Caroline. You are wrong about Jordan’s King – Exclusive to Israpundit

Jordan’s King Abdullah disrespects America because of the overstated fears of the alternative…which you promote

By Ahmed Badawi*

Today, I spent several minutes reading an article by Caroline Glick, an Israeli writer on Middle Eastern Matters, in doing so, I found myself encouraged to write this content not necessarily to try to respond to Caroline but to try to present an extended argument from a Jordanian Citizen who was forced to leave his country because of what I faced as a result of the ruling of the Royal Regime in Jordan that has led Jordan towards backwardness every year.

First, Caroline thoroughly presented her arguments regarding the actions of Abdullah towards Israel and the US, she succeeded in analyzing the actions of Abdullah and his strategy, I have to admit, I never expected a Jewish writer to present a good level of understanding to the situation as what Caroline did, however, her conclusions about Abdullah seemed to me that she is more inclined to accept the fact that Abdullah is adopting a double-faced policy, that is, to be friendly with the US and Israel in their face then backstabbing them, because he is trying to appease his hostile people who are anti-Israel and America.

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As a Jordanian citizen, I would like to elaborate on some facts, for example, Caroline mentioned that Israel Government agreed to pay 5million JDs to Jordan as a compensation of the Embassy Accident.  I have read this headline on the Jordanian Media that is controlled by the King, and the media said that they got this news based on a source from the Jordanian Government that indicated that these funds would go for the victims’ families. The Jordanian media also said that the Israeli Diplomat would be legally followed (prosecuted) in Israel as part of the agreement of both the Jordanian and Israeli Governments. This was actually a surprise to me and other Jordanians, because we personally believe that releasing a fund like that in a democratic country like Israel will need the consent of the Israeli Government, also, the Israeli Prime Minister stated clearly that the damage would not go for the families of the victims.  Moreover, the Israeli sources said that these funds would go for repairing the Embassy after the accident. Another fact to note here is that not all the three victims were actually from the Embassy accident, as there is one victim who was a Judge that was killed in a controversial accident few years ago. It is worth mentioning that Abdullah visited the victims’ families of the Israeli Embassy Accident and one of the families was showed on an interview where they cursed Jews clearly after the accident before Abdullah paid them a condolence visit.

I grew up in Jordan, and since we were in schools, our Jordanian curricula indoctrinated us against Israel, on the same time, these curricula built the students on the blind loyalty to the King who rules an absolute undemocratic Monarchy. The Hashemite Regime has been ruling by fear more than by loyalty because Jordan was under martial laws for a long time before 1989 when the late King Hussein abolished those laws and called for Parliament elections. It is important to understand that the Jordanians have been for long decades indoctrinated by what the Regime wanted them to receive, because democracy does not exist when the people want to disagree with the ruling King.

One aspect of the blind obedience based on fear and a result of indoctrination was clearly shown in the recent unrest that was ignited by the Regime itself after the US President Donald Trump announced his recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel, a week later, the unelected Jordanian Government that is assigned completely by the King called the people to protest against Trump’s decision, the demonstrations on the streets were led not only by ministers and MPs, but the King’s daughter Princess Salma herself led one protest. During those protests, the one could have heard slogans calling for armed struggle against Israel, and cheers for Palestinian Militias like Hamas. This did not stop here, in a tweet from his account dated on the 8th December, 2017, the King himself tweeted a cheer for those protests in Jordan that his Regime called for and are still running on daily basis outside the US Embassy at the writings of these words, while his Palestinian wife Rania did also cheer for what she called Palestinian Martyrs who were killed by Israel on the 9th December from her twitter account, in a similar language that was used by Yasser Arafat who used to laud what he called “Martyrs” of Israeli attacks.

