NATO Calls on Ukraine to SURRENDER!


As Zelensky goes into full dictator mode, indefinitely suspending all elections, NBC News is reporting that US and European officials are calling on Zelensky to end the war and negotiate a peace, which is going to require him to give up 20% of Ukraine that has now been officially annexed into Russia.

– Ukraine’s counteroffensive in the spring ended in disaster, with Russian forces annexing Ukrainian territory.

– Zelensky, concerned about losing financial support, has suspended elections in Ukraine and is promising to pay the money back after a “victory” over Russia.

– The globalist liberal international order faces challenges, as NATO officials inadvertently admit the loss of the Ukraine war signifies a loss for the liberal world order.

These last several months of death and destruction have seemingly been for nothing. Several months ago, Israel’s former prime minister Naftali Bennett, claimed the United States and the UK “blocked” an agreement last year to end the war in Ukraine. There was a peace deal that was being brokered by President Erdogan of Turkey, and Zelensky looked like he was going to go along with it. According to Colonel Douglas Macgregor’s analysis, that is all Putin ever wanted all along.

He moved his troops in to force Zelensky to the bargaining table to force Zelensky into an officially recognized neutrality on Ukraine about NATO. That agreement was reportedly crushed by then-UK prime minister Boris Johnson. Boris personally flew out to Kyiv to meet with Zelensky to convince him to drop all negotiations with Russia and work with NATO to ultimately overthrow the Putin regime.

Russian forces only ended up taking more Ukrainian territory, and have since annexed 5 Ukrainian regions as a permanent part of the Russian Federation with Ukraine only having hundreds of thousands of soldiers to show for it. Ukraine’s much-touted counteroffensive was all we were hearing about for months last spring. That offensive, which was launched at the beginning of June, was an abject disaster by all accounts.

The Russian frontlines in Ukraine are, according to our good friend Col. Douglas MacGregor, the most fortified area on the planet. There has never been any way for Ukraine’s already radically depleted and spent forces to break through those lines. The casualties suffered by Ukrainian forces were catastrophic. The average age of a Ukrainian soldier right now is 43. We got glimmers of this inevitability over the last few months. In August, after it was clear that the counter-offensive had failed miserably, a NATO official openly admitted that Ukraine would most likely have to cede territory to Russian forces if they were ever going to plausibly end up joining NATO.

It was a shocking admission made by the chief of staff for NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. He said, “I think that a solution could be for Ukraine to give up territory, and get NATO membership in return.” He was severely reprimanded for having said it, but as it turns out, according to this NBC report that is exactly what NATO officials are now saying to Zelensky.

Zelensky isn’t taking this well. Zelensky appears to have gotten addicted to the free money he’s been getting, and he’s worried it is about to dry up. Here’s the new offer he gave to NBC’s Meet the Press:

Now he is promising to pay the money back after they ‘win’ the war with Russia. It is now being widely reported that Zelensky has indefinitely suspended all elections in Ukraine. After jailing his political opponents, banning opposition parties, and jailing Orthodox priests, he is now suspending presidential elections.

It appears to be the case that NATO wanted to use Ukraine as a sacrificial lamb to bring about what they thought would be the downfall of the Putin regime. The Putin regime and his project of civilizational renewal, not just in Russia, but throughout the world, was the biggest obstacle to globalist expansion. This has never been about Ukraine. This has always been about DC and Brussels maintaining and defending the liberal international order against its most prominent opponent, Vladimir Putin.

Over these last several months, the hopes of regime change in Russia are increasingly futile. That is because the globalist liberal international order is over. A new conservative civilizational world is rising with NATO officials admitting that the Ukraine war is lost. They are inadvertently admitting, that they have lost the liberal world order as well!

November 12, 2023 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. Hello, EvRe

    You haven’t responded to my last post. The things I touched on — the Globalist Order, NATO, the EU, Viktor Orban, etc. — are very much connected to today’s news. The centerpiece of that convergence is the re-emergence of Brexit opponent David Cameron in British politics:

    Raheem talks about Cameron and the general resurgence of Globalists (and Xi Jinping allies like Cameron) in Europe, blaming it on the lackadaisical state of the populist movements.

