Netanyahu: “I answered politely, No”

Peloni:  The US war against Bibi began long before October 7, and in this war too, the US is failing.

June 29, 2024 | 9 Comments »

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  1. @Edgar
    You are quite correct about SCOTUS handing Trump a big victory, as this latest ruling will likely be able to effectively eliminate most if not all of the outstanding Lawfare attacks being used to persecute Trump.

    Regarding the replacement of Biden, the mark for victory in the US remains the same even if Biden is not on the ticket. Trump needs to overwhelm the systemic fraud in the US election system with a convincingly exaggerated support from the electorate. Some think that Newsome or Michelle/Mike Obama will change the likelihood of this. I think that if the system has the ability to rig the outcome based on Trump’s vote tally, based on Trump’s vote tally as was the case in 2020, the fraud will win no matter which face is pasted on as the Sock Puppet in Chief. If, however, the system can be overcome by a massive vote against the totalitarians, which would include anyone the Dems might choose in place of Biden, then the will of the people might actually prevail, or failing even this benchmark, the fraud may be so demonstrably evident that Trump will win in the courts. This latter possibility, however, is less than likely with ACB and Roberts still on the court.

    Yet, even if the fraud succeeds and the courts stand down, the possibility of a public rejection of the election outcome remains a powerful asset still in play should Biden/Mikechelle/Newsom come out the ‘winner’. I am not sure what form these possibilities might take should this eventuality come to be, but it will likely not be subtle just as it will most likely not easily silenced. Just my thoughts of course.

  2. Peloni-

    I stand corrected, believing that the PM had the last word.

    But even if he lost Gallant and Edelstein from Govt, not a certainty especially re Edelstein, they are LIKUD and right wing. I can’t see them voting against the govt, which would, as you say “only” have to lose two, (3?) to bring the govt downfall. (assuming Arab Parties Non-participation).

    In the past I recall LIKUD governing full terms with only 61 majority.
    The PM is too busy fending off international interference to take over the DM spot, but later, he may. He’s done it before for long periods.

    Can’t see how a Party winning, which includes Bennett (Israel’s almost worst PM, with Livni and Lapid) I exclude Shaked-not for her pretty face but for the very good things she did and tried to do. she was an a1 Justice Minister.

    I’m concerned that the Dems replace Biden, which looks possible ANYONE would be far better although I believe not good enough to beat Trump.

    I see the Supreme Court have given Trump a victory, and also an oblique rebuke to the Dems re “criminalization”.(or did I misread this)

  3. @Edgar
    The DM is a very powerful role, and in mostly independent of the authority of the PM, which is why many of the PM’s over the years have coveted the DM for themselves so they won’t lose control of what policies are pursued by the DM. This is why Bennet could not stop Gantz from meeting and empowering and facilitating funding for Abu Mazen, all he could do was call him to account for his actions and publicly rebuke him, all while nothing changed.

    Also, the DM is responsible for making many decisions in the military appointments, which is why Gantz, far more so than Bibi, is significantly tied to the incredibly inept if not corrupt elements of the military which are so familiar to us all since October 7. The looming promise of resignations from those old Gantz appointees looms large with the knowledge that the DM will alone be responsible for the choice of their replacements, making Galllant’s replacement even more important to effect.

    So, the DM in Israel can largely be seen to hold the role of the Commander in Chief title held by the US president, with the single caveat that the US president can not be fired from his position while the Israeli DM holds no such autonomy. This is the only power which the PM holds over the DM, but of course there is the political fallout of doing so which holds the PM in check from doing so. I suspect that it was the political fallout of firing Gallant last year which led to him being un-fired so to speak in the weeks following that temporarily happy announcement. Reflecting upon this point, I am not certain if Bibi has the power to maintain his own govt should he fire Gallant, especially with Edelstein’s support seeming to be waffling over the past few months. If Bibi loses these two from his govt, he would need only lose two others to bring on elections, and that would be too devastating a risk to undertake.

    Hence, while I am most anxious to see Gallant replaced with another DM (Bibi would be the best choice particularly under the current political conditions IMO), I am not hopeful of seeing such an eventuality come to be. If, however, Bibi did take back control over the DM (making him as powerful as the US president), there are many things which might also change with regards to the Americans, who clearly count Gallant among their potential allies in their long war to bring down Bibi.

    Of course, you probably already know all of this, but even if you do, I think it is important to clarify these points for others who mistake the authority of the PM in the military affairs as being greater than it is.

  4. Peloni-

    I was just straightening out the comment. I also, ever since the PM fired Gallant and then recalled him, yes, over a year ago, have reiterated that he should be fired and replaced by a true Zionist. Ministers are not so important in a democracy where the vast majority of the work is done by tenured unde-rofficials, and committees.

    And the PM has the final say, I think as re Defence Ministry,

  5. I just saw in a 1997 interview that Mel Brooks – who was a junior writer on Sid Caesar’s – soon to be all-star – writing team – wrote the German General sketch. On his second show, “Caesar’s Hour” which ran for three seasons, – 1954-1957. Alas, as with Dudley Moore and Peter Cooke’s brilliant, groundbreaking show in the 60’s, “Not only but also” only a few clips survive. There is a funny satirical reference to that phenomenon in the Star Trek Movie where they go back in time to San Francisco in the 1980’s from the 23rd century to find an extinct whale with a devastating world war in between and Captain Kirk (William Shatner) – himself something of a scholar and enthusiastic antiquarian – refers to the surviving works of Jacqueline Suzanne (author of “Valley of the Dolls”) as an important literary figure, an authority on the morees of the time and a guide to how they should behave in this archaic culture. 😀

    Found it: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

  6. @Edgar
    True that!

    Gallant must go. I have said it for well over a year now, and this statement grows more accurate and urgent with every passing day.

  7. Bibi did very well in this interview in explaining the state of the U.S.-Israel relationship, even back in 2021.