Delores Testerman is an expert on these sort of things and blogs at The Left-Out News . She sent this to me.
The video below was taken down so I have created a 13 page pdf showing the layers – you may view or download it here or click the preview picture below.
Obama Birth Certificate fraud video MUST SEE!!! This video was taken down!
NOTE: I am also a pro graphic designer, and this video is absolutely right!!! Someone has CREATED this and it is a FAKE!!! If regular Americans did this they would be imprisoned!
Obama Birth Certificate Scam? 2011-04-27 Obama.mp4
Another expert showing the tampering!
See the supposed Birth certificate here
Note: … It says “Certificate of Live Birth.” NOT Birth certificate!!!!!
Game-changer: The next eligibility shoe to drop
Jerome Corsi’s ‘Where’s the Birth Certificate?’ book breaking sales records
GREAT REVIEW! I pretty much agree with all you said in your article, especially at the middle of your article. Thank you, your post is very useful as always. Keep up the good work! You’ve got +1 more reader of your web blog:) Isabella S.
MCCAIN’S Keedings Savings and Loan scandal DESTROYED HIM.
Palin was simply chosen and she accepted and became her own individual.
My hope is that she runs with TRUMP in 2012. Those two will be a staunch iron fist that we need right now.
This Obama monkey business has to end.
Not sure what your antecedent for “they” was supposed to be. (The writing is a trifle sloppy, if you’ll forgive my saying so.)
If you meant that it was conservatives who nominated Dole & McCain, wrong.
That was strictly traditional GOP tradition (a stupid one, to be sure) of giving the nod to the “heir apparent.”
As for Palin getting us Obama, no way.
McCain was moribund — as in, dead-in-the-water — before he announced Palin.
She added spark and substance to the campaign.
McCAin was his own worst enemy,
but the selection of Palin was
the smartest thing he has (ever) done.
Anyone from that era had their baby footprints or fingerprints/handprints placed on the back of the ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH.
There are no baby Obama footprints on an ORIGINAL DOCUMENT.
The CIA and INTEL agencies have the ability to create an identity for anyone and this LONG FORM that Obama produced was produced by a government computer software program – a hoax. Only gullible people would accept this as a legitimate birth certificate.
The signatures are too perfect on a modern document. You also have to look at the typeset/typewriter used in that hospital from that era and verify the signatures as a match.
It is possible that government computer hackers have the ability to mimic original signatures in order to produce this FAKE document that Obama spent $3 million in court fees NOT to produce! OVer two years Obama spent $3 million in court to not have to present his long form and NOW it suddenly appears with him smiling like you are all fools!
You won’t be able to prove it though – this is Obama’s government clowns putting this together. But the real argument is that this would have impeached Obama according to the US Constitution and once again, Obama lies, cheats and steals and exploits the American people.
My commentary provided:
The birth certificate issue is a dead issue. No responsible Republican will touch it with a ten foot pole. Only on Israpundit, the home of a more nutbars than Hershey PA, is it a live issue.
Let us turn the page.
Yamit, you said,
The only Christi I ever heard of was the one the priest used to talk about when I was a boy — honestly, the name draws a big blank. I just looked him/her up, and came up with one “Agatha Christie”. HER, I know about. Concerning Trump, you encourage me with what you say. The press hates his guts so much, I see their spleens coming out of their mouths when they have to talk with him. It’s really ugly, that green glob sticking out where their tongue ought to be. Every time that happens, I start to love the man; and I’m not homosexual! I’m a transplanted Midwesterner in Oregon, cheering for a guy from New York. Tell me if that isn’t unusual; but of course, I supported Giuliani too, so it’s not actually a miracle — but it’s close. I don’t count many Easterners as friends: I can count them on one hand, and only because they have a special dispensation. Westerners and Midwesterners I like, though I don’t trust anyone from LA until I’ve gotten to know them for some time. But Trump I like, because he doesn’t have PC lockjaw. Even Palin rings tinny in that department, compared to “The Donald“.
Really? where did I bring up race? except to post a CBS Star Headliner calling Trump a racist? #13.
Excellent question. But you need to address it to our friends on the left.
It is THEY who are forever injecting race into the dialogue.
Whenever they sense that they are losing the direction of the debate and the control of the narrative, they always holler, “racism!” It’s proven a reliable tool to pull out of their belt to shuffle the deck and redirect the discussion their way.
