Netanyahu’s Speech Was Great But Not Good Enough

Peloni:  I really think that Bibi achieved a great many things in his fourth speech before the US Congress, but as I have noted before, the speech was not directed at the faux allies of Israel in the political arena, but to the American people themselves, who remain to be the true allies of Israel in its fight against its existential enemies under Iran’s control.

July 29, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. Hi, Peloni.

    I am sorry that you were having PC problems

    There’s no need to apologize — you didn’t cause my computer to fail. The power supply fried during a record heat wave here.

    Bibi came here:

    1. to expose the duplicity of the American Democrats. He succeeded — scored a bullseye with Kamala Harris, who boycotted the Israeli PM because of a “more pressing” engagement (speaking at her college sorority), and

    2. giving the Trump campaign a major boost with his visit. Here, he also did swimmingly.

  2. Peloni: I really think that Bibi achieved a great many things in his fourth speech before the US Congress, but as I have noted before, the speech was not directed at the faux allies of Israel in the political arena, but to the American people themselves, who remain to be the true allies of Israel in its fight against its existential enemies under Iran’s control.

    I didn’t see the speech, seeing that my computer was not functioning; but I did follow the optics of it somewhat. From what I could gather, the most important element of Bibi’s visit was his talk with President Trump.

    This has been an eventful month, full of distractions.

  3. “But sayers” are worse. Facing a conglomerate of traitors, agents, coupsters…and more.
    Israel is in deep trouble and needs hard hands at the helm. Kaplanists must be removed.

  4. Bibi’s Speech had two audiences in my view:

    1. To anyone with an open mind including American’s of what actually is going on in the Gaza war and to inform anyone that is not aware that Iran is the snakes head and is the primary enemy of US and Israel.

    2. Israeli public