Barry Shaw->Unbelievably, the United Nations Security Council, for the first time in eleven months, held a session that included allowing Israel to highlight the plight of Israeli hostages since 7/10.->The United Nations have never demanded the Palestinians to allow an inspection by the UN or International Red Cross.->But, with it being the UN, even this must be “balanced” by a counter promotion.->Instead of demanding Palestinian Hamas to unconditionally surrender and release all the hostages, dead or alive, immediately, and thereby put an end to their genocide, the stage is being set for the UN to impose a ceasefire, or an end to the Gaza conflict, possibly leading to the continuation of the status quo, namely leaving Hamas in charge in Gaza.->At this session, Israel was the only voice for real justice of a war inflicted on us by a Palestinian terror organization, tenuously supported verbally by the United States.->Given the appalling personal history of Joe Biden at the UNSC, specifically when he acted as the bagman for Obama in recruiting the votes of the UNSC members for Obama’s notorious UNSC Resolution 2334, in which Obama declared that Israel was “illegally occupying Palestinian territory,” territory on which Jews are living in Israel’s ancient Holy Land of Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem, it is highly likely that Biden will do an Obama and not apply a US veto on a new anti-Israel resolution – hostages be damned – by the United Nations.->Ted Belman->->"that the Green Line was not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary, and is delineated without prejudice to rights, claims and positions of either Party to the Armistice as regards ultimate "settlement of the Palestine question".->David Ben-Gurion’s Forgotten 1948 Land of Israel Proclamation for the Annexation of Judea and Samaria->by->Howard Grief->was used by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion in his capacity as Defense Minister of the State to annex areas of the Jewish National Home and Land of Israel recaptured beyond the frontiers demarcated in the UN Partition Plan of November 29, 1947.”->This amendment to the law, non-existent on June 7, 1967, when Judea and Samaria were repossessed and liberated by the IDF, gave the Government a choice whether or not to incorporate these areas of the Land of Israel into the State, while Ben-Gurion’s law left no choice as to what had to be done once the Minister of Defense defined in a proclamation that a particular area of the Land of Israel was being held by Israel’s Army.”->Howard Grief->The Jewish people’s Right to the Land of Israel.->exposes an amazing ignorance of Israel’s legal rights and title of sovereignty to the whole of the Land of Israel and Palestine under both international law and Israeli constitutional law. “->Disengagement Plan Implementation Law->The truth about UNRWA->UNRWA is tasked with the obligation of maintaining the refugees where they are, while UNHRC is tasked with the obligation to resettle all refugees under their mandate.  Israel is the only place where UNRWA exists.->Peloni: ->Peloni:->100 left jurists' actions on 10-7-23 (Hamas attack day) to remove Netanyahu and the right-wing from office->D. Ben Yehuda->Sha'i ben-Tekoa->: “->Peloni:->Peloni:->Expanding NATO is risky for the United States->Peloni:->Louis Rene Beres ->The immediate effect of any anticipated ceasefire agreement would be the defiling bestowal of legal legitimacy on insidious terror-criminals. The longer-term effect would be to undermine the authority of international law in general and to enlarge the prospects of a continuous regional war.->No authoritative system of law can encourage or allow accommodation between a legitimate national government and a barbarous criminal organization.->Even if their corollary claims of “national self-determination” were in some way reasonable, there would still remain distinctly tangible limits on permissible targets and legitimate weapons.->hese harms remain the unavoidable correlates of Israel’s inextinguishable right to self-preservation.->On Jan. 3, 2013, P.A. chief Mahmoud Abbas formally “decreed” the absorption of the “former” P.A. into the “State of Palestine.” While this administrative action did eliminate the P.A., it did not create a new Arab state.->These standards are compulsory and were applied to insurgent organizations by (1) the common Article 3 of the four Geneva Conventions of 1949; and (2) the two 1977 protocols to these Conventions.->This rule, called the “Martens Clause,” makes “all persons” responsible for upholding the “laws of humanity” and the “dictates of public conscience.”->This signifies that even if Hamas were somehow law-compliant in seeking to carve a Palestinian state from the still-living body of Israel, the means adopted to achieve this goal (terror, rape and murder) would be law-violating prima facie.->In no circumstances are states permitted to acknowledge terrorists as “freedom fighters.” Under no circumstances is it permissible for an established state to create “ceasefire” agreements with an unambiguously criminal non-state organization.->In the final analysis, the broader international community should be working with Israel to delegitimize and disarm Hamas, not to broker an intrinsically illegal and war-fostering “ceasefire” agreement.->Drawing heavily upon ancient Jewish law and reason, international law does not support equivalencies between sovereign states and criminal gangs. In the case of Israel and Hamas, the wisdom of this position is not just a matter of abstract jurisprudential principle. It is also a matter of justice. Recent history reveals that every terrorist release or exchange leads directly to new acts of hostage-taking and jihadist barbarism.->Peloni:->Andrea Widburg | AM Thinker->->T. Belman.->Peloni:->Kelleigh Nelson->Documentary Proof to Vote->Real ID or National ID Card->Conclusion->Tierney's Real News->The newborn US had roughly a 30% debt-to-GDP ratio and that has been the average over time.->paper currency issued by the Continental Congress in 1775 to help fund the American Revolutionary War->You can see that wars and recessions always spike the debt of countries->Continue Reading Article->See Translation below Tweet->Translation: ->Peloni: ->"Gaza.  Who does it belong to?"->T.Belman.->Gadi Taub Answers 18 Questions on judicial reform, the Palestinian Authority, and Gaza’s future->Click on Photo for Video->See Translation below Tweet->Translation:->Information from my sources.->Al-Sinwar is negotiating his exit with his family to either Turkey or South Africa in exchange for releasing 22 hostages he is holding as human shields.->A large funeral in an Arab country will change the course of history.->President Sisi, you betrayed your people and Israel; now you will pay the price.->The assassination of a Hamas leader in an Arab country is imminent.->Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt are major centers for human organ trafficking; more will be exposed in 2025.->For three months, the media has been talking about a ceasefire in Gaza. I say, there is no ceasefire. Where is it? Believe the rabbi, for I fear God in what I say.->President Sisi’s wife, Intisar, has a billion dollars in cash, with a quarter billion in her private plane. But you won't get a penny when your husband falls.->Peloni: -> Israpundit Daily Digest


