Netanyahu’s Declaration of Independence

By Ted Belman

According to Dr Yitzhak Klein, Style and substance in Netanyahu’s governance, when PM Netanyahu demanded recognition in exchange for a temporary and partial freeze, it was his Declaration of Independence. In doing so he threw down the gaunlet to the Whitehouse, The Arab League, Labor and Mahmoud Abbas.

1. White House

    Netanyahu chose his political ground carefully. Nothing is likely to generate sympathy for Israel’s position on Capitol Hill and within the American Jewish community as insistence that the Palestinians simply acknowledge that Israel is the Jewish state. Their refusal to do so will seem incomprehensible to most Americans.

2. The Arab League.

    Netanyahu’s statement was a challenge to let the Palestinian issue slide, and no longer allow it to interfere with the quiet alliance between Israel and moderate Arab states now shaping up over Iran. [..] This, of course, undermines what is supposed to be one of the Obama administration’s rationales in pressing the Palestinian issue – making up to the Arab world.

3. The Labor Party.

    Labor’s policy is increasingly vulnerable to ideological purists insisting that the “peace process” continue at all costs. Labor is threatening to leave Netanyahu’s coalition if negotiations break down. Netanyahu’s chosen political ground is even more potent within Israel than on Capitol Hill. If Labor – and Kadima – want to fight an election on the grounds that Israel should not insist on recognition as the Jewish state, they’re welcome to try their luck.

4. Mahmoud Abbas,

    Netanyahu said, in effect, “Be damned.”

Netanyahu has a plan.

    THE BIG difference between Netanyahu today and the Netanyahu who was elected in 1996 is that he seems to have developed an intuition for when he has no choice but to turn around and fight back. One such moment was when Obama manufactured a crisis over building in Jerusalem and dissed Netanyahu in the Oval Office. As he left the White House that day, Netanyahu appeared to have understood instinctively that he couldn’t let himself be cowed. Another such moment appears to have come this week.

    Chances are about even that the Labor Party will pull out of Netanyahu’s coalition – probably around December (budget time), when it can obfuscate the diplomatic issue on which Netanyahu and the Likud can craft an electoral victory. Netanyahu can maintain a narrow coalition by adding the National Union, but it’s far from clear that that’s his best option. Perhaps his next step is to learn to anticipate a crisis he cannot avoid and precipitate it – on his own terms and in his own time. If the country is going to elections, the best time for the prime minister is ASAP.

    The country is going to need a new policy to deal with the Palestinians, based on the assumption that no peace agreement is likely any time soon.

The writer heads the Israel Policy Center, whose mission includes reinforcing Israel’s character as a Jewish, democratic state.

October 13, 2010 | 28 Comments »

28 Comments / 28 Comments

  1. This mud slinging has got to stop. Attack ideas but not each other. AE, your refusal to acknowledge that America has always forced Israel to retreat is a great failure on your part. Yes, she helps us but also undermines us. How many times must we point that out to you.

    Yamit wants readers to understand that American support comes with a great cost to Israel. Like any nationlists he wants Israel to be independant. That doesn’t mean he is driving a wedge beween Israel and her supporters. On the other hand Yamit calls you an enemy of Israel. I totally disagree with him in this. You want a two state solution and reject a one state solution. That doesn’t make you an enemy of Israel necessarily.. You have yet to make clear what the deal should be once the Arabs accept Israel or Jewish Israel in the ME.

    Are you for the ’67 borders with minor swaps or are you for Israel holding out for a better deal. Some believe, like most of us here, that the former would bring war not peace and that friends of Israel should not support it. Yamit believes that anyone who supports ’67 borders is an enemy of Isreal. The “pro Israel” left believes otherwise.

    What more is there to say.

    Stop ad hominem attacks. I warn you.

  2. You and Max can hate America all you like,

    Hate America! Say what!!!?? I spent half my childhood in America, I love lots of things about America.

    Here is an example of identity disease You, American Eagle , get it through your head – you are not AMERICA. America is many many things. Some good , some bad. Because you have identity disease yo have no ability to do investigative and critical analysis.

    hope and pray that Max does not get seriously ill, because he may have to come to the US for tests or surgery, if he wants to live

    If I get ill and I need medicine or special care either in Canada or USA, I will quickly die because I have not enough money, not even for aspirin or even a cross town bus let alone a flight to America.

    I would be more likely to die in America if I was American, that is indisputable.

    The Superclass has murdered millions of North Americans simply by disinheriting them from their rightful share of the wealth and of basic social services – using them like dish rags and letting them to live and die like dogs.

  3. AmericanEagle says:
    October 16, 2010 at 5:58 pm

    I must have been prescient – because I turned out to have you pegged correctly as an abusive person who is upset that you have been exposed for driving a wedge between Israel and it’s biggest benefactor and defender, to suit some dark agenda that certainly doesn’t help Israel.