On the other hand, An example of punishment for disagreeing with the king happens when Jordanians try to adopt a different ideology than what the King wants them to follow, no matter how liberal this ideology can be, I believe even Caroline knows this, if a Jordanian visits Israel he will be demonized severely in the society, if he is a business owner, his business will be targeted, if he is an MP, he would face memos to deselect him by his MP colleges, if he is a normal person from a tribe, he will find his image published on all the Jordanian Media in a bad way so that he can get racked in the society, the Regime that has signed a peace treaty with Israel, and one of the acts of that treaty calls for ending the hostility not only between governments, but between the people, and to encourage normalization between both nations, however, this Jordanian Regime is not banning or holding responsibility on these media or the organizations that target and terrorize these individuals who normalize with Israel, and not even trying to protect the victims of such hostile actions. When political analysts look at this strategy, the one would find that it is the same strategy that has been deployed by the Jordanian Regime to secure its existence, simply to play the bad alternative game, so that the Hashemites can stay as the only game players in Jordan, and any dismissal of their Regime should mean a demon in charge, consequently, the gates of hell would be opened on Israel and the borders would no longer be safe.

Unfortunately, this hype of fear has always got into Israeli and Western decision makers minds, however, the actual facts in Jordan and how the country is ruled could post a definite challenge to this traditional look that the Regime has built over decades.

If you look at Egypt for example, during Mubarak Era, the same hype was sold to the West, that is, if his Regime falls, the Muslims Brotherhood will take charge and will wage Jihad on Israel, during the one-year tenure of the Islamist President Mohammed Morsi the Egyptian/Israeli Peace Treaty was maintained, and the borders were secure, because any Egyptian Politician understands the cost of a war or hostility with Israel on both his country and the Region, when Sisi took over, the situation did not deteriorate, in fact it improved for Israel and the US as he barred the Muslims Brotherhood Party from Egypt, which was a main source of instigation towards hostility against Israel.

In Jordan, the situation is more severe to forbid any political animosity against Israel than any other country in the Region, Jordan is dependent on Israel for its water resources, as Jordan is classified as the second top poorest country in water resources around the world, no matter how rich the country is, water is priceless. The country receives aids from the US on annual basis because the Jordanian Regime is banning Jordanians from extracting their lands resources like oil, and this in itself is another story because the Regime wants to keep Jordanians economically dependent on the king’s doles so that he can secure another reason for loyalty and obedience, but going to the point, the US aids assist the annual budget and they are vital to Jordan to secure the public funds. The most important aspect in the American Jordanian relations is that the US has secured more than close relations with the Jordanian Army and Intelligence, the US in fact has influence on both parties, these two institutions are the ones that are keeping the King in power. This King who travels outside the country most of his time during the year, which actually makes him a Part Time Leader in Jordan, the thing that no other leader has ever done in the history, most importantly, it makes him irrelevant in any stability equation in the country.

Does all the preceding mean that overthrowing Abdullah would finally open the gates of heaven for Israel? The answer is not immediately, but it will help improving the situation for Israel and Jordan, the reason is that the Jordanians are fed up with the King and his Regime’s Economic Policy, and in the recent years their fear from criticizing the Regime has started to vanish, because a poor and a hungry man will not have fear anymore, so a new leadership will be welcome not to wage wars, but to help overcoming the Economic struggles that the Jordanians were put through as a result of the corruption of Abdullah and his Regime, our people want food and want to live better lives, however, under Abdullah, the GDP Per Capita in Jordan has slumped to become less than many regional countries, while the unemployment in Jordan has hit unprecedented ranges, some sad stories about Jordanians looking for food in trash bins are circulated from time to time, other sorrows of Jordanians setting themselves on fire because of poverty, on the same time, Abdullah and his wife are enjoying a lavishing life and have become multi billionaires according to reports, all of this at the expense of the Jordanian taxpayers. So, a new leadership will be met with optimism to tackle these challenges that are the top priorities of the Jordanians, and definitely not wars against Israel.

Abdullah has always taken Israel as a scapegoat to transfer his problems to.  During the past month, his Regime went through a tough time to pass the 2018 Budget that was based on raising the prices of bread and many essential goods.  The people were and still frustrated and angry about Abdullah and his Regime, so he took the smart trick to transfer his people anger towards Israel and the US and he benefited from Trump’s Decision on the Embassy to indoctrinate his people against Israel and to forget their economic hardships as part of their Jihad Obligation, Abdullah Regime ordered Imams at Mosques to continue preaching about Israel during the past month based on orders from the Ministry of Religious Affairs that control the topics of Fridays Sermons at Mosques and all the Mosques are obligated to follow these instructions. Abdullah also used to turn the compass towards Israel on many occasions when his regime was in trouble, he would order his people who guard Al-Aqsa Mosque (based on his Hashemite guardianship on holly sites) to let the prayers smuggle some weapons with them inside the mosque under the excuse of defending Al-Aqsa so that they can provoke Israeli Soldiers response and create unrest that would escalate so that his Regime Agents in Jordan can use it to sway the Jordanians towards hostility against Israel and to protest outside the Israeli Embassy and other places to forget Abdullah ill-administration of their public government and funds.

