Netanyahu, Barak refuse to see US official with negative report on Baghdad talks

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

The rupture between the US and Israel over Iran’s nuclear program widened further Friday, May 25 when Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak decided not to be available to hear the briefing brought to Jerusalem from Baghdad by Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman who headed the US delegation to the Six Power talks. The report she delivered to National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror and Foreign Ministry Director-General Rafi Barak was that no progress had been achieved in Baghdad due to Iran’s refusal to budge on its “right” to enrich uranium at low (3.5-5 percent) or high (20 percent) levels or shut down the Fordo nuclear plant near Qom.

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Although the participants agreed to reconvene in Moscow in three weeks, the Iranian delegation stressed there would be no progress until the US and the other five world powers (Britain, France, Russia, Germany and China) recognized Iran’s absolute “right” as a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty to enrich uranium.

Meanwhile, every day spent on diplomacy is thoroughly exploited by Iran to zip ahead with its nuclear plans. The Vienna-based UN nuclear watchdog (IAEA)’s quarterly report released Friday reveals that since February Iran almost doubled its stockpile of more highly enriched uranium which is close to weapons grade from 73.4 to 145 kilograms.

The centrifuges at the Fordo facility, built into the side of a mountain, rose to over 500 from 300 in the last report.

Using the IAEA figures, debkafile calculates that if Fordo goes on producing 23.9 kilograms of 20-percent enriched uranium per month, Iran will by the end of December have accumulated 336 kilograms of near-weapons quality uranium.

The IAEA also reported that Iran’s stockpile of uranium enriched to less than 5 per cent grew to 6,232 kilograms from 5,451 reported in February.

Its inspectors recorded “the presence of particles” of 27 per cent-enriched uranium at Fordo. Iran maintained the particles were a result of “technical reasons beyond the operator’s control.”

The IAEA report was released a day after talks between Tehran and the six powers ended without progress.

Iran’s senior delegate Saeed Jalili declared that his government would never accept the Washington-ruled distinction between two categories of nations – one permitted and the other forbidden to enrich uranium. He claimed this was against international treaties.

Friday, the Washington Post quoted Mohammad Hoseyn Moussavian of Princeton University as revealing that in 2004, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said, “I would resign if for any reason Iran is deprived of its rights to enrichment.”

Moussavian is presented as an Iranian academic visiting Princeton to lecture and write a book on the Iranian nuclear issue. debkafile reveals that he was the contact man in one of the direct, back-channel negotiations taking place in Paris between the White House and Khamenei. His words therefore were intended to carry weight as a reminder to Obama that the supreme leader, like the US president, intended to come out of their dialogue strengthened – not undermined. And therefore, for both their sakes, Washington must endorse Iran’s “right to enrichment.”

Tehran presented a second ultimatum for the nuclear talks to continue: phased sanctions relief, starting with the postponement of the European Union’s oil embargo scheduled for July 1 until the end of negotiations and the reconnection of Iranian banks to the SWIFT international money transfer system.

The gap between Israel and the Obama administration widened in the course of Washington’s direct, secret give-and-take with Tehran. In early April, Defense Minister Barak reported that Israel offered some compromise on the enrichment issue. debkafile disclosed at the time that Israel had informed Washington of its approval of a “1,000 formula.” Iran would be permitted to activate 1,000 centrifuges for enrichment and keep 1,000 kilograms of 3.5-per cent enriched uranium.

The Netanyahu government backtracked when this concession was used by US officials as a lever for further accommodations with Iran.

The direct US-Iran channel and the second round of Six Power talks with Iran have clearly left the standoff over Iran’s nuclear solidly in place: Iran stands by its right to enrich uranium up to weapons grade, the US stands by diplomacy, however hopeless, for resolving the controversy, while Israel demands a time limit for negotiations. Its military option was put back on the table for so long as Iran’s enrichment centrifuges continue spinning at top speed.

May 26, 2012 | 16 Comments »

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16 Comments / 16 Comments

  1. @ the phoenix:

    Enough of this repetitive, absolutely tedious blame gaming, finger pointing and fault finding. There is enough blame to be attributed to all sides. If you can’t write anything constructive, write nothing.

  2. @ yamit82:

    Irony? If Obama attacks Iran successfully he wins the elections.

    Irony: Obama will never attack Iran, unless Israel attacks first; and even then, he is more likely to attack Israel instead.

    I have a VERY hard time, imagining Netanyahu or ANY Israeli politician attacking Iran. I can much more easily imagine an unprecedented crackdown on “settlers”. Just look at the record of Israeli PMs. In fact, forget flat-out traitors like Olmert and Barak. Let’s stick with Likudniks, the “heirs of Jabotinsky”. Begin attacked Lebanon, then mostly withdrew. Nice work; but it was just a face-saver after giving up 3/4 of Israel’s land to Egypt — along with enough oil to make Israel self-sufficient in energy. Shamir? One holding action after another, trying to stave off the inevitable. Netanyahu I? Gave Hevron to the terrorists, lock, stock and barrel. Sharon? Made Aza Judenrein. Olmert? Cracked Jewish heads at Amona, and tried but failed to give the rest of Yesha to the terrorists (the terrorists refused).

    Bibi and Barak have done a little theatre here, trying to save face after selling out their country. Please excuse my pessimism, but I think Israel is hell-bent on screwing itself.