    In my study of Globalism, I came to the conclusion that its peak was in 1973-2016: after Britain’s entry in the EU and Nixon’s ending the gold-backed dollar, and before Trump and Brexit. It had something of a recovery in the US in 2021, and now in the UK.

  2. Hi, EvRe

    I noticed and appreciate your comments, such as,

    Biden has been effective in supporting the PA, Hamas, and UNWRA.

    Biden has been effective in bringing the American economy to its knees, first by knee-capping our ability to produce our own energy, then by starting an unnecessary war in Ukraine that cost over a 100 billion dollars.

    Yes, Joe Biden seems to be in charge of creating chaos all over the world — starting in the US, but moving on to Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel… Is there any end to his list?

    You use words like “neocons” and “globalists”. I first heard “neocons” used, with reference to “Reagan Republicans”, which I have taken to be an oblique stab at Evangelical Christians. It’s only in more recent years, that I’ve heard the term “Globalists”.

    I did a little mapping the other day concerning the latter, noting that the UN (a “globalist” organization, if ever there was one) had its roots in the Declaration of St. James Palace (June 1941), crafted by Hitler’s sole surviving enemies — the British Empire, plus the handful of governments-in-exile of European nations the Germans had overrun. As Britain’s only hope of eventual survival, of course, the US was always in mind during these deliberations.

    In this context, “globalist” could be looked at with a benevolent view, to anyone opposed to “Nazis” and “Fascism”; but alas, history and opinions to take many twists in their journeys through time. At any rate, the descendants of this “globalist” core are NATO and, by extension, alliances such as the Five Eyes, “the Quad” and Aukus — all of them villified on this board as “imperialist aggressors”.

    The Bible describes this “globalist beast”. It has MANY heads, not just one. People who think that by clinging to some, like Russia, China and Iran, they can be rescued from the clutches of the “terrifying” NATO and the rest of the West, are deceiving themselves. All those heads work in concert, even when they seem to be trying to devour one another.

    The ancients called her Tiamat, the goddess of chaos, from whom the nations were formed. To escape her, is to escape reality; for she is the princess of the world we live in. She can only be defeated by Messiah, and his people.

  3. Peloni, Edgar and Sebastien,

    I notice that you all ignore the US, to focus on Hungary — as though the Great Wilderness on this side of the Atlantic was irrelevant. Does this only happen when we Americans are shown to actually be Israel’s greatest supporters? Elsewhere, when there’s something bad to be said about my country, you seem to wax eloquent on the matter!

    I’m waiting with bated breath, for Peloni to give his treatise on Antisemitism in Micronesia (Joke — please don’t write that one, Peloni).

    Ping pong, a Jewish sport? Alas! Another usurpation by the Chinese!

  4. @Edgar
    Yes, it is an important feat that as the world has moved towards sharp elevations in antisemitism all around the world, Hungary has made itself nearly unique in its failure to do the same. Given its antisemitic and fascist past, this has always impressed me.

  5. MDeb-

    Maybe you’re right now but prewar Hungary was extremely Anti-Semitic
    For instance, Viktor Braun the 5 successive time world table-tennis Singles Champion had to Change his name to Viktor Barna. At that pre-War period Table tennis was called “The Jews’ Game”, because all the early World champion from about 1926 to around 1950 were mainly Jews. Barna won 42 World titles in all.

    And during the War the Hungarians were nearly as bad as a the Nazis.

    Today T.G. as you say, Hungary is different.

    ***** In a way it’s an odd coincidence that Barna’s Singles and Doubles wins almost mirror the career of that famous Tennis diva, Suzanne Lenglen, who from the time she won her first Wimbledon Singles Title was unbeatable winning 6,almost in succession, with a break after 5, due to illness, then won the next year as usual, plus many doubles titles, before turning Professional.

