Ted Belman. I was thinking the same thing. At a minimum, all bus drivers should carry guns.
“If two armed and trained citizens had been on the bus yesterday in Tel Aviv, the terror attack would have ended in a completely different way – or it wouldn’t have happened at all,” said MK Moshe Feiglin after Wednesday’s terror attack in which 10 were wounded, three seriously. “But Israel’s policy is to reduce the number of citizens licensed to bear arms as much as possible. The main excuse is the murders that have been perpetrated by owners of licensed guns. But the truth is just the opposite. In 2013, 13 murders were perpetrated with licensed firearms. 12 of those murders were carried out by security guards or police. Their weapons belonged to the organization for which they worked or to the State! They weren’t privately owned at all,” Feiglin said.
“How many tractors running people over, knife-wielding terrorists or other murderers and robbers have been neutralized by responsible citizens bearing licensed firearms?” Feiglin asked. “So if weapons-bearing citizens help to secure the public domain, shouldn’t the State encourage responsible citizens to practice shooting and carry weapons? Why does it do just the opposite?
The answer is that the State of Israel is not increasing our liberties; it is reducing them. Dictatorship confiscate citizens’ weapons. ‘The State alone will take care of all your security needs’.
In the past, there were 300,000 citizens licensed to bear weapons in Israel. That number has now been cut in half. As a member of the Knesset Interior Committee, I was able to stop the trend. But we have to understand: Without liberty, we will not enjoy security,” Feiglin concluded.
Max Said:
If you knew Yamit82, like I know Yamit82, oy oy oy what a guy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dweller Said:
I am but your humble acolyte, Sweetie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dweller Said:
Well then Sweetie be careful not to sit down when defending yourself.
yamit82 Said:
Blah blah balh
statistics are propaganda tools of fascists… mind washers…
North American cities are civil war zones – Israeli cites are both civil war and actual war zones with it’s population constantly under threat of total annihilation.
Two things dull this awareness in the minds of the people – first is establishment propagandist and second for the upper middle class etc is money – simple money manages to keep some sections of the middle class and the upper middle class (the more influential classes) living in gated communities, safe areas, places with their own police force, etc. But in fact all classes are sacrificial lambs for murder, robbery and rape.
What they are being sacrificed to is a system of class hierarchy based on exploitation of all classes except the ruling class. When “bad things” happen they are sloughed off as “lone incidents” (sound familiar?) and thy do not get acknowledged in the class consciousness, the people don’t know how prevalent or even have the caution to guard against incidents because of the propaganda ownership directed by the elite establishment.
I can’t imagine how anyone could board a bus in Israel without having a game plan or awareness for possible violence. I can only imagine a mindset of vacancy has been established in the people by Yamit-style propagandists.
Two things regarding “Yamit”
First. You’ll never get it… about these things called “other people”. The other “things” in the world IE people are not objects but sentient beings that have the right to decide things for themselves and protect themselves. You are still not seeing it. You still want to argue about what they are supposed to want..which is the obedience of the world to the Gospel of Yamit. You continue to amplify your error. To understand what people what you have to ask them, not tell them. But even if you did reluctantly ask them, you would be trying to propagandize and “tell them” because you have no ability , zero ability, to listen, to be actually curious, to what it is that other people want and to actually respect them.
You are a fascist in every sense of the word. If you have power you will impose Yamitism on the world , if you don’t you will continue to live as you do – in abject frustration.
Second. You reveal something you are not even aware of. You live in fear, your basic level is fear. To you perception of danger instils automatic fear. You cannot separate your feeling from the nature of the world around you. Your fearfulness determines your perception.
You modern experience has failed to prepare you emotionally for daily living I would recommend you should take up some Japanese martial arts or something like that Those old time methods could teach you mental and physical preparedness for daily life – for approaching the dangers of living with aggressive caution and confidence. You are living on a flat dead plateau, you do not even know that there is development in this area. Moreover someone such as you, who does live in fear , rather than awareness can only have a very restricted awareness of the danger around you because you do not have the emotional strength or resiliency to deal with such awareness.
Your level of emotional growth is extremely stunted as is your ability to deal with physical conflict. There is not a one to one relationship between emotion and event/perception for all people especially those who have had life experience.