Aint workin’ this time, though. The public just isn’t buying it; they hear themselves being called that name, and they know damned well that’s not where they’re at.
This is not, and never was, about the Anointed One’s racial makeup.
From Day One it has always been about his OPACITY.
He’s never been straight with the country,
and we damned well mean to find out why.
You’re “sick of all the people using the race card”?
You find it “ridiculous”?
Welcome to the club; glad to have you aboard.
Obama wants conservatives to waste millions of hours on the birther issue instead of….Anything else it seems.
You have a bad habit of equating the Republican voter constituency with conservatism. That ain’t so, in fact most registered Republicans are not and do not consider themselves as conservatives. While it seems the most vocal and activists in the party seem to be from the conservative side the leadership and the bulk of the money come from the so called rational, pragmatic and moderate elements in the party as do I think the vast majority of voting Republicans.
Tell you what I think…If Trump decides to run and I still doubt he will, he will win unless he has some devastating dirty skeletons hidden away and they come out in time to kill his run. I think at this point only Christi can beat him. That most of the leading conservatives and talking heads are dumping on him can only mean they are afraid of him and believe he can win the primaries… These are the same schmucks who gave us 2 Bushes who by default gave us a combined 12 years of Clinton and Obama. Remember: they nominated Dole and McCain, who picked Palin that got us Obama?
@yamit82 You are the one that came here injecting race before any had been mentioned. That’s a fact, and proof enough. I’m sick of all the people using the race card – it’s rediculous. Who gives a flying rip what color he is? Can’t you have a conversation based on issues? Or does it always end up at race?
Forget Corsi and forget his book “Where’s the Birth Certificate” (which is already moot). Don’t waste your hard-earned money on someone out-witted by Obama, instead read a BANNED book like “America Deceived II” by a real rebel and the “World’s Most Hated Author”, E.A. Blayre III.
Last link (before Google Books bans it also]:
Have we met or been properly introduced? You seem to indicate that you know me well enough to call me a racist? Can you back up your statement with facts?
There is absolutely no question that the birth certificate is forged. there is no doubt- It is a case of defrauding America and the world- the biggest scam in the history of scams. WE have irrefutable proof and that is it.
Why is it so hard to conceive of the proposition that the country’s first affirmative-action President
was, before that, an affirmative-action law student?
I once asked a guy why he was enlisting in the army.
He told me, “so I won’t be thought a coward.”
I replied, “if that’s the reason you enlisted,
then you are a coward.”
Anybody who voted for BHO to show that they weren’t ‘racist’
is a racist.
But the real problem with the fellow in the Oval Office is that his personal paper trail has been
so obviously,
so carefully,
so assiduously
so thoroughly,
so systematically
The time, treasure, effort, and care
that this would’ve required
are humongous.
What in the hell are normal people to think
when the man in the most powerful position in the world,
the man who holds the fate of billions of people virtually in the palm of his hand,
has arrived in that position
with his past carefully secluded from view?
What is wrong with this picture?
@yamit82 – the only one bringing up race is YOU. YOU are the racist.
Awful… Bob Schieffer Says Trump Is Racist For Wanting to See Obama’s Grades (Video)
I want to go on to what, to what Donald Trump said after he said this is out and everything. He said, “We need to at [Obama’s] grades and see if he was a good enough student to get into Harvard Law School.” That’s just code for saying he got into law school because he was black.
This is a ugly strain of racism that’s running through this whole thing. We can hope that that kind of comes to an end, too, but we’ll have to see.
Of course, it wasn’t racist when the media demanded to see Bush’s grades. Only Obama
Not only is the BC photoshopped, but the BO is a hologram. Not only is there no there there, there’s no guy there.
Bernie Goldberg: Obama Wants Birther Controversy To Continue
Don’t know enough about photoshop to comment intelligently.
However, I am curious about two things:
A. Would a black person have been characterized, as early as 1961 — in this country, anyway [U.S.A.] — as “African”?
As I recall, the common designation, in the early 1960’s, was still “colored” or “Negro.”
After 1965 or 1966, it was “black” (certainly no earlier than that),
and it wasn’t till several years later still that “African-American” began catching on.
I don’t know that it’s ever been denominated just, plain, “African.”
B. Since when is His Wonderfulness known as B.H.O. “II” ?
I realize that his father was also named B.H.O.;
however, standard usage in English-speaking countries is for a son with the exact same [full] name as the father to be designated “John Allan Smith, Jr.” — not “John Allan Smith II.”
