Must the virtuous state accept barbarism as its sine qua non to “stay alive”?

If someone comes to kill yourise and kill him first

By Prof Lois Rene Beres

Though the most evident source of human governance is power, true power can never stem from war-making stratagems or capacities. In principle, at least, consummate power on planet earth is immortality, but such power is intangible and must be based on faith rather than science. All things considered, the promise of “power over death” holds primary importance in world politics. This is especially the case in the jihadist Middle East.

There are relevant particulars. The consequences of this sort of thinking represent a lethal triumph of anti-Reason over Reason. Such triumph, in turn, expresses the continuing supremacy of primal human satisfactions in war, terrorism and genocide. On this matter of world-historical urgency, scholars and policy-makers should consider the probing observation of Eugene Ionesco in his Journal (1966). Opting to describe killing in general as affirmation of an individual’s “power over death,” the Romanian playwright explains:

“I must kill my visible enemy, the one who is determined to take my life, to prevent him from killing me. Killing gives me a feeling of relief, because I am dimly aware that in killing him, I have killed death.…. Killing is a way of relieving one’s feelings, of warding off one’s own death.”

Whatever the standards of assessment, all individuals and all states coexist in an “asymmetrical” world. Certain state leaderships accept zero-sum linkages between killing and survival (both individual and collective), but others do not. Although this divergence might suggest that some states stand on a higher moral plane than others, it may also place the virtuous state at a grave security disadvantage. As a timely example, this disadvantage describes the growing survival dilemma of Israel, a still-virtuous state that must unceasingly bear the assaults of utterly murderous adversaries.

What should Israel do when it finds itself confronted with faith-driven enemies who abhor Reason and seek personal immortality via “martyrdom?” As an antecedent question, what sort of “faith” can encourage (and cherish) the rape, torture and murder of innocents? Must the virtuous state accept barbarism as its sine qua non to “stay alive”?

Israel’s most immediate concern will be the expanding war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, a conflict in which the terrorist patron state (Iran) could display greater commitments to Reason than its associated fighting proxies. Nonetheless, even this relative reasonableness would devolve into brutish expressions of anti-Reason. What else ought Jerusalem to expect from adversaries who take palpable delight in the killing of “others?”

For Israel, there will be moral, legal and tactical imperatives. Though Reason will never govern the world, civilized states ought not plan to join the barbarians. In the best of all possible worlds, national and terror-group leaders could rid themselves of the notion that killing variously designated foes would confer immunity from mortality, but this is not yet the best of all possible worlds.

For the foreseeable future, the defiling dynamics of anti-Reason will continue to hold sway in Islamist politics. In Will Therapy and Truth and Reality (1936), psychologist Otto Rank explains these determinative dynamics at a clarifying conceptual level: “The death fear of the ego is lessened by the killing, the Sacrifice, of the Other. Through the death of the Other, one buys oneself free from the penalty of being killed.”

Israeli analysts will recognize here the elements of jihadist terror, of martyrdom-directed criminality that closely resembles traditional notions of religious sacrifice. In authoritative world law, moreover, jihadist perpetrators are always differentiable from counter-terrorist adversaries by their witting embrace of mens rea or “criminal intent.”

Though Israel regards the harms it is forced to inflict upon noncombatant Palestinian Arab populations as the unavoidable costs of counter-terrorism, Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah intentionally target Israeli civilians. Under international law, both customary and codified, the responsibility for Israel-inflicted harms lies with the jihadists because of their documented resort to “human shields. In law, such resort is unambiguously criminal. The pertinent crime is known formally as “perfidy.”

At a minimum, every virtuous state’s law-based national security policies should build upon intellectual and scientific forms of understanding. Ipso facto, a virtuous state’s “just wars,” counter-terrorism conflicts and anti-genocide programs should be conducted as contests of mind over mind. These contests should never be regarded as narrowly tactical struggles of mind over matter.

Our planet’s survival task is primarily an intellectual one, but unprecedented human courage will also be needed. For the required national leadership initiatives, Israel could have no good reason to expect the arrival of a Platonic philosopher-king among its retrograde enemies. For humane and Reason–based governance to develop, enlightened citizens of Islamic countries in the Middle East would first have to cast aside historically discredited ways of thinking about world politics and international law and do whatever possible to elevate empirical science and “mind” over blind faith and “mystery.”

Amid all that would madden and torment, the modern state and its proxies often “live” at the apex of anti-Reason. Before this self-destroying existence can change, humankind would first have to accept (1) the Reason-backed “sentence” of universal mortality or (2) the continuing supremacy of anti-Reason. If the second assumption is chosen, it could only make sense in a world wherein traditionally compelling promises of immortality were successfully “de-linked” from “religious sacrifices” of war, terrorism and genocide.

As the first choice is inconceivable for a species that has never generally accepted personal mortality, the second choice offers Israel its only realistic decisional context. To be sure, national and global survival amid anti-Reason can hardly be reassuring, but, at least for now, it represents the world’s only plausible prospect. As for convincing aspiring Islamist perpetrators that inflictions of war, terrorism or genocide on “others” could never confer “power over death” – this task becomes the single most important obligation of all civilized states and peoples.

Because the necessary starting point for all calculations is a world of anti-Reason, Israel will need to understand that political concessions (e.g., territorial surrenders and a Palestinian state) could never satisfy their lascivious foes.

Embracing a world of anti-Reason, these enemies are shaped by what Nietzsche calls “a world of desires and passions.” For them, such a world gives a green-light to the sordid pleasures of criminal barbarism so prominently displayed on October 7, 2023.

In essence, Iran, as mentor to the barbarians, represents the juridical incarnation of anti-Reason. A state of Palestine would add to the Iran-backed forces of anti-Reason. Iran-Palestine would present Israel with a unique existential hazard. Potentially, this hazard would be irremediable.