  3. Obviously, I am not a writer, but I would just like to say that my heart literally aches for the ‘Little country of Israel.’ It really ‘blows my mind’ that any country (much bigger than Israel)is forever trying to destroy that small country. I strongly believe that it is ‘God’s country’, and I don’t want to be on the side of those who fight it. My husband and I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel on a daily basis. I don’t know what else we can do.

  4. @ Laura:

    I would not be at all surprised. It depends where the polls stand at that point. If Romney is leading, perhaps he will do it. If Obama is ahead, I don’t think he would take the risk.

    I agree but even if he is in the lead but margin in the area of statistical error or behind in electoral college with certain states a toss up I think he will attack. I think the current negotiations with Iran are meat to block an Israeli attack and to use the failed negotiations as a justification to his base that everything was tried and failed.

  5. The Center of Strategic and International Studies put out a detailed report on the outcome of a nuclear exchange between Iran and Israel in 2009 I believe. It was authored by Anthony Cordesman who has since become clearly anti-Israel but was more objective when he authored his report. I was against any Israeli attack on Iran because I assumed as long as Israel had a much bigger nuclear arsenal, and continued to develop anti ICBM and other missile defense systems, Iran would not use nukes against Israel. However, the leading non Muslim Islamic scholar in the US: Bernard Lewis in his latest book is convinced Iran will use any nukes they develop against Israel. In addition, the former prime minister of Spain’s revealed that Iran is not developing nukes just to have something that would intimidate other Middle Eastern nations. When he visited Iran and he learned the rhetoric of the insane leaders of the Muslim Fascist Supremacist Beast (Iran)was not just rhetoric but like Hitler in Mein Kampf was what they literally intend to do to Jews. According to Cordesman’s very detailed report, Israel would suffer 800,000 to 1 million dead but survive as a nation. Iran would lose up to 30 million and totally cease to exist as a functioning society. Such large numbers of Israeli dead I felt was too horrible to contemplate. The reason Israel would suffer much less is due to it’s much more extensive and powerful nuclear arsenal which although classified must number at least 300 devices. The total yield(power of nuclear device)of Israel’s arsenal was also much greater per device as Israel is thought to possess among their nuclear arsenal, Hydrogen bombs which are up to 100x as powerful as the Hiroshima bomb. Iran despite being much larger than Israel has its’ population, major industries, communication centers, and command centers heavily concentrated in Teheran or its’ environs. Teheran’s location is perfect for nuclear devices to do maximum damage. It is in a “bowl”i.e. is in a valley surrounded by hills and mountains. This type of terrain would keep almost all the power released by the exploding nuke concentrated on its’ target. I hope such an exchange never takes place. There are other reports on the Center for Strategic and International Studies which evaluate how much damage an Israel strike would inflict on sites in Iran involved in its’ nuclear weapons development program.They have an obvious anti-Israel, anti-Semitic bias so I would read them with a grain of salt. Obama would never attack Iran because it would immediately raise the price of gasoline much higher and his reelection depends on how the incredibly ignorant typical American voter views the state of the economy on election day. Another reason he would not bomb Iran is I believe he wants them to have nukes and clearly doesn’t care at all about the fate of Israel. So if Israel is going to attack it must be close to election day.

  6. @ yamit82:
    I would not be at all surprised. It depends where the polls stand at that point. If Romney is leading, perhaps he will do it. If Obama is ahead, I don’t think he would take the risk.

  7. Jihadist End of the World Imaginings: Prologue To Nuclear War In The Middle East? (Part II)

    After absorbing any enemy nuclear aggression, Israel would certainly respond with a nuclear retaliatory strike. Although nothing is publicly known about Israel’s precise targeting doctrine, such a reprisal would likely be launched against the aggressor’s capital city and/or against similarly high-value urban targets. There would be absolutely no assurances, in response to this sort of aggression, that Israel would limit itself to striking back against exclusively military targets.

    This point should not be lost on the authoritative decision makers in Tehran.
    Read More

  8. Irony? If Obama attacks Iran successfully he wins the elections.

    I believe he will wait till late September early Oct., so the effect will be greatest and not give enough time for critics or any negative results to cancel the patriotic sentiment and support of most Americans initially.

    The Republicans will be forced to support Obama.

    The presstitutes will go wild in support, even FOX NEWS.

    Romney dead in the water.

    Not sure what if any role Israel will play. We might be fully occupied with Syria and Lebanon not to mention attacks from Iran.

  9. Dr. Fay Said:

    A statesman with love of country and the will to fight for it.

    umm, i’m REALLY not so sure about “the will to fight for it”, doc…
    where bb excells is in exhaling hot air (lots of it)

  10. Good for them for standing strong and tall! Would that we had a statesman like Netanyahu in the White House! A statesman with love of country and the will to fight for it.

  11. @ Joe Hamilton:
    Excellent point Joe.
    This is why I ALWAYS refer to hussein, as ‘the bastard (literally and figuratively), that is illegally occupying the oval office’.
    So in that spirit, I hope that soon (very soon) the musloid supremacist beast will gllow in the dark!

  12. Bravo Bibi and good morning Barak!! Netanyahu sees Obama for what he is: a Jew hater who at best doesn’t care at all about the welfare of Israel and at worst, sees him as agreeing with Muslim supremacists’ view that Israel is an alien European, Caucasian,colonial outpost occupying the lands of “people of color”. Now they must attack the Muslim supremacist beast (i.e.Iran). Jews should use the same tactic as their enemy which refuses to call Israel by its’ name but instead refers to it always as “The Zionist entity”