Muslim migrant wanted to carry out ‘largest’ US jihad attack ‘since 9/11,’ plotted to kill Jews in NYC and elsewhere


It’s ironic: the feds stop large-scale attack plots of this kind, and then turn around and tell us that the biggest terror threat comes from “white supremacists,” and that they’re working to criminalize “Islamophobia,” which means speaking realistically about the ideological impetus for attacks of this kind. In other words, Christopher Wray and his henchmen enable attacks of this kind on one side and then stop them on the other.

“Pakistani man who wanted to carry out ‘largest’ US attack ‘since 9/11’ arrested over plot to kill Jews in NYC,” by Brie Stimson, Fox News, September 6, 2024:

An alleged would-be terrorist was arrested in Canada on Wednesday, accused of plotting a mass shooting at a Jewish center in New York City in support of ISIS.

Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, 20, a Pakistani national who lives in Canada and also goes by the name Shahzeb Jadoon, has been charged with attempting to provide material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization. He could face up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

“The defendant was allegedly determined to kill Jewish people here in the United States, nearly one year after Hamas’s horrific attack on Israel,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said. ” This investigation was led by the FBI and I am proud of the terrific work by the FBI team and our partners to disrupt Khan’s plan.”

Khan was arrested by Royal Canadian Mounted Police on a material support of terrorism warrant issued out of the Southern District of New York.

“As alleged, Khan attempted to travel to the United States to carry out a terrorist attack and murder as many Jewish people as possible, all in support of ISIS,” U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said in a statement. “Khan’s alleged crimes are a vivid reminder that we must remain vigilant in the fight against antisemitism and terror.”…

Khan had used encrypted messaging apps to plan the attack in Brooklyn since last November, including distributing pro-ISIS propaganda and videos and literature, the Department of Justice said in a news release.

He soon unknowingly began communicating with two undercover officers, telling them that he and an associate in the U.S. wanted to create “a real offline cell” of ISIS supporters to carry out a “coordinated assault” using AR-style assault rifles, and that they planned to “target Israeli Jewish chabads . . . scattered all around” an unnamed city other than New York.

He allegedly told the undercover officers to stock up on AR-style guns, ammunition and other supplies for the attack on the city, naming the specific locations where the shootings would happen.

He later told the officers to also get “some good hunting [knives] so we can slit their throats.”

“Oct 7th and oct 11th are the best days for targeting the jews” because “oct 7 they will surely have some protests and oct 11 is yom.kippur,” Khan allegedly told the officers.

Around August 20, Khan said he wanted to attack Brooklyn, New York instead, naming a specific Jewish center.

“New york is perfect to target jews” since it has the “largest Jewish population In america” and therefore, “even if we dont attack a[n] Event[,] we could rack up easily a lot of jews,” Khan allegedly said, adding, “we are going to nyc to slaughter them.”

He added in one communication: “if we succeed with our plan this would be the largest Attack on US soil since 9/11.”…

September 8, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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  1. Fortunately for him he was arrested in Canada. Thus, the particularly vicious sentence that will be imposed, typical of the way Prime Minister Justine Turdeau feels about anything but protests by truckers means this ‘slightly misguided but otherwise perfect person’ as the judge will describe him will face at least two weeks of counselling, and perhaps even an online anger management course.