Netanyahu heading for collision with Biden over post war Gaza and more

Opinion: US Administration concerned over Israel’s intent to keep forces in northern part of Strip, Netanyahu’s position on the PA’s role there and “settler violence” on the West Bank, all to be elements in PM’s political campaign to remain in power

By Nadav Eyal,

To understand the comments made in the past days by U.S. President Joe Biden, regarding the diminishing support for Israel in the international community over the war in Gaza and his criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition, it is vital to understand what senior U.S. officials have been told by Israel.

Washington has raised two major matters. The first is the failing of the Palestinian Authority and the second is a concern that the Israelis will hold on to territory in the Gaza Strip indefinitely. On both, Israel’s stated positions have been disappointing to American ears and in fact have been cause for anxiety.

Israel made clear that it had no ambitions to annex or settle Gaza but does intend to keep a considerable military force in the northern part of the Strip, after the intense ground offensive is over the officials said. That sentiment has been conveyed to the Americans along with the expressed intent to prevent the return of displaced civilians from that area to their homes in the immediate aftermath of the fighting. Israel seeks to ensure that no terrorists would be able to return to the evacuated areas.

“This will be a gradual process,” the officials said. “We will decide who returns to the north and who does not.” The next phase will see the IDF remain in the north and along the Gaza River, on the outskirts of Gaza City.’

Netanyahu told members of the Knesset Foreign Affairs Committee that Israel’s founder and first prime minister David Ben Gurion, was wrong to succumb to American pressure when he agreed to pull out of the Sinai after the 1956 war with Egypt. “A prime minister who cannot withstand American pressure should not enter the prime minister’s office,” he said causing some participants to chuckle at the notion that Netanyahu was comparing himself to Ben Gurion in such a way. They noted his record of bucking in the face of any pressure at all.

But there is a relatively broad agreement in the leadership, that a rapid and complete withdrawal of forces from northern Gaza was not an option. “We have no interest in remaining in the Strip,” they said, but added that there was no way to ensure the security of the Gaza border communities without a temporary presence and the establishment of a security zone and that without that, the residents who were victims of the Hamas massacre of October 7, would not feel safe to return.

This sentiment is shared by most members of the war cabinet and will be conveyed to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan when he arrives on Thursday.
On the matter of the weakened Palestinian Authority, the government has been presented repeatedly with intelligence reports indicating that there is a strategic danger of the PA’s collapse amid the deteriorating economic situation on the West Bank and the provocations from Hamas to ignite violence there. The IDF has killed some 500 Palestinians, most of them terrorists in 2023, 300, since October 7.
The defense establishment recommended to the government, that Palestinian workers from the West Bank, should be allowed into Israel. Their reports noted that since 2015, only 14 among the workers licensed to enter Israel, were involved in terror attacks, out of the tens of thousands who enter each month for the past eight years. In their recommendation, they said that workers over the age of 35 should be permitted to return to their jobs in Israel, to alleviate the economic hardship. Or else, they said, there could be a violent uprising which is what Hamas leader Yayah Sinwar and his Iranian benefactors were hoping to see.
Netanyahu appeared to agree but brought the matter to the social – economic cabinet led by far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a West Bank settler himself, where the proposal was rejected. The prime minister did not use the full weight of his office to sway Smotrich’s decision even though he understood full well the security implications of ignoring the recommendations of his security agencies.
If the West Bank ignites, he will claim that he tried but was blocked by the cabinet and if it does not, he will be able to say that he prevented the return of Palestinian workers into Israel. “We’ve sold security for political interests,” security officials said.
The Americans were also concerned over the growing violence perpetrated by West Bank settlers against Palestinians. Despite the evident rise in events, the police had failed to enforce the law and arrest settlers involved in violence. That too has contributed to the bubbling tension threatening Israel from the east.
By refusing to accept any role for the PA in post war Gaza, in direct contradiction to Biden, and Netanyahu’s refusal to discuss Israel’s strategy after the war, along with his far-right allies expressing their desire to establish Jewish settlements in Strip, the prime minister has put himself on a collision course with the American president.
Ironically, that collision course and Biden’s calls for a 2-state solution, have defined Netanyahu’s political bid to remain in power despite his failings that have led to the Hamas massacre.
While the war rages on, costing the lives of many IDF soldiers, Netanyahu is fighting his personal a battle for political survival.
December 15, 2023 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. @FelixQuigley

    I got it. You mean my quotes from the above article about Netanyahu.

