In a radio interview on Monday, Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau slammed calls for extending sanctions on Jewish building in Judea and Samaria and said that if the PA is allowed to transfer Jews who make up 10% of the population of Judea and Samaria then Israel should be allowed to transfer the Arabs who make up 20% of the population of Israel.
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Min Landau is 100% correct. We must stop accepting this racist double standard where its ok for the “palestinians” to have a Jew-free state, but have a Jew say Israel should be free of arabs is met with outrage.
Sam, that sounds like a plan worth looking into.
No question about it, Israel is a Jewish state and must remain so. Correct me if I am wrong but the national flag is the Star of David and that is not secular. I am certain G-d would not like to change it.
Jewish and democratic for Jews:
A muslim recently pointed out to Israeli leftists that “Jewish and democratic” is nonsensical crap. You can’t have a “Jewish state” that allows unimited immigration for Jews, and then claim to be fully democratic with respect to the muslim Jew-haters already living in Jewish Israel. (If nothing else, the day “Jewish and democratic” Israel became 50.1% muslim, then that would be the end of Jewish Israel.)
The fact that Israeli leftists claim to be “rational and enlightened” is part of their overall delusional state.
The sooner their power is nullified, the better chance Jewish Israel has to survive.
I mean, how hard is it? Israel should be a Jewish state. No citizenship for muslims, only a status as permanent residents. No voting rights for muslims. No welfare payments to muslims from Jewish taxpayers. Redraw the borders so that as many muslims as practical are removed from Jewish Israel and included in muslim palestine. A standing policy to buy the houses of all remaining muslims if they are willing to leave Israel once and for all. Tear down the minarets. No public calls to muslim prayer over loudpeakers.
If Israel seriously wants to remain a Jewish state in the muslim middle east, it has to treat Israeli muslims the same way that muslims treat all non-muslims in their power. Otherwise Jewish Israel will soon go the way of christian Lebanon (which had been the only other non-muslim state in the muslim middle east).
But Israeli leftists don’t want Israel to be a Jewish state. They would rather see Israel destroyed and become another muslim state. And if I had written this in Israel, they would have me arrested and persecuted for “incitement to hatred and racism”. For the “crime” of wondering out loud: “If you say Israel is a Jewish state, then shouldn’t it actually be Jewish?”