New Yorker: Brett Kavanaugh (allegedly) Exposed Himself at Freshman Party; Kavanaugh Denies

T. Belman. Grassly set Friday 10:00 AM as the last opportunity for Ford to testify. I don’t know if the latest accusation will be considered.

Multiple Witnesses and Friends Contradict New Kavanaugh Accuser

By Joel Pollak, BREITBART

In this Sept. 6, 2018, file photo, after more than an hour of delay over procedural questions, President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh waits to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee for the third day of his confirmation hearing, on Capitol Hill in Washington. Christine Blasey Ford, the â?¦

The New Yorker reported a new accusation Sunday evening against Judge Brett Kavanaugh: that as a college freshman at Yale University, a drunken Kavanaugh “exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party,” and that when she tried to push him away in her drunken condition she accidently touched his penis.

The article, by Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer, comes hours after Christine Balsey Ford agreed to testify Thursday about an allegation that Kavanaugh groped her in high school.

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Kavanaugh denies the allegation, in a statement reported by the New Yorker: “This alleged event from 35 years ago did not happen. The people who knew me then know that this did not happen, and have said so. This is a smear, plain and simple. I look forward to testifying on Thursday about the truth, and defending my good name–and the reputation for character and integrity I have spent a lifetime building–against these last-minute allegations.” The White House called it “the latest in a coordinated smear campaign by the Democrats designed to tear down a good man.”

Farrow and Mayer admit that Deborah Ramirez, the woman making the accusation, acknowledges being drunk at the party where she alleges the incident occurred, and that “her memories contained gaps.” They also note: “The New Yorker has not confirmed with other eyewitnesses that Kavanaugh was present at the party. The magazine contacted several dozen classmates of Ramirez and Kavanaugh regarding the incident. Many did not respond to interview requests; others declined to comment, or said they did not attend or remember the party.”

One classmate of Ramirez, who declined to be named, said that he was told later about the party and that he remembered being told that Kavanaugh had behaved as described. Others had apparently also heard similar stories but not the names of those involved.

However, a woman who described herself as Ramirez’s best friend at the time told the New Yorker that she never heard about the story: “I was never told this story by her, or by anyone else. It never came up. I didn’t see it; I never heard of it happening.”

Farrow and Mayer also explore other allegations about wild behavior involving “Kavanaugh and his social scene,” without connecting him to further allegations.

They note that Kavanaugh had previously told the Senate Judiciary Committee, in response to a standard question from Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) that he had never committed any sexual misconduct as a “legal adult.” Kavanaugh would have been 18 at the time of the alleged incident.

Read the full story here.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. He is also the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

September 24, 2018 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. @ riverfred123:

    It’s a little odd that the fellows zoomed in on Ramirez and quickly got her drunk. Did they have a particular reason…..was she known for anything specific in the way of behaviour…? She must have known what kind of way parties developed and she still; went. What does that say about her….. Yet she found a fellow who heard from another fellow that Kavanaugh was always quiet and well behaved, but when drinking he became aggressive and etc. Ir seems he never saw this himself but “heard” it from another. Yet he was one of the students there at the same time and place….

    And a woman with an admitted past like this, could be trusted to work with children etc, with NO questions asked. If they were, then she must have told lies to get her various work positions.

  2. @ Sebastien Zorn:

    The best kind of leaks in my opinion are leeks. By coincidence I always have loved onions, especially spring onions, or shallots. Ate them daily and copiously.. We used to get onions (I think Spanish) that were very mild, and I could eat them like apples, and did. They left almost no odour; around the same years I was chasing and catching a lot of girls who never noticed if I had “onion breath”. Of course my attractiveness was kind of “fatal” ………almost……!!

    These days they are a bit too strong for me to do that, the onions are different, or my resistance has weakened… Maybe all three. As a vegetarian I still have them almost every day, but now slightly cooked.

    Maybe that’s why we -you and I -have such great and wonderful minds superior to those of ordinary mortals……. That’s an idea for Michael…being a chemist he could concoct a serum laden with “essence de onione”, that makes a genius out of a cretin…GUARANTEED… we’d all make fortunes.

  3. @ Edgar G.:
    Leeks are a staple of my diet. Onions too. Like the song says, “Glory, Glory Hallelujah, for the onion makes us strong.” And Reddiwhip. Did you see the article about how Israeli archaeologists have found out that Manna in the desert was actually Reddiwhip? Makes sense. One shot and your done. Heaven on a stick.

  4. @ Michael S:

    NO-not that kind of leak. This one required plumbers, and the union guys refused to handle it. So they dug the Nixon “plumbers’ out of retirement, equipped them with modern tools and they did the job…

  5. @ Edgar G.:
    Edgar, please! Not another LEAK! Haven’t we had enough of that in the current media circus?

    I’m sure you are correct about the Democrats; but note what I just posted on the “Trump officials reportedly angry…” thread: Rod Rosenstein is not a Democrat at all, and is married to a probable CIA/ Deep State wife who is curiously involved in surveiling emails. This plot certainly involves the Democrat leadership; but it appears glued to probable “Never Trump” Republicans — not to mention George Soros, the Big Tech “Masters of the Universe” and enough filthy lucre to gum up the solar system. Enter Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer and Presidential candidate for 2020, and the circus spins off beyond ludicrous (is “risible” beyond “ludicrous”?).

    I’m beginning to wonder if Joseph Goebbels

    has risen from the dead.

  6. @ riverfred123:

    I don’t think there are any recognisable “new lows”. They have gone through the lowest low long ago, and are making news records every day. Their limit seems inexhaustible, and is limited only by their imagination. If there was a glass window into their thought processes, one would recoil in horror.

    I myself exposed a particular part of my anatomy one time when I was having a “leak”. I wonder will they be accusing him of this next.

  7. The Democrats have stooped to a new low. 10 Serious Problems With New Accusations Against Kavanaugh
    1. The New Yorker could not find a single witness who could put Kavanaugh at the alleged party.
    2. The New York Times could not find a single person who could corroborate Ramirez’s claims.
    3. The man accused of egging on Kavanaugh denied Ramirez’s allegations and vouched for Kavanaugh’s character.
    4. A third person that Ramirez claimed was at the party says she was not there for the alleged incident.
    5. Ramirez contacted her former classmates, asking about the incident, and admitted she was not sure that Kavanaugh was the male who exposed himself.
    6. A woman who claims she was “best friends” with Ramirez says Ramirez never mentioned the story and initially said her friend’s accusations against Kavanaugh might be “politically motivated.”
    7. Ramirez, just like Christine Blasey Ford, is a registered Democrat and is dedicated to leftist causes.
    8. Ramirez wasn’t even sure her memory was correct — until she spent six days going over it with her Democrat lawyer.
    9. Ramirez admits there are holes in her memory due to how much she drank at the party.
    10. People who knew Ramirez after her time at Yale say that she never once mentioned the incident — until Kavanaugh’s nomination was pending.