NEVER FORGET: Barack Obama Paid Louis Farrakhan $364,500 to Teach Islam in US Prisons


In January, Congressman Vern Buchanan (R-FL) demanded the Department of Justice immediately cut off federal funding to the Nation of Islam.

The letter addressed to AG Matthew Whitaker cited the Washington Examiner’s December of 2018 report which revealed the Nation of Islam was receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal funding to teach Islam to prison inmates.

According to the ExaminerNation of Islam leaders have received at least $364,500 in contracts and awards from the U.S. Bureau of Prisons and the Department of Justice between fiscal 2008 and fiscal 2019.

Thanks, Obama!

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“As you may know, the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center have designated the Nation of Islam as a hate group for its racist and anti-Semitic beliefs,” Buchanan wrote.

“The federal government should not use taxpayer dollars to subsidize one of the most infamous hate groups in the United States,” Buchanan added. “That’s why I’m demanding your department immediately cease all contracts with the Nation of Islam and prohibit it from receiving any contracts in the future.”

In June of 2018 Louis Farrakhan tweeted about the “satanic Jew.”
In October Louis Farrakhan compared Jews to termites.

In November Louis Farrakhan led chants of “Death to America!” in Tehran.

And Obama – the most anti-Israel president in US history was paying Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam $364,500 to teach Islam in US prisons.
Obama really hates America.

May 9, 2019 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Comiong to think about it… Why didn’t Obama transferred fund for Talmud studies to Jew prisoners?. The answer is very simple; The number of students will never justify the electoral or PR investment. This he had from us stupid Jews without paying anything.

  2. So, in Obama, the United States had its first Islamist President who pretended yo be a Christia,n for 8 years,while the Jewish Americans voted in herds for this president who also happened to be an antisemite con man and no one seem to have had a clue about it.
    The same United States now has a president who has no use for the likes of Farrakhan and the Islamist terrorist regimes wherever they may be and is supportive of Israel and everyone knows that. Yet |American Jews-save the ultra-Orthodox, keep voting like herds for the diseased Democratic party and making themselves a nuisance to the President.

  3. Isn’t teaching Islam borders (or more) with Incitement? support of terrorism? genocide?. What does the US federal law says about promoting and supporting Terrorism? Is Obama above the law?