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  1. Yes, 30 years in Solitary Jail confinement gave him great military expertise and analytical powers.

    Better he speaks only of what he knows, not what he reads in some news article..

  2. I think the gov’t is acting consciously and purposefully (this includes the Oct. 7 disaster) to implement the TSFS – this is why the borders were cleared – for the land giveaways, while putting the population to sleep, telling everyone what they want to hear, using the hostage families for an excuse to stop the military operation, destroying the vital parts of Israel’s economy (do you know that the gov’t is bringing in at least 200,000 foreign workers while there are over 200,000 unemployed in Israel but “we need workers!” and the reservists have to fight in Gaza instead of work?).

    I am saying this because in my opinion NO ONE can be THIS STUPID AND INCOMPETENT so as to accomplish the incredible series of blunders and missteps that have taken place since Oslo to say nothing of the last three months.

    You know what Israel reminds me of right now?

    A large ghetto in Europe in WWII when the Jews still couldn’t face the fact that the “civilized” Germans decided to murder all the Jews.

    I will be very glad to be proven wrong but I’ll believe the proof when I see it!

  3. Pollard has been very vocal in criticizing Israel’s leadership, political and military. Like so many of us, however, he is just an armchair general. I’m glad to hear him say that Israel has options for countering Hezbollah. More out of the box thinking needs to go on.

  4. Great presentation. The generals must relocate to Martha’s Vineyard. And Jewish warrior’s placed in command.