live anywhere in their realm, the right to work in all business and professions, and complete freedom of worship. Jews prospered for centuries in Poland, despite the incorrect belief of many Jews that all Poles are and have always been antisemites. Eventually, it is true, the church succeeded in increasing hostility to Jews among the Polish population, and instituted persececutions of Jews, beginning in the 18th century.

    There is also abundant evidence that many “ordinary” Christians never bought their own Church’s antisemitic hate propaganda. In many European countries, including Poland, personal friendships between Christians and Jews, and business partnerships between them, were common, even though the Church attempted to forbid them. After the defeat of the Nazis, this trend resumed in many European countries.

    It is widely expected that the Ukrainian people will elect a Jew in the elections schduled for next week, despite the antisemitic history of Ukranians, going back to the seventeenth century. Some ordinary people there, and elsewhere in Europe, have changed their mind about Jews.

  17. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    European churches and cathedrals were almost invariably built on pagan holy places-, whether sacred groves or Greek/Roman temples. Maybe synagogues too, although there weren’t too many of those.

    Gargoyles are not and never were the medieval concept of Jews- too powerfully sculpted, if you think about it. They actually represent the old gods turned into stone, forced to watch their former congregants forever worshipping the ‘true deity’.

  18. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    Adam whilst I agree with, and accept part of it…….well it was the Pope who picked Moses, and it was only a part of a facade of a variety of biblical figures. Julius died before it was completed and the concept never turned out the way it was planned..

    {(I apologise Adam for seeming to be a “know it all”..I am not..but for at least 50 or more years I’ve read from about 10-16 hours almost every day. There’s very little of interest to people like us that I haven’t come across. In Victoria B.C. for 10 years (about 2000-2010) at least once “or more” a week I would take out 2 full shopping bags of books each time.(+- 20 books). This was/is MY obsession (I have 7000 books of my own, too) I devour books…. until I exhaust the subject..)}

    Michelangelo himself was described as an ascetic. I read 2-3 biographies of him some years ago and he was portrayed as an extremely devout Catholic on a par with the early Church Fathers. So that tells us what HE thought of Jews.. With the Moses, he was just carrying out a commission. This is the way it seems to me.

    The experience of your friend confirms my own account of such an event..

    {Have you had indigestion from the matzoh yet. I always get enough to last 6-7 months. although many regard it as a hardship…10-7 years ago I could get it for $1 a box and ate it all year}.

    I hope you find that book. It’s a soft cover and on the front is a picture of a leering satyr-like figure with 3 goat horns and heavy legs down to the knees… leaving an implication of hooves and a tail. supposedly the Devil.

  19. Wikipedia also contains this interesting quotation from Georgio Vasari, Michaelangelo’s biographer and boyfriend (they were gay):

    Giorgio Vasari in the Life of Michelangelo wrote: “Michelangelo finished the Moses in marble, a statue of five braccia, unequaled by any modern or ancient work. Seated in a serious attitude, he rests with one arm on the tables, and with the other holds his long glossy beard, the hairs, so difficult to render in sculpture, being so soft and downy that it seems as if the iron chisel must have become a brush. The beautiful face, like that of a saint and mighty prince, seems as one regards it to need the veil to cover it, so splendid and shining does it appear, and so well has the artist presented in the marble the divinity with which God had endowed that holy countenance. The draperies fall in graceful folds, the muscles of the arms and bones of the hands are of such beauty and perfection, as are the legs and knees, the feet were adorned with excellent shoes, that Moses may now be called the friend of God more than ever, since God has permitted his body to be prepared for the resurrection before the others by the hand of Michelangelo. The Jews still go every Saturday in troops to visit and adore it as a divine, not a human thing.”[4]

  20. @ Edgar G.: Edgar, this selection from the Wikipedia’s account of Michaelangelo’s stature of Moses also provides useful information about the background of the horns on Moses head in this as well as other statues of Moses:


    Detail of the statue’s bicorned head.

