Peloni: The latest installment of Candace Owen’s Jew Hatred has taken the form of raising the specter of a plot by the Israeli govt to puposefully and knowingly attack an American spy ship caught surreptitiously surveiling the theater war during the Six Day War. Of course, the work of Judge Jay. A. Cristol and an extensive article by Amb. Michael B. Oren demonstrate the true context of both the Israeli & American mishaps which brought about the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. Notably, as described by Amb. Oren, there exists a long list of parties who should know better and yet still suggest that the mishap of friendly fire was actually intentional when the facts clearly indicate otherwise. Jim Holt’s promotion of Owen’s latest diatribe against Israel would seem to add him to this list.
@JewsAreTheGOAT tweeted the following:
MUST WATCH: The Real Story Behind the USS Liberty Attack
Antisemites often exploit this incident as a conspiracy theory, claiming that Israel deliberately attacked an American ship. This video uncovers the true story behind what happened. Key points discussed include:
• There…
— Awesome Jew (@JewsAreTheGOAT) December 15, 2024
MUST WATCH: The Real Story Behind the USS Liberty Attack
Antisemites often exploit this incident as a conspiracy theory, claiming that Israel deliberately attacked an American ship. This video uncovers the true story behind what happened. Key points discussed include:
• There was a significant attack in El Arish, a town on the Sinai Peninsula recently captured by Israel. When searching for the attackers, Israeli forces spotted the USS Liberty nearby.
• Initially, the Liberty had no prominent markings or large flags displayed. A large American flag was raised only after the ship was attacked.
• Air control radio transcripts show that Israeli forces misinterpreted the ship’s identification. They thought the markings read “CTR5,” but it actually said “GTR5,” the designation for American spy ships. It’s noted that markings can sometimes be painted as decoys.
• Israeli jets were flying at an altitude of 3,000 feet and speeds of up to 800 mph, making it difficult to spot markings clearly.
• The Israelis asked the foreign ship to identify itself. The Liberty responded with “AA,” meaning “identify yourself first,” which made Israel suspicious. Some Israeli officials recognized this response as a tactic used by a hostile Egyptian destroyer years earlier.
• Crew aboard the Liberty fired at Israeli torpedo boats before Israel responded with torpedoes, interpreting the ship’s actions as an attack.
• Israel identified the ship as the El Quseir (an Egyptian vessel) before launching torpedoes.
• Eventually, Israeli forces spotted lifeboats with American markings and identified the “GTR5” designation, realizing it was an American ship.
• Israel sent helicopters to help rescue survivors, but the captain of the Liberty declined the assistance and sent them away.
• Over the following years, Israel paid nearly $68 million in today’s value to survivors, families of the deceased, and the U.S. government as compensation.
Read the whole article on Gateway Pundit. The author includes an embedded report by Yaacov Apelbaum which clearly describes the spying operation.
In the Owens interview the Liberty guy says that before they were straffed/bombed there were Israeli low flying recon planes flying, taking pictrures and ‘waving’. This, plus the fact that the Americans took so long to come to the Liberty’s aid makes me wonder if the Americans had the intention that if the Liberty were to be attacked, then best to let it and the crew perish entirely rather than deal with survivor accounts.
Despite LBJ having a history of pro-Jewish deeds, you are correct: elements of the US govt (esp Dept of State) have always been Arabist. The whole deployment of a spy ship to the region that would relay info to the UK (who would then relay it to Egypt/Syria) was likely the brainchild of one of these elements. Consider other US operations during those years: MKULTRA, McNamara’s Project 1000 (drafting very low IQ men to serve in Vietnam combat units – ‘McNamara’s Morons’- you can imagine the results if you dare), questions about the Gulf of Tonkin, etc.
As the narrator of the video states, conspiracy theories abound concerning the USS Liberty incident. As of this time there is no single scenario that everyone agrees on. With that in mind, here is my conspiracy theory.
The US government has never been monolithic in its support of Israel. Within the US government, Israel has always had strong opposition. The USS Liberty was a spy ship. This is not contested. The question that is always asked concerning this incident is, ‘Why did Israel attack a friendly US ship?’ In the face of that single question, the Israeli sustained attack seems hard to justify, and can easily form the basis for anti-semitic conspiracy theories.
There are better questions to ask, however, such as what was the USS Liberty doing in the midst of that conflict, and who were they working for? The USS Liberty didn’t get caught by surprise in the middle of a war. And even if it did, why did they not try to leave the area immediately? No…They were there, in the combat zone, to carry out a mission. What was its mission? Knowing that would explain a lot, but of course, we will never know the real answer to that question. It would also be interesting to know if the US had notified the Israeli government or high command that they had a ship in the area. Apparently they did not.
The only logical conclusion I can come to is that the USS Liberty was on a mission to spy on Israel, and perhaps even to relay critical information to an enemy. In this light, Israel’s multiple wave attacks make good sense. The first attack said, “Stop what you are doing and leave the area.” Liberty disregarded the message. A second wave of planes was then dispatched, followed by torpedo boats, to put an end to their activities.
Those who dictate history had to make it look like Israel was at fault, either accidentally, or deliberately. The US could not be seen as being engaged in activities against its erstwhile ally. Of course, the two most important questions have never been answered, nor are they ever likely to be: What was the USS Liberty’s mission, and who were they working for?
I also read Judge Cristol’s book. The most recenteditions provide original recordings of conversations between Israeli army, air force and naval commanders, proving beyond reasonable doubt that the Israeli planes and patrol boat that attacked the liberty were absolutly convinced that they were attacking a hostile Egyptian ship. Tragically, a report from Israel’s naval intelligence headquarters in Haifa identifying the Liberty as an American ship did not reach air force and navy commanders. Among the “culprits” for Israel’s intelligence failure were outdated bureaucratic procedures for gathering and reading intelligence reports, and tarnsmitting the to the ground, air and ship commanders who would need them need to read them and act on them; the sheer volume of intelligence reports reaching the intelligence center in Haifa.
I have read Judge Jay Cristol’s book, which demonstrates beyonfd reasonable doubt, based on voice recordings of Israeli land, air and naval commanders discussing the attack on the Liberty “in real time,” that the Israeli planes and naval vessels that attacked the Liberty were absolutely convinced, at the time, that it was an Egyptian ship. Tragically in a sequence of events worthy of a Shakespeare play, the true identity of the Liberty only became known to the pilots and the navy ship commander who attacked the Liberty moments after the attack occurred. Among the ‘culprits” were cumbersome and outdated procedures for collecting, transmitting and decoding intelligence data, that the Israelis should have updated before the outbreak of the war, but did not; the sheer volume of intelligence reports reaching Israel’s intelligence headquarters in Haifa in time of full-scale war, which meant that the data gathered by the ‘spy plane” that had “buzzed “the Liberty was not analyzed and decoded until several hours after the photos were taken; “human error,” because two officers charged with the duty of phyically carrying intelligence reports from the intelligence headquarters in Haifa to operational command headquarters in Tel Aviv involuntarily fell asleep on the job, because they had been working for 48 hours straight with no time off for sleep. As soon as they awoke from their involuntary slumber, they rushed the report to Tel Aviv operational commanders, but it arrived a few minutes too late.
Judge Cristol also obtained photographs taken by the pilots who bombed the Liberty moments before they attacked it. These photographs do not show any flag visible on the Liberty. If there was a flag, it was not big or conspicuous enough to be seen from the altitude at which the Israeli Air Force planes were flying.