Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech

Benz:  “Domestic Tech platform policies, internet censorship, came to the United States and has been exported around the world because free speech is a casualty of a proxy war of the blob against populism.  And what I mean by the blob is our foreign policy establishment which is primarily concentrated within the US state department & the US intelligence services like the CIA the Pentagon, and the soft power swarm Army that we have through our ngos and state department CIA USAID fundedCivil Society institutions.  We’ve had this long range plan to seize Eurasia.

After 1990 the US the UK and partners in NATO set on set on a quest to take political control over the territories of the former Soviet Union and were very successful until Vladimir Putin Rose to power and began to assert energy diplomacy as a means for Russia to reassert political influence over Central and Eastern Europe.”

August 30, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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  1. @Adam

    This guy is a Russian agent.

    Far from it. Benz was traumatized to see the tactics which are routinely deployed against America’s enemies, being redirected against the American people. His revelations are a consequence of the fact that the basis for authoritarian regimes being labeled as enemies of the American people was due to the authoritarian policies employed by those regimes. Yet, it is these same authoritarian policies and practices which have now been copied and pasted onto America by none other than the American govt, as the American Empire, as it were, came to devour the American Republic, and along with it the rule of law and the rights and liberties of the people.

    If you have watched the above video, you will be familiar with the fact that Benz has stated, quite often actually, that the use of such tactics on the enemies of America might in fact be something he could support again if America ever returned to being the liberal society which it once was, but that he would have to consider that possibility once this achievement has been achieved. The field on which he stands today, however, is an American field, where liberty is nowhere, and it is specifically because of the betrayal of the US govt which was frustrated by the American people having the temerity of doing as the people of the Dombas and the people of Belarus had each done, namely to overcome the information tactics of the US govt and choosing a path which did not comply with the interests of the American Oligarchs which head the American intelligence apparatus.

    Hence, no, he is not a Russian agent. You will hopefully forgive me, but you seem to find Russian agents anywhere you find someone having ther temerity of holding an alternate opinion to your own, and this sort of response which you default towards employing, ie delegitimizing those with whom you disagree, are in fact quite consistent with the tactics being used by the US govt in choosing dissenting voices to be censored, demonized, and disenfranchised. I mean you no offense in stating this, but I am curious how you might distinguish your application of the term Russian apologist from the censoring tactics which I believe you would not support. This is not a rhetorical question, and if you have an interest in responding, I would be very much interested in reading your response.

  2. This guy is a Russian agent. The key to understand this is when he attacks ‘free speech: and claims that U.S. support for gree speech is a sinister phenomenon-especially when the U.S. supports free speech in Russia. Note also that he supports Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Like a lot of other people who are Russian apologists.

    Of course the U.S. state Department doesn’t support free speech. Not even in the United States. But people who attack free speech and criticize the United States for (supposedly) supporting it are apologists for authoritarian regimes, such as Russia and China.

  3. Benz rightly connects the issue to the neocons taking a big beating. Where’s Nuland? Where’s the candies now?

    As the crisis deepens Starmer and Biden think censure.

    Kurst is an adventure if the East goes away from these Nazis.

    Rada deputy Goncharenko was beside himself, calling the situation catastrophic. He added that after Pokrovsk, the road to the entire Dnieper will be wide open:

    It’s almost pointless even updating the exact captures and advances anymore because right now they’re simply happening so fast that within hours of the Sitrep’s release, the information is already obsolete, and Russians have advanced even more. But suffice it to say, this time there were even several major captures in areas other than Pokrovsk.