    Illustration of Moses with horns from a 13th-century illuminated manuscript.
    Following the iconographic convention common in Latin Christianity, the statue has two horns on its head.[6][7][8][9][10]
    The depiction of a horned Moses stems from the description of Moses’ face as “cornuta” (“horned”) in the Latin Vulgate translation of the passage found at Exodus chapter 34, specifically verses 29, 30 and 35, in which Moses returns to the people after receiving the commandments for the second time.[11] The Douay-Rheims Bible translates the Vulgate as, “And when Moses came down from the Mount Sinai, he held the two tablets of the testimony, and he knew not that his face was horned from the conversation of the Lord.”[12] This was Jerome’s effort to faithfully translate the difficult, original Hebrew Masoretic text, which uses the term ??????, q?ran (based on the root, ?????? qeren, which often means “horn”); the term is now interpreted to mean “shining” or “emitting rays” (somewhat like a horn).[13][14] Although some historians believe that Jerome made an outright error,[15] Jerome himself appears to have seen qeren as a metaphor for “glorified”, based on other commentaries he wrote, including one on Ezekiel, where he wrote that Moses’ face had “become ‘glorified’, or as it says in the Hebrew, ‘horned’.”[7]:77[10]:98–105 The Greek Septuagint, which Jerome also had available, translated the verse as “Moses knew not that the appearance of the skin of his face was glorified.”[16] In general medieval theologians and scholars understood that Jerome had intended to express a glorification of Moses’ face, by his use of the Latin word for “horned.”[7]:74–90 The understanding that the original Hebrew was difficult and was not likely to mean “horns” persisted into and through the Renaissance.[17]
    Although Jerome completed the Vulgate in the late 4th century, the first known applications of the literal language of the Vulgate in art are found in an English illustrated book written in the vernacular, that was created around 1050: the Aelfric Paraphrase of the Pentateuch and Joshua.[7]:13–15 For the next 150 years or so, evidence for further images of a horned Moses is sparse.[7]:61–65 Afterward, such images proliferated and can be found, for example, in the stained glass windows at the Chartres Cathedral, Sainte-Chapelle, and Notre Dame, even as Moses continued to be depicted many times without horns.[7]:65–74 In the 16th century, the prevalence of depictions of a horned Moses steeply diminished.[7]:74
    In Christian art of the Middle Ages, Moses is depicted wearing horns and without them; sometimes in glory, as a prophet and precursor of Jesus, but also in negative contexts, especially about Pauline contrasts between faith and law – the iconography was not black and white.[7]:125–133[10]:9–10 The depiction with horns is first found in 11th-century England. Melinkoff (1970) speculated that while the horns of Moses in origin were in no way associated with those of the Devil, the horns may nevertheless have developed a negative connotation with the development of anti-Jewish sentiment in the early modern period.

  21. Edgar–I will certainly try to obtain a copy of Joshua Trachtenberg’s book. I have long been aware, in any case, that Christians for generations believed that Jews were devils or at any rate in league with Satan. It is quite likely that there are some who still do.

    I have also heard from another individual that someone once wanted to touch her hair to see if she had horns under it. Since this happened to my friend when she was a college student and she was on a date with this guy, I just assumed that he wanted an excuse to stroke his date’s hair. However, my friend June, now a published novelist with many books to her credit, is convinced he really though she must have horns because she was Jewish.

    However, I am quite sure that Michaelangelo’s statue of Moses was intended to honor Moses, not portray him as a devil. For one thing, the staue was erected on the tomb of a recently deceased Pope, and was clearly intended to honor the Pope by comparing him to Moses. If Michelangelo really wanted to depict Moses as a devil, he would also have been suggesting that the late Pope buried under the statue was a devil, too. And then they would have destroyed the statue and possibly put Michelangelo to death.

    The Chuch did profess to admire and respect the pre-Christian Jewish prophets , and even the pre-Christian king sof Judah. In fact, there were statues on the cathedral facade depicting the kings of Judah from David to the last king, Zedekiah–all of whom, according the the New Testament, were ancestors of Jesus. The church contended that the Jews who lived during and after the lifetime of Jesus, and who refused to acknowledge him as the Christ (Greek for “Messiah”) and Son of God, were evil and diabolical. But they professed to revere the prophets and Kings of the Hebrew Bible, which they call the “Old Testament.” They still profess to reveal these personages. In addition, they revere Judah the Maccabee, or Judas Maccabeus as they call him, even more than Jews do. The two “Books of Maccabees, the most detailed telling of the story of the sons of Mattitiyahu (Matthias in the Catholic Bible), are in the Catholic and Greek Orthodox Bible, but are not included in the Tanach.

  22. I find the discussion about Moses “horns” to be quite fascinating. Is it possible that Michelangelo was pandering to his audience/benefactor despite not personally vested in prevailing antisemitic views?

    As to the issue of providing some historical context to the significance of the burning of NDC, I think it appropriate. It is just another opportunity to provide an opportunity to those willing to learn- even if it causes discomfort.

  23. There are cretinous individuals amongst us that have little knowledge except what can be garnered from the self-edited Wikipeda.

