By Ted Belman
In October Netanyahu suprised me when he agreed to present a proposal to the Quartet with three months. I said I couldn’t believe it.
Apparently, according to Haaretz, Netanyahu has balked.
The PA has presented a Plan but Netanyahu has refused to present a counter proposal saying that any counter-proposal should be presented in direct negotiations with the Palestinians. Hang tough Bibi.
The PA Plan
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The Palestinian document proposing the borders of a Palestinian state is based on the 1967 lines, but also indicates a willingness to swap 1.9 percent of West Bank territory with that of Israel. The second document deals with security arrangements and includes the Palestinians’ consent to an international peacekeeping force on the Israeli border and in the Jordan Valley. It also commits the Palestinians to refrain from forging military alliances with countries hostile to Israel, and also to the demilitarization of the West Bank. The proposal, however, would permit the Palestinians to have limited weaponry.
Israel’s response.
A day after meeting with Erekat, the Quartet delegation met with Netanyahu’s representative, Isaac Molho, and told the Israeli that they wished to receive a counter proposal from Israel on both issues by the end of January. Molho replied that Israel would not cooperate with this approach, saying the Quartet should instead get the Palestinians to return to direct talks with Netanyahu rather than conducting negotiations on Israel’s behalf. Molho said talks should be direct and confidential.
Of course not.
The keeping of one’s word isn’t part of the Arab concept of HONOR.
Arab culture puts no value on the honoring of contracts (that’s why it’s damned-near impossible to do business in the Arab world).
It’s obvious that a GOI deal that has an Arab leader’s name on it is not really a deal with that state or entity — it’s really a deal betw GOI & the EU or the US, etc.
That is, it’s designed to impress US & EU that Israel is “trying.”
Screw “trying.”
It’s a sham & a scam.
Yeah, their recent history is not very impressive. I recall a story from Gulf War One, when Italy deployed about ten or so of their then brand new Tornado strike aircraft to participate in the initial attacks. Some high Italian military official was furious at being ordered to do this, not because he opposed the war, but because he didn’t think his crews were anywhere near prepared to fight. He said something to the effect that ‘ cannot simply conjure up military proficiency out of thin air’. When the Italian Tornado detachment tried to top off from tankers before pushing on to Iraq, most were simply unable to do this, for lack of experience. Only two successfully refueled from the tanker; the rest aborted and returned to base. Then, one of the two planes that went in – maybe it was both – managed to get shot down.
However, they’ve gotten at least a little better of late. I understand that during the Libya op they conducted themselves as well as most of the other participants…not that Qadaffy represented the most challenging of opponents.
But hey, their lineage can be traced back to an empire that ruled much of Europe and the Mediterranean region for generations.
A real old Joke. What is the smallest book in the world? A list of Italian war heroes. Another old joke. How many gears does an Italian tank have? Six. One forward gear. Five reverse gears.
And then do with the said parts of anatomy what the mafia do in Sicily with traitors.
And what is wrong with the Italian army?
I hear they have some good alpine units. And, I’ll bet their rations are pretty good!
And replaced by whom? By whom????!!!
I am very concerned about that prospect, not so much because I am enamored of Bibi, but because the dynamic I see is similar to what we saw in the mid-late 90s with Clinton. Obama will do everything he can to undermine Bibi, so someone MUCH WORSE, a REAL sellout, can get into power there.
There is simply no comparison between Bibi and Obama. Whatever faults Bibi has, as a leader, Obama is twenty times worse.
So, you want Livni? ‘Cuz if Obama is successful in undermining Bibi, that’s who he’s going to do it on behalf of.
I personally might prefer Lieberman, but I have no idea how he’d handle Israel’s domestic situation. I don’t vote there anyway.
But I note that as much as you hate Bibi, you don’t seem to come up with any viable alternatives. If there is someone over there who can do a better job, wonderful, great, fantastic. You got a candidate in mind, I hope you’re working on their campaign, if they are for real.
Oh, you’re just hilarious, Yamit.
Tell me, doesn’t it ever get tiresome, feeling compelled to adopt an ultra-macho pose, 24/7?
I served in the U.S. Army from 1984 to 1988, infantry.
Believe it or not, we had this rather amazing quality, called a sense of humor. You should analyze this concept and see what you come up with.
That was said “tongue in cheek”, but there is certainly truth in it. I was not in combat, but I served among and under many decorated Vietnam vets. They’d be the first to admit that at the time they earned their awards, they didn’t feel like “heroes”; they were just doing what they thought they were supposed to do under the circumstances, and/or simply trying to look out for their buddies, scared s***less the whole time. One crusty old sergeant I served with, who had been in the thick of Vietnam’s infamous “Hamburger Hill” battle – no, that was not just a movie, that really happened – who limped on a leg that was not much more than scar tissue patched together, was one of only a few guys in his platoon who survived the battle. He said it was luck more than anything else; the best guys often got it simply because their luck ran out.
