Michelle Backmann lays it on the line – powerfully and passionately

Michelle Bachmann delivered a great speech, and I mean that advisedly, to the Voters’ Values Summit of the Family Research Council.

She called out Obama for his foreign policy as never been done before. I couldn’t help notice that many of the points she made were also made by me in my recent article, The Eradication of Israel. No kidding.

This is what Romney should be saying. This is the passion that Romney is lacking.


September 16, 2012 | 19 Comments »

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19 Comments / 19 Comments

  1. This reminds me of the title of a short story I read some 42-43 years ago by Tom Wolfe, part an anthology called “The Sense of the 60’s”. It’s title was “Mau-Mauing the Flak-Catcher”. The flak-catcher was some sort of lower-ranking social services official whose duties involved dealing with frequently recalcitrant urban blacks whose tactics when dealing with white officialdom were largely based on group intimidation in physically small offices staffed by people whose ingrained liberalism would not permit them to use the local cops to throw the nasties out onto the street.

    The Mau-Maus, as you probably remember, were a group of successful independence-oriented terrorists whose actions broke the staying power of the fading British Empire in Kenya. Some American blacks picked up on the name, and the the intimidation of whites that accompanied the name.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  2. Ted,

    In my couple of years commenting on Israpundit, I have seen you or your automated software block comments by literate and knowledgeable folks such as Yamit. But here you are, reprinting verbatim comments of a quasi-literate who doesn’t even bother to use a spelling checker and who personally insults you. Where’s the logic in all this?

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  3. Email rec’d:

    Gee – she made some of the same comments that you made – dont they call that plagueism unless inserted between quote marks? You rant about stuff that is so ridiculous sounding – it is very discerning that you as Jew has made it soooo obvious that your are a racist – that it is because Pres. Obma is bi racial – you should have half the intellegence he posesses – then you may make statements that make sense and are not copy cat remarks – and to side with the likes of baachman and to revel in it says truckloads of you intellegence – that woman and her cohorts,m no matter what position she has – she is funded and backed bgyt eh religiuous right – you fool – do you no realize that the christian element that backs Israel so profoundly have no other agenda than to keep Israel safe so that their >messiah” will have a place to land their spaceship and then will do nothing for the Jews other than make their sole effort to as in the Spanish inquisition for an example – to require Jews to forsake their religion and convert to the gentile one – WAKE UP! Tghere is no question that neither you, I or any Jew of this century will be alive when the :messiah” lands but I would take the needle out of you arm and face reality – you are a fool!

  4. I liked her too. But she had no long dollars needed to take on Romney. And she looked like somebody’s shrimp-size kid sister lined up with all the other Republican candidates. This sounds cruel and shallow. But you know as well as I do that this is the way American presidential politics are played. Money and television fakery hold all the trump cards. Even if you are Trump.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  5. Now let’s all figure out a way to mobilize a consolidated force of non-Muslims who want to protect their own cultures against the jihadist varieties of Islam. It ought to include Israel, the whole of the western hemisphere with its English-speaking and Spanish or Portuguese-speaking civilizations, Hindu India, the Protestant and Catholic European civilization, the Orthodox Christian civilization of eastern Europe and 1northern Eurasia, the Confucian, Buddhist and Shintoist civilizations of East Asia, English and Afrikaans-speaking Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, and the African Christian civilization.

    Just China and India alone could chew up the whole of the Islamic civilization and swallow them without too much indigestion.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  6. What is the hidden agenda of the left/far left and Pr. O.
    Nobody and specially the mass media have colluded to keep that a secret.
    Here and there MB has exposed some evidence. But the Americans do not seem to care.
    What any sane person would consider abysmal, the mass media claim the opposite! Are they the judges? No the Americans are.

  7. @ Canadian Otter:
    CO, I have had no major problems with the filter so do not have a thing to offer on that.
    I do read your comments at Teds Blog and other forums and find them very interesting.
    Ted has achieved world wide readership and that is commendable.
    I would not mind if you want to correspond with me via email but I do not know if the Blog policies allow for sending email addresses this way.
    Back to helping my wife preparing for the New Years meal…

  8. @ SHmuel HaLevi:
    The spam filter makes as little sense as US foreign policy. It seems to have gone completely deranged. 🙂 I sent a reply to your post on the column “Romney begins taking…” but it was held for moderation. I can’t figure out why.

  9. Madame Bachmann is more of a man than your typical Western male. Too many are too busy following pseudo websites pumping the hate for the USA and Israel.

    For my daily dose of Jew hate, I go to http://www.sgtreport.com It is linked to every loser left wing site there is. This is a fixture in the Anglo world. Websites financed by muslims or George Soros with little or no advertising.

    I wish that many of us regularly hit these sites and fill their comments to the point that the site is so denigrated that it loses traffic.

  10. @ SHmuel HaLevi:

    It is NOT a constitutional democracy – it is a constitutional republic – there is a world of difference in a republic and

    a democracy. Democracy is 50% plus one vote – for instance, two wolves and a chicken voting on what is for dinner…

  11. It appears that the future of the US as a Judeo-Christian Country supported by a CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY, is in the hands of the women in there.
    Perhaps it is the way it is meant to be.
    She did a superb job with inner fire and conviction.
    Mrs. Palin is also a remarkable example.
    America is still GREAT!

  12. Great stuff. The number one news story here in Australia at the moment is that muslims went on a protest demonstration in Sydney on Friday that turned into a rampage.

    Lots of people are shocked (not me) that little kids were seen holding placards “behead all those that insult the prophet”. “We hate Obama, we love Osama”

    Police were injured. People shopping, were scared and fled. I don’t know what is sicker? Seeing the footage or hearing the “moderate” muslims saying that Islam is peaceful and Muhummad was peaceful and the media believing their lies.

    While writing this, it was on the news, that we allowed a cleric from England into Australia who preaches – destruction of Israel and death to our troops in Afghanistan.

  13. still, we must turn out the vote for Romney-Ryan. especially in OH, FL, VA, NC, IA, WI, MI, PA, CO, NV, NM

    go see 2016: Obama’s America. brilliant!