    For instance …who but the abysmally ignorant would not know that Paris was declared an “Open City” not long after the beginning of WW2 and suffered almost no damage.

  24. @ Michael S:
    Having thus far seen such an effort here to dishonor Notre Dame de Paris, and the people who built her, I thought to do some research into the construction of this and other marvelous structures of their time. Some items of note:

    1. Notre Dame was modest in dimensions, compared to some other cathedrals built during her time. If anything is truly remarkable about her, it is that she has survived so well until now — especially during WWII, when many of Europe’s finest cathedrals were destroyed by Allied bombing.

    2. A comparable structure was Old St. Paul’s in London, which lost its spire to a fire in the 16th Century, and was burned completely a hundred years later. The spire fire was not lit by arson or terrorist activity; but the cause was an “electrical fire” just like the Paris church, caused by lightining. Jews may be intersted in some notes on its reconstruction:

    “In addition to cleaning and rebuilding parts of the Gothic structure, Jones added a classical-style portico to the cathedral’s west front in the 1630s, which William Benham notes was “altogether incongruous with the old building … It was no doubt fortunate that Inigo Jones confined his work at St Paul’s to some very poor additions to the transepts, and to a portico, very magnificent in its way, at the west end.”[51]

    “Work stopped during the English Civil War, and there was much defacement and mistreatment of the building by Parliamentarian forces during which old documents and charters were dispersed and destroyed, and the nave used as a stable for cavalry horses.[52] Much of the detailed information historians have of the cathedral is taken from William Dugdale’s 1658 History of St Pauls Cathedral, written hastily during The Protectorate for fear that “one of the most eminent Structures of that kinde in the Christian World” might be destroyed.[53]

    “Indeed, a persistent rumour of the time suggested that Cromwell had considered giving the building to London’s returning Jewish community to become a synagogue..”

    3. Probably the greatest significance of Notre Dame, is that she is representative of the “Gothic Cathedral Period”, the flowering of Western European civilization. To show the significance, here is a timeline of world history: The roughly 6000 years of recorded history can be divided into six parts:

    A. The lifetime of Adam (who died somewhat before Noah was born)
    B. from Noah’s birth until Abraham
    C. from Abraham until King David
    D. from King David until the “Common Era” and the fall of Beit HaMikdash
    E. from the fall of Beit HaMikdash until the Crusades, Maimonides and the period of Gothic cathedral constuction (including Notre Dame)
    F. from then until now.

    Notre Dame thus represents not just a chapter in Western Civilization, but an entire era. It is not just a symbol of Catholicism and Christianity, but a symbol of everything that is hated and attacked nowadays by the Muslims, and the Left — everything, that is, except the Jewish people. (The latter have their own “cathedral”, Beit haMikdash, which is yet to be rebuilt.) I am unimpressed by all the billionaires, celebrities and politicians queuing up to donate for its repair. Neither, it seems, are the French people, who think the money would be better spent improving their lot.

    4. In summary, Notre Dame Cathedral would have been a perfect target for terrorist arson, a veritable “European 9/11”. Ironically, it probably really was accidentally caused.

    As for the gargoyles, they are an ancient pagan motif from during the Second Temple period. They were not devised by Christians to resemble Edgar.

  25. @ Michael S:

    The “cross-bearer” unable to contribute beyond quotations from his hateful creed, butts in where not wanted. An insulting, self-deluded, pseudo-comic of minute importance except to his inflated self. His unpleasant person may reach new depths….perhaps as far down as …say..Gehinnom .Well deserved, ready and waiting.

  26. This will fit in nicely with all the historical revisionists here:

    “The Times goes on to offer breathtaking details about Fournier and his team’s effort to rescue this important statue.

    ““As the chaplain began removing a statue of Jesus, he said, his colleagues were fighting the fire from the cathedral’s towers,” the Times reports. “With the statue in hand, Father Fournier, alone in the nave, gave a benediction to the cathedral, he said.”

    “Great reporting. Captivating stuff. Except…

    “There’s no statue of Christ in Notre Dame.



    “So what happened? What was the Times talking about?

    “The correction, added to the story later, finally solved the mystery: “An earlier version of this article misidentified one of two objects recovered from Notre-Dame by the Rev. Jean-Marc Fournier. It was the Blessed Sacrament, not a statue of Jesus.””

    Keep it up, guys! Especially “Gargoyle” Edgar G. Before this is over, we’ll be told that Maimonides built Notre Dame! LOL

  27. ADAM…your comment provoked another thought in my mind. If a beam of light had been intended. it would have “sprayed” out from the narrow base to a wider coverage…like a fan-or any normal beam of light. You know what mean.

