Netanyahu said he was going to announce a new peace plan in two weeks. Meanwhile, Quartet tries new Israeli-Palestinian peace bid in which it proposed meetings with the two sides on all core issues blocking a peace settlement. That’s what an arbitrator does before he announces his decision. I am afraid that such meetings will lead to the Quartet announcing their own plan. And it won’t be friendly to Israel. T. Belman
Merkel chides Netanyahu for failing to make ‘a single step to advance peace’
A crisis erupted between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. During a telephone call this week, Merkel told Netanyahu that he had disappointed her and had done nothing to advance peace, sources told Haaretz.
The prime minister tried to persuade Merkel that he was about to launch a diplomatic initiative, explaining he is making a speech in two weeks in which he will outline a new peace plan.
A senior German source said Netanyahu had called Merkel on Monday, following the American veto in the UN Security Council last Friday and Germany’s vote in favor of the Palestinian proposal to condemn construction in West Bank settlements.
The conversation between the two leaders was extremely tense and included mutual accusations and harsh statements, the official said.
Netanyahu told Merkel he was disappointed by Germany’s vote and by Merkel’s refusal to accept Israel’s requests before the vote, the source added. Merkel was furious.
“How dare you,” she said, according to the official. “You are the one who disappointed us. You haven’t made a single step to advance peace.”
The prime minister assured Merkel that he intended to launch a new peace plan that would be a continuation of his Bar-Ilan University speech, given in June 2009, in which he agreed to establishing a Palestinian state, the official revealed.
“I intend to make a new speech about the peace process in two to three weeks,” Netanyahu told Merkel.
The German chancellor and her advisers, who have been repeatedly disappointed by Netanyahu’s inaccurate statements and failure to keep promises, did not believe a word of what the prime minister told her, the source said.
Merkel decided to check with Israeli and U.S. officials to determine whether Netanyahu was serious this time around, or was merely trying to buy more time and alleviate the international pressure on him.
Haaretz’s check with a number of Israeli sources indicates that the prime minister and his advisers are desperately looking for a way to jumpstart the peace process, in view of Israel’s growing international isolation. “Netanyahu has recently begun talking about a second Bar-Ilan speech,” said a senior Foreign Ministry official close to Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman.
A non-government source told Haaretz that Netanyahu and his advisers are working on a speech that would outline an alternative to the interim agreement with the Palestinians, similar to Lieberman’s plan. That initiative, which Haaretz reported on a month ago, consists of establishing a Palestinian state within temporary borders on about 50 percent of the West Bank.
The prime minister has been discussing the plan with Lieberman in recent weeks to understand it more thoroughly.
All of the sources, however, added that it was unclear whether Netanyahu seriously intended to advance the peace process or whether he merely wants to appear to be doing so, as a means of shifting international pressure onto the PA. In the latter case, he is counting on the Palestinians’ objection to the Israeli initiative.
A source in the prime minister’s office confirmed that Netanyahu told Merkel of his intention to outline his plans in a speech, but not in the next few weeks. The speech would be made only in the context of resuming the peace talks with the PA, the source revealed.
Merkel ended her visit in Israel three weeks ago deeply disappointed, a German official said. While here, she told Netanyahu the situation in the Middle East, in view of the revolution in Egypt, made it necessary for Israel to create a peace initiative.
Yes John, it would be better if our fellow Jews turned out in numbers.
yamit82 – Yes it would be wonderful if half a million Christians turned out: but it would be even better if half a million of our fellow Jews turned out – as they do on the Annual Parade – to support Israel.
Vinnie – I remember when Bibi was prime minister the first time and demanded “reciprocity”. Thats was his big thing then. He gave them Hebron anyways. Actions, not words.
There won’t be a massive turnout of Jews but this is a real test for those 50 million Christian supporters of Israel. I would think out of 50 million supporters a million of them would be a nice representative test of support and strength. Even half a million would send a message to Jew and gentile alike.
If few Christians show up in support of Israel, like they did the last times Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came to Columbia U and the UN, I will totally discount their phony support as a sham.
Vinnie is right. The material we get in and through Israpundit is for use in letters to the Press and elsewhere. We should use it. And we should demonstrate when it may do some good.
For instance, are there plans for a massive turn out of the Jews of New York, New Jersey and places beyond when Durban III comes to town? And if not, why not?
may it be the will of G-d that ALL arab countries fall into anarchy with MILLIONS of barabric arabs coming as refugees to merkel’s germany, turning berlin into TAHRIR square! would like to see merkel wearing HIJAB
Is Merkel gullible to the point of believing the Arabs lie!
This would be very disappointing.
Let the Arabs recognize the rights of the Jews since the Jews recognize Palestinians rights.
This is the sine qua non condition.
