• The Military, not Biden, is in charge.
  • Covid was planned by the cabal of bankers who want a great reset
  • Russia is opposing the reset.
  • Putin wants to make Russia great again
  • and much much more

February 10, 2021 | 26 Comments »

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26 Comments / 26 Comments

  1. @ Michael S:
    Hi Michael,

    This exchange is from the twitter acct of Wood’s whistleblower:

    · Feb 11
    Replying to @Johnheretohelp @Techno_Fog and @Cernovich
    That’s me in the recording. It is not James Clapper. I am not James Clapper.

    Helen = Light
    So who’s behind this “it’s a James Clapper interrogation” mis-attribution campaign?
    Groundwork to later debunk as “Fake video” so people dismiss the truthful info disclosed too?
    We’ve seen this tactic in action before.

    I wrote a longer response to you last night but it is stuck in moderation.

  2. @ Michael S:
    Here is the video that Lin Wood put out as his whistleblower that he released on Jan 23 or 24(I think). The video was recorded sometime previously – I think in Nov or Dec because Wood kept alluding to the content of it and then revealed that he had a whistleblower on record, but he held the video back so the Secret Service could do what was needed. He promised to release the videos if it became obvious to him that the Secret Service was not going to provide the justice needed. Then, right around the odd/fake ignauguration, he released several videos of the whistleblower. This was one of the videos he released on his Telegram site. This is a longer version of the clip you and Parkes found, but otherwise it is identicle(starting at 33sec. on this longer clip).

    Also, on Jan. 19 on the wistleblower’s twitter acct, he acknowledges that it is he that Lin Wood had interviewed and had been referencing.

    Replying to
    REALLY REALLY Praying for that pardon now
    Folded hands
    Folded hands
    Folded hands

    The Target on my back just became too big to miss.
    Thank you Lin, I appreciate working with you and your impeccable hospitality. I’ll back up everything provided

    Allie4Truth who interviewed the whistleblower a few years ago gave a quick synopsis of the whistleblower’s history on her Youtube Channel, but she masked it in the tale of the Good Pig JohnHereToHelp to avoid the Youtube overlords taking it down. This video is still up. You can jump to 2min 30sec to hear a quick rundown to whistleblower,s story.

    Here is that link:

  3. @ Michael S:
    Here is the video that Lin Wood put out as his whistleblower that he released on Jan 23 or 24(I think). The video was recorded sometime previously – I think in Nov or Dec because Wood kept alluding to the content of it and then revealed that he had a whistleblower on record, but he held the video back so the Secret Service could do what was needed. But, right around the fake ignauguration, he released several videos. This was one of the videos he released on his Telegram site. This is a longer version of the clip you and Parkes found, but otherwise it is identicle(starting at 33sec. on this longer clip).

    Also, on the wistleblower’s twitter acct, he does acknowledge that it is he that Lin Wood had interviewed.

    Replying to
    REALLY REALLY Praying for that pardon now
    Folded hands
    Folded hands
    Folded hands

    The Target on my back just became too big to miss.
    Thank you Lin, I appreciate working with you and your impeccable hospitality. I’ll back up everything provided

    Allie4Truth who interviewed the whistleblower gave a quick synopsis of the whistleblower’s history, but it is masked in the tale of the Good Pig JohnHereToHelp to avoid the Youtube overlords taking it down. This video is still up.

    here is that link:

  4. @ peloni1986:
    Peloni, I just read your other post, where you speak in more detail. Apparently Simon was as befuddled as I was. Lots of misinformation is in the air. Thank you.

  5. @ peloni1986:

    I went to the site and searched for “Lin Wood”, “whistleblower” and “Parkes”. I’m sure you didn’t intend to send me on a fool’s errand. The link is apparently to the blog,but not to a particular entry.

  6. @ Michael S:
    Hi Michael,

    The man whose voice you hear is not Clapper. It is the whistleblower that Lin Wood has spoken about and posted on his Telegram site. He goes by two aliases – Johnheretohelp(this is his twitter handle) and Ryan D. White. He was interviewed 2-3 years ago and the audio was placed on youtube under the Allie4truth channel. The videos talked all about CJ Roberts, Seth Rich, Rod Rosenstein, etc. Many of the interviews that used to be on youtube are now removed, but there are still many there. White is a former member of the Dirty Tricks Squad that Rosenstein ran out of the US Attorney’s Office in Baltimore for some pretty illegal things, if White is to be believed. Ultimately, White became a whistleblower against the FBI and it went poorly for him from there.

    But it is not Clapper – 100% not him. I don’t know who started reporting this as Clapper, but it is all over twitter and elsewhere – but it is incorrect. His interviews are very informative and shockingly detailed. As I say, Lin Wood has interviewed him and speaks very highly of his authenticity as a witness.