But this is the case for you. Awareness of danger, preparation and defensive measures against dangers does not make one afraid – in fact it is the opposite.
Seeing danger, preparing for it, being cautious does not necessarily make people afraid In fact it makes them confident happier and more accepting of what may befall them or what way happen.
But I understand that it makes you afraid. I suppose that if you find yourself, a helpless elderly man on a bus with a knife wielding terrorist coming to kill you, the only thing you can do is quiver in fear and call Bibi or some authority and wait to be rescued…..
I hope your cell phone works – probably it’s the only weapon Israelis are allowed to use…
@ honeybee:
NOBODY defends me, online or anywhere else. But that’s okay; I know where my true defenses lie.
But you deliberately ignored the final line in my post, Twinkie, so you could take the earlier remark out of context for the purpose of playing games again.
@ honeybee:
Like that and has a ring of Ironic truth to it.
Justin Said:
Dichas of Deborah: ” The only Gentile who kept his promises to the Jewish people was Hitler”
dweller Said:
No you expect others to defend you, Sweetie
yamit82 Said:
I take it you are anti-Feiglin then? He is an avowed libertarian and I’m pretty sure that he and Rand Paul agree on what US foreign policy should be towards Israel. Ron Paul, his dad, is definitely anti-Israel, perhaps anti-Semitic, which is honestly one of the reasons I never fully embraced his quixotic campaign. Rand is more pragmatic and has sought/obtained some endorsements from ZoA – which is to the right of AIPAC as I understand it.
Again, since evidently some here are quite quick to form judgments without parsing what I have to say, is that my main objection to current Israeli policy – under Netanyahu/Likud+coalition – is that he says one thing and does another. To me it is clear he doesn’t think a “two-state” solution is even possible, let alone advisable, yet he still tells us Americans that it is his goal in a theoretical sense. Internally he does little to advance this goal and probably doesn’t believe in it at all, as evidenced by his refusal to unambiguously halt settlement activity in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria if you want, whatever).
My problem isn’t how he treats the Palestinians – I would be more sympathetic if they were civilized and resourceful – but rather that he tells the Americans one thing (two states!) and tells his base another. It puts the US in an awkward position. W Bush had the same position/policy on settlements as does Obama.
To be honest the only reason I even care about Israel is because I know/work with some Israelis personally and because I respect Israel’s perseverance and culture and entrepreneurship given some really bad constraints. I’m not religious and couldn’t care less about Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc, but I feel that Israelis basically have an American spirit, values, and can-do attitude. Also, America kind of owes Israel for being its only real check on the ME, so there’s the strategic aspect too.
On the other hand, I prefer politicians who are pragmatic and have a freedom-loving philosophy. This is why I like Feiglin. He says what he means and he has, in my opinion, a reasonable solution. He is intellectually consistent and he believes in human liberty. My understanding of his philosophy is that 95% of Arabs in Israel/Gaza/WB reject liberty and therefore are incompatible with his vision. That is an argument I can get behind as an American.
@ Max:
Off your meds.
Max Said:
@ Max:
More people are murdered in Chicago in a year than in Israel in 10. More people are killed in preventable auto accidents yearly than are murdered in Israel in 10 and that includes terrorist attacks against us.
Do you have any idea of what you are saying??/ Most people are not afraid of driving but fear flying when statistically they are safer flying. You fear everything!! Not only is that acute paranoia but you have it seems retreated from reality to a degree that makes you dangerous if not to those around you then to yourself.
How can you live in constant fear????
Fine with me go to it. 😛
yamit82 Said:
Send Maxie Darlin and dweller sweetie to clean up the mess.
yamit82 Said:
This is the problem with fascist mind sets. You think the “citizenry” are your puppets, the extensions of your ego that you are the arbiter and decider of what they want and need and you will decide “for their own good”.
The world must obey the edicts of Yamit and Yamit is it’s one true G_d.
If you take a poll which you would never think of doing, despite the fact that the government owns the anti-gun propaganda you will find that the overwhelming majority of Israelis do not want to be butchered in the service of Yamitism. And that would be because it is just commonsense and most people have some common sense when it comes to staying alive.
Only the citizenry has the right to decide want they want , not you or any other paramilitary dictator.
yamit82 Said:
I have no fear of an internet warrior who needs boasting and bravado to shore up a weak sense of self and I have no fear of l strutting Jewish Nasties who are wannabe bullies.
