Navarro arrest is a Democrat assault on American liberty


The arrest of Peter Navarro by the FBI, shock troops of the radical Democrat party, should make clear to the most hidebound Republican member of Congress that the anti-Constitution cabal is confident it will maintain power after the November 8 elections, and the presidency for decades to come.

As Breitbart pointed out, the June 3 arrest of the freedom-loving Navarro came one day after he predicted that, following the midterms, the impeachment of Biden will take place by the GOP.  He was arrested for defying the assault on liberty that is the January 6 House Inquisition panel.

Clearly, Biden’s handlers, likely including Attorney General Merrick Garland, are confident that the anti-Constitution party will succeed in destroying the Republican Party prior to November 8, 2022.  This observer will go so far as to assume that the anti-Constitution party is confident that Liz Cheney will defeat Harriet Hageman in the GOP primary for the Wyoming House seat, August 16, notwithstanding current polls showing Cheney to be far behind Ms. Hageman.  Indeed, if Cheney is declared the winner, with the anti-Constitution media declaring that it is a lie to claim that Hageman defeated Cheney, the American people will have proof enough that our elections, after the Trump win in 2016, are  travesties — successfully manipulated by the Deep State to serve its liberty-loathing interests.

Josh Hawley, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz in the Senate, working with Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, and Marjorie Taylor Greene in the House, must act now to rally the people around the banner of liberty, with the goal of ensuring that the forthcoming elections of this year and 2024 will represent the voice of the people, not the demands of the Deep State.  This far, based on solicitations this observer receives from Hawley, Paul, and Cruz, the only political activity they know is to request donations — but for what purpose?  To strike a deer-in-the-headlights pose in the face of assault by the neo-totalitarian party?

Where is the outrage from our Republican leadership on the elevation of inquisitorial procedures imposed on the political sanctity of congressional hearings?  Where is the outrage from our Republican leadership on the indicia that justice, in the District of Columbia, is an incestuous thing — the lesson of the bizarre acquittal of Michael Sussmann for lying to the FBI (an outcome indicating that in Washington, D.C., campaign aides to the anti-Constitution party are expected to dissemble)?

To apply a variation on a political truism, all totalitarian government needs to crush liberty is for liberty-loving people to remain silent.  The Republican congressional leadership was silent as the anti-Constitution party proceeded to impose the Russia hoax on the American people.  Mitch McConnell thereafter broke his silence to denounce the liberty-loving Donald J. Trump, not the liberty-loathing denizens of the Deep State — more likely as not, because he a swimmer in good standing in the swamp.

Republicans must realize, at their peril, that the last, best hope for the spirit of liberty in America is the outcome of a fair election come next Election Day — not election days.  They must focus on making American liberty secure again,  and refuse to deny that our founding heritage of freedom is under attack from the enemy within.  As Andrew McCarthy points out in Ball of Collusion, at page 225, the enemy within is far more dangerous than outside enemies because we are likely to be on guard against foreign influence.  Republicans in Congress should heed his warning that “[t]he media-Democrat complex” is more likely to get away with false attacks on the GOP than Republicans are presently able to refute leftist mendacity.  Why?  The answer is, for this observer, quite simple: Republicans don’t have the heart to respond to the  lies of the left — other than one Donald J. Trump, who gets pilloried from all sides for defending liberty, vigorously.

Wake up, Republicans!  You have nothing to lose but your freedom.

Image via Pxhere.

June 4, 2022 | 2 Comments »

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  1. The elitocracy in PANIC mode!
    I wonder why the NY Post is not assisting in the publication of the findings on multiple evidences of electoral frauds?