    Oh…and Chag Pesach Sameach… both to you and all site posters-not forgetting TED..

  28. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    You are mistaken I believe. Jerome, who wrote the Vulgate -the Catholic Bible- also went to The Holy Land and translated the Torah into Latin. He discussed this particular point (amongst many others) with learned Jews there, found that the word “Keren” (kuph resh nun) was mentioned in the Torah many times… animal horns, trumpets, mountain peaks and etc. but rarely for a beam of light. There were many other words commonly used for light, shining, beams of light etc. And from all accounts he was convinced that they were horns. And this became the solid belief of whole Catholic World. The beams” only came into the picture perhaps during the “Enlightenment”…to explain away such a ridiculous belief -suggesting it was a just a “poor translation”…. towards modern times. .

    If you look at the statue, even a picture of it, you will see beyond question, REAL horns not “beams of light.”.

    {Such could easily have been depicted by any sculptor (let alone a master) by a tracery of lines similar to those used by the Egyptians which are always present in any depiction of Akenaten.. They represent the rays of the sun each ending in a hand}.

    The Septuagint scholars translated the word as “horns”…. And I have seen pointed out, that in by far, the most times the Hebrew word is used in the Torah it has been translated as “horns”.or pointed objects of some sort. .

    Anyway.. again….. the “Devil and The Jews”.. should be available in any library. You will never need to read any other book on the subject. I wish you good reading…

  29. @ Edgar G.: Edgar, the horns on the Moses statue are intended to represent the beams of light that are said to have descended on Moses from heaven, according to Jewish as well as Christian tradition. Michelangelo, unlike most Christians of his era, was very pro-Jewish and not antisemitic at all, as an art historian who examined Michaelangelo’s paintings in the Sistine Chapel Sistine Chapel has documented. The Last Judgment mural has a man with a yellow circle on his breast (which Jews were required to wear in sixteenth century Rome) among the blessed souls being sent to heaven by Jesus, while several Catholic cardinals who were known to Michaelangelo personally are being sent down to hell.

    One of the Old Testament prophets depicted onMichaelangelo’s Sistine ceiling fresco is also wearing a round yellow “Jewish” badge. He is pointing downward at the throne wear the Pope would be seated when in the chapel. The implication was that the reigning Pope, despite his antisemitic tendencies, was of recent Jewish descent.

  30. ADAM…Don’t forget Michelangelo’s statue of MOSES….complete with “horns”….I’ve actually seen this statue myself when in Rome. many years ago.

  31. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    Adam I’ve never for a moment ever doubted your deep sincerity, and wish to learn and investigate.

    There were NO tours of church and cathedral roof-tops conducted for children or indeed anyone at any time. It was such a well known belief that none was required. The monk, priest, and friar were all powerful, however illiterate and unlettered they were. They had the power of the Church behind them, and the people were abysmally ignorant and superstitious. But ..again…I refer you to;

    “The Devil And the Jews” by (Rabbi) Joshua Trachtenberg..(the medieval concept of The Jew And It’s relation to modern Anti-Semitism). Further you can look up the term “Synagogue of Satan”….. and also something like.. “How the Jews came to be associated mentally and physically with devils and satyrs…..”(use your own terminology) You should get reams of info until your head reels….

    Just looking up that one (best seller) well footnoted book will show you everything you want to know ..and a hell of a lot more . You will be disgusted.I believe. It was pure EVIL….

    There are doubtless thousands of boos on that subject and have come across many chapters in books on other subjects. It would be like trying to look up the life and history of Napoleon Bonaparte, who has had more books published about him than any other book….. second only to the Bible.

    Addenda; I’m sure I’ve mentioned on this site, my experiences in rural Ireland when I was on several occasions subjected to having my hat removed and my my hair rummaged through, searching for horn stubs. In one of these “events” I was also informed that Jews were born with little forked tails which were amputated at birth.
    Another time I was told that Jews had to have specially made shoes so as to hide their deformed feet (hooves?)…..and MORE.

  32. Edgar, what is the evidence that the Gargoyles on the Cathedral facade were meant to images of Jews? Where did you find this claim? I am interested for genuine scholarly, not argumentative reasons. I have not read that before.