It is also important to understand that the new generation of Jordanians are not interested in wars anymore, unlike the media that Abdullah is trying to spread, the new generations are becoming more mind liberated from the past heritage, so I just wonder about Pew Research that Caroline referred to that was conducted years ago on Jordanians and showed that 100% of Jordanians hate Jews, as a researcher, I think a 100% is definitely demonizing to any society, and here I am, a Jordanian atheist who has many Jewish friends and I do not hate Jews, many in Jordan whom I know are also liberals and not against Jews or Israel, but their voices cannot be raised because of the lack of protection from the Regime to them.

The question I was asking myself when reading Caroline suggestions about taming Abdullah so that he can lead a social development change among his people to liberate their behavior towards Israel and the US, does this actually serve his or his Regime Agenda, especially when the Hashemites have always based their existence on the hype of being the best option for Jordan? I believe the answer is clearly no, however, Abdullah would try to manipulate the western world with a different tactic now, that is to create a leftist or semi secular front in Jordan to claim that his Regime is supporting liberals and to market it to the west, this is actually happening now, as in the last Parliament Elections in Jordan in 2016,  Abdullah Regime supported a list called ‘Maan’ meaning ‘together’, and this list raised the slogan of the civilian state, and to confront the people who try to mix religion with politics, so far so good, but the political principles for this list were clearly calling to stand against Israel and the normalization with Israel!, this list was supported by the former Advisor of Abdullah Marwan Muasher who was also a former Minister of Foreign Affairs and a VP for Carnegie Endowment of Peace, few days ago this list has developed into a political party that is called the Civilian Coalition, and they conducted their opening conference with the attendance of Muasher and Maan List MP. The Principles of this party that were repeated inside the conference called did not only call to work against Israel and normalization with Israel, but some of this party members spoke for liberation of Palestine from the River to the Sea (Meaning to demolish Israel as a whole), now Abdullah can market this party to the west as an evidence that he is encouraging Anti-Islamic Parties. This is a proof that even the semi secular productions of this Regime are not working either.

A new Jordanian leadership even if it becomes an Islamist in the worst-case scenario like what happened in Egypt, won’t stand for long and will soon find itself with limited options if it tried to escalate the situation with Israel, moreover, changes scenarios can include even a military based rule for a temporary period where these illegitimate Political Islamist Groups can be barred so that any coming elections would bring moderates into power, this could be similar to Ataturk or Sisi Approaches but with much modern and bespoke application.

As mentioned, recently the frustration has been building up with Jordanians against the king due to many factors, most importantly the poverty, unemployment, and the repression of this regime to speech freedom, any expert on Jordan cannot be optimistic enough to believe that Abdullah will stay in power for long, the question is, will the US and Israel leave this change uncontrolled because they want to keep their bargain on a man who has become a source of frustration to many of his people or will they embrace the reality and try to deal in advance with the inevitable change?

*Ahmed Badawi is a Jordanian opposition activist who resides in Amman Jordan

January 25, 2018 | 10 Comments »

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10 Comments / 10 Comments

  1. @ Edgar G.:

    A point I omitted, and which nobody seemed to bother with, is that much of what the writer avers is exactly what Zahran has been shouting from the rooftops for years. Yet, he doesn’t mention him…….? For me it’s puzzling unless……..

  2. @ Samihanna32:

    I’m not concerned in this post about Glick’s perceived wrong road.. But I DO know that Israel is often VERY lax about security and hundreds-if not thousands-of illegal and undocumented Arabs from YESHA enter the country every day, according to an accumulation of reports that I’ve seen in the past. Many of the obscene perpetrations upon Israeli citizens are done by these people.

