Netanyahu’s epic stare down at the UN

Breitbart reports that Obama instructed Kerry and Power not to attend speech. The other US delegates there did not applaud the speech when others did.

October 2, 2015 | 31 Comments »

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  1. CuriousAmerican Said:

    I am saying Israel’s pretense only hurt Israel’s cause.

    the pretense was those who promised the jews settlement in the homeland in all of the mandate and then followed them back to their hommeland to stalk them, libel them, swindle them, threaten them to hand their homeland to vicious and violent animals who teach their children that Jews are sons of apes and pigs…. but fret not as those who stalk the jews home to hound them are now being set upon by the vicious animals they hired to kill the Jews.
    You are well aware that Israel has been subject to extortion and just like the extorters you complain that Israel is not giving the pals what they thought they had extorted from Israeli lips. If the lunatic Israeli leftists were not sincere in promising some form of state then I would laud them for employing the same tactic agianst their enemies that their enemies apply to them. If only they could now use the covert tactics their enemies use against them similarly: financing, support, organizing, propaganda,planning aid to the jew killers. Perhaps helping the pals build homes in europe would be a good idea and a learning experience for those europeans who think that the honor killers and the Jews are equivalent in behavior..

  2. CuriousAmerican Said:

    Let me make it easy for you: I am referring to what was said in public, not what was quietly talked among lawyers.

    😛 😛 😛
    In other words you admit now that the written agreement between the pals and Israel does indeed NOT promise them a state. So now your disingenuous turn is to refer to the actual written and legal agreements as just something “quietly talked among lawyers”. Is there no limit to your dishonesty? Nothing quiet about those agreements, published everywhere even on wikipedia. All the euroscum, UN BDS church leaders and folks like you are completely aware of what the agreements declare and yet they still try to spin the non state into a state.

    It does not matter what various leaders say they want or are committed to as their words are not binding and everyone in the treaty business knows that. the pals promised to stop teaching their children that Jews are sons of apes and pigs in writing; the eurofilth promised jews to be settled in all their homeland undivided in writing; Jordan promised to give the west bank to the pals in a radio announcement but later recognized a border with Israel not the PLO

    It is strange that you harp on the utterance of the word state by Jews and pretend that is the reason for the pal continued killing and violence of Jews…. Are you implying that the poor pals were fooled and that is the reason for their perpetual lunacy?

    Not only are your assertions irrelevant and moot but they are also inaccurate:
    CuriousAmerican Said:

    You cannot use a word with one accepted meaning and then redefine it; and then accuse others of duplicity when they misunderstand you.

    it appears that your presentation of pal narratives are as fraudulent as theirs:

    A state is an organized political community living under a single system of government.[1] Speakers of American English often use state and government as synonyms,[note 1] with both words referring to an organized political group that exercises authority over a particular territory.[2] States may or may not be sovereign. For instance, federated states that are members of a federal union have only partial sovereignty, but are, nonetheless, states.[1] Some states are subject to external sovereignty or hegemony where ultimate sovereignty lies in another state.[3]

    apparently you told a number of fibs here: that Oslo promised aa state and that a state has only one meaning.
    Did you get a job as a pal propgagandist or do you merely seek any opportunity to defame Israel and Jews.

    There is no reason to think that the lunatic Israeli left did not sincerely beleive, and some still, that they could make peace with the honor killers and give them some form of state. They were wrong and you become a liar on every form of analysis applied to your ludicrous arguments.

    In my view, until they purge every trace of anti semitism and incitement from their filthy cultures they should only be given some form of J-A-I-L until they can be deported, like what is done in most civilized cultures with undesirable aliens.

  3. Oslo was a was a major mistake and thinking Pals can ever be believed for anything was also. Oslo process is now over! We now have a war and we need to clean out the Arabs.

  4. @ bernard ross:
    dont worry, I am sure we will stumble on your state while I keep searching

    Let me make it easy for you: I am referring to what was said in public, not what was quietly talked among lawyers.

    Times of Israel
    Netanyahu tells EU’s Mogherini he’s committed to two-state solution

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the European Union’s top diplomat Wednesday that he was committed to a two-state solution with the Palestinians, attempting to undo diplomatic damage wreaked by statements seemingly in opposition to a Palestinian state during March electioneering.

    The Times of Israel is a Jewish Run Israeli organization.

