Netanyahu dissolves War Cabinet

The Prime Minister has decided to dissolve the War Cabinet and decisions will instead be made by the Security Cabinet.

  Jun 17, 2024, 11:20 AM 

Netanyahu in a meeting with the War CabinetHaim Tzach/GPO

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced to his ministers who participated in the Security Cabinet session on Sunday that he has decided to dissolve the War Cabinet and to hold the relevant discussions in the broader Security Cabinet instead.

However, those close to the Prime Minister predict that he will hold consultations with a smaller forum, similar to the War Cabinet, while decisions will be made in the Security Cabinet.

By doing this, Netanyahu absolved himself of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s demands to join the War Cabinet after the National Unity Party left the government.

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“With the outbreak of the war, as part of a necessary step of the unity of the ranks, the National Unity Party was added to the coalition. This step was taken with our full support out of statesmanship and national responsibility. In contrast, to this ‘statesmanlike’ step of ‘unity’, there was also added an ugly step, of an ultimatum to form a small cabinet, and to boycott parties in the coalition and senior ministers, including the undersigned,” wrote Ben Gvir.

He added that “out of that national responsibility, despite the difficult ideological differences with Gantz and Eisenkot’s views, which are dangerous in our eyes, we kept quiet about it.”

“As a minister in the government, chairman of a party and a senior partner in the coalition, I hereby demand to join this cabinet, in order to be a partner in determining Israel’s security policy in the current precipice of times. The time has come to make brave decisions,” he concluded.

June 17, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Ben-Gvir’s letter is so necessary. He is a great man, a great leader! But unfortunately, it seems that Bibi will resist.