The “II” designation is reserved for a male in the line who does not follow CONSECUTIVELY after the last bearer of the name. For example, a guy who is named for his grandfather or great uncle, or a yet more distant ancestor, etc.
When and where, apart from this ‘document’ (if that is indeed what it is), was this dude ever called “II” ?
I thought the same thing yesterday too. I also said the layers proved it was a fake. And I hate to admit it when I am wrong, but if it turns out that way, I do. I just discovered this morning that it is possible to duplicate the layering effect shown in the BC PDF. If I print out the cert, and then scan it back in and open it in Illustrator is only shows the one layer. I did that as a test yesterday and took that as further proof that it was a fake. HOWEVER – if I open the PDF in Acrobat first, and then “optimize it” (like one might do if the PDF is too big for regular web viewing) and then save it and open it in illustrator it will have layers.So it is possible that is how this happened to the Birth Certificate. I still find it strange though that the check paper background was super imposed behind the certificate. That still can’t be denied.
Do you suppose Alvin T. Onaka Ph.D. has realized that his not so official stamp has been tampered with? “I CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE COPY OR ABSTRACT OF “TXE” RECORD ON FILE IN THE HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH”
Looks like this crude forgery was done obviously crude on purpose!!! Alinsky playbook?
New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery
Kurt Nimmo
PROOF!!! Obama Birth Certificate Fraud
Army Brat says:
Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 10:16 AM
Proof Obama’s 4/27/11 “Long Form Certificate of Birth” is Forged!
New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery: “Our investigation of the purported Obama birth certificate released by Hawaiian authorities today reveals the document is a shoddily contrived hoax. computer specialists dismissed the document as a fraud soon after examining it.
Check out the document released by for yourself…..
Read and see the video at :
If you don’t have time to read, then sit down and take a moment to watch & listen:
Proof Obama’s 4/27/11 “Long Form Certificate of Birth” is Forged!
Army Brat says:
Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 10:16 AM
Proof Obama’s 4/27/11 “Long Form Certificate of Birth” is Forged!
New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery: “Our investigation of the purported Obama birth certificate released by Hawaiian authorities today reveals the document is a shoddily contrived hoax. computer specialists dismissed the document as a fraud soon after examining it.
Check out the document released by for yourself…..
Read and see the video at :
If you don’t have time to read, then sit down and take a moment to watch & listen:
Proof Obama’s 4/27/11 “Long Form Certificate of Birth” is Forged!
Something Big is coming Down?
Obama Supporter Unknowingly Confirms BC Forgery
If you also open up the “Links” tab in Illustrator, you can see the different links that were used to create this fake document.
the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
there are over a 100,000 articles like these in the last 24 hours posted on Google. People want to know the truth, no photoshpped piece of garbage, flaunted by Obama yesterday, will quash the truth Can someone put this NBC report on you-tube? It has important docs.
From Orly Taitz Blog
I posted here multiple videos, showing that Obama’s long form BC, is a photoshopped computer generated image, compiled from multiple documents and images. I need individuals, who have experience using this program, to provide me with sworn affidavits about changes in this document.
Tha affidavit needs to start with:
I, first and last name, am over 18 years old. I do not suffer from any mental impairment and can competently attest to the following under the penalty of perjury
I have following experience in Adobe illustrator or Photoshp program. ( describe your experience)
Describe all the changes in the document
You need to stop at UPS or Fed Ex store or your bank and have notary public certify your signature. Please, send it to me via e-mail and send the original by mail
thank you
This is the biggest threat to the US national security: a person with a photoshopped, altered birth certificate, and invalid Social Security number sitting in the White House in charge of the 14 trillion dollar economy and the whole U.S. military and the whole U.S. nuclear arsenal. So far not one single judge had any decensy to put an end to it.
Why would the White House release a Birth Certificate that can readily be shown to be fraudulent? Consider the possibility that Obama’s shadow govt overseers know he is finished and are cutting him loose to go down. Trump may be honorable on this issue. But perform DUE DILLIGENCE on his candidacy. He did recently made a statement to” lay off Soros”. And it’s pretty clear that Soros is Obama’s main patron and overseer in the shadow govt. The Republican Presidential Nominee should be an honorable person with no discernable ties to the New World Order shadow govt.