But, you, “Superman” – oops, Yamit – I’ll bet you were never scared, never questioned yourself, ever ever. And if you’re going to tell me that, then I’ll surely write you off as completely full of crap going forward, just another Internet phony full of electronic bravado and no substance at all.
You were in the Army?
Whose army? The Italian?
When you begin to have faith in Obama, comeback and we will discuss having faith in BB.
Elections scheduled here in less than a year and a half. He will be removed I hope much sooner than a year and a Half.
ME TOO….Good
I hope you are correct. But we ae playing a very hard game and we must be aware at all times.
You obviously have more experience and inside knowledge than I do concerning Bibi.
However, allowing all you said, I’d offer a little saying we used to have in the army:
Definition of a “hero”: A coward who got cornered.
Given the context of the challenges Israel is facing right now, I think it’s not a very great stretch to say that Netanyahu is “cornered”. In spite of everything in his past, he may yet do the right thing.
Shmuel, as you were part of the central committee do you know the real reason for the “disengagement”
I voted and worked at the LIKUD Central Committee for him even after he consistenlty voted with Sharon, etc, for the “disengagement”. The one vote against was for the recordand future use only.
After years of just as consistent disappointments and continued destruction of Jews properties, assaults against Jewish interests while pompously making speeches and promissing things he never delivers escept the above, three weeks ago I resigned from the Central Committee and removed myself from the LIKUD. After 20 years and while I am a Jabotinsky Honor Guard member.
I cannot accept his lies, associates and pretenses either. Barak, Meridor, Begin, Eitan, etc.
Barak we knew that was offered and apparently accepted a safe posting in the LIKUD list.
We advocate a total government system take down and FREE ELECTION of a new government system while excluding most if not all of the present clikes in there.
And no, not with the Dagan, Lippkin Shajak, little Skabak set up.
Netanyahu is the master of opportunism and disloyalty will stop at nothing for “his Nobel”.
I like this quartet a whole lot better.
I have a much better idea, let’s stop talking about giving away our home! The so called “palestinians” have nothing to bargain with, because the land is NOT THEIRS!!! Let’s put it right on the table, there is no “palestinian” people, there never has been and there never will be. Why do we keep falling into the trap of discussing their lies as if they had some merit. The PA should be dismantled, (Abbas will run and hide somewhere in Paris), Hamas and Hizbollah should be completely obliterated and Israel should get on with repatriating and settling the land of Israel. Unfortunately Bibi does not have the courage to stand up to the truth. He would much rather wallow in the lies where he is comfortable.
The quartet was a product of Oslo and their mandate should include seeing that Oslo is adhered to before moving on. As Oslo is breached and the quartet has done nothing to facilitate its healing the breached terms, then Oslo is dead and so should the failed quartet be dead. Why would Israel listen especially to Russia, who is supplying missiles to Syria, or the EU & UN who is always on the Arab side. There is no need for more players on the other side, in fact that has been the impediment to progress. Furthermore, where did the idea come from that the west bank arabs should get land that is relatively unpopulated. It is Israel that should get unpopulated and former state lands on the west bank. Does Israel ever have a position in its own interest or is it just a parrot for its detractors? Any “state” should have its defense, security and borders controlled by Israel in perpetuity. It could be a state like monaco if a state is necessary. Now that Oslo is dead Israel should unilaterally annex what it wants and those who dont like can be repatriated to the “palestinian” jew free apartheid arab muslim states of jordan and gaza. (gaza should also be turned into a state like monaco with its borders controled by Israel.
I beg to differ.
A little over a year ago, when he was under pressure to extend the freeze, he nearly agreed to…until his emmissary, Ehud, asked for the commitments voiced by Obama’s reps – Hillary and Ross – in writing. None were forthcoming. So, he told them to get lost.
At about that same time, just after the freeze expired and the PA walked out of the talks – per their pre-planned script, of course – Israeli news reported that Bibi’s cabinet had considered re-instating the freeze in return for formal, unequivocal recognition of Israel by the PA as the homeland of the Jewish people. This approach was first nixed as “unrealistic”…but a week later, that’s exactly what he did. And he’s been sticking to his guns on the recognition issue ever since that time.
C’mon, have some faith, man…
Lets wait and see for how long Netanyahu holds his ground… I have no confidence he will.
This is really the theatre of the absurd. Any proposal offered by the Palestinians isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. Have they made good on anything that they agreed upon? We know the Quartet as well as the rest of the world would be happy to see the State of Israel simply disappear.
Is Israel going to oblige them by signing it’s own death warrant?
I have a proposal for the Quartet, involving parts of their anatomy.
The PA has created a trap for Israel where it can get the EU, Russia, the US and the UN to negotiate on its behalf without ever having to talk directly to Israel.
Israel should stick to its guns and say if the other side has an offer, its free to come to Israel to talk about it. Israel will not allow the PA to use third parties to gain from Israel what it couldn’t gain in direct negotiations.
The PA also wants Israel to reveal its bottom line in advance of peace talks so Israel is locked into making concessions regardless of what goes on in formal negotiations.
Its not about peace but about circumventing Israel.