What next? To deal with conspicuously primal foes, enemies that seek “power over death,” Israel’s only prudential and law-based strategy should emphasize calibrated military remedies. In carrying out its soon-to-be-expanded operations against Hezbollah, Jerusalem ought never to forget that (1) its core adversary is Iran, not an Iranian terror-group proxy; (2) keeping Iran non-nuclear is an immutable national obligation; and (3) a Palestinian state could never satisfy Jerusalem’s adversaries and would inevitably become a “force-multiplying” peril of unprecedented magnitude.

Louis René Beres is Emeritus Professor of Political Science and International Law at Purdue. He is the author of many books and articles dealing with nuclear strategy and nuclear war.

June 30, 2024 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. It is not true that humans must reject belief in “personal immortality” in order to reject terrorism and mass murder. Nor is it true that “Reason” requires one to reject the possibility of human life continuing in some way after death. There have even been scientific studies, conducted by reputable academic scientists and philosophers, that suggest that that is indeed a realistic possibility. Nietszche, while he did make some legitimate contributions to philosophy, is hardly the best authority on what is and is not moral. Remember that he wanted to create a master race of “blond beasts,” that he said that women should be subjected to the”the whip,” and other dubious propositions.

    The underlying problem with professor Beres ideas is that he equates his own personal belief system with “Reason.” There are many people who are just as rational as he is who have different sets of beliefs who are just as rational as he is.

  2. Sebastien:

    As there is no such thing in Zen as the concept of time, the 4’33” becomes “irrelevant”. Why not 4’34”? Was it exactly 4’33” and not 4’33.3” who was keeping the time… and why? In fact (?) the time to implement the Talmudic dictum is now. Not now… NOW!

  3. Ok, my eye skipped over his quoting the Talmudic dictum and he’s absolutely right that: “Jerusalem ought never to forget that (1) its core adversary is Iran, not an Iranian terror-group proxy; (2) keeping Iran non-nuclear is an immutable national obligation; and (3) a Palestinian state could never satisfy Jerusalem’s adversaries and would inevitably become a “force-multiplying” peril of unprecedented magnitude.”

    Though the overwhelming majority of Israelis and the government in office know this even if the U.S. and it’s running dogs try to implement the opposite

    But, the thing that got my hackles up was the word ‘calibrated”. Enough with the calibrated.

    Gaza and Lebanon, Southern Lebanon, anyway, have suffered for far too long from the absence of a level playing field. So apply some affirmative action and level them already for heaven’t sake. And, yes, the parts of Iran that have the nukes, the missiles, the IRGC, the oil refineries, the drone factories, the subs, what did I leave out, their leadership. “precision” or “calibrated” is a luxury that costs Israeli lives, that costs Jewish lives. Jewish lives matter.

    Never again.

    And now, I hold my peace. for 4’33” anyway. 😀

    Kirill Petrenko Conducting the Berlin Phil in John Cage’s 4’33. Oct 31, 2020

  4. As opposed to what? This is what Israel has been doing all along. Sanctimonious puff piece. I prefer the Talmud’s “If somebody is coming to kill you, get up early in the morning and kill him first.” Yes, Iran must be taken out but so must Lebanon and in one terrible blow – screw the “civilians” – if there are any. Caroline Glick said in a recent podcast that in Southern Lebanon all of the “civilians” are soldiers living there permanently. Sure, it’s a proxy but it won’t collapse on its own just by sanctioning Iran. One of my favorite quotes is from Dan Quayle.* (Yes, Dan Quayle 😀 )

    The missiles raining down on Northern Israel are coming from Hezbollah, from Lebanon, the troops getting ready to invade, that, indeed, were supposed to invaded in concert with Hamas before Hamas jumped the gun and ruined Iran’s genocidal invasion plan.

    Nuke the bastards (or the equivalent without blowback radiation.) if it can be done in practical terms. All of them. The Allies were right. That’s how they won WWII. And pre-emption saves lives. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol should be honored for refusing to heed U.S. demands that Israel not attack Egypt pre-emptively in 1967. GW Bush said as much (not about Eshkol but about the importance of pre-emption) after 9/11 which is why I voted to re-elect the schmuck after voting Dem, third party, write-in, or not at all since I was old enought to vote (my first election was Reagan/Carter 1980. I voted for Carter just to defeat Reagan who we saw as a fascist (I don’t think anybody liked Carter). 😀 We called him “Ray Gun. in my set” 😀 (We were so mature.)
    “I have been asked who caused the riots and the killing in L. A. My answer has been direct and simple. Who is to blame for the riots? The rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the killings? The killers are to blame. Yes, I can understand how people were shocked and outraged by the verdict in the Rodney King trial. But there is simply no excuse for the mayhem that followed.” (1992)

    – Dan Quayle

    As I re-read this, it becomes depressingly obvious that we are going around and around in circles. Same kind of events, same kind of responses, endless repetition, reported as though it had never had happened before and nobody had every discussed it, though getting incremently** worse in each returning cycle. It’s sort of like the joke about Philip Glass (minimalist composer known for lots of seemingly endless repetition but very gradually (minimally almost imperceptively) changing. He was a Tibetan (style) Buddhist as John Cage – who wrote 4’33’, a piece in which the pianist sits silently in front of the piano for 4 minutes and 33 seconds, was a Zen one.)

    “Knock knock
    Who’s there?
    Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Knock knock
    Who’s there?
    Knock knock
    Who’s there.
    Philip Glass 😀
    Old joke. (chestnut)

    ** The spell check wanted me to replace incrementally with inclemently 😀

    A little humorous interjection from above? 😀

    Oh, I don’t No’ah. 😀