MKs call for new policies and spirit to defeat Israel’s enemies

T. Belman. Not only must we have total victory in Gaza we must seek victory in Israel and Judea and Samaria. We must curtail and criminalize any speech likely to incite. We should have zero tolerance for violence. We must outlaw the Arab Naqba and and promotion of the Arab narrative which has no foundation in truth. We must get tough with the Arabs in the Galilee and the Negev.

There is no place in Israel for Palestinian nationalism. It must per suppressed.

After recent terror attacks, Members of Knesset call for Israel to create new policies and spirit to defeat its enemies.


On Monday, Members of Knesset from both the coalition and opposition called for the State of Israel to develop new policies to defeat its enemies, or its future might be challenging. The Members of Knesset, with senior military and security leaders, heads of NGOs and academics, came together for the opening of the Knesset Israel Victory Caucus (KIVC), in coordination with the Israel Victory Project of the Middle East Forum.

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The KIVC was hosted by its chairmen, Deputy Knesset Speaker MK Zvi Hauser (New Hope), Deputy Knesset Speaker MK Evgeny Sova (Yisrael Beytenu) and Former Minister of Finance and Intelligence MK Yuval Steinitz (Likud), to discuss the recent unrest in Israel, how to defeat the latest wave of terrorism, and what was achieved exactly one year since Operation Guardian of the Walls.

“Israel is the only country in the world that breaches its defensive ability over its own territory,” said MK Hauser. “We have seen this in every round of fighting against Hamas, which undermines our legitimacy to be victorious. We had seven years since Operation Protective Edge in 2014 to prepare for Operation Guardian of the Walls, when we should have been preparing to ‘finish this story’ and failed to do so. Our policies should dictate our abilities and not the other way around.”

“The next round in Gaza will come, and it is only a matter of time, but the important questions about the decision-making and the need for victory must be asked now and understand these conclusions and how to put them into practice,” said MK Sova.

“There has been a steady deterioration in strategic decision-making since the First Lebanon War that has harmed Israel’s national security, so there is no choice but to return to the idea of victory,” said MK Steinitz. “The more we postpone it, the harder it will become. We could and should have finished off Hamas, we came so close in 2008.”

“In 2014, I was the only person in the Security Cabinet to call for the suppression (of Hamas), all others disagreed.”

“A year after Operation Guardian of the Walls, alongside the terrorist attacks over the past two months, the time has come to internalize, learn, and change by strengthening the security of the citizens of Israel and the spirit of Israeli victory,” Gregg Roman, Director of the Middle East Forum, said.

Yair Maimon, a resident of Tekoa in the Gush Etzion, who killed a Palestinian Authority Arab terrorist who infiltrated his town last week, also spoke about the need to defeat Israel’s enemies.

“The morning after the attempted terror attacks, I posted a picture of my wife and I drinking coffee saying we were waiting for the next terrorist, with a wink, and the love and support we received showed that the people are thirsty for victory,” Maimon said. “We need to tell the people about victory. The Palestinians tell themselves a story that one more attack and their victory will be around the corner because they see us as temporary and can wait thousands of years and we will not be here.”

“The way we can take them out of this imaginary story is to say we are not ashamed of victory, and we reach out to those who want to make peace but on the other hand we defeat those who want to hurt us.”

Major General (Reserve) and Former Ombudsman of the IDF Yitzhak Brick said that, “In Israel’s wars we fought with uncertainty, but with a commitment to the mission and a love of the homeland. Decisions at the political level are made according to the price being paid and not the necessity on the ground. Anyone who fears loss will not have the ability to win on the battlefield. This conduct will lead to a loss of fighting spirit and deterrence.”

May 17, 2022 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. @Peloni

    He is a scoundrel of no principle.

    I remember wondering why Yamina got so few mandates when it was formed when its platform sounded so good, even when Shaked was the titular chief. I find myself increasingly curious as to the substantive nature of Bennett and Shaked’s splits from first Likud and then Jewish Home. How ironic that he is stopping members of Yamina from bolting by threatening to brand them as splitters which would bar them from running with any other existing party in the next election. They’d have to start their own and cross the electoral threshold. Why are they so fearful about skipping a term in the Knesset? Have they forgotten how to make a living? Or is it the honor (read prestige) of the thing.

    When asked how he felt upon being elected president, Abe Lincoln was reported to have replied:

    “I feel like the man who was tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail. To the man who asked him how he liked it, he said: ‘If it wasn’t for the honor of the thing, I’d rather walk.”

