Muslim countries continue to refuse Palestinian refugees. Beware of the real intent.

Peloni:  It is the intent of the international community that Israel should be forced to choke on the Pal cleft which has been held fast on Israeli lands to fester and grow over the decades, while being fed a steady diet of Jew-hatred by the very same United Nations which falsely claims to be committed towards world peace, but which has acted routinely since its creation to foster and support antisemitism with unabashed aplomb.

By | July 18, 2024

I stated in October that the prominent members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will continue to put on a show of unity for the West and make a display of caring for their Palestinian Muslim brothers. But Islamic countries are not taking in Palestinian refugees. That’s because their deeper commitment and unity lies in a collective hatred of Israel and the West, and the desire to establish a global caliphate.

In November, Egypt refused to help Palestinians in Gaza, and was actually “prepared to sacrifice” them, amid warnings by Israel to civilians to clear out so as not to be harmed in the fighting. Jordan, too, has reiterated: “No refugees in Jordan, no refugees in Egypt,” and said that this is “a red line.”

For these Arab Muslim leaders, hate and propaganda against Israel remains top priority, not the safety of Palestinians. The more dead, the bigger the return for them in smearing the Jewish state.

Dying in the cause of Allah is the greatest calling in Islam. Muhammad stated:

I would love to be martyred in Allah’s Cause and then get resurrected and then get martyred, and then get resurrected again and then get martyred and then get resurrected again and then get martyred. Sahih Bukhari 2795:15

Aside from the goal of demonizing Israel and propagandizing against it, with the ultimate aim of annihilating it, there is another probable reason for not taking in Palestinian refugees, as the world bemoans the deaths caused by a war Hamas started. Amy Mek wrote:


The OIC has 56 member states but it also includes the state of “Palestine,” making it 57.

July 19, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. @chocopot: just a quick question, which nationality do those people have who were born in Israel during the British mandate of Palestine?
    Just wondering if they all have British nationality.

  2. It’s time for a history lesson for the entire world. Why the Israelis don’t publish this information every day, 365 days a year, i do not understand.

    In point of fact, “Palestinians” do not exist. They are a fabricated people, created out of thin air approximately 1964 by arch-terrorist Yassir Arafat and his Soviet sponsors. There is not now and has never been a nation called “Palestine.” There is not now and has never been a people called “Palestinians.” They do not exist. There is no Palestinian language, monetary system, culture, or history. It is all a scam, fabricated to fool the world. Those who call themselves “Palestinians” are, in fact, migrants and descendants of migrants from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and so forth who went to what is now Israel in search of jobs. As I said, it’s all a scam.

  3. Should the French have a state? “France pans Knesset vote against Pali state Ben-Gvir’s visit to the Temple Mount ”
    Taiwan got it taken away and given to the Chinese Communist Party? Should we campaign against French statehood, the world being turned upside down, anyway, as it is. Maybe give the French vote to the Muslim Brotherhood. I mean, you know, formally.