    Notice how they mention Netanyahu refering to a “two-state solution.”

    Notice he did NOT say self-governing authority, but what was referred to was a “two-state” solution.

    Notice the word: state. S-T-A-T-E.

    Israeli leaders parrotted state in Public.

    Now, lets go to Arutz Sheva, a right wing Jewish run Israeli group.

    The “two-state solution”, claimed Livni, “is a pure Israeli interest. It’s something we need for ourselves, not a favor to the Palestinians or to the President of the United States.”

    Livni: Delaying ‘Two-State Solution’ is an Historical Mistake

    Justice Minister claims that delaying the two-state solution would be a mistake on the part of those who call themselves Zionists.

    There is that word: State: S-t-a-t-e.

    Notice that Livni did not say they were running out of time for a self-governing limited autonomous authority. Rather she is quoted by Arutz Sheva – not the main stream media – as saying “two state solution.”

    Again … s-t-a-t-e.

    So we have Livni.

    It is this use of the word: state, s-t-a-t-e. which I am taking about. This is what is parrotted in public, and what is backfiring.

    No use in denying it. I quoted to Israeli Jewish Zionist media sources, one of which is extraordinarily Zionist.

    Israel used the word “state,” in public while in private used a different definition. Hence, the observation: PRETENSE!

    Look, I admit that the Arabs are nutty, and savage.

    But the pretense of Oslo only hurt Israel’s cause.

    Having publically said “state” so many times, people actually expect Israel to deliver a state to the Arabs.

    If you cannot admit that Israeli leaders were talking out of both sides of their mouth after I have given you evidence from Jewish Israeli sources that you are making your own pretense.

    I am not saying Oslo was good or redeemable.

    I am saying Israel’s pretense only hurt Israel’s cause.

  5. CuriousAmerican Said:

    the promise of two-states, which was publicly parroted by Netanyahu, Barak, Livni and Olmert.

    Can’t you read?

    still reading, but no cigar yet

    The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared the main object of the Interim Agreement ?to broaden Palestinian self-government in the West Bank by means of an elected self-governing authority [to] allow the Palestinians to conduct their own internal affairs, reduce points of friction between Israelis and Palestinians, and open a new era of cooperation and co-existence based on common interest, dignity and mutual respect. At the same time it protects Israel’s vital interests, and in particular its security interests, both with regard to external security as well as the personal security of its citizens in the West Bank?.[2]

    right now, I am not even seeing an autonomy and definitely NOT a state. In fact it appears that NOT mentioning a state is a prime objective of the agreement

    still waiting for you to point your state out in the Oslo accords….. perhaps you are basing your ludicrous understandings on pal narratives rather than actual agreements. What do you think, show me the state please.

  6. CuriousAmerican Said:

    The word state has a political meaning. They should have used autonomy. They could have used “autonomous region,” or even “zone.”

    It supersedes three earlier agreements:
    the Gaza–Jericho Agreement or Cairo Agreement of 4 May 1994
    the Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities Between Israel and the PLO of 29 August 1994
    the Protocol on Further Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities of 27 August 1995
    The Oslo II Accord is called an interim agreement because it was supposed to be the basis for subsequent negotiations, and the preliminary of an eventual comprehensive peace agreement. Several additional agreements were concluded following Oslo II, but negotiations did not produce a final peace agreement. The 2002 Road map for peace abandoned the Oslo Accords and envisioned a rather loose scheme of withdrawal.

    dont worry, I am sure we will stumble on your state while I keep searching

  7. CuriousAmerican Said:

    They could have used “autonomous region,” or even “zone.” You cannot use a word with one accepted meaning and then redefine it; and then accuse others of duplicity when they misunderstand you.

    the word used was palestine national authority

    The Oslo Accords envisioned the establishment of a Palestinian interim self-government in the Palestinian territories, but fell short of the promise of an independent Palestinian state. Oslo II created the Areas A, B and C in the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority was given some limited powers and responsibilities in the Areas A and B and a prospect of negotiations on a final settlement based on Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338.

    still looking for your “state”

  8. CuriousAmerican Said:

    Israel’s leaders trafficked in an ambiguity

    this is what all diplomats do…. in fact most agreements that the US brokers are based on ambiguity or no one will sign them… each party gets to keep his own interpretation, intentionally…… like the Iran deal and UNSC 242.
    your use of the word trafficked and assigning it solely to Israel and not the USpals, EU or pals is why I always say that I believe you are a serial, chronic lying anti semite. You never fail to disappoint me in proving me right every time