    That same year, Barna won his first titles******..

  6. Hi, Sebastien

    Only the U.S., Canada, Hungary and several island nations in the Pacific Ocean voted against a resolution condemning Israeli settlements in Yesha, East Jerusalem and Golan 2 days ago. 7 in all.

    This really isn’t anything new. Sometimes Australia would vote with Israel (actually, with the US), and Canada wouldn’t. It’s the usual suspects. Any Jew who thinks that the BRICS have their backs is delusional.

    Sometimes, you just ave to do what’s right, and ignore the mob.

    BTW — that US support does NOT come from Biden & Co. — the Senate and the House, both parties, strongly support Israel against HAMAS, as do millions of Americans.

  7. @Sebastien

    This should be mentioned the next time someone says Hungary is antisemitic because Soros is persona non-grata.

    I would add that only a very confused antisemite would actually holds Soros as persona non-grata. Quite the opposite is more than likely.

  8. @Michael I see Ukraine in there, too. And India. And Poland. Hungary voted against. Only country in Europe. don’t see either Korea listed. How is that possible? Who made this list? So, Only the U.S., Canada, Hungary and several island nations in the Pacific Ocean voted against a resolution condemning Israeli settlements in Yesha, East Jerusalem and Golan 2 days ago. 7 in all.

    This should be mentioned the next time someone says Hungary is antisemitic because Soros is persona non-grata.

  9. Exaggeration. A NATO official suggested Ukraine cede land in exchange for membership and was forced to walk it back so he said it was on the table as a future option.

  10. @Peloni, I agree completely. Think of the sheer arrogance involved in the neocons or globalists believing that Putin was weak and regime change would be well within the power of the US! All they had to do was take a poll of the Russian people and they would have found out Putin is more popular in Russia than Biden is in the US. And these are military experts?

    Are there any military experts in this current government? I cannot think of a single military effort since Biden was elected that has been effective.

    Biden has been effective in promoting and enriching Iran, and helping to run out the clock on their obtaining a nuclear weapon.

    Biden has been effective in damaging Israeli intelligence efforts in southern Lebanon, individuals who could have reported on Hamas members training with Hezbollah in hang-gliding were outed by the Lebanese Free Army, with funds from Joe Biden.

    Biden has been effective in supporting the PA, Hamas, and UNWRA.

    Biden has been effective in bringing the American economy to its knees, first by knee-capping our ability to produce our own energy, then by starting an unnecessary war in Ukraine that cost over a 100 billion dollars.

    Biden has been effective in criminalizing dissent against his political policies, using the DOJ as his personal hitmen to go after his main political opponent, Donald Trump, and Trump supporters who have been named “domestic terrorists” for the “crime” of preferring Trump over Biden.

    Biden has been effective in promoting transvestites in the military, and encouraging men to compete with women in athletics, bringing to an end many female athletes’ careers.

    Let’s see, he doesn’t have economic or fiscal policies that work, he doesn’t have military strategies that work, he doesn’t have relationships with our allies that are mutually beneficial and productive, he doesn’t have any foreign policies that bring about peace, but he does have a great relationship with the one country that wants to destroy America, Iran.

  11. Actually, the time to settle was at the latest, in April 2022 following the failure of the US economic attack on Russia, when Ukraine could have still maintained its traditional borders and tens of thousands of lives could have been saved. The war was nothing more than an attempt to regime change Russia, but in order to end the war, it will require a regime change in Ukraine instead. As the maniacal Zel is still trying to monopolize power, brutalizing his opposition and canceling whole religions and constitutionally required elections, Ukraine will only be better off in his absence. This was never a battle which Ukraine could win, and when the US lost the economic war, which was long before now, Zel and his puppet masters in the West should have acquiesced to the inevitability of Russia’s victory. Yet, Neocons have to neocon onward til the road is literally ripped out beneath them. So, while it is good that this war might soon be concluded, it should be noted that this is a war which should never have been fought. Simple military adventurism at its worst.