BB said last year or so when he visited berlin that merkel is one of Israel’s best friends. since i know the germans IMAH SHEMAM very well i was shocked how BB can be so naive. the germans NEVER repented, they NEVER changed. and merkel is just a GERMAN and nothing else. IMAH SHEMA VEZIKHRA may her memory be lost for ever. i need not say: may also the memory of her decendents be lost, since G-d has punished her already: she has no decendents. GERMANY=AMALEK
I do not believe that Netanyahu, in the end, is going to cave on some awful agreement, as many here seem to fear he will do.
Notice, people, they way he keeps bringing up the recognition issue. So far, no matter what else he’s said, he’s been pretty consistent about requiring the PA to recognize Israel as a Jewish state before he commits to anything. He knows the Palis will never call his bluff; that’s why he appears to make concessions that he knows he’ll never have to deliver on.
To this particular observer from the sidelines who, like the rest of you here, does not have to bear personal responsibility for what an Israeli PM does or signs, I also am disappointed that Bibi hints at concessions that he shouldn’t. Even if he never has to deliver, such pro forma concessions will be used in the future by the PA as starting points from which to apply pressure for more.
I would rather see Bibi hammer away exclusively on the recognition issue, and not say anything at all about any other issue. Basically, were I in his shoes, my tack would be: “Recognition first, before we even talk about ANYTHING else.” Perhaps, at a tactical level, he’s afraid to do this because it might force the Palis to call his bluff, but I don’t think they would.
Bottom line, he’s playing for time until he can have a major power strategic partner, which is what the U.S. was – sort of – before Obama. If Obama is replaced in 2012 by a Palin or Huckabee, he can then tell Merkel and anyone else who talks to him that way to F.O., as Bill Narvey so eloquently put it. If Ron Paul is that replacement, then it is time for Boris Celser’s “Checkmate” plan, or maybe “Yamit’s Gambit”. Nothing to lose, then.
But Bill Narvey’s point is very, very important here. I’ve also brought this up in other forms recently.
So many here dump on Bibi for being “weak”, but Bibi is a politician, and politicians don’t do anything unless they have a base of support. Part of the responsibility for forging that base of support is their own leadership ability, their capacity to motivate and inspire others. From his position in Israel, he has the opportunity to do this with other Israelis, but in the rest of the world, his leverage to do this amounts to nothing. No matter what he says or how well he says it, the media outside of Israel will ignore him; no one outside of Israel can hear him.
What Israel needs to know is that they are not going out on a limb, that they’ve got support outside of Israel. This “increasing isolation” of Israel we keep hearing about is mostly an illusion created by Arab petrodollars. Plenty of people support Israel worldwide, but they are not going to go out of their way on Israel’s behalf until they see the people most directly and immediately affected by Israel’s status – Diaspora Jews – taking a stand themselves.
That means that if we want Bibi to show some balls, we – in the Diaspora – have to get off of our lazy, fat, intimidated, complacent asses and speak up. We need to write the media, we need to write our elected representatives, we need to tell them to their faces how outrageous it is that Israel is treated with this insane double-standard.
Bill Narvey is part of this effort. So am I. We’re getting some help, but we need more. I’m not talking about money. I’m talking about time and effort. If any Israpundit regulars, who are Diaspora Jews, limit their involvement with Israel to reading Israpundit and/or commenting here, YOU need to step up to the plate!!! You need to do this YESTERDAY!!! To expect Bibi or any Israeli PM to just do everything is a cop-out. He’s not perfect, and there won’t be a perfect Israeil PM, so stop waiting for one who will magically set things right! Ain’t gonna happen.
It is up to US, folks. I don’t expect Bibi to be perfect – he’s got probably the most thankless high-pressure job in the world – I just pray he doesn’t fold and screw up in a terminal and irrevocable manner. Every day he puts that off, at least, is another day we have to fight. Our friends must see that we are willing to fight, and then they will join us. No one will stand up for one who will not even try to stand up for themselves.
I’m certain she hasn’t. She knows she can get away with speaking to Israeli officials this way because unfortunately Israeli leaders project an image of lacking pride and self-respect due to consistently groveling to please their “masters” and begging to be loved instead of standing up for Israel.
<blockquoteThe prime minister assured Merkel that he intended to launch a new peace plan that would be a continuation of his Bar-Ilan University speech, given in June 2009, in which he agreed to establishing a Palestinian state, the official revealed.
Bibi should have responded “how dare you interfere in Israel’s sovereign affairs”!. I am disappointed in Bibi as well, but for very different reasons than Merkel is.
It is precisely because of the current turmoil and volatility going in the Middle East and the uncertainty these changes will bring, that Israel should not be expected to surrender territory and make any deals. We don’t even know whether the peace treaty with Egypt will stand.