  9. CuriousAmerican Said:

    The word state has a political meaning.

    please show me in the Oslo accords the reference to the creation of a palestinian state and the powers it was to posess. I searched for your narrative but was unable to find it. International agreements are not based on what unrelated folks think but on what is written. Any reference to the creation of a state is meaningless unless in writing. Just like the Jordan king made a public announcement that he was transferring his interest to the pals in the west bank it was poppycock as his treaty with Israel made no mention of the ludicrous PR announcement, it had no legal standing. Words of BB, livni, barak and olmert mean nothing without official documents of the GOI. What folks “understand” is a laughingstock in the world of contracts, treaties and agreements…and all the diplomatic level players knew the facts but lied about them. lol, even the written word can mean crap like the bush letter. You beat a moot, irrelevant and dead horse. No one cares what a bunch of pallywood taqiyya liars and BS euros “understand”. The document is clear.

  10. CuriousAmerican Said:

    South Lebanon was primarily Shia, not Christian. Christians are in Lebanon’s center near Beirut and Zahle. Most of the conscripts in the SLA were Shi’a. Barak could never have created a Christian state in South Lebanon.

    baloney, the SLA was run by christians and had a majority were christians, south lebanese involuntary conscripts contained shia … had Barak been a man of vision he could have had established a state over time and it would have been a haven for not only lebanese christians but those now getting their heads chopped in the other arab lands. the fact that at the time the area was a majority shia can change as easily as Syria’s population is changing. In the mideast people can be moved and the SLA could have handled it. They fought agianst hexbullah and were run by christians. Barack was not up to thinking out of the box and seizing opportunity. Barak lacked vision, betrayed his allies, left chaos when he left. Now Israel can never again be viewed as a trustworthy ally, just like obama america.

  11. @ bernard ross:
    they never referred to fully independent, everyone knew it was less than a state, Rabin made that clear… liars who control media spread the lie…. eurocrap

    No, it was NOT clear. Chiefly because they imprudently used the term state themselves.

    olmert was a crook, today livni’s solution to jews being killed is that BB should “make decisions to reduce tension”, barak is the leftist fool who left lebanon when he could have created a christian state

    You do not know history. South Lebanon was primarily Shia, not Christian. Christians are in Lebanon’s center near Beirut and Zahle. Most of the conscripts in the SLA were Shi’a. Barak could never have created a Christian state in South Lebanon.

    and BB was pressured by obama… but no one, and you know that referred to a typical full state. Your beating this ludicrous irrelevant drum is chronic.

    It is on point.

    The word state has a political meaning. They should have used autonomy. They could have used “autonomous region,” or even “zone.” You cannot use a word with one accepted meaning and then redefine it; and then accuse others of duplicity when they misunderstand you.

    Israel’s leaders trafficked in an ambiguity. They are not the first diplomats to do this. But in Israel’s case, it has backfired.

  12. CuriousAmerican Said:

    Then why did Olmert, Livni, Barak,and Netanyahu refer to a two-state solution which indicated something which was fully independent.

    they never referred to fully independent, everyone knew it was less than a state, Rabin made that clear… liars who control media spread the lie…. eurocrap
    olmert was a crook, today livni’s solution to jews being killed is that BB should “make decisions to reduce tension”, barak is the leftist fool who left lebanon when he could have created a christian state and BB was pressured by obama… but no one, and you know that referred to a typical full state. Your beating this ludicrous irrelevant drum is chronic.CuriousAmerican Said:

    Hence: false premise.

    first you say false pretense and when that is proven ludicrous you slyly say now false premise….. simple idiotic, misguided jews with hopey dreamy screwed up… no need to continue what is horribly and thankfully clear. Now that your proposed Jew paying of hundred thousand per family scam to ship pals to SA is shown ludicrous by their literally dying to leave for europe, I guess you look for another drum to beat.

    CuriousAmerican Said:

    It was an Israeli blunder, which is what I was pointing out before you falsely accused me of other motives.

    No, you lie again… you said it was a false pretense, a charade… because your agenda is to defame Jews… I prove it every time, when are you going home with your tail between your legs….. take felix with you.
    CuriousAmerican Said:

    Israel had 1.5(±) million Arabs before Oslo and 2(±) million Arabs after Oslo. The difference is that now the Arabs have greater unrealistic expectations, which has aggravated their already dangerous behavior.