    I marked them as quotes, I thought it would be clear.

    I apologize for the misunderstanding.

  2. These “corrections” to the Eyal-Ynet false narrative would have had far more credibility Israpundit’s readers if they had come from you rather than from me. Again I appeal to you: please never publish apologies for the Biden administration and its Israeli shills without an introductor ydisclaimer on your part.

  3. Ted, I must again protest your publishing the views of the Israeli traitors, of which this Eyal character is certainly one, without an introduction from you pointing out the falsehoods in this treasonous writer’s narrative.

    Just a few of these falsehoods: Netanyahu did not create the conditions for the Hamas invasion, but rather the “opposition” that was attempting to overthrow him and seize power by extralegal means for months before the invasion, physically assaulting Netanyahu and many other ministers and MPs, inducing military personnel to sign petitions vowing not to serve in defense of their country, contrary to their solemn oaths to do so when they joined the IDF. This open insurrection against Israel’s legal government by the elites who were detrermined to preserve the absolute power of the supreme court, the bar association, public prosectors, “legtal advisors,” etc., and to deny any popular representation whatsoever in Israel’s government, brought on the Hamas invasion and massacre, not Israel’s legally elected government.

    The Palestinian Authority is an avowed enemy of Israel and propping it up is not in Israel’s interest. While it is true that Israel is on a :collision course” with the Obama-Biden -Blinken administration, this course is being charted solely by the U.S. administration, and not by Israel.. Israel has been a loyal ally of the UNited States, while the U.S. has not been a loyal ally of Isrrael. Eyal’s argument that Israel is at fault for not obeying Jake Sullivan, Blinken and company is utterly false; if anything, Netanyahu and other member sof the cabinet are to blame for being so compliant with the USGs hostile dictates.

  4. @dreuveni

    My acronyms (I think I only use two):

    1) TSFS – Two State Final Solution (from TSS which is not my

    2) PTB – powers that be.

    I use them because I don’t like writing out the long expressions and not because of my, as you allege, “vast education” (although I am grateful for the compliment).

  5. @FelixQuigley

    I think you quote from Nadav Eyal

    I have no idea who this Nadav Eyal is, if I quote something, I always give a link or say that I am quoting from memory.

    If you mean the things I said about false dichotomies, etc., these are my long-term convictions which I don’t recall borrowing from anyone; I detest the attempts by (especially Anglo) politicians to set their subjects, ethnicities, or even countries against each other and their subjects happily complying with the tricks of the PTB.

    I think that the fight of the coalition against Israel’s judiciary had vile and nefarious aims, and if the judiciary needs to be reformed, it must happen only after the country adopts a constitution which (among other things) includes a clause of complete separation of religion and state.

  6. @Felix

    I would want more information about Eyal

    I am unfamiliar with Eyal’s connection to Gantz, but he is a globalist advocate. He helped stir the public outrage which set off the tent protest about a decade ago, and he is a major proponent of protecting Israel’s institutions including the High Court. He wrote a book called Revolt which is basically a globalist advocacy publication, which some have contrasted with Yoram Hazony’s Virtue of Nationalism (GREAT BOOK!). He is a major element of the Left, Just FYI

  7. @EvRe1
    One point I would add to your well made remarks is that the spies which cased out the attack on the Gaza envelop communities also gained access to the military bases, so that when the attack took place, and Hamas gained access to the base, they knew where everything was, where the soldiers bunked, where the armory was, everything,

    It was a well made plan made possible by the culpability of this toxic policy of importing a security risk into the country from a civilization which has been founded upon the destruction of the state and the slaughter of its civilians. As you well note, it is reprehensible and irresponsible that this policy of naivete was pursued before October 7, but doing so with all that we know from the aftermath of that terrible day is both criminal and treasonous.

