Mosab Hassan Yousef, The son of one of the founders of Hamas, Sheik Hassan Yousef

June 27, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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  1. @Adam

    What is this “ANET”

    EMET has been active in supporting Israel going back to the early 2000’s. Sarah Stern is the one doing the interview here and she has been active in enlightening the political elites of Washington of the reality in Israel since well before that.

    Are they really as influential woth Congress as this woman claims?

    Here is the page from their website indicating the impact which they have had over the years:

    I never miss their interviews or newletters. They are always informative.

  2. We may consider him a great man. He reminds me somewhat of the Germans who deserted the Nazis during World War II to become covert agents for the allies. These double agents, such as Eduard Schulte, and counterintelligence chief Wilhelm Canaris, provided the Allies with information that shortened the war by many months, and enabled the allies to identify and capture many allied war criminals after the war. Unfortunately, many of them were identified by the Gestapo and suffered gruesome deaths at their hands. Apparently, Mr. Yossef would have endured the same horrible fate if he had not been protected by his American friends.

  3. A real question, not rhetorical. What is this “ANET” organization? Are they really as influential woth Congress as this woman claims? This is the first I have heard of it.