    I think their pissed off attitude is going to go badly for the euros who like to put up with that crap… slaves, kidnapped wives and daughters, rapes,….chopped heads….. they particularly dislike christians…. in italy they beat up little girls wearing crucifixes…. must be because il papa kowtowed to the pals.

    Eurotunnel services suspended as migrants storm tunnel
    Eurotunnel services were suspended after a “large and co-ordinated” group” of migrants stormed the tracks, services won’t resume until after 10am

    “groups” of hundreds
    they’re already angry and show no fear of being caught or stopped. What are you going to do? while you are here stalking Jews the muslims are flooding europe and hussein O wants them in the US

  13. @ bernard ross:
    clearly no fuly autonous state was agreed

    Then why did Olmert, Livni, Barak,and Netanyahu refer to a two-state solution which indicated something which was fully independent.

    There intentions (agreement) and words were not in synch. Hence: false premise.

    Look, I admit the Arabs are worse … much worse … but Israeli rhetoric has backfired to make Israel’s diplomatic predicament worse.

    It was an Israeli blunder, which is what I was pointing out before you falsely accused me of other motives.

    Israel had 1.5(±) million Arabs before Oslo and 2(±) million Arabs after Oslo. The difference is that now the Arabs have greater unrealistic expectations, which has aggravated their already dangerous behavior.

  14. CuriousAmerican Said:

    The false premise was the promise of two-states

    You said false pretense… the lunatic left believed they could have peace and the ensuing years proves them wrong. furthermore, clearly no fully autonomous state was agreed and not stop to settlement building… but it matters not because the lunatic pals must be supervised if they are anywhere near and what is important is not their democracy or rights because like criminals and lunatics they must be restricted.

  15. CuriousAmerican Said:

    The false premise was the promise of two-states,

    facts on the ground prove this irrelevant and past discussion. One cannot empower an existential enemy, one must seek to damage him

  16. @ CuriousAmerican:
    stop wasting Jews time on the pals and the foreigners, what they like, what they dont like. the fact is that as we speak hundred of thousands of honor kilers are flocking to europe and over a million expected next year. this is the best solution so far… get them out of the ME and to plague the jew swindlers. On and on you go with what no one cares about. No one cares except a few diminishing leftist lunatics about democracy for honor killers. No one cares about what happens to them except the euros and they are taking them in. Why do you keep wasting our time with irrelvant crap about pretenses of a dead deal? Why wast time about what arabs think about the 2 state solution…. all that needs to be known about them is that they want to kill jews and cant live in peace with jews. All that you say is irrelvant… as for people are tiered of the holocaust I never wanted jews to seek sympathy, only to kill their enemies in any manner available. Euros dedicating monuments while actively funding jew killers and building muslim homes in YS is rubbish. I am always against jews begging empathy from euros… why should jews care about them or the arabs? Identify the enemy and seek all the methods to destroy him, this is the only relevant MO. Lawfare is a method of destruction, diplomacy is a method of deception… these are good as weapons but not as whining for sympathy.

  17. @ bernard ross:

    CuriousAmerican Said:

    I said both sides were operating on false premises

    baloney, israel was not operating on a false premise: settlement ban was not included in agreement.

    The false premise was the promise of two-states, which was publicly parroted by Netanyahu, Barak, Livni and Olmert.

    Can’t you read?

  18. CuriousAmerican Said:

    I said both sides were operating on false premises

    baloney, israel was not operating on a false premise: settlement ban was not included in agreement. You mimich the leis of the euros and arabs. The euros know they are lying as they signed the original agreements to settle jews in the very areas and those agreements have never been canceled. there is no he thought she thought… everything is clear but you, the euros and the arabs are lying.
    All your assertions are red herrings meant to donfuse and distract jews. the only thing that counts is that the pals cannot live in peace with jews and in such a case they must leave. everythng else is rendered moot.. you cannot give a democratic right to a hostile enemy to kill you unless you are seeking to swindle and bamboozle Jews. they had their chances, way too many, time to get out. sooner or later the jews will see who the enemies are and devise ways to destroy them.
    frankly, exactly what has been happening with the arab and euro spring is the best way to destroy them.
    Instead of wasting jews time with irrelevant red and dead herrings, you should be focusing Jews on liquidating their enemies.
    CuriousAmerican Said:

    If you cancel Oslo, those 2(±) million disenfranchised Arabs will not go away.

    they are going to europe, a few hundred thousand now and the euros say they expect 1.5 million next year. Apparently many pals are in that horde and if Israel is smart they will find ways to get them to where they want to go, and its not SA.
    Pretenses, democracy, what to do with honor killers… all red herrings… Look at what happened to the honor killers in syria and the jews expelled from arab countries and you can see there are tried and true methods which no one has been able to stop…. it matters not who wants who after they flood in… after they arrive there is only whining but no effect. Its quite doable without all the machinations… I have shown you many times and Syria shows you now.

  19. @ bernard ross:
    leftist Israelis are always seeking an absurd peace with arabs, that they are star struck lunatics who become exploited by criminal leaders like Olmert. You exploit this character trait knowingly pretending that Jews lied, even though it is irrelevant to the issue, because your agenda is to defame jews while pretending to agree with Jews.

    Are you capable of comprehending what constitutes a tactical blunder?

    Has Israel leadership not consented to Oslo, Israel may not be in as severe the mess as it is right now.

    Maybe Israeli leadership thought they could downgrade and diminish the meaning of the word “state” at the negotiating table. Maybe they thought they could bring in much more Olim to the point where the situation would change.

    No one denies the Arabs are nuts and violent … and yes, anti-Semitic.

    But when you offer the Arabs a state … which the Arabs understood to mean state, and not autonomy … and then such a state is not given … nor was intended to be given … the result of failed hopes, and expectations is even more violence among the Arabs who were deranged to begin with.

    Olmert, Livni, Barak, and Netanyahu said “two-state.” Now, maybe they meant autonomy, but politics is not driven by the fine print, but by slogans.

    Israel shot itself in the foot.

    Europe, which is now fed up of this seventy years of fighting – which interferes with their capitalism – just wants it to go away.

    Israel has an issue. 2(±) million disenfranchised, angry, deranged, Muslim Arabs in Judea and Samaria. This anger gets vetted on third parties, leading to plan hijackings in the 1970s, obnoxious security at airports, retreat of civil rights (Patriot Act), etc. and worldwide Islamic terrorism.

    As Osama Bin Laden said: Let the whole world know that we shall never accept that the tragedy of Andalusia [the loss of Muslim Spain] would be repeated in Palestine. We cannot accept that Palestine will become Jewish.

    Like it or not: This Palestine issue is fueling some – not all – of the rage on the Arab street.

    The Euros just want it to go away. Hence the pressure for a two-state solution, which everyone but the Israelis understood to mean two states.

    Israel’s own rhetoric has boxed Israel into a corner.

    You claim to want a two state solution, but cannot give Palestinians a state.

    You claim to be a democracy, but dare not enfranchise the 2(±) million Arabs in J&S who are under Israel military rule, and without control of their borders, movement, residency registration, mineral rights, broadcasting rights, all the things which constitute a state.

    If an Israeli is arrested he has rights. If a Palestinian in J&S is arrested he is under military rules. A subordinate class.

    To the Euros, such a class differentiation seems inconsistent with “the only democracy in the Mideast.”


    Yes, by every measure, but they do not claim to be democratic. Israel does.

    I am not even condemning Israel, but Israel’s predicament works against its rhetoric, and vice versa.

    Oslo was a pretense. Yes, the Arabs were worse, but Oslo was still a pretense, and it has come back to bite Israel.

    Given Abbas’ recent statement, Israel may have a reason to cancel Oslo altogether, and ship Abbas & Co. to Gaza.

    But whatever you do … there are still 2(±) million disenfranchised Arabs in J&S, many of whom are descendents of refugees from Haifa, Yafo (Jaffa) or Caesarea on the coast, etc. They are not Jordanians.

    If you cancel Oslo, those 2(±) million disenfranchised Arabs will not go away.

    So if you cancel Oslo, then amend Israel’s hasbara rhetoric so next time it does not come back to haunt Israel; and come up with the coherent plan to deal with the 2(±) million disenfranchised Arabs.

    If you do not want to treat with them democratically – which may be insane to do – then admit it. If you want to limit them to a reservation – which may be your only safe option – call it a reservation.

    But right now, your rhetoric is killing you, because your rhetoric cannot be applied and you look deceptive.

