No Longer Your Parents’ America

By  , CFP

It was a decade ago when I wrote a book about my life under communism – education, religion, lack of freedoms, lack of food, lack of human rights, deprivation of basic travel, necessities, water, toilet paper, medicine, the horrible free medical system that was not worth having, bad hospitals, bad doctors, the lack of drugs and vitamins in pharmacies, the awfully crowded and miserable public transportation, the constant policing, the “socialist scientific” indoctrination in schools, and many more.

United States now like the socialist tyranny I lived under in the socialist republic ruled by the Communist Party with an iron fist

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And today, we are experiencing in the United States, the socialist tyranny I lived under in the socialist republic ruled by the Communist Party with an iron fist. There is one fundamental difference, Americans still have guns, for now.

Americans no longer have representation in the federal, state, or local governments. Their voices are drowned out during peaceful protests through severe jail sentences in solitary confinement while the voices of our enemies and of invaders of America are allowed to ring louder and louder. They have more rights and legal representation than any other American who is not a hard-core Marxist on the left.

Americans still have a false sense of freedom which is dispelled daily – there is no freedom anymore, no justice, no law, a few honest representatives are shouting in the wind against the tyrannical government, against the infringement on people’s rights through U.N. Agenda 2030 and the global Reset imposed from Davos, Switzerland.

Corrupt politicians are reorganizing the lives of billions and all economic activity under the excuse of a flu virus. Whether it was enhanced in the lab on purpose to “gain function” or occurred naturally, nobody seems to know since science is now “settled” in a global “consensus.” Leftist media and scientists with the help of technocracy have all the politically correct answers, and the other half of the scientific community is wrong and therefore must be silenced at all costs.

The military is now ruled by woke generals

Our lives will never be the same. It was made obvious, if one cared to listen to a speech in 2008 delivered by then soon to be President Obama that “we are five days from the fundamental transformation” of our society. And we did transform profoundly since then. Our best days are behind us.

The military is now ruled by woke generals who seem to be more interested in twittering with ordinary people about an experimental vaccine instead of strategizing to prepare our military.  They are consumed by the goal to find non-existent white supremacists among the ranks in a society with a most diverse and tolerant population.

Speaking to an Eastern European from a former Soviet satellite socialist republic that had “destroyed” the communist party in 1989, it was revealed that a radical neo-communist party is now ruling the country. These utterly corrupt politicians, who are keeping their population locked down in a semi-martial law status, are sponsored by billionaire elites’ non-governmental organizations (NGOs), an unelected shadow government that directs their lives in the same direction and end around the globe.

“The abject fear and apathy that depressed people live under, the medical martial law, have robbed many of the will to live,” he said. The medical tyranny closed hospitals to any illness other than Covid, and thousands of people had died untreated of cancers and other medical conditions as the hospitals were emptied to make room for massive Covid casualties that never transpired.

Today the global enemy are billionaire elites and large corporations, high tech, and others who are pushing Marxism

People who died on ventilators were very old and terribly sick. But many died of diseases completely neglected during the lockdowns – cancer (lack of chemotherapy), heart attacks, strokes, appendicitis, bleeding ulcers, etc. Elective surgeries with easy fixes were postponed and problems escalated, permanently injuring, and even killing the patients.

Healthy citizens were whisked off the streets by police turned medical doctors under the excuse that they looked sick and feverish. These healthy people were forced to stay in state hospitals for 14 days during which time they were given forced treatments they did not understand nor needed.

“People are dumbed down into a stupor,” he said. They are hoping that someone else will rescue them from this nightmarish predicament, and he was wishing that the somebody else would be the United States, just like they did during WWII.

The difference is that the global enemy then was Nazism, and nobody wanted to live under Hitler’s despotic boot.

Today the global enemy are billionaire elites and large corporations, high tech, and others who are pushing Marxism because they know better how humans should live and where. Such elites have the power to control us with the push of a tech-button, and money to fund such control. And governments are using corporate elites to do their bidding; such illegal control by politicians would be forbidden by the U.S. Constitution.

Scourge of socialism/Marxism dominating our government today

America did save the world during WWII, but it is now in no position to do so again, they cannot even save themselves from the scourge of socialism/Marxism dominating our government today.

My interlocutor was shocked and seriously upset, he never thought that this would happen to the glorious and bright city on the hill, built to such heights by its brave soldiers who sacrificed so much, many generations of selfless Americans who gave their lives for the cause of freedom for their children and grandchildren to live better lives than they did.

Now, their children and grandchildren are hard-core Marxists, indoctrinated by public schools and destroying their own future for the empty construct promises of “equity” and “equality” that nobody can possibly deliver.

Someday they will wallow in equal misery, but they will have no memory of the better life capitalism had forged for their parents and grandparents, a life built by brave American soldiers and by the financial sacrifice of hard-working Americans and legal immigrants.

Each day at noon, WMAL radio station in Washington, D.C. plays the National Anthem preceded by the phrase, “We are one nation under God, indivisible, together.” Are we?

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Ileana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism”, “Liberty on Life Support” and “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy,” “Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later” are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

July 31, 2021 | Comments »

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