There is no diplomatic solution   Israel should declare three nos; no to nuclear Iran, no to two-state solution, no to bi-national state


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Todays posts:

Barry Shaw | Sept 5, 2024

Unbelievably, the United Nations Security Council, for the first time in eleven months, held a session that included allowing Israel to highlight the plight of Israeli hostages since 7/10.

Israeli Ambassador, Danny Danon, made an emotional and factual case for the atrocities of Palestinian Hamas on Israeli civilians on 7/10, and every day since, culminating by the violent and cold blooded murder of six beautiful boys and girls in the darkness one of Hamas’s tunnels rather than spare them.


By Ted Belman

Did you know that prior to Israel’s Declaration of Independence on May 15, 1948, that Gaza was part of the Palestine Mandate and the Jews were entitled to sovereignty over it?

UNGA resolution 181 divided the mandate land into two states; one for the Arabs and one for the Jews. It was  called the Partition Plan.  This Plan was in violation of Israel’s right to all the land as provided by the San Remo Resolution and the Palestine Mandate.

Israel’s Declaration of  Independence on May 15, 1948, pertained to the land allocated to the Jews. The Arabs made no such declaration and chose war instead, They were joined by Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon in an effort to annihilate Israel.  An armistice could not be achieved, until Israel turned the tables, and started winning territory from the  Arabs.


Peloni:  A truly insightful conversation.  There is perhaps no one who can describe the tragedy being employed against the Jews of the world in today’s society with such clarity and conviction as Douglas Murray.


By Ted Belman, Jerusalem, Israel    054-441-3252
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