When will Israeli leaders learn that the EU is perfectly willing to throw Israel under the bus to appease the muslim world and therefore should not be considered an ally. In light of this, Israeli leaders do not owe any explanations and promises to a Europe that does not have Israel’s best interests at heart.
Apparently this Quartet is more concerned with their image in the world than anything to do with peace.
Sharon wilted before the Israeli State prosecutor and the leftist press in-order to stay out of prison.
BB could resign and move back to America. American Jews deserve him and he them a match made in…….!
Can you imagine any oil producing Arab country refusing to sell oil to the EU, especially the largest consumer of the product. The stick is the lucrative construction and consumer products EU and Germany produces. They could buy Boeing instead of Airbus or American generators (GE) instead of Siemans etc. There is a glut on the oil market and oil can be purchased on the Rotterdam Spot Market sometimes below market prices as they are cash and carry transactions. Supply is not the problem only the price.
7 million Israelis can’t compete in raw terms with 350 million Arabs. The Europeans Americans and just about everyone else are willing to buy Arab favor by selling Israel as their proforma proposition.
There is nothing Israel can say or do to change the numbers. It’s also fruitless to try to assert rights arguments because I- It’s too late and 2- nobody cares.
Israel can change the power equilibrium by simply asserting or own substantial power.
BB and and Israel are paying the price of trying to please and be loved by everyone. Can’t be done and this lack of clear policy only makes our position worse and invites more pressure for more concessions and as can be seen more bending appeasement by our spineless lying manipulator we call our PM.
Probably Greece.
Even Danny Ayalon said that no one asks about Jewish rights so Israeli leadership don’t press it. I’ve said it before, Israel has had it’s confidence and sense of purpose undermined by the constant pressure from the leadership of nations who stand to gain from Israel’s sacrifice. The various leaders of the world don’t really care if the 2 state solution is just or even in Israel’s best interest so much as they are looking out for their own bottom lines. Muslims must be appeased and Israel is the sacrificial lamb.
Don’t forget that tough guy Sharon too wilted under pressure from America and world opinion. Under Obama that pressure has intensified. It is becoming increasingly apparent that Israel telling Obama, Merkel and the world to F.O. is a pipe dream of those who are completely pissed with the morally inverse double standard the world has convinced itself is fair and just when it comes to Israel and only Israel.
So what can Netanyahu do? It appears he had strong words for Merkel. Good for him, but they fell on deaf ears. The bottom line is even against Merkel, who does not have nearly the power and influence of Obama, Netanyahu wilted by offering her an olive branch in the form of a promised new statement on the peace process.
Those who are so angered by the world’s unconscionable treatment of Israel are in desperate need of a reality check.
Not that they should not be angered by many orders of magnitude above normal levels of seething anger. To simply however, join the world that is beating up on Netanyahu, because he does not tell the world to F.O., does not help Israel at all.
So what can be done to embolden Netanyahu to stand firm against what appears to be almost irresistable world pressure to bend to the world view and to find a way to fight back?
What the world is doing to Netanyahu, they do to Israel and all Israelis.
Where is Israeli national pride?
Where is Israeli anger at the world that pushes Israel to suffer existential risks, just to make the world feel better?
Where are Israelis massing on the streets to support Netanyahu, not for his positions and policies which Jews are much divided on, but to support Netanyahu in standing up for Israel and to tell Netanyahu its not only OK, but necessary for him to tell the world that Israel will no longer bend to their morally inverse double standard that they are using to beat and whip Israel with?
Jews don’t ordinarily mass on the streets and scream their anger and make their demands known.
Israel is being increasingly isolated by the world. That means Israel is being forced into a ghetto. If Israelis and Jews are to stand tall against the world, they must abandon their sha shtill shtetle mentality once and for all.
Then the Europeans should keep their minds focused on the folks they’ve unconditionally supported all those years, because right now the oil supply looks pretty fragile.
And that has nothing to do with Israel.
Shades of Nero’s fiddling…
Prepare for war. Everyone else is. It’s time Israel did too.
Isn’t it enough that we are receiving Kassam and Grad missiles almost everyday into Israel?
Giving up land to terrorists is not going to solve anything. It is just going to make things worse.
Look at what happened when we pulled out of Lebanon and out of Gush Katif.
Enough is enough. If Merkel wants to create a palestinian state, she should do it somewhere in Germany, not in Israel. Israel should start telling the nations of the world that we are not going to create a palestinian state within our borders. We’ve had enough.
Keep in mind Europe gets far more oil from the ME than the USA does. Europe is very invested in the, “Israel as Sudetenland” plan.
Looks like the Germans are still working on the
It also figures that the Yekke Amos Schocken’s Post-Zionist Haaretz should be the one to carry this byline about their German taskmasters’ displeasure.
Who’s the last foreign dignitary she talked that way to?
Had she ever talked that way before to a foreign dignitary?
To anybody?