Netanyahu: Enforce Law in Arab Sector Too

By Gil Ronen, INN

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said at Sunday’s Cabinet session that police must enforce the law in Arab and other minority sectors just as they do in the Jewish sector.

“There are not two states,” the Prime Minister said. “There is no state within a state. We live in one state – the State of Israel is Jewish and democratic.”

Using unusually emotional language, Netanyahu said: “I am crying out against the inegalitarian enforcement from both the positive angle – which necessitates making police services available – and from the aspect that requires stricter enforcement.”

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“There is a feeling in the public that the level of enforcement among these populaces is much lower. I am committed to change this. I demand equal enforcement in all parts of the state of Israel.”
Netanyahu instructed the Minister of Public Security, Yitzchak Aharonovich, to come up with a plan for equalizing the level of enforcement in all sectors, as soon as possible. This is to be carried out in addition to the money set aside for education, infrastructure and health services in the minority sectors and to the Cabinet decision to pay 30 million shekels for providing security to educational institutions in the minority sectors.

It is a well-known fact in Israel that Arabs riot and ambush Jews regularly in various hotspots including eastern Jerusalem, and that police are loath to give chase for fear that they will have to use violence and then face prosecution by left-leaning state prosecutors.

Netanyahu also gave instructions to meaningfully augment enforcement along the southern border in order to reduce the number of infiltrators, until the completion of a security barrier along the border.

October 23, 2011 | 15 Comments »

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15 Comments / 15 Comments

  1. Isn’t it should be? No one is above the law… For as long as they are in Israel, they are to live by Israel’s law. I laud PM Netanyahu!!!

  2. Sad to say,Universities in Israel , with the shocking excuse that speech is free, have professors, especially in the humanities,that teach the next generation of leaders that Sionism is racism. To name just a few : Sands in UTV, Sternhell, Sznajder, etc., in HUJI,most of the Truman Institute,…
    Care to name others you know of ?

  3. I have been a lawyer in Israel since 1986 and I can tell you from consistent experience that in any dispute between a Jew and an Arab, the “fascistic, racist, genocidal, Apartheid” Israeli police will always take the side of the Arab. Exceptions are very few. The Civil Administration and the courts will do likewise. If Netanyahu is really determined to change this, he has to fire everyone above the rank of sergeant, abolish the Civil Administration and set off a full constitutional crisis by changing the method of appointing judges and, I would recommend, establishing a Constitutional Court, taking form the Supreme Court the power to declare legislation unconstitutional. Short of that, it is all just blow-hard propaganda.

  4. The answer is simple Laura. The so called right are mainly self righteous which has caused alot of people to fall away from their roots. As a woman you should understand that.

  5. The demented Israeli left is a clear and present danger to the Jewish state on every level. Why have they been allowed to obtain such power?


  7. They say he was removed for a host of disciplinary problems.

    If the IDF fired every one with his record, there would no longer be any one to command the units in the field.

    What in the world could the brass have been thinking?

  8. Knowing the working procedures of the Netanyahu school of politics, this is my interpretation of the bombastic declaration by Netanyahu.
    He wants the police to prepare media shows prominentely presenting via the State radio and TV the demolition of a few sheds that the islamics build near their lettuce and carrot fields… You have seen them I am sure.
    After that demonstration Netanyahu will order the destruction of many hundreds of Jewish homes in Yesha…
    Equality under the Law.

  9. The officer should have been promoted. Seems the Political IDF wants to remove every credible officer. Was the officer dati?

  10. Shy Guy, I really don’t understand. The IDF’s own investigation found the shooting was justified. So why did it remove him from his command? Stupid Jews!

  11. Nothing will come of the talk.

    Leftists in Israel’s law enforcement, prosecution and judiciary will continue to ignore efforts to hold Arabs accountable.

    Such violations of the law have not been rectified for decades and won’t be addressed in the future.