Besides your mental illness will make you incompetent at anything you do. You are unable to discuss any point of view without resorting to useless threats of violence and meaningless name calling. I’m sure you are a legend in your own mind maybe you even scare yourself and whoever around you is weaker than yourself.
It’s not how courageous you are with a gun, it’s how you act under adversity when you have nothing- and you act mentally ill.
And so your opinions and posts are valueless.
You have yet to answer my questions or provide any rational counter argument to my point of view on public self defense. Because of course you are incapable of rational thought, the only thing you understand is threatening, bullying and and posturing.
Bullying doesn’t work on the internet – better go back to bullying the elderly and women keeping them defenseless so that they get butchered. You are no different than the Islamofascists, you just got a different prefix. It’s too bad Israel has people like you in it, you sully the reputation of the country.
@ yamit82:
Translation: Unlike me, you don’t believe that an individual has a RIGHT to defend in a reasonable manner himself & the people in his life.
Identify which remarks of mine for which specifically you need verification.
Having a weapon for home defense but keeping it in a safe seems counter-productive and anti-rational.
Do I personally? No, not really. My home has its own natural security. The day could come, however, and on short notice, when that might not be the case.
What do YOU do?
I paid well into six figures for that ‘cave.’
So the khelemer khakham is suggesting that because you cannot prepare for EVERY contingency, that you shouldn’t prepare for ANY. . . . Good thinkin.’
TV’s aint broke, I’m more than content that bad guys believe that about my home.
I’ve never said I had a gun.
(Nor have I ever said that I didn’t.)
dweller Said:
So verify. otherwise they are your opinions but stated as fact. I don’t believe they are factually based but since you provided no support for your opinions and so called factual detail I don’t buy them as factual detail and even there the details you provided are to a large degree hypothetical. Even hypothetical should be backed up with some credible statistical and or researched data. You provided Nada. You expect everything you spout as fact to be accepted as fact just because you state it as fact. No go no sale. If you are correct show us based on something other than just your say so.
If you can’t supply what the hell are your arguing about. Either supply or just shut up.
You are the one who claimed that keeping a weapon in a safe would make home residents vulnerable to home invaders indicating that you have some kind of fear from home invasion?
That’s true but I also ans that objection. What do you do if you are in the bathtub or taking a shower when your home or cave is invaded by bad guys looking for broken old TV’s and Computers that don’t work??? Do you take your gun into the bath or shower?
I said home invasion is not a major concern for Israelis except those in sensitive areas and there most who want fire arms have them plus a lot of other security the rest of the country does not enjoy because there is no need. I did agree with Feiglin that more Israelis should be armed not less but like Feiglin do not consider the ownership of weapons to be a god given right and since we have no constitution we can’t claim gun rights as a constitutional issue, because here it’s not. Feiglin gave a hypothetical and I don’t like his hypothetical because at any given time there are thousands of buses in service and the odds of someone with a firearm on every bus even under ideal circumstances is an unreasonable expectation it would still be luck of the draw. Feiglin did not mention that most active members of the IDF carry their personal weapons with them wherever they travel and that puts thousands more armed Israelis on the streets buses and in public commercial units.
In my reply to Keelie I also supplied my opinion as to what more can be done to reduce the risk to the citizens of Israel besides arming everyone as you seem to suggest.
Unlike you I am while supportive of arming a lot of the citizenry, it’s not ideological or religious it’s a practical matter based on threat and need.
@ yamit82:
Such as?
Such as?
It’s very obvious from the arc of the thread, Huff’n’puff, that you have NO point, other than your own self-importance.
I have given you several opportunities to specify what you found inadequate in what I said. You gave no examples of that — replying instead only w/ another dodge, by saying, “You proved my point.”
You need to either shit or get off the pot.
News of examples.
The news reports to which I alluded were ABOUT border settlements! Both John Batchelor and Joshua Mitnick had stories about kibbutzim in that situation.
That’s not any perceived threat to the public doing the speaking.
That’s your perceived threat to YOU speaking.
You’re transparent, HuffyPuffy, and others are catching on.
Max Said:
Professionalism???? Hmmm,tell you what I can put 6 shots in a tight group at a target with your name or likeness on it at 30 meters in less than 4 seconds. Is that professionalism enough for your scared rabbit little mind, Bubb????