    Crazy is as crazy does.

    A guy who likes to start and write pages upon pages of crazy arguments – a guy who will start an argument about anything.

    He is just a troll Yamit, he doesn’t care what he says he is just out to annoy people here, he has no platform except to cause trouble and be contrarian. His words a re meaningless Use your energies to some better use – ignore him and he will have nothing to say – he only has something to say if he can attack some pro-Israel position here. He is using the technique of “pretend to be on their side”.

  4. Yamit,

    Thanks to me, you can run but you cannot hide anymore from your destructive attempts to drive a wedge between Israel and its biggest benefactor and defender, the USA.

    Your days of fooling members of Israpundit that you are an Israeli patriot are over, because, like Alan Dershowitz and your other liberal American Jewish friends, you clearly do not have the best interests of Israel in mind.

    Has anyone recently told you that you are nuts? Crazy? I will anyway, I can normally handle intelligent nut cases but stupid ones like you are another story.

    You are still a liar and an antisemite who loves most Muslims and sees them as soul brothers. You call me Liberal; That’s Chutzpa coming from a relativist Muslim lover.

  5. Yamit,

    Thanks to me, you can run but you cannot hide anymore from your destructive attempts to drive a wedge between Israel and its biggest benefactor and defender, the USA.

    Your days of fooling members of Israpundit that you are an Israeli patriot are over, because, like Alan Dershowitz and your other liberal American Jewish friends, you clearly do not have the best interests of Israel in mind.

    You and Max can hate America all you like, and at least it will not make a difference with most Israpundits. Perhaps Max can include you in one of his Mad Max movie scripts about an American superclass bent on murdering every American. You will fit in well in such a script.

    I hope and pray that Max does not get seriously ill, because he may have to come to the US for tests or surgery, if he wants to live. If so, I will ask the superclass to leave him alone and not murder him, so he can go back to Canada and continue to embarrass hjimself on Israpundit, and hopefully other forums as well.

  6. I must have been prescient – because I turned out to have you pegged correctly as an abusive person who is upset that you have been exposed for driving a wedge between Israel and it’s biggest benefactor and defender, to suit some dark agenda that certainly doesn’t help Israel.

    I must have been prescient

  7. Yamit,

    I must have been prescient – because I turned out to have you pegged correctly as an abusive person who is upset that you have been exposed for driving a wedge between Israel and it’s biggest benefactor and defender, to suit some dark agenda that certainly doesn’t help Israel.

  8. JERUSALEM — Israel ended an unofficial construction freeze in Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem on Friday, announcing plans to build 238 housing units.

    Of course the World Wide Liars Alliance condemns Israel for doing what it has to do.

    Yeah I’m an unapologetic bigot. It feels good, it feels like the smell of Victory!
    It feels like staying Alive!

    I am bigoted against a worldwide fellowship of murder, terror, oppression and barbarian hatred.

    They terrorize us, make us afraid to speak, afraid to offend them, and they murder us and conquer us.
    They have ruined our Nations, ruined our Civilizations turned them from peaceful gardens in to cesspools of oppression where one is afraid to walk or even exist.

    They are all bigot-worthy! May they all descend to the Ultimate Inferno in which they justly belong!

  9. I believe you, Laura and Max started in the comments section in the Phyllis Chesler essay that Muslims were “persecuting” Hindus in India.

    no it was Laura and max but you included me by calling me a bigot, even though I never to that point on that thread was involved,
    . That showed you had targeted me even before I supplied you with a reason to your mind to do so. You even conceded the point that I had not mentioned or called you an Islamofscist supporter etc. You were a Liar then and continue to spread your insane Lies and insidious invective.

  10. Yamit,

    I believe you, Laura and Max started in the comments section in the Phyllis Chesler essay that Muslims were “persecuting” Hindus in India.

    I have peeled your onion layer by layer to expose you as a person who claims to support Israel and be an Israeli patriot and yet works so hard to drive a wedge between Israel and its most reliable ally, the US, which has subsidized and supported Israel at great expense for decades.

    Ted has had to cancel several of your most abusive posts, which I see but are then cancelled in the moderation process.

    All you are now left with is your abuse and your name-calling, which means bubkis to me because it makes my point better than I can.

  11. Islamofascist sympathiser

    I dare you to show where i called you an Islamofascist sympathizer?

    I have called you many things but not Islamofascist sympathizer. Here you invent and lie once more. Liar Liar!

    I have identified and exposed a virulent disease of an antisemite posing as a friendly of Israel who in fact supports an anti Israel agenda.

    I am more inclined to show you up as a liar obstructionist and antisemite every-time you comment here. I will only deal with facts and your own words.