    To me, the gargoyles just look like fanciful sculptures of monsters, perhaps made for entertainment, especially of children. Remember, there was no no TV , no internet, no comic books, not even illustrated books that the average person could afford. There were no art museums, except for the art in churches. For most people, the churches were the only source of entertainment and escape from their dreary, miserable lives. The funny faces on the gargoyles might have given them some comic relief.

  33. I think Adam is wrong…Popes can condemn all they want..but it’s just words from what has been long regarded are a mere man dressed for a pantomime. The pope’s words mean almost nothing. Today there is strong opposition to popes who say anything good about Jews. But when Edgardo Mortara was kidnapped by the cursed priests sent by the pope, Montefiore went to Pius 9th and waited for many months for an answer. The pope ignored him completely..

    I agree with Ted wholeheartedly, and would go a huge step further and express sorrow that the damned sepulchre was not demolished hundreds of years ago.

    The closest connection of Notre Dame with Jews is their effigies in hundreds, at the top end of rain-water pipes, and at the peaks of cupolas and belvederes, decorating parapets and eaves and etc. I referred to this recently when mentioned Joshua Trachtenberg’s definitive and highly acclaimed “The Devil and The Jews”…

    They are all shaped like the Christian concept of devils. Each with his barbed tail, cloven hooves and gnomish features, all chins and noses. Sometimes just animal snouts. Satyrs Incorp. likely supplied the manpower free. These were what Christians believed Jews were actually like. Learned from their “good” book that should have been immolated along with a goodly leavening of Catholic clergy..

    I don’t know why it wasn’t up in flames long ago. For instance during the Revolution it would have made a nice flambeau to toast the clergy in.

    I know all about Lustiger….For me …he was just another meshumad……..

  34. I think Adam is wrong…Popes can condemn all they want..but it’s just words from what has been long regarded are a mere man dressed for a pantomime. The pope’s words mean almost nothing. Today there is strong opposition to popes who say anything good about Jews. But when Edgardo Mortara was kidnapped by the cursed priests sent by the pope, Montefiore went to Pius 9th and waited for many months for an answer. The pope ignored him completely..

    I agree with Ted wholeheartedly, and would go a huge step further and express sorrow that the damned sepulchre was not demolished hundreds of years ago.

    The closest connection of Notre Dame with Jews is their effigies in hundreds, at the top end of rain-water pipes, and at the peaks of cupolas and belvederes, decorating parapets and eaves and etc. I referred to this recently when mentioned Joshua Trachtenberg’s definitive and highly acclaimed “The Devil and The Jews”…

    They are all shaped like the Christian concept of devils. Each with his barbed tail, cloven hooves and gnomish features, all chins and noses. Sometimes just animal snouts. Satyrs Incorp. likely supplied the manpower free. These were what Christians believed Jews were actually like. Learned from their “good” book that should have been immolated along with a goodly leavening of Catholic clergy..

    I don’t know why it wasn’t up in flames long ago. For instance during the Revolution it would have made a nice flambeau to toast the clergy in.

  35. There are certainly good reasons for Jews to point out the historical persecution of Jews by the French Catholic Church, and the fact that the Cathedral of Notre Dame, magnificent as it is, was built during a time when Judaism was being persecuted and almost banned in France. The outrageous burning of hundreds of precious copies of the Talmud did indeed take place in the vicinity of Notre Dame cathedral.

    On the other hand, we Jews should also keep in mind that the present Pope, and a series of recent Popes beginning with John XXIII (1958-63), have repudiated the Church’s long history of ant-Semitic persecutions, and have sought to make what amends they could. Pope John Paul II,shortly before he passed in 2004, even prayed at the Western Wall and put a letter in its cracks, an old Jewish tradition, begging God and the Jewish people to forgive the Church for the many centuries of persecution.

    Senior French churchmen have also repudiated the Church’s antisemitic past. During World War II, theCardinal- Archbishop of Paris exposed the Nazis extermination of the Jews from his pulpit and urged his fellow Catholics to hide Jews. Some French Catholics, including monastic orders, did hide Jews from the Nazis. More recently, in the late twentieth and early 21st century a Catholic priest who was born Jewish, and whose father was murdered at Auschwitz, served as Cardinal-Archbishop of Paris for many years. He passed away a few years ago; his name was Lustiger. He was a staunch friend of Israel.

    Now that Catholic churches throughout France are being desecrated and burned by jihadists, it is the right thing for Jews to show solidarity with the Catholics, now that they have joined us as victims of Islamist persecution.

    Also, remember that Menachem Begin said that one of the reasons he ordered the IDF to invade Lebanon in 1982 was to rescue the Christians from genocide at the hands of Hezbollah and the PLO.