  20. @ bernard ross:
    Your 2 state pretense narrative is just one more of your endless repertoire of the “the arabs are vicious, violent murderers but the Jews are bad too”. Oslo was an agreement to enter a process which has proven to be an abject failure NOT because the Jews entered on false pretenses but because the arabs never ended their anti semitic incitement and their violence against Jews.

    If you would read instead of falsely accusing.

    I said both sides were operating on false premises and the Arabs were worse, and brutal and savage

    Learn to read.

    How conveniently you ignored this statement of mine:

    @ CuriousAmerican:
    True the Arabs are insane, violent, brutal, and even more deceptive …

    You avoid reading, because you like to slander me, since I do not agree with everything you say.

    Notice the adjectives: insane, violent, brutal, and even more deceptive.

    You ignore that.

    Read what I say. I refuse to argue with people who parrot nonsense, and refuse intelligent debate.

  21. @ bernard ross:

    CuriousAmerican Said:

    I wish this were not so. But Obama has thrown Israel to the crocodiles, and the world no longer cares.

    I do not like saying this … but that is what happened.

    rubbish, you are absolutely overjoyed to be saying this.

    No! Ross; but I cannot help your paranoia.

    As a matter of fact, I was kind of stunned with the silence. It was a giant universal statement of contempt. I was shocked at the dead silence.

    I saw it as akin to the 1938 St. Louis incident. The world no longer cares.

  22. CuriousAmerican Said:

    I wish this were not so. But Obama has thrown Israel to the crocodiles, and the world no longer cares.

    I do not like saying this … but that is what happened.

    rubbish, you are absolutely overjoyed to be saying this.

  23. CuriousAmerican Said:

    I wish this were not so. But Obama has thrown Israel to the crocodiles, and the world no longer cares.

    the problem is not that the world no longer cares, as they never cared. the problem is the active participation in the defamation, delegitimization, libeling swindling of the Jews and Israel and the active funding, logistical and material support to those who have pledged to destroy Israel and the Jews. this is much more than not caring, this is an actual covert war of the BDS euros and churches against the Jewish state. the problem is that fool jews are unable to identify their enemy in europe because they have eternal stars in their eyes which block their vision. The Jews who tend to be compassionate trusting and caring are no match for the evil cunning BDS euros and christians who pretend to caring while at the same time libeling and swindling the Jews, giving money to jew killers.

    You are well aware of this manipulation which is why even though you agree that the arabs are a vicious intolerant and violent people you seek to blame the Jews for fibs at oslo, for a “pretense” of a 2 state. You blame the Jews for the intentional euro fraud of pretending that oslo was a full 2 state solution and organizing their diplomacy and media to spread that lie along with the euro lie that the jews settling in YS is illegal when they themselves signed up and guaranteed it at the LON.

    CuriousAmerican Said:

    Israel should never have used the term “two-state,” nor even signed Oslo.

    since the euros and brit trustee threatened the jews at their trans jordan fraud the jews will sign anything under duress. agreements signed under duress are illegal. the same with the US who is always threatening Israel to sign false agreements with side codicils and then renege, like the bush letters and the iran deal.

    We can be sure, IMO, that you are intentionally lying about false “pretenses” because you know more than anyone know that leftist Jews and leftist Israelis are always seeking an absurd peace with arabs, that they are star struck lunatics who become exploited by criminal leaders like Olmert. You exploit this character trait knowingly pretending that Jews lied, even though it is irrelevant to the issue, because your agenda is to defame jews while pretending to agree with Jews.

    Your 2 state pretense narrative is just one more of your endless repertoire of the “the arabs are vicious, violent murderers but the Jews are bad too”. Oslo was an agreement to enter a process which has proven to be an abject failure NOT because the Jews entered on false pretenses but because the arabs never ended their anti semitic incitement and their violence against Jews. Its a failed agreement and all your attempts to find a way to defame Jews is irrelevant and moot. Its a failure and the one proven thing is that it is folly to give the insane arabs Jewish land because they cannot live in peace with Jews. DUH, if they cannot live in peace then THEY are the ones who must leave that land.