    One omission was noticeable. Mudar Zgran ws not mentioned, either from fear of the king, or because he is relatively unknown, or unimportant to Jordanian citizens…..which is it? Also the writer referred to Hamas as a “militia”….And there seemed an air of simple naivete which I attributed to English being a second language. However, very well composed for an ordinary citizen, I expect he is more than that.

    And with the domination of the king over the people, how was he able to write and relay this anti-Abdullah article so fluently, whilst still living in Jordan. Can we assume that he covered his tracks like a KGB gent, and used a nom de plume…??

  3. @ Samihanna32:
    Eilat has 47,000 people. The small bridge from Aqaba to Eilat could NOT accommodate that many people, it is physically impossible. The article is FACTUALLY LUDICROUS! Go to the link on my above comment and see that it is small amount of people. 172 at the time with 1500 authorized.

  4. @Ahmed Badawi

    Your article is very interesting.

    Israel for NOW is interested in keeping the Devil it knows as opposed to the one it does not.

    If Morsi would have stayed in power Israel and Egypt were heading for bad tidings. Morsi was supporting Hamas and its terrorism. Al-Sisi is a pragmatic man and works well on security with Israel even much better than Mubarak.

    With all due respected you have no idea what will happen after the King of Jordan is kicked out. When Mubarak was kicked out we kept hearing from what turned out to be powerless liberals in Egypt that democracy was about to take a foothold in Egypt. 100% Wrong. The Brotherhood played them for fools.

    Anti-Jewish views in Jordan may not be 100% but what is it 97% or at best 90% like in most the Arab Muslim World. Yes the few liberals including atheists such as yourself many times are more opened minded to Jews and Israel.

    Look we hope you get a more progressive liberal even democratic government. This is something Jordanians need to do themselves.

    Will the Muslim Brotherhood & Hamas takeover? I do not believe you can dismiss that possibility. Will Jordan end up in endless internal conflict? Will it become even worse and become Libya or Gaza? I hope NOT! Will the Palestinians take over and make the Bedouin Tribes powerless?

    In Egypt the Army decided that they could not tolerate the Muslim Brotherhood because it was starting to destroy the power and businesses that the Generals and ex-Generals in Egypt control. So they under the leadership of Al-Sisi removed them. They are still in battle however with the terrorists aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt is poor and getting poorer and no progress is being made on economics, health or education.

    How would Jordan be different? Let me know I would be interested? Do the Liberals have an army or militia to fight for freedom? Will the Bedouin Army support their tribe(s) or the King? I doubt they are interested in Jeffersonian democracy. Kindly correct me if I am wrong.

  5. @ Ted Belman:

    A small amount of Jordanians work in Israel in Eilat Hotels crossing back and forth to Aqaba every day. They have replaced the African workers.
    These are menial jobs but pay much better than work In Jordan.

    The 172 workers are the first arrivals of an intended influx of 1,500 Jordanians who will be employed in the southern beach resort.

  6. Samihanna32 Said:

    I would also like to add that according to Jordanian Media, Israel has issued last year more than 500,000 Work Permits to Jordanians who work in Israel!

    Not according to the Israeli media. I think the number of work permits is zero.

    On the other hand, Israel issues over 100,000 work permits to Arabs living in Judea and Samaria.

  7. I agree with Ahmed in all matters with one exception. If the Jordanian monarchy is overthrown, what will we find in its place? Libya and Iraq are examples that should not be followed.

  8. I greet this article and the stated facts, I would also like to add that according to Jordanian Media, Israel has issued last year more than 500,000 Work Permits to Jordanians who work in Israel! Has anybody ever thought about this? yes hundreds of thousands of Jordanians work in Israel, do you think a country like Israel where Security is the top priority would allow unscreened or people who are unvetted from extrermism to enter its borders? especially if they are Jordanians??

    Wake up Glick and study your misleading facts, 500,000 Jordanians mean 10% or at least 8% of the Jordanian citizens, and you still claim that Abdullah is the Savior of Israel from his Animal People?? I am afraid Mrs. Glick is either adopting a stealthy defense agenda for Abdullah or she is writing based on unfounded facts!!