What’s your level of competence??? You can’t even rant coherently.
Max Said:
So do you think I should use a deodorant?? Have any suggestions as to which brand and scent I should use????
Not everyone is smart like you Max!!!! Do you advocate euthanasia for every poor retard who is slow or incapable of learning and meeting your so very high standards of cognition and quick comprehension????
I’m sure Humanity would be better off without we slow learners who happen to have BO. 😉 🙂 😛
@ honeybee:
My pie fight better than yours!!! 😛
@ yamit82:
@ Max:
Capitalist stooges an shills at fun and play.
Libertarianism samson blinded@ Justin:
He is his fathers son as HB suggests. He is not a conservative but a Libertarian and a Jew hater like his father.
Libertarian societies abrogate values, and then abandon responsibility. They become quasi-socialist welfare states.
Libertarianism is not an honest intellectual position, but a rationalization of fear.
honeybee Said:
You are incapable of loving anyone – your are a selfish mindless stooge,
yamit82 Said:
…were personal attacks and digging for personal information to make further attacks in real life.And also totally irrelevant to the subject at hand, of which you have yet to address. Also your personal attacks besides being odious beyond odious is the salient pointer to you mental illness.
Your mental state makes you incompetent to have any useful ability to physically defend either yourself or protect others. If you have a gun, I suggest the best use of it to help Israel and protect other Israelis is to blow your brains out.
You need repetition because, being a troll, you have a zero learning curve.
You are a mentally ill troll incapable of professionalism or competence in any field of inquiry. You are a waste of space. Go back to chit-chat where you belong.
@ Justin:
He’s his Father’s son.
@ honeybee:
yamit82 Said:
No it’s a sign of senility for which there is no cure.
dweller Said:
Opinion and lots of unsupported BS. Try supplying links where they support and or verify your opinions if they exist in fact. So far you are batting 0000000!!!!!!
You have just proved my point. Not up to me to supply but up to you otherwise you give unsupported opinion and not fact.
Seems you are the one with the reading problem I asked for an example of a home invasion in Israel that you are so fearful of???? You supplied what? Nice try but no cigar.
people in Israel as far as I can tell are not frearful of home invasions. Maybe on some settlements on the border but they are well protected and armed because of the risk the rest are not under a comparable threat or risk and do not fear such a scenario. Still batting 0000000!!!!!
I still say the public has more to fear from fruitcakes like you than any other threat.
@ Max:
You keep repeating yourself which is a sure sign and symptom of ‘Tourette’s syndrome’ suggest you seek professional help
My unanswered questions to you were on point and pertinent based solely on your uneducated and stupid rants.
You are the epitome of arrogance of ignorance and your subsequent replies prove my point.
@ Max:
Maxie Darlin, I love you too. xxxxxxooooooo
honeybee Said:
You don’t. You’re a stooge and a shill for the economic fascists that own America and oppress the American people.
Justin Said:
Rand Paul’s brains have gone to curls. To equate any Jew with Rand Paul [a renown dimwit] is rank anti-Semitism at the very lest.
Max Said:
And YOU say I don’t know anything. Maxie baby, your head is stuck arriba your backside !!!!!
@ Max:
Watch out the men in the white coats are coming!
@ Justin:
I like the Libertarian idea of giving share ownership of all corporations to the actual workers of those corporations. I see this as the way to break up and break down the power of the elites and return the wealth and capital to the population. A merging of communism and capitalism in a way – workers having both ownership and incentive – not the state (Stalinism) or an economic elite (American Capitalism) having total controlling ownership.
Feiglin is my favorite Israeli politician by far. He says what he means and means what he says. This is why I don’t like Netanyahu – he is a double-talker, saying he supports “two-state” while doing everything to prevent it. Feiglin is less “political” in my view, he is like Israel’s Rand Paul, and I as an American libertarian support him 100%.
Opinions on public self defense depend on an understanding of what is happening in the public arena. The personal experiences or personality of any individual do not determine this arena. In North America the population is generally left by the authorities to be raped , murdered and stolen from. The authorities wish to neuter the public and the police forces usually only catch the crooks after the fact. The establishment emphasis is on stability which means repressing the innocent civilian population. The main purpose of North American Law is social stability and to preserve the power and social order established by the elite.