  12. Yamit,

    I did that the first several layers of the onion. Then Kessler and Malibu jumped in and said essentially what I was being called an Islamofascist sympathiser for. The good news is that it shut you up.

    Now that people have seen how hard you work at driving a wedge between Israel and its supporters, I am more inclined to let your desperation, libel and abuse speak for itself.

  13. My first clue that this site had been infiltrated was the peculiar attacks on anyone who supported Israel with a couple of exceptions,

    You are obfuscating again, You editorialize repeating your same talking points but never supply any substantive rebuttal to my claims or statements you disagree with. You lie constantly , misquote and invent that which was never said by me or construed. Unless you can challenge me on the points I make then shut up or go away if not preferably both. You are a liar and a fraud, totally full of shit and a moron to boot. Not only are you not pro Israel you are a classic antisemite and you may protest till the sky falls but your comments leave little doubt.

  14. My first clue that this site had been infiltrated was the peculiar attacks on anyone who supported Israel with a couple of exceptions, while deflecting attention with pious claims of being a die-hard Israeli patriot. As I have peeled this onion layer by layer we see the anti-Israeli sentiments slowly emerge. We see the facile and paranoid calumny that Israel is a vassal puppet and the US is actually running Israel. This is exactly what Hamas and the radical Palestinians also allege.

    The obvious objective is to drive a wedge between Israel and it’s only real ally in the world, which supports Israel with BILLIONS in cash and in kind, at a government and personal level.

    Now, who is benefitted by dividing Israel and America? Make up your own minds.

  15. If the US can “force” Israel to do what they do not want to do, what does that make Israel?

    A vassal puppet.

    Besides the evidence on this calumny is not on your side.

    It isn’t a calumny if true. Show your evidence to prove me wrong or I will label you and remind you on every comment you post that you are a liar.

    Wise up and stop whining and blaming others for Israel’s decisions.

    I don’t blame America I blame our Israeli leaders. America gets away with it because we allow them to. I’ve never said anything differently. That doesn’t take away anything re: to my assessment that America is no friend or ally of Israel.

  16. Yamit,

    If the US can “force” Israel to do what they do not want to do, what does that make Israel?

    Besides the evidence on this calumny is not on your side.

    Wise up and stop whining and blaming others for Israel’s decisions.

  17. The US cannot “force” Israel to anything it does not want to do, as we have repeatedly seen over the years. Get real.

    Get real? The brain dead preaching to the living. My My!

  18. tov,

    Thanks for your ringing ungratefullness for all that America has done for Israel, as well as you delusions that Israel’s R&D has paid back what we have GIVEN you gratis in cash and kind.

    The US cannot “force” Israel to anything it does not want to do, as we have repeatedly seen over the years. Get real.

  19. Folks,

    Consider the difference between Yamit, allegedly a Jewish Israeli, and myself, an American Catholic.

    I hope everyone has noticed by now how hard Yamit works at demonizing almost every supporter of Israel, including US presidents who have GIVEN Israel BILLIONS in cash and kind. In the meantime he is seen bending over backwards to sympathize with Clinton and Obama, one a Democrat who tried so hard to sell Israel down the river in 2000, and the other currently working hard to do so now by pressuring Israel to make concessions without demanding a single concession from the Palestinians.

    In addition to making him squirm and try to deny things he has said before, I finally got Yamit to admit he was no conservative, and his attitude and comments then made more sense. We all know how harmful and dangerous liberals have been within Israel as well as in voting in overwhelming numbers for Obama, the most anti-Semitic president in US history, like a Jimmy Carter on steroids, with his long history of close associations with virulent anti-Semites like Rashid Khalidi and Jeremiah Wright.

    Ask yourselves what it means when Yamit PREFERS Israel’s declared enemies to a non-Jewish supporter of Israel, who had the nerve to join a group of conservative American Jews to warn liberal American Jews about Obama’s ignorance, arrogance, and anti-Semitism . Does this sound like an Israeli patriot or a propagandist for the enemies of Israel. Whether his propaganda is intended or unintended is not for me to judge, but I intend to let his words speak for themselves.

    In addition, as I slowly peel this onion layer by layer, we see Yamit in No. 6 above continue to demonize America with blood libels which he makes up out of whole cloth, just like the good liberal anti-American foot-soldier we now know he is, in spite his protestations that he is an Israeli patriot which have fooled some members of this forum. We can observe for ourselves his relentless efforts to drive a wedge between Israel and its staunchest ally and supporter, the US.

    The evidence is BILLIONS in aid, the best armaments that money can buy, guarantees of Israel’s survival, and protection at the UNSC with dozens of vetoes against the rest of the world. Not to mention making itself the Big Satan of radical Islamicists because of its support of the Little Satan that they have called Israel..

  20. aided and abetted by 78% of American Jews. I have to mention this last part because I, and a group of conservative American Jewish friends, tried so hard to prevent it and it must NEVER happen again.

