Mordechai Kedar: Israel Must Beware of Egypt

June 28, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. Egypt? 😀 As threat levels go, this one’s a doozy. And right at home. :

    Unbelievable: Israel considering releasing 120 Gazan terrorists from jail

    In the comment section, I posted: “Why not just shoot them?”


    Or conversely: Monty Python Architects Sketch 😀

  2. Egypt has disqualified itself to play any official role in the shaping and policing of the Gaza Srip on the basis of its conduct in smuggling weapons and terrorists into Gaza (and out) to support Hamas. The Sinai should be demarked a demilitarized zone and no weapons or foreign troops to be permanently based there.
    addenmum: the UN and UNREWA should be declared persona non grata in Israel for their failure to even support Israel as defined by the relevant UN resolutions against the violations of member states against member Israel. This needs further study.

  3. I assume Israel understands that every peace treaty with any Arab nation must be regarded as nothing more than a Hudna, i.e., a temporary truce that Egypt will break when it deems itself able to defeat Israel. Was Sadat of that opinion? The majority of Egyptian, Jordanian and Moroccan peoples all seek Israel’s destruction.

    Was Israel surprised by the number and magnitude of the Gazan-Egyptian tunnels it found when it took control of the Philadelphi corridor? The plain implication from them ws that Egypt was knee-deep in supplying weapons to Gaza. Should Israel now revoke its acceptance of the Egyptian military presence in the Sinai?

    Is there a text for this piece? I don’t see one.

  4. Israel must be prepared for attacks from every Muslim country.. The peace concept with Islam is at best a convenience instrument. Egypt is a formidable enemy that waged wars against us several times.and has supplied Hamas for years.