    Oops…I was going to give you the link for the youtube channel with his videos , but it seems that all of White’s interview videos are now gone.

    Here is his Twitter acct:

    It is also very informative and very detailed at times.

  7. I linked to the following from Simon Parkes’ site:

    ” Rumble — James Clapper Interrogated – and he tells all, and he names names. The corruption he describes is worse than we ever imagined. This clip is only a fraction of what Clapper disclosed…”

    Clapper is difficult to understand; but the gist of what I heard is that the people in the upper echelons of the current evil, the people “Q”, etc. are targeting and the DP, IT and MSM are coddling, are very bad actors, full of selfish ambition and disregard for the public good. Names mentioned included Justice Roberts, Paul Ryan and Mike Pence.

  8. @ Bear Klein:
    Bear, who are you to condemn all that these people contribute to the discussion by calling it bullshit. In my opinion they are much closer to the truth than you are.

    I don’t tell you your views are BS and you shouldn’t smear their views. If you think they are wrong, make your case. I don’t stop you. If and when I think it is appropriate for me to publish their videos, that too is OK

  9. @ Ted Belman:

    I’ve been saying this almost from the beginning…as soon as I heard of the 9 ft Green Alien wife. and the acoutrements.,. I hate to say it, but it will be like waiting for Godot……..

    As an aside, I once saw that silly “play”. An old College friend and cricket partner of mine had became a major Irish and English stage actor and was perfoming in this, so he sent me an invitation. I sat there, listening to their dreary desultory chit-chat, and bored out of my wits. Beckett gets, in my opinion, undeserved praise for this rubbish. Voted by the British Royal National Theatre (bless them) “The most significant English language play of the 20th century”. What an insult to really good works by great playrights. of whom there are/were many.

    It rermined me of watching a hamster keeping a wheel revolving… -in slow motion.

  10. @ Ted Belman:

    “I am going to cease posting S. Parkes, Mel K and C. Ward until such time as they report on what has happened as opposed to what they are expecting to happen.”

    That’s a sensible tack, perhaps. I still check on them now and then, precisely because they have expectations that differ from the Party LIne.

  11. “Putin wants to make Russia great again”… It’s a joke. We, who lived in Russia, know who Putin is. The least thing he cares about is Russia.

  12. @ Ted Belman: Thanks for your gracious comment, Ted. I read an article somewhere on the Web within the past few weeks that did identify several of the books that have influenced the thinking of people connected with or influenced by the Q-Anon movement. The article also mentioned Charlie Munger as one of the authors who has been influenced by these books. I will try to track down the article and send you a link.

  13. Charlie Ward and Mel K’s ideas can all be traced to rightwing pamphlets published in Europe and the United States between roughly 1820 and 1926. The core argument of all these pamphlets was that a small group of Jewish “international financiers” ruled the world and were responsible for all the bad things that happened in it. Other groups, usually the Freemasons and the illuminati, were said to work with the Jews. Although this idea is counterintuitive, when the Bolshevik Revolution occurred, it was blamed on this same group of Jewish international financiers. Earlier versions of this myth blamed the Jewish financiers, the Freemasons and the illuminati for the the American Revolution and the French Revolution.

    The Rothschild banking family figured prominently in most versions of this myth. In reality there is little evidence that the Rothschilds, although they were a wealthy family with members who lived in several Western European countries, ever had a great deal of political influence. And there is no evidence that they ruled the world or conspired against other people.

    The pamphlet “THe Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” composed by agents
    of the Russian tsar’s secret police and first published in 1901, has been by far the most influential and widely published version of the Jewish conspracy myth. It is regarded as “gospel truth,” or rather Quaranic truth, in the Islamic world to this day. It also names the Freemasons and the Illuminati as co-conspirators.

    The Left had and still has its own versions of this myth. However, unlike the rightwing versions, the phrases “bougeoisie,” “colonialism, “imperialism,” and “capitalism” are much more likely to appear in the leftist adaptations of the myth. And the leftist versions of the myth are more likely than the rightwing versions to claim not to be antisemitic, but only anti-Zionist. However, they use “Zionism” and “Israel” as code words for Jews.

    If you listen carefully to what Charlie Ward and Mel K have to say, you will notice that most of their ideas are variations on the myth of international financiers, most of them Jews, ruling the world.

  14. I wish I could rationally state that I understand or accept the dialogue that Mel and her associates have been promoting related to the bankrupt US Corporation. But the honest truth is that it sounds so much like someone grasping for something to hang their hopes on. It just makes no sense to me. I still am of the opinion that the military must be in charge of things, but this angle related to the US Corp sounds like a lot of hopeful self-delusional nonsense.