    With so-called friends like this, I prefer our declared enemies.

  21. I am waiting for the day when America demands we give up our nukes and we reply: “we don’t have any, we used them all”.

  22. (Do you guys see how gloomy (?desperate) the situation is? Ahmedinajad is standing on the border of Israel throwing stones and threatening to use nukes and missiles. The EU openly encourages him, Obama (and the pope) silently encourages him, and the Israeli leftists (led by Ehud Barak and reported by HaAretz) say don’t worry about it; it’s only bluster, and if he does nuke Jewish Israel, we probably deserved it anyway for how we treated the poor sweet Palestinians, who are the true rightful owners of Israel).

    Your description is far too rosy.

    And we are inundated with endless sickening appeasement and denial propaganda in Canada and America. We got Stewart and Oprah organizing a mass rally – a “March to restore Sanity” (A march to enforce Denial and Appeasement). How can so many people be so ignorant and foolish?

    I hope Israel saves a couple of nukes for Paris and London – they deserve it as much as Tehran.

  23. eagle, the american loans amount to cents on the dollar compared what your great nation has “given.” When ,calculated intel, tech and real hardware Israel has given given 50 bill to your measely In fact Israel is forced to spend 70 percent in the US. Also no friend forces another friend to give land for promises. Plus friends don`t sell weapons to their `sworn enemies!

  24. Samuel,

    “…ditch America, hope to find another patron….”???? It looks like you are smoking or drinking something illegal, with all due respect. You should be more concerned about the leftist Jews, not only in Israel, but also in America, and some Israelis who pretend to support Israel, but attack every friend and supporter you have for reasons of their own.

    America is your only real ally who will die for you as they have died to liberate so many others. We have GIVEN Israel BILLIONS in subsidies and arms. Where on Earth are you going to “find another patron”???? Most of American public supports Israel, and this is unlikely to change because your enemy is also our enemy. We are both like Satan to them – because we won’t let them have their way. Together we will neutralize them, and if Iran gives us the opportunity, destroy them. There may be no other option.

    The Palestinians will never be strong enough to destroy you. If they could they would have done so in 1947-48. Now you have a 63-year head start plus America to watch your back.

    Netanyahu is far smarter than you are giving him credit for. He is far smarter than the clueless chest-thumper, Obama. He is playing the game that is required of him in front of the world stage. He has put a pre-condition that ensures that nothing further is going to happen. He knows that the Palestinians have no intentions of accepting Israel or renouncing violence. Their leaders would be killed if they did.

    On the other hand he has to deal with the idiotic anti-Semite in the White House, ignorant of history and also ignorant of his own ignorance, the Grand Caliph Obama, whose wings will be clipped in three weeks and then he will be sent home after 2102 in ignominy, an American experiment that went horribly awry, aided and abetted by 78% of American Jews. I have to mention this last part because I, and a group of conservative American Jewish friends, tried so hard to prevent it and it must NEVER happen again.

  25. Palestinians check (mate?) Netanyahu:

    In the dance of death between Israel (many of whom are real Torah-true Jews, although clearly not the Israeli leaders), Obama (a muslim-wannabe and Jew-hater), and the Palestinian muslim savages (who desperately want to kill the Jews but are not yet strong enough), the games continue.

    Netanyahu challenged the palis to recognize Israel as a Jewish state (pretty good move). The palis said no. Obama could not object to Israel as a Jewish state, but he instructed the palis to make a counter-offer. The palis said they would accede to Netanyahu’s request, if he would withdraw to 1949 borders, ethnically cleanse at least 50,000 Jews from Judea and Samaria, and surrender the holy city of Yerushalayim to the Jew-hating muslims once and for all.

    This was a great counter, and it brings us closer to the end-game. Netanyahu, with respect to America, has been trying to eat his cake and still have it. He has been trying to appease Obama, and still keep the muslims at bay.

    It’s not working. We are coming ever closer to the time when Israel has to ditch America, hope to find a new patron in a world of Jew-hating goyim, and deal with the leftist Jew-hating Jews within Israel helping the goyim to destroy Israel from without.

    Leiberman said he wil not allow the goyim to surrender the six million Jews of Israel to the muslims, the way they surrendered Czechoslovakia to Hitler.

    We’ll see.

    (Do you guys see how gloomy (?desperate) the situation is? Ahmedinajad is standing on the border of Israel throwing stones and threatening to use nukes and missiles. The EU openly encourages him, Obama (and the pope) silently encourages him, and the Israeli leftists (led by Ehud Barak and reported by HaAretz) say don’t worry about it; it’s only bluster, and if he does nuke Jewish Israel, we probably deserved it anyway for how we treated the poor sweet palestinians, who are the true rightful owners of Israel).

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