  2. @Sebastien

    There is a state of paralysis. Bennett will do anything to remain PM.

    Perfectly stated. He is a scoundrel of no principle. I am drawn to conclude that he has been Sharon-ed. Recall that Sharon was manipulated by legal charges held over him, literally til the day he died, following which his son was charged. I do not know what source of manipulation is being held over Bennett, but it controls him utterly. Do not look for any aid from him, he is hopelessly lost. The question I find myself asking is whether it is reasonable that this is true of his so called allies from the Right? Are they all so corrupted or captured, manipulated by Deep State players or international interests against the State? I don’t know. I can’t believe this govt has not fallen. It is a great misfortune, very great.

  3. @Sebastien

    @Peloni Deterrence.

    Very good, LOL…Your nimbleness with these clips is very impressive and equally effective at expressing a point.

  4. When Hamas launches missiles, Israel launches counter-attacks, and the Biden regime orders Israel to stand down, the government must have the spine to refuse. Can this government do that? And what if Abbas walks, what then? As things stand, between them, Raam and Hamas are holding the government by the short hairs with the help of Meretz, Yesh Atid and I’m not sure what other left wing parties. There is a state of paralysis. Bennett will do anything to remain PM. Bennett had announced a new internal police force. Eill it happen?

  5. “Israel is the only country in the world that breaches its defensive ability over its own territory,” said MK Hauser. “We have seen this in every round of fighting against Hamas, which undermines our legitimacy to be victorious. We had seven years since Operation Protective Edge in 2014 to prepare for Operation Guardian of the Walls, when we should have been preparing to ‘finish this story’ and failed to do so. Our policies should dictate our abilities and not the other way around.”

    Infamy upon infamy spoken by one of the infamous who have made it so. This man has no shame for what he has done, or does he simply possess no sight to see the reality that has been formed from his actions over this past year.

    Indeed, these are bold words from a man whose craven response to the War of Riots and Rockets was to immediately isolate the Right, empower the Left and shower the Brotherhood with grifts of state funding and land and position. He should re-read his words and consider the policies he failed to achieve while partnering with Abbas hours after the pogroms of last May. Such acts of weakness by Israel to be seen rewarding the Arabs so timely with the May War was not wasted on the Arabs. Sadly, it does appear as if these same acts of contrition were not witnessed by those who directed them and enforced them.

    Even now, Hauser holds firm to his coalition with Meretz and Raam, while still speaking of ending Hamas, as if this were a possibility from within this extension of his pay for slay scheme govt. This is not about politics. It is about victory, but there can be no easy path to victory. Victory will require sacrifice for many, but the sacrifice currently being milked from Israel is to maintain the status quo of no victory. Indeed, sacrifice alone does not lead to victory, most unfortunately. Victory will only begin with the dedication of purpose by the leadership elected to do exactly what has not been done thus far, and continues to not be done, even as the inactive politicians offer statements of strength to hide their actions of weakness which have been fashioned to secure a state of stalemate, which only add to the butcher’s bill without any benefit for the price exacted. Hauser’s strong words actually profane the recent dead who were sacrificed to maintain his status quo agenda and blocks any move towards the victory of which he speaks. The extent of any ability of the current govt is no more than one of stalemate, period, no matter what face saving words these leaders offer, as if oblivious to the facts their political maneuvers made real.

    What has not been done, was not done as a direct consequence to the political schemering by men such as MK Hauser. The shame sits with those among the political leadership who were tempted with power to ignore the will of the people. They set aside their Right wing majority and forsaked the vision that could have pursued a course of victory, while fashioning thgovt that has been shaking for support since the very hour the bribes promised to the Arabs were paid out, as they wait for promises of new bribes to regain their support in this govt of status quo even while Jewish blood runs in the streets once more. Bad behavior quickly rewarded will always be re-enacted, as it is a natural tendency.

    Let Hauser act with more than his lips as the soil lies freshly tilled over the recent dead, whose sacrifice speaks to the need of bold action, not his empty words. Let him end this govt which is opposed to any move towards victory, as it holds fast to the status quo agenda it was created to enforce. Let him fashion a govt with the ability to pursue the vision of victory chosen by the people in the recent election and endorsed by Hauser and his comrades in this KVIC. Otherwise, this is just smoke and mirrors, speaking of what should be done while acting to continue securing the status quo at the cost of more useless deaths, and no path towards victory.