The laws need to be changed to “stand your ground” and “home is your castle’, capital punishment for all major crimes and generally open season on anyone caught committing a major crime. Death is a rehabilitation that works. Housing long term prisoners is an unnecessary cost to society.
I prefer Dodge city to Zombie Empire. Dodge City comes equipped with boot hill which is much preferable to the rest homes for crooks in North America and Conjugal love hotels for terrorists in Israel.
In a society where the citizen is under attack and threat of attack 24/7 from a professional class of criminals it is paramount the citizen have the means to defend themselves. In Israel as I have discovered , the situation is worse. The leeway and some leniency we have in North America to take self-defensive self-protective steps are more proactively closed in Israel. It makes a great deal of sense to understand why Israeli citizenry is a victim population offered up to terrorist Hamas and Hezbollah by the authorities as appeasement gifts to the G_ds.
I really had believed or I guess hoped it would be the opposite in Israel, I guess I had imagined a self-reliant, self defensive nation of resilient people. But it does make sense, of course it does,Israel could not exist as it is unless the population were clipped at it’s toes and hamstrung. A population free from repression and mind washing would have exterminated Hamas and Hezbollah long ago and gotten a government that actually represented their interests.
The elderly and women are the first that need to be trained and issued weapons – they are the most needy. When someone wishes to keep these kinds of people defenseless it is most probably they wish to repress a significant part of the population to make themselves feel important as they themselves actually feel insecure in their own capabilities and they can’t imagine anyone feeling or doing better than themselves.
Yamit has what he wants, what the government wants – a population incapable of and prevented from defending themselves against butchery. He prefers himself or his buddies to be in charge even if it means that they just can’t be there or be there in time. I think the people would rather that they were in charge of their lives instead of Yamit and that they made the mistakes if any were to be made, instead of Yamit..but it’s not like Yamit’s paramilitaries gave anyone any vote on it.
So yes, for all these countries it is about far more than just dealing with criminals – it is about the elite preserving the status quo by repressing everyone. And for Israel especially, it is about playing the people as political pawns and making them jump or stand down when the right strings are pulled.
yamit82 Said:
You are a persistent troll, trolldom being a mental illness and that is to say your mental illness is quite ossified..
Persistently attempting to make personal attacks and get personal information from others is trolldom which is mental illness.
What is worse is your persistent defense of such a sickness as something legitimate or something that passes for discussion.
You are incapable of objectivity, incapable of professionalism, incapable of calm rational discussion.
Just to waste one keystroke in response to you is to let a mentally ill person waste my life.
You live in a mental universe in which you cannot separate your personal life from objective reality. This makes you incapable of learning from new experiences, from having new experiences or learning from the sharings of others. It makes you incapable of sharing anything about your experiences.
And in finality, your mental illness makes you incompetent on any subject that you touch upon. It matters not what weapons you have handled or what IDF you may have been in. That was then, this is now. Any need to engage in vainful boasting on those things just demonstrates a fragile and weak sense of self.
Your opinions on self defense cannot have any merit without a sound mind to guide them.
Your first weapon is your mind and your mind is fubar, you are incapable of professionalism and therefore incapable of any competence on any subject.
You need to post all your posts in the chit chat which is the garbage bin, the sewage where you cannot raise to any level because you are mired at the bottom of personal dysfunction.
keelie Said:
OK I’ll take another look at that.
honeybee Said:
Yeah “as far as you know”…. which is to say you don’t know anything.
@ Max:
You’re quoting me out of context. Read what I said more carefully.
I am all for arming all the Jews in Israel so that they can take care of such situations PDQ.
@ yamit82:
Nope. Never have felt a need to do that.
Hardly. It’s long seemed to me that THAT’s what you do with my remarks. (What ‘religious convictions’ have I even alluded to in these comments?)
Such as?
I included plenty of factual detail, all verifiable. Do you have reading issues when you’ve been up till 6 in the morning?
YOU talk to ME of ‘crazy, unstable nuts’???
(Was there a full moon last nite?)
There were news stories to the contrary. They said the invasions were “unsuccessful” (whatever that means in context), but “home invasion” & “kibbutz invasion” were the words they used.
Nice try; same old shit, new angle. But this won’t work either.