    There is the 80% of the mandate JEW FREE created by the euros and run by their imported hashemite stooge with a majority of the pals on it… that is their JEW FREE homeland… or Italy, france, germany, norway….. the place they really want to go and the only place to which Jews should donate to their going…Why, you may well ask? Because the muslims going to europe, as I predicted to you before, will be good for Israel in the same way that the arab spring has been good: the lunatics of europe and arabia can bring anarchy and chaos to each other and will then have less time and resources to attack Jews in Israel.

    As to what happens to the pals, they dont care about me and i dont care about them. they cannot live in peace with Jews on the Jewish land so they must leave and any damage and loss is theirs and their sponsors to bear. Decisions should be made that are in the interest of jews not in the interest of jew swindlers, jew libelers and jew killers.

  24. @ CuriousAmerican:
    That anti-Semites are not sensitive to the Holocaust is not news. This is no reason for Bibi not to bring it up. The message you missed is because of this silence we reserve the right to do anything to protect ourselves (anything)!

    Your other points about Oslo and two states are no longer interesting or relevant to center or right of center Israelis or Pro Israeli Jews.

    The Peter Beinart (far left haters of Israel) types may care but not the rest of us.

    What happens to the Pals, where do they go and when will we annex more land is what is relevant. It does not matter what names you others call us in this regard.

    A new war is about to break out with the Pals quite possibly and perhaps we will take the appropriate action this time around. Time will tell.

  25. I have to continue.

    The 45 seconds of dead silence was stunning and said something else.

    Netanyahu meantioned the six million Jews who died in WW II, and the Holocaust and the UN ignored him.

    I know it sounds awful, but after seventy years of hearing about the Holocaust,the word has lost its power. Maybe not to the Jewish people, but much of the world no longer cares.

    I know it is forever stamped on the Jewish soul, but the world has a short memory.

    The world sees that millions died of famine in Africa. Millions of slaves were taken in the Sudan. Tens of millions died in Chinese famines started by Mao. Cambodian killing fields. How many millions of Vietnamese died in their wars with France, the US, and then China? Billions have lived under savage tyrants. The Palestinians claim millions are stuck as stateless refugees. How many died under Chile’s Pinochet, or Argentina’s Dirty War? The Irish in Ulster are still under British rule, though the Irish have been seeking freedom for over eight centuries. The Basque want out of Spain. The savagery of Darfur. Britain truly viciously persecuted the Kenyans – literally castrating them during the Mau Mau uprising.

    So when Netanyahu starts talking about the potential of another Holocaust from Iran, the world says “Enough! Basta! No Mas! Stop Kvetching!”

    I know that sounds awful but that is what I see in their silence.

    Some Jews, I have read, say the world fields guilty about the Holocaust. Would that it were so. It would mean the world cared.

    Actually, the world does not feel a bit guilty at all. The world’s attitude is: “We got out own problems. Move along. We do not want to hear it anymore. Live or die, just stop bothering us. Do you think you are the only ones to suffer?

    I know that sounds awful, but it is not guilt. Nor is it a secret desire for Israel’s destruction (except from the Arabs).

    It is basically that the world is simply tired of hearing about it. I know that sounds incomprehensible to you, but it is so. Do most Jews lose sleep about the 15 million Africans who perished in the trans-Atlantic slave trade? Well, neither do Africans lose sleep over the Holocaust. Likewise neither do South Americans, or Indians, or Chinese (who will be happy to tell you that they lost millions more people fighting the Japanese fascists). The Chinese will bring up the Rape of Nanking.

    The reason this is scary is because Israel is now on its own. Thanks to Obama’s insane policies, even the USA is no longer dependable. Even if the Republicans come back, AIPAC is destroyed, and the pro-Israel lobby has been severely, maybe irreparably, weakened.

    Ironically, one thing to come out of this was that American Jews were less supportive of Israel than American Evangelical Christians. Check that out Yamit. The supporters of Yeshua HaMoshiach were more reliable than American Jewry’s J-street.

    But Evangelicals are only 1/3 of the USA, and could turn the tide in Congress. Catholics and Mainstream Protestants do not care.

    Netanyahu does not know how to play an audience. Rather than stressing the survival of the Jewish people – which most of the world does not care about either way – he should have been driving home again and again that Iran is a menace to HaGoyim.

    Basic human nature which is self-centered.

    I wish this were not so. But Obama has thrown Israel to the crocodiles, and the world no longer cares.

    I do not like saying this … but that is what happened.

  26. You are not going to like to hear this, but it is true.

    For years, Israeli leaders like Olmert, Livni, and Netanyahu have been talking about a two-state solution using the word: “state.”