  8. Reader

    I am very definitely of the left, and a campaigner for socialism

    And I am continually being insulted by this website

    And it a conscious and quite deliberate campaign to drive me off.

    And if that happens then say goodbye to Israel being defended by socialists

    I think that’s rather serious don’t you. Is that how you mean your point about terms?

  9. Reader

    I think you quote from Nadav Eyal. I would want more information about Eyal because 1. He may be part of the reactionary attacks defending the obscene judiciary 2. He has it in for nationalism and I do not agree with that position. Perhaps someone knows more about Eyal. I feel he may be close to Gantz .

  10. @READER,
    please provide your version of acronyms when you use them. I guess PTB means powers that be but it could mean lots of other things to people who don’t have the benefit of your vast education.

  11. @EvRe1

    I think that everyone should quit using those false dichotomy terms such as Right/Left, Conservative/Liberal, etc. because it is a tool of the PTB to make their subjects fight each other, and anyone who uses these kinds of terms inadvertently becomes a useful idiot for the PTB.

    You cannot know who someone is by applying primitive terms to them, you can assume things but all of us know another meaning of the word ” assume”.

    For example, Caroline Glick is very talented, however, she keeps using these terms and this deals a great blow to her ideas because the disdain which this labeling shows makes the blood of the labeled boil instead of paying attention to what she says.

    The same could be said about the need of many people to apply a label to someone first in order to know how to treat them and their ideas – it is called prejudging.

    False definitions, such as ” Palestinian” must be given up entirely, I would censor it and charge a fine for every use because using false definitions distorts reasoning about the real issues.

  12. “A prime minister who cannot withstand American pressure should not enter the prime minister’s office,” he said causing some participants to chuckle at the notion that Netanyahu was comparing himself to Ben Gurion in such a way. They noted his record of bucking in the face of any pressure at all…

    …If the West Bank ignites, he will claim that he tried but was blocked by the cabinet and if it does not, he will be able to say that he prevented the return of Palestinian workers into Israel…

    …While the war rages on, costing the lives of many IDF soldiers, Netanyahu is fighting his personal a battle for political survival.

    He is a real genius, isn’t he?

    Machiavelli weeps and turns green with envy.

  13. EvRi

    Needs to be discussion

    You compound the error. The word you seek is Jewish Patriots.

    You have though to weasel Marxism in. That is being frankly very naughty.

  14. I have difficulty with:”The defense establishment recommended to the government, that Palestinian workers from the West Bank, should be allowed into Israel. Their reports noted that since 2015, only 14 among the workers licensed to enter Israel, were involved in terror attacks, out of the tens of thousands who enter each month for the past eight years”

    14 people could not have possibly done the work of casing out each of the homes in each of the kibbutzim to the extent that was done prior to October 7th. In a video with Naomi Kahn of Regavim within a couple of days of the massacre, we were shown the paper booklet each terrorist had that described each home in explicit detail, including the number of people that live there, the number of men/women, whether they own dogs, what type of security system they have, and on and on. These details on all the homes on all the kibbutzim that were attacked could not possibly have been gathered by only 14 workers. How did the defense establishment reach this number? And how many Gazans including 10 year olds actually participated in the massacre?

    The point isn’t how many guest workers participated in the massacre. The point is, none of the people from the West Bank or Gaza can be trusted. NONE.

    I think the “defense establishment” has lost a great deal of credibility. The head of the defense establishment made sure that the intelligence on Hamas prior to Oct 7th was buried and no attempts were made to be focused on the potential for attacks across the fence in southern Israel.

    This amounts to the equivalence of treason, and these are the people who should be advising the government as to how many guest workers from the genocidal maniac population Israel should allow in?

    In addition I dislike the term “far right,” as used for Bezalel Smotrich, e.g. For people on the left, the term “far right” is the equivalent of Nazi or Ku Klux Klan bigot. But the people on the left are Marxists who purposely distort language for political gain. The people who are considered “far right” are actually conservative and/or patriotic, and want to protect their country and people from genocide. How is this the equivalent of being a Nazi? It isn’t, but using the term “far right” is an attempt to both smear the person and delegitimize anything he or she has to say.