Meet Haredi woman who teaches oral sex

Despite preconceived notions, Rachel Yakobov established ‘The Pleasure Academy’ and decided to teach women about their sexuality after enrolling in a ‘sex school’ in Moscow, as her own way to do a mitzvah

By Lori Stadtmauer, YNET NEWS

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Rachel Yakobov

It was a brisk autumn night in the Russian capital of Moscow when Rachel Yakobov’s husband, David, came back home, excitedly waving a brochure advertising a “sex school”.

While Rachel’s first reaction was to take offense at David’s proposition, she eventually decided to enroll in the class, which would ultimately change her life for the better.

“When me and David moved to Russia in 2013, I suddenly realized how attractive and super sexual the women there are,” says Rachel.

“As a wife of a businessman, I understood that business and attractive women often go hand and hand. I got a little intimidated, but that’s when I said to myself that I might as well go learn from the best.”

According to Rachel, her decision was not motivated by mistrust in David, but by her desire to enrich herself and seize the opportunity.

“I decided to learn all the tricks from these amazing women, and that’s when I fell in love with sexual education, which as a religious woman no one ever talked to me about,” Rachel says.

“I learnt that when it comes to sexuality, we’re often stagnant. We might learn a new trick here and there but we never really learn something new. This gave me an opportunity to really enrich myself,” she adds.

As for David, Rachel says he later also decided to also attend the classes. “David specifically enrolled in the class about oral sex… We both wanted to learn, so we learnt together, before finally practicing all that we learnt.”

Rachel and David Yakobov

A year ago, Rachel, David and their two sons made their way back to Israel, where she opened “The Oneg Academy”, which translates as “the Academy of Pleasure”. In the academy, meant for women only, she teaches her students about the pleasures of oral sex and sex toys, all while serving soft drinks and light refreshments.

“My approach is that it’s important to always learn new things, plus it’s super practical,” says Rachel. “My ultimate goal is to maximize the women’s pleasure… Female empowerment in Judaism is lackluster to the extreme, one way to mend it is through sexuality, I believe.”

In her class, Rachel says she teaches women aged 28-50, from both secular and religious sectors.

“In my oral workshop for example, I talk about the philosophy behind the act, how it gives men both a feeling of dominance and helps them to relax since they don’t really have to perform… After, we get to the practical part where each woman practices fellatio using a dildo, condoms and some lube,” Rachel explains.

The idea of a Haredi women who wears a wig and observes Shabbat teaching a sex class may be perceived as unorthodox to many, including some in the conservative Haredi community.

“Let them say what they will, I help people bring pleasure. Sexuality is a holy thing that helps, mends and heals. And while I understand that there are things that should remain unspoken, in mainstream Judaism there is a staggering lack of understanding when it comes to sexuality,” she adds.

And while Rachel has set out to break social boundaries for the betterment of women everywhere, she continues her journey to better herself, her life at home and her sexual life with David.

“I’m now learning Ashtanga yoga with a spiritual coach who has become a true friend… It is a way of life just like Christianity and Judaism,” Rachel says.

“The idea is to harness one’s sexual energy to communicate with the universe, with God, that is how it connected with Judaism for me, because the essence of Judaism is to give meaning and see the holiness in everything we do.”

“We practice a certain number of yoga positions all while focusing on certain chakras to utilize our sexual energies for good,” she adds. “ Maybe in the future I’ll start my very own workshop.”

February 19, 2021 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. I don’t believe that the story is impossible, seeing how everything seems to be corruptible in our current environment. Sources are significant. As Adam noted, Ynet is sssooo untrustworthy as a news source for anything related to haredi issues, I would seriously question the factual basis of this story. Furthermore, I have not seen any corraboration elsewhere for this story, and I would expect that it would catch like wildfire given the claims in this story. The story relates no further details about her haredi relationship, again as noted by Adam – and Ynet would have relished in describing these if it were factually based if for no other reason than to add to the scandalous nature of the story. I would, consequently, count this story as little more than propaganda.

  2. @ liz44:
    Actually I had read and heard about this Haredi Woman besides for Ynet.

    Not picking on you personally but I find people’s reactions to something dealing with sex actually comical.

  3. I’m glad I read these comments, because on reading the story I couldn’t believe a word of it. I know that these practices are strictly forbidden to Haredi, for very good reasons, so it has to be a spoof. And I agree it’s really not in the best taste to publish something like that in a newsletter which I think has a large Orthodox readership.

  4. @ Adam Dalgliesh:
    “In addition, this is taken from Ynetnews, which hates both haredi and Religious Zionist Jews, and makes a regular practice of defaming them…”

    Adam, I believe you caught the drift of the article. Good on you.

  5. Haredi woman coming into the 21st Century and helping others do that is a positive progression. Clearly by the reaction of some on this site it appears all readers here have not progressed beyond the Victorian Age.

  6. The source.. is YNET…
    1. Click Bait.. The sad reality.. ANYTHING TO GET ATTENTION…
    2. If you believe one word of this article… I have some great investments for you..
    Real Estate, Blockchain.. you name it.. you will get RICH.. just reach out..
    On the other hand.. we needed a good laugh..
    Sadly.. I wonder how many will believe it?

  7. Notice that the author does not say where this women lives in Israel, or where she lived in Israel before 2013. There is no reference to her having ever lived in a town or district known to be a haradi community.(such as Bnai Brak or Mea Shearim). If she is a haredi, what haredi sect does she blong to (there are dozens of these, each with a name) Was she born and raided in Israel, or elsewhere? All this makes the author’s claim that she is or ever was a haredi extremely unlikely.

  8. Is Inpector Dalgleish having trouble with his own good standing, in the Shakespearean sense? I think we should be told.

  9. First, I heard from the MSM it was the Maga women inciting erections in the Capitol. Now it’s the Charedi women inciting erections in the Holy Land. What is the world coming to?

  10. As I and other Israpundit readers have stated many times, I respect Ted’s right to publish anything he wishes in Israepundit. Even so, I feel the need to say that I wish this particular article had not been republished here. In general, I don’t think Israpundit should publish sex scandal pieces. There may be a few exceptions, as when I senior politician or a close relative protected and covered up for by that politician (example Hunder Biden committs sex crimes. Even then, perhaps best to leave out the intimate details. Why not leave sex stories to the Daily Mail, the UK Sun, and the New York Post, who do a good job covering this sort of thing.

    In addition, this is taken from Ynetnews, which hates both haredi and Religious Zionist Jews, and makes a regular practice of defaming them in any way it can find. On the subject of haredim, it is not a reliable source. The article provides no evidence that this woman is actually a haredi. We are told nothing whatever about her background prior to 2013. And it fails to point out that Orthodox Judaism strictly forbids fellatio and other sexual perversions. If she and her husband had once belonged to a haredi community, it is highly unlikely that they are members in good standing in it now.