    Now, the world sort of believed them, and expected Israel to deliver the Palestinians a honest-to-goodness deal which included a state … a genuine state.

    Now, Ted says that is not what was in the Oslo contract. He refers to it as a contract.

    Maybe Ted has a point – but the Israeli leaders never publically explained the Oslo contract. Instead they talked about a two-state solution … and everyone took state to mean “state,” not limited autonomy along the lines of a 19th century Apache reservation.

    What am I talking about? Apaches have US citizenship and freedom of movement. So do Puerto Ricans, Guamians, and Northern Marianas have full US Citizenship, freedom of movement, can move to the mainland at will and run for President if they so desire.

    The Israelis were not even offering the option of a reservation.

    Anyhow, Livni, Olmert, Barak, and Netanyahu bantered about the phrase two-state solution, taking advantage of the ambiguity between the common understanding of the word “state” and the fine print of Oslo.

    When a “state,” by which the world understood it to mean “state,” and not limited autonomy, which Ted says was in the Oslo contract, did not arrive, the world interpreted the Israelis to be deceptive.

    True the Arabs are insane, violent, brutal, and even more deceptive, but it cannot be denied that Israeli leaders did not garner a reputation for honesty.

    The Israel leaders claim to be a more civilized people and “the only democratic state in the Mideast.” So the world judges them by a tougher standard.

    Is this a double standard?

    Yes, but it is one partly fostered by Israel’s claims and boasts.

    I understand why Israel entered into Oslo. I suspect they thought it would achieve something. Maybe they hoped to buy time so that more Olim could arrive and tip the balance in Israel’s favor. Apparently, not enough came to help the situation.

    Twenty years later the world is looking at Israel and saying, “Where is the second state you promised the Palestinians?”

    Then comes Netanyahu, whose reputation for honesty is not even high in Israel. So now, when Netanyahu crys “Holocaust” in regard to Iran at the UN, the term has lost its power. It has been overused.

    Like the boy who cried Wolf once too often, now the wolf (Iran) has really arrived, and no one cares anymore.

    I blame Obama. I blame the Arabs. I blame the media which is two-faced and overlooks Arab savagery. I blame Western cowardice to stand up to Islam.

    But part of the blame does lie with Israeli politicians.

    If Israel never meant to give the Palestinians a state – by which is meant a truly sovereign state, and not autonomy – Israel should never have used the term “two-state,” nor even signed Oslo.

    Netanyahu does not know when to change rhetoric.

  27. @ Teshuvah:
    The judgment of God on the U.S. and the U.N. seems certain.

    Most definitely, but probably not for the reasons you think.

    @ Teshuvah:
    I wonder if Hurricane Joaquin will make a left turn through WDC and then on to the UN building.

    I doubt it.

  28. this endless begging and whining to foreigners at the UN who dont care about dead Jews is pathetic. Instead of hanging about the UN go out and kill the anti semites in Israel. Use the speeches after taking actions rather than using talk always instead of action. Its hard for the world to take Jews seriously because unlike any other people they care more for their enemies than their own children. they take IS seriously becuase they seriously kill those who get in their way. Anti semites need to die…. its not rocket science. Round up the anti semites and kill them, deport them, beat them, but stop treating them like criminals who deserve indictments and trials… show the world that Jews are willing to kill their enemies for revenge and not just in self defense. All this restraint is becoming as tiresome as the pals endless killing of Jews. If someone killed my children I would want to kill ALL his children and all his tribe without apologies, 1000 for one could not satisfy me.

    The muslims and pals take the Jews for fools, and so they should.

    Palestinians Launch Fireworks, Wave Flags to Celebrate Brutal Murder of Israeli Couple

    Lets face it, not one of those anti semites deserve to live and instead of the GOI trying to show the filthy foreigners that they are fair and incarcerating phantom Jews, and instead of getting upset over the broken cameras of lying delgitimizing reporters they should let loose the army to kill anti semites and kicking their filthy backsides across the border.

    All the FAtah should be rounded up and executed in the streets with no trial. Send the IDF to ramallah and drag out abbas and the rest of them and parade them like dogs through the streets before shooting them dead like the rabid dogs they are. Forget about the GC which is never protecting Jews. Afterwards BB can talk to the UN and say thats for the dead Jews.