No Climate Emergency say 500 Scientists to UN

On the same day that Greta Thunberg made an impassioned speech to the UN about her fears of a climate emergency, some 500 scientists sent a registered letter to the UN Secretary-General stating that there is no climate emergency and climate policies should be designed to benefit the lives of people. Read the full document and list of names here:…


September 28, 2019 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. Even if there is no climate emergency this year or even decade it will still be good for individual nation states to promote non fossil fuel energy policies to escape the disgusting hold of the petro-sheikhs on World politics. It is NOT the UN that is rubbing out national particularities but the way in which modernity homogenises all fashion differences and the agglomeration of capital reduces the numbers of firms in any sector that eliminates local particulars. The near US monopoly on computers and the internet and before that cinema spreads US fashions to the detriment of locals and is bitterly resented in many places. Incidentally the UN like the League before it was specifically a US move to formalise an international system that would leverage US power without too obviously twisting arms – metaphorically of course.

  2. Before we even begin to discuss what the lady is saying we have to understand her political position and the take on the issue of “friends of Science” i am sure nobody would disagree…the whole essence of historical Judaism is learning, and knowledge of our world, surely nobody would disagree.

    It is to me maybe not Ted and others a strange group and there may be some useful information here

    But as a quick general point i am sure that science will win the day here too.

  3. @ Lorensacho:
    Manmade climate change was exposed as the biggest political con of the 21st century by the 2009 Climategate scandal that exposed the fraudulent science it is based on. The false manmade climate change narrative is of exteme importance to Israel’s security because its purpose is globalism, the redistribution of wealth, and a new world order that denies national sovereignty. Israel’s existence protects the Jews in the diaspora so anything that threatens Israel’s existence is important to Jewish life everywhere. The United Nations IPCC reports that the manmade climate change hysteria is based on is political science – not atmospheric science. The United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 “sustainable” goals are designed to eliminate national sovereignty worldwide and replace nation states with an internationalized world of global citizens under one world government. That is the reason why Israpundit publishes articles discussing the earth’s natural climate changes, and also articles exposing the false accusations of manmade climate change.

  4. @ Lorensacho:

    The Publisher picks out what he believes will most interest the readership. Especially if it is topical today. He sometimes delves into the arts. He does this for us, not specifically YOU. Nobody should need to be told that. But I’m telling you anyhow…. You should start your own Blog, and see if you can keep up to the workload..

    Perhaps when “knee-height” gets to “average” shoulder height, you will go under. Ted, just a day or so ago pointed out that he can exercise his prerogative..So, provocateur, go along and find a cess pit somewhere and stir that up. (maybe to just fall in is better) In other words, clamp onto an Arab site.

  5. The link in the article is not functional.

    The insatiable desire for humans to gain the approval of their peers is destructive to independent thought. This desire is the result of insecurity and represents a pathological difficulty in overcoming infantile dependency upon parental bonding.