There is no diplomatic solution
Barry Shaw | Sept 5, 2024 Unbelievably, the United Nations Security Council, for the first time in eleven months, held a session that included allowing Israel to highlight the plight...
By September 8, 2024

By Ted Belman Did you know that prior to Israel’s Declaration of Independence on May 15, 1948, that Gaza was part of the Palestine Mandate and the Jews were entitled...
By September 8, 2024

By Ted Belman Did you know that prior to Israel’s Declaration of Independence on May 15, 1948, that Gaza was part of the Palestine Mandate and the Jews were entitled...
By September 8, 2024

Peloni: Avi Weiss’ revelations continue to reverberate as the public becomes more and more aware of the outright betrayal of those slaughtered in the Gaza kibutzim due to the efforts...
By September 7, 2024

By Sha'i ben-Tekoa | Sept 6, 2024 Image: Terrorists used the blood of their Jewish victims to pay homage to Allah. X screen grab. In recent days, various Israeli former...
By September 7, 2024

By Sha'i ben-Tekoa | Sept 6, 2024 Image: Terrorists used the blood of their Jewish victims to pay homage to Allah. X screen grab. In recent days, various Israeli former...
By September 7, 2024

Peloni: It is impossible to ignore the fact that as NATO is willing to fight in Ukraine to the last Ukrainian, the Europeans are decidedly poised to fight in Europe...
By September 7, 2024

Peloni: Hamas is a self documented organization of rapists, butchers, and kidnappers of innocent civilians.  Their lust for carnage was so great that they were drawn to document their profligate...
By September 7, 2024

Peloni: Dynomite 15 min. video by Gabbard. By Andrea Widburg | AM Thinker | Sept 5, 2024 When all my conservative friends suddenly start sending me texts and emails telling...
By September 7, 2024

Peloni: Dynomite 15 min. video by Gabbard. By Andrea Widburg | AM Thinker | Sept 5, 2024 When all my conservative friends suddenly start sending me texts and emails telling...
By September 7, 2024

Peloni:  Kelleigh Nelson raises important objections to the SAVE ACT which is being pressed for passage by none other than Pres. Trump himself, who has advocated for forcing the Dems...
By September 7, 2024

Tierney's Real News | Sept 6, 2024 This is Part 4 of my series on “What’s the Plan to Save America?” Please read Parts 1-3, if you haven’t yet, as...
By September 7, 2024

See Translation below Tweet Translation:  The end of three Arab rulers has begun now. The end of the King of Jordan, President Sisi, and the Arab Rambo. The King...
By September 7, 2024

Peloni:  Gadi's conclusion that the northern third of Gaza should be annexed was independently the conclusion made by Ted in his important article "Gaza.  Who does it belong to?" T.Belman....
By September 6, 2024

See Translation below Tweet Translation: Information from my sources. Al-Sinwar is negotiating his exit with his family to either Turkey or South Africa in exchange for releasing 22 hostages...
By September 6, 2024

See Translation below Tweet Translation: Information from my sources. Al-Sinwar is negotiating his exit with his family to either Turkey or South Africa in exchange for releasing 22 hostages...
By September 6, 2024


Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
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