There is no diplomatic solution   Israel should declare three nos; no to nuclear Iran, no to two-state solution, no to bi-national state

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Todays posts:

Peloni: Avi Weiss’ revelations continue to reverberate as the public becomes more and more aware of the outright betrayal of those slaughtered in the Gaza kibutzim due to the efforts of the legal fraternity to forestall an Israeli response.

100 left jurists’ actions on 10-7-23 (Hamas attack day) to remove Netanyahu and the right-wing from office

D. Ben Yehuda wrote (as a summary):

Avi Weiss (retired police superintendent) revealed that on Oct 7 at 08:00,  100 jurists arrived at the “Bor” (center military command bunker). under the guidance of government legal advisor Gali Beharev Miara (leftist), her deputy Gil Limon, and the military general attorney Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi (leftist), and these judges took over all the control positions from which the air force pilots were guided and did not allow the proper functioning of these control and other positions (interview link on end).


By Sha’i ben-Tekoa | Sept 6, 2024

Image: Terrorists used the blood of their Jewish victims to pay homage to Allah. X screen grab.

In recent days, various Israeli former captives of the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas) in the Gaza Strip have gone public in the Israeli media with their ordeal, and their reportage is uniform. Every one of their different captors comes across as a psychopathic bully. Being kidnapped and becoming a hostage to Muslims means more than just loss of freedom; it means constant, 24-7 abuse, punishment physical and psychological, in particular, endless humiliation.


Peloni: The terrible consequences of this collusion were far reaching and unfortunately continue to this day.


Peloni: It is impossible to ignore the fact that as NATO is willing to fight in Ukraine to the last Ukrainian, the Europeans are decidedly poised to fight in Europe to the last American. While the grift referenced by Stephen below is in part funding huge profits for the US Military Industrial Complex (MIC), this will not translate into American popular support for war in Europe. But then again, as America has recently demonstrated a lack of interest in accepting electoral results, it would appear that only the American Elites and Oligarchs would need to be swayed to come to Europe’s defense, thus demonstrating the racket to which Butler cited in his well documented complaints a hundred years ago. Indeed, if Europe enters a war with Russia, their only hope is to see this racket continue, and I doubt the war weary Americans will be so compliant as the were the war weary Ukrainians as the expendable commodity in the continuation of this rack.

Expanding NATO is risky for the United States

Stephen Bryen | Weapons & Strategy | Sept 6, 2024

   Maj. General Smedley Butler

In 1935 retired Marine General and two-time Medal of Honor winner Smedley Butler published a 55 page pamphlet that caused a sensation.  It was reprinted in Reader’s Digest assuring a mass circulation.  The pamphlet was called “War is a Racket.”


Peloni: Hamas is a self documented organization of rapists, butchers, and kidnappers of innocent civilians.  Their lust for carnage was so great that they were drawn to document their profligate acts so that they could vicariously re-live them over and over again.  By any standard, and any definition, these facts would place Hamas outside the realm of civilized men.    They truly embody all that can be derived from the term “barbarians”.  The attempt by their defenders, their allies, and the international community at large to normalize these  promoters of perfidy exposes how easily the modern world is capable of retrograding to the darkest chapters of history in pursuit of satiating the Oldest Hatred.  As such, the normalization of these Islamic degenerates stands as a crime unto itself, one which is being so readily supported by the leading voices throughout the world.  Hence, the entire conversation of international law would seem quite moot as the subject applies to the Jews, as international law has been redefined such that the Jews must always be seen to be the criminal force in their own slaughter.

Louis Rene Beres | Sept 6, 2024

“Let reason go before every enterprise and counsel before any action.” Ecclesiastes 32:23

At time of writing, negotiations between Israel and Hamas on a potential “ceasefire” are seemingly set to continue despite Hezbollah’s attempted attack on Israel followed by massive rocket fire and statements by officials that the ceasefire talks are near collapse.

Even if an agreement is reached, however, it will almost certainly fail because Hamas still regards all of Israel as “Occupied Palestine.” For both Israel and the “international community,” there would be injurious consequences for international justice. Some of these consequences would be “force-multiplying” and irremediable.


Peloni: Dynomite 15 min. video by Gabbard.

By Andrea Widburg | AM Thinker | Sept 5, 2024

When all my conservative friends suddenly start sending me texts and emails telling me that I must watch a video, I take that seriously. That was the case with a video that Tulsi Gabbard published yesterday on X detailing how the Harris-Biden administration has been using law enforcement, the DOJ, and a completely complicit media to silence (and, if possible, destroy) anyone who threatens the Democrat party’s hold on power.


T. Belman. This interview is spellbinding. Its over one hour long but I couldn’t stop watching it.  Francisco is brilliant.


Peloni:  Kelleigh Nelson raises important objections to the SAVE ACT which is being pressed for passage by none other than Pres. Trump himself, who has advocated for forcing the Dems to shut down the govt if it is not passed.  All the while, this bill contains globalist boondoggles, including support for the creation of a national ID and the extension of citizenship to the offspring of non-citizens who should not be granted citizenship.

By Kelleigh Nelson | September 3, 2024

People who elect corrupt politicians are not victims but accomplices.  —George Orwell

Those who can make you believe absurdities; can make you commit atrocities. —Aristotle

The greatest evils in the world will not be carried out by men with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks. —C. S. Lewis

Defiance, not obedience, is the American’s answer to overbearing authority.  —Ayn Rand


Tierney’s Real News | Sept 6, 2024

This is Part 4 of my series on “What’s the Plan to Save America?” Please read Parts 1-3, if you haven’t yet, as each chapter builds on the previous.

What’s the Plan to Save America – Part One

What’s the Plan to Save America – Part Two

What’s the Plan to Save America – Part Three

People throw around words like Federal debt, Federal deficit and the Federal Reserve – but frankly, I don’t think most of us understand what it really means, how it got that way, who is responsible, who we actually owe money to and how to fix it.


See Translation below Tweet



By Ted Belman, Jerusalem, Israel    054-441-3252
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