An atmosphere of insurgency hangs over France. Month after month, demonstrations against the legalization of gay marriage bring together hundreds of thousands of people, and mobilization is not weakening. Members of the government are harassed by disgruntled crowds during each trip they make. Bankrupt factories are stormed by angry workers who sometimes occupy the streets to erect barricades made of burning tires. Leftist groups hold rallies and accuse the government of not being radical enough. Rightist groups hold other rallies and suggest that French civilization is threatened and must fight back. Rabid feminists attack Catholics by stripping naked in public and shouting obscene slogans in churches and cathedrals.
Financial scandals are accumulating and slowly discrediting the entire political class. One month ago, Jerome Cahuzac, a Secretary of Finance, center left, who was in charge of the fight against tax evasion, was indicted for tax evasion. Now, Claude Gueant, a former Secretary of the Interior, center right, is accused of bleaching “black money” coming from the former Libyan dictatorship. François Hollande was elected President just one year ago, but he is already discredited and on the ropes: none of his predecessors had fallen from grace so fast. Seventy-six percent of the French express a negative or very negative opinion of him, and the number continues to rise. Mainstream magazines describe him with an unforgiving ferocity: “The Mediocre President,” says one, “He shames us,” adds another.
Articles appeared recently comparing the situation to the 1789 Revolution and Hollande to Louis XVI, a weak King who ended up on the guillotine. Others drew comparisons to February 1934, a time when extremist groups attempted to seize the National Assembly in a context of widespread corruption and political decay. Some analysts, trying to find a ray of light amid the darkness, have spoken of a “French Spring.” But apart from the fact that the calendar says it’s spring in France, it is difficult to see anything that resembles “spring” in what is occurring.
Who is “that shitty little country” now?
Canadian Otter Said:
Obama doing the same to get future votes for the party.
It’s time for the Jews to leave France. What are they waiting for?
heh – “ACT NOW to stop immigration amnesty from destroying the American dream”
No future for England either. I hope the next war in Europe is nuclear – and make it soon – we saved them in two world wars for no good reason – they are unsaveable.
And the decay and destruction of France and England is made a tinge sadder, by a more or less unrelated event–the death of Deanna Durbin, this past April 20th; in her home in a Paris suburb. Most older people(and some baby-boomers)will remember Deanna, who sang “There’ll always be an England,” and whose picture was pasted to the wall of Anne Frank’s apartment; and who told Mussolini to jump off a cliff, when he asked her to urge FDR not to invade Italy. She was 91. RIP Deanna.
My comment awaiting moderation.
PICTURES, the case of Spain – Their highway to nowhere – No money to finish multi-million Euro-highway so it is now abandoned, a ghost road going to the dogs with tall weeds sprouting in the cracks.–Eurozone-slumps-longest-recession-ever.html – Rather symbolic of the Euro idea.
The case of Britain – “Labour sent out ‘search parties’ for immigrants to get them to come to the UK, Lord Mandelson has admitted. In a stunning confirmation that the Blair and Brown governments deliberately engineered mass immigration, the former Cabinet Minister said Labour sought out foreign workers and conceded that the influx of arrivals meant the party’s traditional supporters are now unable to find work.” ~~~ It has been reported that leftists also went to Africa to entice migrants to come to Israel. As a result of that and government indifference, Israel has close to 100,000 Africans roaming the streets committing all kinds of crimes. ~~~ After accomplishing the Islamization of Britain, Blair is now enthusiastically working towards the partition of Israel.
Islamo-France, Islamo-Britain,Islamo-Germany – what a joke!
If things get much worse, it makes me wonder whether or not Marine LePen could pull off the Presidency. I wouldn’t be very happy about it, but she is not as bad as her father, and no worse than the Socialists.
Which just goes to show that the entire political spectrum in France just plain sucks.
Laura Said:
No, but this actually happened in Pittsburgh, at Carnegie-Mellon University – I believe in front of the campus chapel. The protester was arrested for indecent exposure, but the local media largely defended this depraved moron.
Will they be doing this in front of mosques?
It coudn’t be happening to a nicer bunch.
I have read Millere since 2002, and he has been prediciting Islamo-Marxist doom since then. I never really doubted him, but it really seems to all be coming to fruition now.
Of course, the Marxists and Islamists who run the country now will blame it all on us Joooooooos!
France was always dysfunctional, but it had so many redeeming qualities that it could always rebound. Not this time, though. The increasing Muslim presence is changing it forever, and there is no way back. In spite of its history regarding the Jews, I still feel sorry for France. I visited many times and found I could make myself at home very easily there. ~~~ One thing that always shocked me was the striking workers’ habit of kidnapping their bosses to put additional pressure on their demands. That was quite uncivilized, I thought. There was no retaliation from the top then, but they were all French after all. Being kidnapped by a bunch of African workers now must be quite a different experience. ~~~ Only a popular revolt could theoretically correct the immigration issue, but the EU would never allow it. I don’t think the EU would even allow a Marie Le Pen government. France is doomed, but we should not gloat. The weakening of any Western country does not bode well for any of us.