@ dweller:
Tell me do you make this shit up from fantasy or do you feel compelled to say something anything as long as it contradicts anything i or anyone else says when it is in opposition to your religious convictions.
You provide plenty of bones with no meat… Many groundless platitudes and stupid unfounded talking points but no proof of shit…. Nada!!!! Opinions in place of facts is your game.
Your rant makes one thing obvious, that crazy unstable nuts like you are more dangerous to the general public then any criminal or terrorist.
Btw there was no home invasion by terrorists from Gaza during the war last summer, Most of the members of border settlements adjacent to Gaza own guns. Each Kibbutz and moshav have internal rapid response teams and In Yamit I headed one for 10 years. Besides our annual reserve duty of some 30 days we also trained 3-5 days a month. We were as good and professional as any of the Elite IDF or Police counter terror units. Besides our unit and a small IDF reserve contingent in Yamit every male resident who had served in the IDF had to perform guard duty at night and at the school and kindergarten. I assume a similar arrangement still exists today in all border settlements and in every settlement on the Golan, Jordan valley and Y&S. Soldiers unlike civilians are trained to react automatically to situations and are less likely to hesitate or freeze under stress.
I would really be scared to know a fruitcake like you was armed and anywhere near innocents. Safer to take chances against criminals and terrorists. Not enough to know how to shoot. Good judgement is a must. Crazies just don’t!!!
and now, something completely different:
@ yamit82:
Gaza-Hamas War, last summer; via tunnels.
If it ‘s about keeping them from children, they’re barking up the wrong tree (same confusion stateside). There are far more effective ways of keeping guns from kids based on an understanding of what it means to BE a kid; most people have forgotten.
Sounds myopic. And not especially just either. Why not extend the responsibility to any property capable of perpetrating or facilitating a crime. Why limit it to guns? why not prosecute the owner of a car that’s stolen to expedite a robbery?
Some school shootings were stopped by private citizens, teachers, etc. who had a gun nearby. In many states, though, it’s hard to get a CCW, and the creation of “gun-free” zones only assures a miscreant (whether terrorist or criminal) that he’ll have a free hand to convert the place into his own private shooting gallery.
The 2012 James Homes shooting spree in Aurora, CO (trial just getting under way now) was just such an example. There were a dozen movie theatres in close proximity to where Holmes lived. Most (if not all) of the ones he didn’t choose were actually closer to his home than the one he chose. Of the 12, only one was a declared “gun-free” zone. Guess which one he chose to shoot up?
— for him, that “gun-free” zone might just as well have been called a “free-fire zone”. . . .
In the 2009 Ft Hood shooting, Nidal Hasan had a free hand to kill 13 & wound another 32 before being wounded by a civilian police sergeant — because uniformed troops were forbidden to carry a firearm on base.
You bet I don’t agree with it. There’s a reason why the right to keep and bear arms is a constitutional right — and why it comes right after the right to freedom of expression
— and it’s got to do with a whole lot more than just keeping criminals at bay…
But then Israelis have NO constitutional rights whatsoever, as there is no constitution. Even the Basic Laws do not rise to the level of constitutional rights.
yamit82 Said:
Where do you keep your biggest gun.
Max Said:
As far as know the only ones after me are maybe a Sheriff [or two] in East Texas.
Max Said:
Working for??? All of the Above!!! I can add more groups if you like!!!! 😛
I suspect it was you who was the ball deflater the whole world is searching for.
Kop a plea you’re outed!!!!
honeybee Said:
yamit82 Said:
I did – that is to the point of the discussion. You will not get personal information from me no matter how you try to provoke, nor will anyone else . It is the INTERNET DUH.
Now why don’t you respond to my actual point of view and proposals instead of making absurd trolling attempts to engage in personal attacks?
Are you totally incapable of rational discussion?
The caricature you presented of whoever you want me to be – is that the caricature you project on the Israeli people?
If so, it is a very bad attitude – even if you thought those things of another person , the positive thing is to advocate training so that people can be capable of defending themselves, learn not to be afraid and have the right of carrying arms to do so.
As it is you expressed the desire that Islamic Jihadists will kill democratic people (ie myself – some person who says things that make you feel terribly angry and emotionally threatened). Are you sure you aren’t working for HAMAS ?
Or perhaps the NEO-Fascist New dictatorship of Israel?